Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Power Rangers: Digital ❯ The Shadow of boredom ( Chapter 14 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Two more months had passed, and so far the only thing Lockhart had done was send out more Robo-cops, and even let his own soldiers lose on the Digital world. He had not sent a single new monster out ever since his last one.
With their new weapons and powers, the rangers' job became easier; almost even boring as they were able to beat the Robo-cops, and defeat the real soldiers and force them to retreat.
No matter how tempting it was, or even it would be necessary; the rangers did not kill the real soldiers. Even TK didn't kill them despite the fact that they were evil. The rangers just weren't that cold-hearted like the army.
Still… they were able to nab some of the soldiers and get them all thrown in jail where they could cause no more trouble, but it was all just far too easy for them.
As the rangers were at Gennai's palace for a debriefing on their last victory of the day, despite the fact that they had saved the day again, some of them weren't looking quite so pleased.
“Fifteen easy wins in one day; this is so incredibly BORING!!” grumbled Davis.
“Davis how can you say that?” asked Kari. “With things this boring it means that everything is safe and sound.”
Yolei let out a big yawn, “No offense, Kari, but actually agree with Davis.” she said. “Two bone-dry months and we've hardly had any excitement, or real challenges at all.”
Cody agreed with as well. “Even my grandfather always says, “Without facing a monster or two, one cannot truly call himself much of a warrior.”
As much as Ken didn't like facing against monsters, even he himself was feeling unchallenged, and that all his efforts were a waste of ranger power as well as time. “I was even able to take out some of the Robo-Cops without even morphing.” he said.
TK however agreed with Kari. “It may be boring guys, but maybe it's a good sign that we're finally winning this battle.”
“I think you're right, TK.” Gatomon said. “With all the soldiers we sent off to jail, and all the monsters we've beaten; Lockhart may finally be getting the message that he just can't beat us.”
Gennai overheard her and shook his head. “I regret to say this, but you are wrong Gatomon.” He explained to everyone that the way things were going, Lockhart hadn't really given up, and it was all merely a reprieve.
Just as much as they studied a great deal about Lockhart, he too was obviously observing them as well. All the new weapons and powers they assembled, it would give him an edge to think up new plans to overcome them.
“He's right, ya' know.” said Armadillamon. “Remember two months ago when that Megadraseamon attack us? We just barley made it out of that one.”
“Yeah, and what about that crazy Amazon, Aphros…?” Davis asked. “If I hadn't found that armor, she could've really hurt us all. I still remember how she sprained Kari's arm.”
Kari had gotten her arm-brace of about a month ago and her arm felt stronger than ever. “Davis, you really have to stop fretting over me. It's no big deal.” she said.
“Yeah, maybe not to you… but it still is to me.” Davis thought to himself.
Still, they maintained full scale watches over the two worlds in case Lockhart would ever show his face again. The rangers all thought he was the most despicable nemesis they ever had in all their heroic years; either as Digi Destined, or rangers, or anything.
He saw Digimon as weapons, and used them to hurt other people until they learned to praise at the perfection he claimed to have. “Maybe it'sh time we went after him.” Veemon suggested. “We could attack him, and run him out of the picture.”
The others, even Davis agreed that it was not a very smart idea. “Veemon, that's a little suicide, even for me.” Davis said to him.
“I agree.” added Hawkmon, “In the first place: we haven't the slightest idea of where the General is based at, and in the second: Think about it… we rush in and take on the entire Red-Ribbon Army single handed?”
Veemon felt a little embarrassed. “Well, it was a crazy idea anywaysh.”
“Not really…” stated Izzy. “Eventually we may actually have to break into their base and attack, but we're just not ready yet. I'll start trying to scan for where their base may be, but n the meantime its best we prepare ourselves for anything.”
A Digimon was happily flying over the ocean, and enjoying the view and pleasures; the salty sea air, the warm sun shining down on her, and the wind nice and cool. “Ahh… this is the life.” she said to herself, “Not a care in the world.”
Suddenly… a loud booming sound came from below as a small missile sprung out from the water it flew straight towards the Digimon “Huh?! WHAAA!!” and blew her right out of the sky.
At least she would be able to be regenerated.
That missile was actually part of General Lockhart's defense systems.
The island where the army was based at was uncharted to all outsiders, and kept held as a top-secret organization. Absolutely no one, and nothing else outside the organization was allowed to come within five-hundred miles of the island or the defenses would blow whatever that object was out of the sky.
Speaking of the army…
The Professor and his team had once again been working night and day upgrading the monster-machine to Lockhart's demands; he was looking very tired, and even muttering badly towards Lockhart under his breath.
“Of course I understand… General! You want more power. Ho, ho… if you only knew how hard it is for me; working hard day and night… think noting of it!” and in his rage he kicked the machine with his foot. “Ouch!”
Just then, one of the female soldiers came in. “The General would like to see you immediately, Professor.” she said and then left.
The Professor followed her straight to Lockhart's office where he was sitting in his armchair and petting Black-Gatomon. “Have you finished the modifications on the machine yet?” he asked deeply.
The Professor nodded, “Yes sir.” he said, “I must warn you, I still have not tested it, and I dare not even try it until my theories are confirmed.”
“SILENCE!” snapped Lockhart. “I don't care about all that fiddle-fuddle nonsense; I just want to know if it will work.”
“Well, yes sir…” replied the Professor. “But, but you don't understand.”
“What I understand… is that if you don't get out of here right now, I shall have strapped to a warhead-missile and launched INTO THE MOUNTAINS!!”
The Professor nearly leapt out of his lab coat as he scuttled off.
“Sir… do you really believe that was necessary?” asked Black-Gatomon. “He was only trying to warn you of something important.”
Lockhart's head throbbed in anger as he grabbed Black-Gatomon by the neck hard and faced her towards him. “I am still the General, my pet.” He said deeply. “I can shout… I can yell… and I can SRCEAM AS MUCH AS I PLEASE!!”
He then placed her down on her cat-pillow hard. “Ouch!”
Then he got up and looked out the window. “I want those rangers destroyed, Black-Gatomon. Even if have to send every solider in this entire army to do that.”
Black-Gatomon scratched her head. “So then… wouldn't it be so much easier just to go and destroy them ourselves? This way there wouldn't be any mistakes.”
Lockhart just gave her that scary stare meaning that he wanted to do it his own way. “This new monster will be unlike anything the Rangers have ever faced.” he chuckled as he held to Digimon cards in his hand.
“Heh, heh, heh… This monster will be so powerful; I don't even think an army could stop it. Finally, an ultimate weapon that will let me cut my ways through any world, and spread my perfection.” he took a sip from his cup of brandy and the shattered the glass in his hand. “Anyone who does not abide... will be… CRUSHED…!”
“Heh, heh, ah, ah, ah… Ah, ha, ha… AH, HA, HA, AH, AH, AAAH!!”
The rangers had become so incredibly bored, that the hours seemed endless. These even caused them to start hallucinating during class time…
Davis and Kari kept looking up at the clock on the wall to find that merely ten seconds had past by, but it felt like a lot longer…
Ken Yolei could swear that everyone and everything around them were moving in super slow motion. They were barely unable to understand the teacher with his very slow and distraught voice, and it seemed to be taking a long time for him to scribble so much as one letter or number on the blackboard.
TK even found things to be boring that he could even see a bird just outside the window, but it seemed to be going at a snail's pace. Even its wings seemed to take along time to go up and down just once.
The rangers had never felt so bored and unchallenged in their lives.
After school, they all looked pretty sleepy. Cody seemed to be the only one who was wide awake. “Gee, maybe you guys should sign up for my grandfather's Kendo lessons.” he suggested, but he could tell that the others weren't interested.
“I just we wish we all knew a way to break this dry-spell.” Ken said.
“Tell me about it!” Davis groaned. “I so fed up with this… that I'm to tired to even sleep.”
“I know what you mean.” said Yolei. “It got so dull at home that even stared to do extra math-problems just to try and kill time.”
TK, though he was bored, he still kept up his hope that something would turn up soon. “I just hope it happens before we go crazy.” he muttered.
In a meadow nearby some rocky-mountains, a cute little Digimon village lay next to calm, and quiet stream and all the Digimon were just running about and having fun on this beautiful day.
Some were playing ball… some were picking flowers… some where even just enjoying the view by the stream. It seemed to be just the sort of day when everything good was supposed to happen… but they were wrong!
Large explosions and gun-fire began to bombard the village, frightening all the poor little creatures half to death. “What's going on?” cried one of them, and then suddenly they could all see up ahead all the soldiers with their tanks, and helicopters heading for them.
“RUN FOR IT… IT'S THE RED-RIBBON ARMY!!” and all the Digimon began to run for the hills as fast they could run, or fly.
The soldiers, as they continued to proceed forward, continuously fired their bazookas and guns, fired their tank-bombs. The helicopters were even lifting the huge, heavy monster machine from the base right along the mountain tops.
Lockhart, who was there to personally supervise the operations, was chuckling warmly. “Perfect… all this ought to drag out the rangers.” he said sinisterly. “Continue the attack!”
“YES, SIR!!” the soldiers answered, and they kept right on with their shooting, and firing, and making a mess of the village.
The rangers tried going for a walk to try and ease up their dry-spell, but it still wasn't as fun as being given a real challenge or, something that could really test them hard.
Just then, Davis' D-terminal beeped. It was a red-alert email from Izzy, “Oh joy… more soldiers causing trouble.” he said sounding a little disappointed, but then he noticed, “Whoa!”
The others perked their heads up in excitement, and curiosity. “What… what else is there?” asked Kari.
Davis looked up. “It also says… that Lockhart himself is there.”
Everyone's eyes began to light up. “Lockhart's there?” asked Cody. “This sure is something new.”
Yolei clenched her fist. “So… it's time for us to finally meet him.”
TK had that look in his eyes from whenever he hated evil beings. “I say we go for It.” he said.
Everyone agreed, “All right… Ready?” Davis asked, “READY!!” the other answered, “LET'S GO… DIGITAL!!”
They all morphed into their suits, and warped to the Digital world where their Digi-Cycles were waiting for them…
The cute little village had been severely damaged, and broken up from all the horrid actions of the army, and the soldiers were still going at it while Lockhart was up on the mountain tops with the Professor and his team, all of them were hard at work preparing the machine.
“Can't you move any faster?!” growled Lockhart. “The rangers will be here any moment.”
The Professor nervously approached him. “Uh… well… General, sir… with all due respect--”
“WELL… WHAT IS IT?!” Lockhart thundered with fire in his eyes.
The Professor nearly wet his pants in fear as he held out his hands, “We… ahem… need your cards, sir.” he said calmly, “We can't work the machine properly without them.”
For the first time in his life, Lockhart felt ever so silly. “Oh. I… see…” he said as he handed over his Digimon -Cards. One was a Black-Wargreymon, and the other was a Black-Metal-Garurumon.
The machine had been modified so that now, it could not only fuse together live Digimon into a whole new monster; it could in fact bring the monsters on the cards to life, and make them into a new monster.
Lockhart was really confident that this new Digimon was going to bring the end of the rangers for certain, and speaking of the rangers…
They had just arrived on the scene, and dismounted their Digi-Cycles. “Okay guys… standby.” Davis said to the bikes. The bikes, actually their Digimon transformed, acknowledged.
All the rangers dismounted and rushed over towards the mountain where they could finally see him. “Hmm, mm, mm…! Ahh, Rangers… so nice of you to join us.” he chuckled sinisterly.
Davis pointed his finger straight up towards the mountain-top, “At last we meet, General Lockhart!” he said angrily.
Lockhart nodded. “Yes, I have been waiting patiently for this moment to happen.” he said. “Despite our, how shall I put this…? Conflicting Differences, I must admit that it will be a shame to lose the most worthy of adversaries I have ever faced.”
“Fat chance of that happening.” snapped Davis. “I think you must've lost parts of your brain with that eye of yours.” He referred to the fact that Lockhart had only one eye.
“And another thing…” added Yolei. “What rights do you have to go about hurting Digimon and innocent people who've done nothing to you?”
Cody nodded in agreement. “You're worse than Dr. Frankenstein; creating monsters and destroying things just for your cold cruel pleasure. General Lockhart, you make me sick!”
Lockhart clenched his fists and gritted his teeth very angrily. “GRR… so… is that how you want to put it. I WILL SHOW YOU ALL!!” he thundered and roared, and then he ordered all his guards, and Robo-Cops. “GET THEM!!”
“Let's move!” snapped Davis, and the battle was on.
Keeping in mind that some of the soldiers were real humans and not robots, they had to be a little easier on them…
Four real soldiers began firing at Davis and TK. “DROP YOUR WEAPONS!!” TK shouted, but the men and women just continued to fire, and Davis could even see one of them pull the pin out of a grenade, and threw it.
“HEAD'S UP!!” he cried as he leap over and used one of his trademark Soccer-kicks to send the bomb right back towards the soldiers, causing them all to run like crazy before it exploded.
“Let's get them!” TK said as he and Davis began to charge after them.
Meanwhile, Yolei was actually battle some of the Robo-Cops, so she didn't have to hold back. Her fists and feet really were flying hard “HY!! HIYA!!” One by one the Robo's went down.
She was even able to send one of the Robo's into the water which shorted out its circuits. “If you can't stand the water… then keep away from me!” Yolei snapped.
Cody was on his Digi-Cycle and having some showdowns with the heavier machines. He did some pretty mean stunts to dodge the tanks and their cannons' firing.
“Nice try.” his bike chanted. “Heh… too slow…!”
“Don't get to cocky, Armadillamon…” said Cody. “Remember, those aren't Robo-Cops, they're real humans.”
Cody and his bike kept roaming around the field, until finally they had three tanks coming for them at different directions. “Okay… steady…” Cody said sneakily as he had an idea. “NOW!!” he pulled back hard on the handle-bars and his bike began to flip up high, taking him with it.
This distracted the three tank-drivers', and not watching where they were going, they CRASHED right into each other, and damaged the tanks badly. “Now that's what I call the element of surprise.” Armadillamon snickered.
Kari and Ken were battling with more of the soldiers. Kari's dance steps from Gym-class really came in handy to dodge all their weapon attacks, and even deliver some bashes in the face,
“One, two, three, and KICK!!”
“One, two, three, and KICK!!”
As for Ken, he whirled his whip round, and around, pulling all the weapons away from the soldiers. “Round'em up, cowboy! YE-HAA!!” he said playfully.
Suddenly, some of the soldiers had lassoed him with their own strong-ropes from all directions, but luckily Ken still had his whip in his hand. “Bad move soldiers!” he snapped at them all. “You play with fire, and you're going to get burned.”
His whip then began to generate waves of electricity along the ropes, even thought they weren't metal, and shocked all the men, knocking them out cold. Ken, unharmed by his own power, broke free and gripped his whip tightly. “Man, I love this thing!” he laughed cheekily, and then it was back to the battle.
Kari and her Gatomon-bike were leading all the other bikes, who were driving themselves, against the helicopters; all them being piloted by Robo-Cops.
“Hold it here!” Kari called. “Get ready! FIRE!!” and the bikes began to fire their blasters and blow the helicopters right out of the sky.
“Take that, whimpsh!!” snapped Veemon.
“Ruffians!” added Hawkmon.
While the rangers were all distracted by the battle down below, Lockhart and the Professor had been loading the cards into the machine and starting the systems. “Well… what are you waiting for?” Lockhart growled. “Throw the switch!”
The Professor was still hesitating. “But sir… I really don't feel that this will be safe.” he cried. “The machine hasn't not be tested, and I--” he stopped when he could see how furious Lockhart was. “All right, All right… I'm going, I'm going… I'm gone.” And he threw the switch.
While down below, TK and Davis finished off the last of the Robo-Cops with their Digi-Sabers; all the Robo's were gone, and the Soldiers were all tied up, and left defenseless. Their machines and weapons were all useless.
Suddenly, the ground began to rumble, and quiver fiercely. “Whoa! What's going on?” cried Davis.
“Look there!” said TK as he pointed up towards the mountain where the machine was going completely berserk.
“Oh, dear!” cried the Professor. “It's not going to hold! EVERYBODY HIT THE DIRT!!” Everyone, even Lockhart leapt away from the deadly machine.
“What's happening up there?” asked Kari.
“They're making another monster.” said Ken. “But I think that Machine's going to blow.” And right then and there… the Machine exploded in a huge ball of fire.
“OH, THE HUMANITY!!” cried the Professor. He knew this would happen. HE knew that the pressure would be too much for the machine to handle, and as a result it was now gone. However--
…Right there in the smoke stood a brand new Digimon. One that was extremely dangerous. “I… I don't want to believe it…” cried Patamon, “But I think I know who that is.”
Gatomon almost felt a chill run down her bike-seat. “It's… Shadow-Omnimon!” she cried.
“ShadowOmnimon?” asked TK as he whipped out his analyzer.
Shadow Omnimon: Is a fusion of a Black-Wargreymon, and Black-Metal-Garurumon. He may look just like Omnimon, but he's pure evil. His “Darkness-Cannon” and “Doomsday-Sword” are so incredible powerful, there's no telling how strong he truly is.
Lockhart and his team gazed up at this new monster. “Ahh… ha, ha, ha… it's perfect!” Lockhart chuckled. “Simply, perfect! Now Go my monster… DESTROY THE RANGERS!!”
Shadow-Omnimon's eyes flared up, and he leapt down from the mountaintop to the fields below. “Uh, guys… he's coming over here.” cried Cody. “I don't like the way he's coming over here.”
“We have no choice.” Davis said a she gripped his Digi-Saber tightly. “Let's get him!” and feeling over-confident he charged into battle.
“No, Davis!” called Kari, but soon the other rangers and even the Digi-Bike were charging into battle. “Whatever.” Kari snorted, and she two ran off to join them.
Shadow-Omnimon wasted no effort of really pushing everybody down, and with suck force too. The Rangers were barley able to even get close to him without getting hit hard.
First, Kari and TK were down, then Cody and Yolei followed. “Oh, no you don't!” snapped Ken as he prepared his whip for attack, but as fast as he was with his attacks, Shadow-Omnimon was faster in dodging the blows. Eventually he reached Ken, grabbed him tightly, and threw him hard into the water.
“Ken!” cried Davis, and then he turned back to Shadow-Omnimon “That's it, pal! Now you're going to get it. You guys ready?” All six of the Digi-Cycles lined up along side him and signaled that they were ready. “All right… let him have it!” and with those words the Bikes fired their weapons, and Davis fired his sword-beams.
Not a single shot missed Shadow-Omnimon, but sadly, as the dust cleared. “I don't believe it!” cried Davis.
“There's not even a scratch on him.” added the Wormon-Bike.
Then, Shadow-Omnimon let out a huge thunderous roar, causing a huge earthquake, and a swarm of energy unleashed from his body, that blasted everything in its path.
When it was over… the whole field looked completely toasted. There wasn't even a single thread of grass left, and the water from the stream was completely dried up. Worse than that, the rangers, were once again in their regular clothes, and the Digimon all back to the weaker forms. All of them lay on the ground, badly bruised and covered with dirt.
Lockhart and the others however, had ducked down behind the rocks, and didn't suffer too much from the blast. Lockhart was more impressed of the results from the battle. “Ha, ha, ha… well done, Shadow-Omnimon.” he called. “Now, finish them off once and for all.”
Shadow-Omnimon just where he was, and he didn't carry out the order. Lockhart was beginning to grow impatient. “Shadow-Omnimon… I am giving you an order.” he snapped. “Now, do as I say and destroy the rangers!”
Shadow-Omnimon turned to look back at Lockhart, and said, “I will take orders from no one; especially from a weakling such as you.”
“What?! Weakling…?!” Lockhart growled.
“You heard me…” replied Shadow-Omnimon. “Then why is it that instead of doing all the work, you stoop so low as to creating monsters like me to do your twisted biddings for you? I find that to be just sickening.”
Lockhart and his team didn't know what to think. A Digimon that they created was refusing to obey orders, and defy his creators to the limit of their tolerance.
Shadow-Omnimon turned on his heals and began to march off. “I have the power, no one else does. I will control my own fate, and my own will, and my first objective is to eliminate those of the weak.”
Then he was gone, leaving Lockhart and his team stumped at what to do next, and as for the rangers. They would eventually recover, but what would become of all their fighting efforts now with Shadow-Omnimon on the loose, and free to do as he wished?
Only time would tell!
With Shadow-Omnimon at large, he plans to destroy anything and anyone who is not as strong as he is.
“This world is meant for the strong to survive. Those that are inferior shall be eliminatedfrom all existence”
The rangers unfortunately realize that in their current status they won't stand up to too much against Shadow-Omnimon's forces.
“We can't just attack Shadow-Omnimon like that, he could destroy us.”
“But if we don't do something, he'll destroy both worlds.”
(A fierce battle takes place, and the Rangers, and their zords get badly beaten)
“I warn all of you… if you wish to live you will keep out of my way!”
Will the rangers find a way to stop Shadow-Omnimon, or will they have no choice but to surrender to his wrath?