Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Power Rangers: Digital ❯ Fight between Times: Final Part ( Chapter 20 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Part three
Davis and I just stood where we were glaring angrily at villains. We were still surrounded by all the Redcoats blocking all the exits. Sakura and the Professor were growing impatient. “Quit your stalling, rangers.” The Professor growled at us.
“Time is running short… make your choice.” added Sakura. “You either surrender willingly or you'll be destroyed…?”
Davis and I gazed at each other and nodded our heads. “All right… we've made our minds.” I said.
“And we'll never surrender.” added Davis. “You think just because you guys have an army of wax-dudes, and bunch of overgrown beasts backing you up you got the upper hand… well guess what I think about that…” and he stuck out his tongue, pulled on his eyelid and blew a raspberry.
If there was one thing Sakura hated, it was being mocked. “Very well… you leave us no choice!” she practically shouted. “Redcoats ready… aim--” the Redcoats began armed their riffles, and pulled back the bolts… but right before Sakura could say another word. “NOW… GUYS…!” I called, and at once all the rangers leapt out from their hiding spots, right at the Redcoats, which also gave Davis and I the chance to go after the lasts of them.
Sakura and the Professor were horrified to see that they had been outsmarted, but they were even angrier to see the redcoats getting beaten by us rangers, without us even morphing. We just stayed in our normal street-clothes and battled as we were.
Yolei kicked the redcoat hard in the gut, “Sit down!” she snapped. “And stay down!”
Cody found a metal-pipe which he used as a kendo-stick and another Redcoat was charging straight at him with the sharp end of his gun poised right at the heart, but Cody just stood where he was and shut his eyes…
He was tapping into the words from one of his grandfather's lessons. “Try to visualize your goal.” He waited… and waited… until the very last moment, and then… WHAM! Right in the head, and the redcoat fell over like a tree being cut down.
Cody held his pipe with dignity and bowed his head.
TK leapt from crate to crate while being perused by a redcoat. Finally, he hopped onto a crate but there wasn't another one in sight for him to jump to. He was trapped, but there was however an old dented bucket resting near his foot.
As the redcoat approached him, TK kicked the bucket up and into his hand, and then leapt over the Redcoat, “Ever play basketball?”, and slammed the bucket on the redcoat's head. The Redcoat bumbled around in its blindness, giving TK a good chance to kick him good. “SYAH… AYE-YAH!” and he the Redcoat was booted hard off the crate and into an old dumpster. TK smirked and held up his fingers “Two points.”
Yolei was running along the roofs of one of the old buildings, and the redcoat following her fired his gun forcing her to leap up and onto an I-beam to avoid getting hit, but now she was really stuck. A big drop below, and the Redcoat blocking her only escape route, but she also noticed that the I-beam that they were both standing on seemed pretty wiggly.
“Ah-ha!” she smirked. “Y-Y-Y-AAH!!” and she pounded the beam hard with her foot causing a wave of vibrations to go right through it. The Redcoat lost its footing in the trembling and fell off.
“Hmm! I got the skills.” Yolei said cheekily.
Kari however was outnumbered by two redcoats, and her dance moves were not much help this time. Being made of a tough, futuristic wax, her kicks barley even tickled them, and if she tried to dodge one of them, she'd get caught by the other one.
“Hang on Kari!” called Davis as he swung in on a cable-line. “We're coming.” I called as I too came swinging in. The Redcoats turned round just in time to catch our feet right in their faces, and falling right into a piled of old rubble.
Kari giggled slightly, “Hmm, mm… my heroes.” she said playfully.
Davis felt flattered that Kari called him a hero, but he and both slapped high-fives for a good save; we red rangers had to look out for each other after all.
With all the redcoats defeated, Sakura and the Professor had taken quite enough of this humiliation. You may have one the battle rangers, but you are all about to lose the war.” the Professor called to us as he powered up his cannon.
“Die rangers, Die…!” Sakura growled fiercely as she readied her weapons and all ten of the Mini-Omimon began to follow them growling hungrily, but as the pressed on they were suddenly being fired at from above.
“What's this?”
The rangers and I all turned our heads up to the sky and we saw four colored streams of light, Yellow, Pink, Blue, and Green, soaring through the air and firing blasts at the villains.
“What are those things?” TK asked.
I smiled wide. “Not what… whom.” I said. “It's my friends, they made it.”
“It's the Revolution rangers.” Yolei cried with joy.
We all leapt down onto the pavement, and rushed over near to where the lights were now hovering just a few yards above the ground. I tapped on my Morpher's communicator and shouted “Rangers, Ho…!” and the lights crashed into the ground where one by one my friends popped out and shouted their names.
“James Hiller!”
“Sarah Philips!”
“Henri Lefebvre!”
“Moses!” (I don't know his last name)
The others all rushed forward to greet my teammates with warm welcomes. “Sacre' bleu… it is zee future.” Henri said all giddy and excited.
Sarah giggled, “Calm down Henri…” she said in her British accent, “We have work to do.”
As the villains got to their feet, “Ten rangers?” the Professor asked, “Heh, heh… no worries. We still out number them.”
Sakura sniggered in agreement, but suddenly we all heard the sound of something humming. We all turned and saw a flying motorcycle hovering through the air, and setting down atop one of the crates.
My brother, Vlad, along with Ken who had returned from his escort mission, hopped off the bike and down to the pavement. Vlad glared at the villains and said, “Dude… you mean twelve.”
Now the number of villains and rangers was equal, Sakura and the Professor were not amused. “Never mind…” Sakura said “It doesn't matter how many of them there are. We still hold the upper-hand.”
All twelve of us marched forward in a formation line, and then the two teams separated into their own respective groups. I cast a look towards Davis and nodded my head, and Davis nodded in argument. “Let's do it!” he said.
My team and I went first…
Then my brother Vlad…
Power of the Future!”
Once we were finished morphing, we stood in formation and shouted out, “POWER RANGERS… REVOLUTION!!”
Mykan: “Revolution Red!”
James: “Revolution Yellow!”
Sarah: “Revolution Pink!”
Henri: Revolution Blue!”
Moses: Revolution Green!”
Vlad: Future Ranger!”
Then it was time for Davis' team to morph…
Finally, Ken was the last one to morph…
“Kaiser Power!”
Once they were finished morphing, they stood in formation and shouted out, “POWER RANGERS… DIGITAL!!”
Davis: Digital Red!”
TK: Green!”
Yolei: Blue!”
Cody: Yellow!”
Kari: Pink!”
Ken: Kaiser!”
We all stood proudly as colored puffs of smoke and huge explosions burst behind us. “All right… that's enough of this!” Sakura growled. “Agreed…” added the Professor, “Destroy them!”
As all twelve of the villains rushed forward, Davis and I withdrew out swords, and motioned for our teams to attack.
“Rangers, Go!”
“Let's go guys!”
The rangers all split into groups of two; Vlad with Ken, and two of the same colors, each of us going after one or two monsters at once. The battle was on!
Vlad and Ken were dealing with one of the Mini-Omnimon. Ken's whip and Vlad's blaster were firing shots all over. They even landed some powerful punches and kicks on it, but their attacks barley seemed to deal that much damage.
“Whoa… I think these things are made of rock!” cried Vlad.
James and Cody were even wresting with another monster, and they both got thrown back hard. “Whew… these guys are strong!” panted Cody.
“We have to keep trying!” added James.
The two green rangers, TK and Moses, leapt over and into a lot filled with old empty oil drums, and they were being followed by a Mimi-Omnimon. “You ready?” Moses asked.
“Let's do it!” added TK, and they leapt up and over the monster and with a quick trick, the twisted round and kicked him hard in the back his head. Perfect shot, but the monster was down yet.
The two blue rangers, Yolei, and Henri who had grown to a teenaged size as well, both had their swords whipped out and were hacking away at the monster. “Zut-a-lors… it isn't working!” the French boy said, and then suddenly the monster grabbed him, and his blaster fell out from his belt. “'Elp me! `ELP!” he cried.
“Hang on!” cried Yolei and she quickly flipped over the monster, and grabbed Henri's blaster, “Hey ugly… catch!” she called as she fired the gun at the monsters feet. The monster leapt around trying to cool his feet, and dropped Henri.
“Aww… my `eroine.” Henri said with his hand playfully folded.
Yolei giggled, and then took one last look at Henri's blaster before giving it back. “I got to get me one of those.” she said to herself.
The two Pink rangers, Sarah and Kari, we're really letting the monster have it. “It's not nice to creep up on a lady.” Sarah snapped as she kicked the monster's gut.
“That makes two of us!” added Kari as she slashed her saber at the monster's back.
The two Rangers, Davis and myself, instead of going after the other monsters, we were dealing with Sakura and the Professor. Our blades and attacks continuously collided together, and nether one of us was willing to give in. Not even when we engaged in a blade-lock.
“GRR! Give it up, rangers!” Sakura growled.
“Mmm! You will not win!” added the Professor.
Davis and I grunted and groaned to force all our strength into our blades. “Oh yeah…?” Davis snapped. “We shall see!” I added. Suddenly, all the monsters and rangers attacked each other with such a powerful blow, that it threw us all off in different directions, but still neither team had had enough.
Sakura how ever was complaining again about her face being hurt. “That very well does it!” she screamed. “GET THEM!!” and six of the Mini-Omnimon began to charge for us.
“That's it… I've had it.” Moses growled. “Ready Henri…?”
“Oui… I am!” Henri answered. Then both he and Moses tapped on their morphers and activated their battlizers
Mega battle, Blue!” 
Mega Battle, Green!”
When the lights had dimmed, their suits were covered in rather shiny looking armor, and shoulder pads. Henri was Carrying two twin Bazookas in both his hands Moses was carrying a huge Cannon blaster that had two buzz saws at the end of it.
(They resemble the LIGHTSPEED Mega Battles, but only slightly.)
“Sarah… ready?” James called to her.
“Let's go!” she answered.
They both stood in formation, and then performed a special dance-move. “FUUUU-SIOOOON… HAH!!” (The DBZ Fusion move) Their bodies began to glow, and when the light had vanished, a new ranger had appeared, wearing a pink and yellow crossover suit, and with abs and muscles pretty buffed up!
“Fusion Ranger!” it shouted in a fusion of the two voices.
The Mini-Omnimon continued to charge for us. “Transform all you like, it will make no difference.” Sakura shouted at us.
“Oh yeah-- We'll see about that.” snapped Vlad. “Strata-Cycle, Trans-armor Mode!” he called at his bike, and with his words the Strata Cycle came apart by sections and seemed to attach onto his suit…
The front with the handlebars became the chest armor, and it seemed to attack the bottom part of the cycle to the shoulders with the tires ready for launch, and the wings out on his arms. As for the Rest of the Cycle, now the Future ranger had two gauntlets with blasters, and stronger boots, and that was the Strata-cycle's second specialty.
“Oh yeah… that's what I'm talkin' about.”
“Right…” I said as a glowing orb appeared in my hand, “Time to make it five for five.” I raised the orb into the air and cried out. Lord of the Red!” and my entire ranger suit began glowing and was surrounded by red flames. When all had cleared, my ranger suit was now coated in red and silver torso armor, armored helmet, gauntlets, and armored boots, two silvery dragon wings on my back, and a long red cape with gold strips. I was also armed with a gigantic golden sword that glowed with a magical light.
“Whoa-- too cool!” Davis said as he stared at my team in our battlizers, and that made him remember. “Oh wait… Duh, how could I forget that?” he said to himself, “Golden-Armor, Energize!” and he donned on his Magnamon-amor.
The Mini-Omnimon continued to charge forward. “Yes, yes… get them, get them!” growled the Professor.
One by one all of us armored rangers stepped forward with our weapons and powers at the ready, and we were joined by the rest of the rangers. “All right… let's do it!” I shouted.
“Power up!” added Davis, and with that all our swords, blades, guns, and powers let out HUGE bursts of energy that we fired on all six of the attacking Mini-Omnimon at once.
They were hit… their bodies began to flare and spark as they fell over and EXPLODED in huge balls of fire. With six villains destroyed, that outnumbered the remaining six against our team of twelve.
“Give it up, you two!” Davis called over at Sakura and the Professor. “We've got you completely outnumbered.”
“Is that what you believe?” the Professor asked sternly. “Them it seems that you have forgotten something, ranger.” Suddenly he began to grow to a giant size, and his Mini-Omnimon began to grow with him. Soon the five of them were as tall as mountains.
Sakura however, didn't have the power to grow, and from the way she was chuckling she didn't seem to care much. “Good luck now, Rangers… you'll need more than just it. Ah, ha, ha, ha, ah, ah, ah!” and she vanished.
“Hey… come back here!” I called out, but Sakura was already gone, and worse than that. “Look!” cried TK as he pointed up at the giant monsters.
“They're heading for the city.” added Kari, and right before everyone's eyes did the monsters began to tear down the buildings, blow up the streets, and cause an outbreak of panic among the citizens.
The Digital rangers weren't going to let this happen. “DIGI-ZORDS… DIGIVOLVE!!” they shouted. “Wormon-Warrior… Power up!” added Ken, and at once their zords had appeared.
The rangers all leapt up into their zords and began the transformations. “DIGITAL-MEGAZORD… ENERGIZE!!”
“Wormon-Warrior… Megazord-Mode!”
The Professor and his four remaining minions were really having the time of their lives. “Bring it down!” the Professor growled. “BRING IT ALL DOWN!” but then suddenly he was being fired upon from behind. “What's this?”
He and his four minions looked round and saw the two Megazords standing ready to take them on. “You leave our hometown alone!” Davis called.
The Professor just laughed, “Oh, but we're having so much fun. Ha, ha, ah, ah, ah!
“Fine then… you want to play, let's party!” Ken grunted.
The monsters and the two Megazords drew out their weapons, and what had to be a battle worse than Godzilla's fights, began. From a perfect full-sized view of the town you could see the destruction and the fighting.
With the training I gave the zords in the virtual-simulator, they did fare pretty good for a while…
The Megazord's sword dealt a lot of damage to the monsters, and Wormon-Warrior's webs were stronger than ever, but still… five against two, The Megazords were barley pulling through.
“Power levels have gone down to half.” cried TK. “We're losing it.”
“We got to hang in there.” said Davis.
Suddenly, something was shooting at Ken's zord from behind. “WHOA-AAH!!” Ken cried ad he was rocked around in his cockpit.
“Ken!” called Yolei. “What's going on?”
“Look there…” the Megazord said.
Everyone looked and saw a giant robotic Ninja-lady heading straight for them. The Revolution rangers and I could then suddenly hear the sounds of a flute playing. “Oh, no… Not this again!” James cried.
It was Sakura, standing up on another building and controlling her own zord, Ninjorina. A zord that was fast and tricky. “And now… the real fun begins.” She laughed sneakily, and continued to play her command-flute.
Now with her zord in the picture, the ballet was really outnumbered six to two. “Man… can't we ever get a break!” Cody snapped.
“You want a break?” the Professor mocked. “Here…. Have one!” and that's when he and the other villains began to attack the Megaozrds with such brutality. “WHOA!!”
My team and I couldn't bear to watch this much longer. “Mondure…!” cried Henri. “Zey are going to get `urt up zere.”
“We must try and help them somehow.” added Sarah.
I pounded my palm with my fist in frustration. “We need our Soldier-Zords, but they're in the past.”
The six villains then attacked the two Megazords at once, and down they went with a crash. Inside the cockpits, the controls were starting to spark and flare. “All systems are shutting down.” cried Kari.
“We can't make it like this!” added Ken over the radio.
The Revolution rangers and I were really getting worried. “They won't last much longer.” cried James, and then he turned his head to the sounds of rumbling. “Huh? Hey, look…”
We all turned and what we saw made us nearly want to jump for joy…
There… marching and steering towards us were five warrior zords…
Red Sword Solder… Yellow Musket Soldier… Pink Flag Soldier… Blue Spy Soldier… Green Cannon Soldier…
… And one gigantic steel tank.
“The Soldier-Zords.” Moses said for joy.
“Dude… my Colonel-Zord too.” added Vlad. “All right… we're back in action.”
I nodded my head, “Rangers… Go!”
“Colonel-Zord… Ten-hut!”
We all leapt up high and onto our own respective zords. “Soldier-Zords… Transform!”
“Colonel-Zord-- convert to warrior-mode!”
With that, our zords began to transform, and combine.
The other two Megazords were still lying on the ground barely able to move, and both the Professor and Ninjorina were now standing directly by them ready for the kill. Sakura stopped playing her command flute and gazed up at what was sure to be her ultimate victory.
“Once I'm through with you guys. The Revolution rangers will be next.” she sniggered. “It's time…!”
“Yeah…!” the Professor chuckled, and then both he and Ninjorina prepared their weapons.
“Oh, man… they're going to do it!” cried Davis.
“This can't be happening!” added Yolei.
But as the two villains drew back their aim and tried to bring down their weapons, they were suddenly blocked off by two other weapons, and then punched back hard by the two new Megazords.
The General Megazord… armed with its battle-saber, and the Colonel-Zord now using its long missile launcher as a combat staff. “Whoa… check it out.” Davis said.
“Cool...” added TK.
“What is this?” growled the Professor.
“Oh, no… not this again!” added Sakura.
The two new Megazord glared angrily at them both. “Sakura… your nightmare making days are over.” I called.
“You got that right, man.” added Vlad.
Then the General Megazord turned to face the Digi-zords… “Davis, hang on.” I said, “Activate the Re-animator.”
With my Re-animation device linked into the systems, our Megazord shot a field of light on the other two fallen zords which restored all their powers and repaired the damage. At once the two zords snapped back to their feet to join us.
“Incredible.” Cody said. “All damages have gone.”
“I never felt so great before.” added Ken.
“Hey, Mykan… thanks a bundle.” Davis called to me.
I gave him a thumbs-up, and then it was time to go back to the battle. The Professor was really getting angry. “One Megazord or ten… We'll destroy you all!”
“I wouldn't bet on it, Professor.” replied Davis. “Let's go guys!”
With all four of our Megazords at full power, and the six villains weakened from their battles. This one seemed to be in the bag. Especially seeing as how the four Mini-Omnimon seemed to be cowering near their leader. “Don't hide behind me you fools… get them!” the Professor growled, and his minions began to charge forward.
“Destroy them… Destroy them now!” screamed Sakura.
Ken however had other ideas. “Maybe you two should get into tight bondage.” he snapped as he tapped on a switch. STICKY-NET!” growled his zord, and at once he spat out his webbing which trapped the Professor where he was, and sprayed on his eyes. “GAAH… My eyes!”
Then another web was fired and Sakura was all wrapped up like a Mummy, and stuck to the building top like glue. “Hey… what is this stuff!” she groaned. “I… I can't move.” And that of course meant that she couldn't send anymore commands to Ninjorina.
“WHOO-WEE…” cried Vlad. “Now that they're all tied up… let's give it to them.”
My team and I agreed and we went first. “General Megazord Saber… Power up!” I shouted, and our Megazord's saber began to glow with such a force as it was raised in front of an image of the American flag. “IGNITE!” and slashed three times.
BOOM! One of the Mini-Omnimon got hit, and its body began to spark and flare as it fell over and EXPLODED.
Vlad's zord went next. “Colonel Mega-Missile… FIRE!!” His Megazord's staff fired the huge missile at the end causing it to collide right into another Mini-Omnimon destroying it like that.
“Our turn…” Davis said. “Yolei, take us up.”
“Right…” Yolei said, “Full boost vertical.” And the Digital-Megazord began to soar into the sky as the sword began to glow. “DIGI-MEGAZORD SABER… POWER UP!!” the rangers cried.
The Megazord's wings began to flare up. “SKY-ROCKET… ATTACK!!” and it soared down towards the third Mini-Omnimon, and… SLASH! The monster's body began to fall apart and it EXPLODED out of sight.
Finally Ken was up, “Charging Weapons… full power!” and his Megazord's staff began to glow. “X-STRIKER!”… SLASH… the fourth and final Mini-Omnimon was destroyed.
“Yeah! Two four down, and two to go.” I said with glee. “You guys still up for it?”
My teammates, Vlad the Digi Rangers and Ken all agreed, and we all decided it was time to make it five for five again.
“Being Mgea-Tranfomrations.” I said.
“Activate DNA-Digivolution!” said Davis.
The Colonel-Zord the separated into different sections and then combined onto the General Megazord like body armor. “SUPER-GENERAL-MEGAZORD… POWER UP!”
Then the other Megazord combined…
“Wormon Warrior…!”
The Two Super-Megazords stood side by side, and raised their fists with the “Good luck sign”.
“Extend the trident.” Vlad said, and out Megeazord's new weapon, a trident with a grabbing crane, extended towards Sakura's Ninjorina and ensnared it tight, and Sakura was still too tied up to send it any commands. “This cannot be…!” she cried.
Once Ninjorina was safely in our grasp, Moses and Henri signaled the Digi rangers to get ready. “Activating Hammer-throw spin!” said Moses, and our zord began to while around and around and tossed Ninjorina high up into the sky.
“That's our cue.” TK said.
“Right… let's do it!” added Davis, and their Megazord began to glow with a fiery red flame. “MEGA FLARE STRIKE!!” and it soared straight up and right through Ninjorina, blowing a big hole right through its stomach.
“Let's finish it.” I said. “Fire all weapons!” and with four huge canons, our trident, our Megazord fired HUGE blasts at Ninjorina destroying it harmlessly in midair.
We all felt like cheering for joy, but suddenly we remembered that the Professor was still there, and by this point he had already broken free from the webs and shot at us with his cannon while we weren't watching.
Such powerful Explosions that all our zords had separated into their normal Megazord forms and crashed down hard. “Ha, ha, ha-- AHH, HA, AH, AH, AH!! The battle isn't over unless EVERYONE dies.” The Professor laughed evilly, Hmm, mm…And I'm still here.”
Neither of us could believe it. The Professor seemed even stronger than ever before. “Ha, ha, ha… watch closely rangers.” Sakura called to us, “For the serum I had granted my friend up there has but one final special effect.”
“What? Another power?” Davis asked.
“Dude… Give us a break already!” snapped Vlad.
“Oh… but that's exactly what I intend to give you!” the Professor thundered, and with his screaming the skies grew all dark, and his already he body began to grow even larger than the Megazords, and it kept on growing and growing…. until…
“O-o-o-oh… man!” cried Davis.
“Oh goodness…” cried Sarah.
He was about the size of a whole state. “Grah, ha, ha, ha! AAH… HA… HA… HA!!” Just his thunderous voice was enough to topple all the buildings in all of Japan, but we didn't even want to think of what would happen if he fired his cannon now.
“What can we do?!” cried Kari.
“I don't think there's anything we can do.” I said.
“He can squish us like flies… literally.” added Ken.
“And as much as I could…” growled the Professor, “Why bother end your suffering here when I can make it last all the longer by destroying your world Limb-form-Limb!”
He began to power up his cannon ready for a big bang. The girls could all felt tears in their eyes. “No… he can't.” sobbed Yolei.
“I he attacks… the whole country will be destroyed.” added Sarah.
The men and I all couldn't believe this. “We've come so far!” I growled furiously. “We can't fail! WE CAN'T!!”
Suddenly, ad the Professor was ready to launch his attack he began to lose power. “Huh? What?!” We all watched in amazement as his cannon began powering down, and suddenly, a strange voice called out to us.
“Power Rangers…!” it called in a voice the Digi-Rangers recognized.
“Hey… that voice.” TK said. “It sounds like…”
It was indeed Shadow-Omnimon himself. He was still lurking within the Professor's DNA and was now using all that he could to keep him from using anymore of his special powers. “I will not let you do this!” he shouted at the Professor. “Even if it means I too must go down… so help me, we shall all finish you.”
“Yeah… Go Shadow-Omnimon!” Cody cheered, “Did I just say that?”
The Professor was most annoyed. But I still have enough power to do away with all of you.” he growled at the rangers.
“Not if they destroy you first called another voice.
We all looked round and saw Tai, his gang, their Digimon, and what had to be every single Digimon and partner from their hometown with them. “It's Tai.” cried Kari.
“And it looks like he brought reinforcements.” added Ken.
“Don't be a batch of fools!” growled the Professor, “Nothing you all throw at me can save you now.”
“That's what you think…” Tai said as he raised his Digivice to the sky along with everyone else. “Maybe its time for you to… SEE THE LIGHT!”
It turned out that his team's secret plan was to go around email and round up all the Dig destined in the World… just like when they battle Maylomyotismon, everyone in every country joined together their powers to create A MILLION RAYS OF LIGHT… that began to gather up near the battle zone.
“AAH… THAT LIGHT!!” cried the Professor. “IT'S BLINDING!!”
Suddenly we rangers notice that our Megazord began to glow.
“Hey!” Davis said.
“What's happening?” I asked.
Before we knew it, the lights had shrouded all four of our Megazords and combined them into one SUPER-ULTIMATE FIGTHING-MACHINE.
“I don't believe this.” Ken said.
“Dude… way awesome.” added Vlad.
Then not only did our new zord start to absorb the reaming rays of light, but the lights even shrouded the professor's body. “YAAAAH… What's happening…? I… Can't… Move!”
In our new shared cockpit, which was all just a round dome where all twelve of us stood. “Hey… I think its wants us to concentrate all our power together.” I said.
“Well what are we waiting for… lets do it.” Davis said.
…and with that we all stood hand in hand channeling all the power we had gathered, and our Megaozord's glow. “This…cannot… be…!” cried the Professor.
and with our cries, the Megazord FIRED the Biggest and most powerful stream of light right at the Professors body lifting him off the ground and blasting him up, up, up into the sky…
As his body began to flare, spark, and vaporize, Shadow-Omnimon himself had just enough left in him to say, “Thank you Power Rangers.”
As the explosion cleared away the sun began to rise up again, and all the Digi-destined and their Digimon cheered for joy.
Our Megazord stood proudly in the morning sunlight as well all hopped on top of it and shouted out with pride… “POWER… RANGERS!!”
It was over…
Sakura unfortunately had already made a hasty retreat back to the past. She had failed Ebenezer once again “Just those rangers wait.” she nearly sobbed in anger and anguish. “I'll get them yet.”
And back in the past… Ebenezer had been tracking her all the time. “And just you wait until you report back to me Sakura.” he roared to himself. “I'll stop those Revolution Rangers… EVEN IF IT TAKES A MELLINNUIM!!”
The Megazord was gone, and by midday, with the help of Azulongmon, and my Re-animator, everything was all back to normal. “Now that's more like it.” Davis said. “Home sweet home.”
“I'm glad that's all over.” James said. “I don't think I'll ever rest peacefully again.”
Everyone shared a good laugh. “Hey, do you guys think you could stay a while.” Yolei asked us. “The city could sure use another team of rangers.”
Sarah shook her head, “We'd love to, but we really must return to 1780.” she said.
“She's right…” I added. “Ebenezer's still back there. Our mission isn't over yet, and besides… this is not the day and age in which we belong in.” I referred to Vlad and me living in year 2180, and the other four rangers in the revolutionary ages.
The Digi-rangers understood that completely. “Hey… thanks for everything though.” Davis said as he held out his hand. “And keep up the good stuff.”
I grabbed his hand and shook it. “Hey, you to.”
We all said our goodbyes, and then Izzy, who with my help, powered his computer to generate a time portal for us, was activated. My team and I jumped through the portal and we were gone.
“There they go.” Gatomon said.
“Gee… I sure hope than can beat that spoiled kid.” added Patamon.
“Oh I'm sure they will…” Izzy said “Remember what that statue in the picture was for.” He referred to that it commemorated my ranger team for saving the world. Which obviously meant we did win.
This gave Davis the idea. “I think we're more than ready now.” he said, and everyone began to catch his drift.
“General Lockhart's been causing enough trouble.” TK said.
“Yeah…” Yolei said as she pounded her hands together. “I say we go pay him a vist and shut him down for good.”
“I'm agree…” said Cody.
“Me too.” added Kari.
“Me three…” added Ken.
It was unanimously decided. Look out Lockhart… we're coming for you!
It's the last few days of school, and the prom is coming up fast, and Davis and Kari still seem to be concealing their feelings for one-another.
“Why don't you just ask her?
“No way! She dumped me.
Meanwhile…After a long line of searching, Izzy happens to home straight in on the location of Red Ribbon Army headquarters
“I've detected something new… it's an island.”
Despite the many cautions, and the debut between Davis and Kari's difficulties, the rangers decide to head on out to pay General Lockhart a visit.
“Remember… once you get close to the base, he'll be able to spot you from any point.”
“Good luck rangers.”
Is the long awaiting confrontation about to commence, will Lockhart finally be given the just desserts he's been deserving?