Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Princess & the Pirate ❯ Pirate Life ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Sora sighed as she mopped the deck. True to his word, Taichi had assigned her the labour on the ship. Despite the chores being long & backbreaking, they were decidedly preferable to the nights. Those she'd rather not think of. Sora rang the mop out in the crude wooden bucket then leaned against the side of the ship with a sigh. The sun setting on the water was a magnificent sight, but no one here cared for it. "What be takin' ye so long?" Taichi's voice demanded from behind.

Turning from the water with a last look, Sora responded tiredly "This is a large deck. It requires much time to wash." Taichi shook his head. "I'll nae be acceptin' that. Pour out that water. I grow weary of waiting." No other options but to comply. Sora reluctantly emptied the bucket over the side of the ship, then turned to follow Taichi. The faster she obeyed the less pain she brought upon herself. Inside his cabin, she drifted her mind from her body, wishing to be rescued & returned home.

No doubt the odds of that happening were slight. No one knew where she had gone, or what happened to her. They could even think she had eloped. Her poor parents, they- a harsh slap brought her back to reality. Taichi would not have her attention on else but him. Sora bore the pain best she could, but made sure a few cries passed her lips, lest Taichi think this no longer hurt & find some new method of torture. When he finally rolled off her, Sora mustered up her courage & asked "When shalt I be returned to my home?"

Taichi turned to her with a considering look, then said "Ne'er shall I be doin' such a deed. I like having a girl to keep the ship clean, as well as to relive myself upon at night. Asides, yer parents will have me killed upon the spot should I return to them their daughter defiled." Untroubled by his conscience, Taichi turned away to sleep. Sora couldn't help but feel furious. She refused to live her life out like this! She dressed herself & left, returning to the side of the ship.

Looking over the side of the water, it occurred to her for the first time that she could jump. She could not swim, but death even would be better than this. And there was always the chance that her body would find it's way home, drifting in the currents. Sora discarded the idea as soon she had acquired it. A small, defiant part of her refused to give up the thought of home. Nor would it resign itself to becoming some pirate's toy. She was already ruined for marriage.

The thought took her breath away with realization. If she was ruined for marriage then to go back would only make things worse. Decision filled her mind. To go home meant nothing but shame and loneliness, but kill herself she would not. To run away from it all was her only option left. The next place the ship docked itself at would become her home. She could sneak off easily whilst the crew were gathering supplies. Having never disobeyed Taichi before, it would never occur to him to think that his mistress would be gone when the crew returned.

Comforted by her thoughts, Sora returned to the cabin, where Taichi sleepily demanded where she had been. "Just thinking," Was the only reply she gave, & even those fell on deaf ears, for the man was asleep again. Try as she might, lying there, sleep would not come to her until the cabin was tinged with grey light & the world began to stir. Then sleep finally overcame here & not even Taichi's ire when she did not stir could awaken her.

Some moons later, the ship's stores began to run low, & Taichi decided that they would make berth at the nearest port. When the crew had all left for the town, Sora slipped out of the room Taichi had ordered her to stay in. She had nothing to take with her. She had brought nothing with her, & Taichi had not given her anything. Not that she wanted anything to remind her of him. He would be impossible to forget regardless. All she needed was money, & headed to the treasure room.

Picking great handfuls of gems & gold, Sora briefly flashed back to how she had been thrilled by this treasure at first. Now she knew it was the results of murder & torture. Her eyes fell onto a jewel encrusted dagger. She took it immediately. The jewels on the sheath were broken off with the tip of the blade to be sold for money. The sheath itself could be sold & melted down for gold. The ones in the handle could not be helped, but at least now she was armed.

Making her way off the ship, Sora was relived that the dock was next to empty. Taichi's ship, obviously a pirate's vessel, had scared off others save for the dock manager. A glittering diamond in his hands made for immediate invisibility. Sora hurried into town. The inns there looked more like taverns, which created the risk of running into Taichi or a member of his crew. A milliner's shop seemed the safest route. She entered, trying not to seem too conspicuous. When one was clothed in rags that had once obviously a lovely, rich gown & carrying a dagger covered in jewels, such a task becomes monumental.

Surrounded by the lovely articles of clothing, Sora wondered if the owners would hire & shelter what would seem to them an urchin like herself. Cautiously making her way to the back, Sora detected no one else. Damning Taichi, then shocked at how improper she had become, she called out. A beautiful girl about her age came, blue silk draped over her arm & needles in her mouth. A moment of silence then the girl put the fabric & needle down on the counter & asked softly "Where did you come from?" Sora stared to tell her, but got as far as "Pirate."

The girl shook her head to silence her, then took Sora into the room she had come from. It was filled with fabrics like the one she'd had on her arm. "My name is Mimi." She said. "Sora," the redhead replied, hope filling her. Mimi seemed kind enough. "Whate'er the position would a female like thou have with pirates?" Mimi asked. Sora explained her predicament briefly. At the end Mimi sighed, then said "I shalt gladly allow thee to work with I for thy keep."

Sora thanked the girl profusely, then Mimi took her to a staircase. "There is a bedroom at the top & to the left. Thou might rest thy weary soul there." Sora nodded & began ascending the stairs, grateful for her sudden good fortune after so many months of bad. The door she opened revealed a bed infinitely better then Taichi's cot. Sora dropped her gown, relieved to be rid of the filthy fabric, crawled into the bed & fell into the first true sleep of months. Her last thought before slumber finally overcame her was "Free!"

Sora was awoken much later, by the sounds of a scuffle below her. Clutching the bedcovers around her, the redhead's first thought was of Taichi, but no, it had to be ordinary robbers. Her question was answered moments later when the door flew open, revealing the man she'd thought to be freed of. Taichi crossed the distance between the door & the bed in two steps & griped Sora's arm roughly. "A jewel can erase a man's memory," he said in a low growl. "But a sword can restore it."

With those words he dragged her out of the bed & downstairs. Throwing a gown at her, Taichi ordered her to get dressed. Sora clothed herself swiftly, too familiar with Taichi's anger to dare protest. Mimi was lying on the floor, her light brown hair coated with dark red. Sora gagged at the sight, sickened by pointless waste of a kind person. Taichi gave her no time, but dragged her outside, then turned to the building & barked an order to one of his men. Sora gasped as a lit torch was held to the thatched roof of the building.

Pulling her by the arm, Taichi muttered threats of every kind. On board he barked orders to set sail then pulled Sora to his cabin & threw her down. The redhead gasped in pain & backed away into a corner. Taichi gripped her arm & pulled her to face him. Sora met his glare forcefully, letting him know she was angry. Taichi hit her once more. "What," he demanded in a low hiss, "Possessed ye to make such a foolish attempt at leaving? Yer mine, & I'll nae have ye thinkin' otherwise."

Sora frowned. "Surely", she returned. "And thou art getting a soft touch indeed if thou art letting this go unpunished." Taichi met her angry crimson with his brown mocking one. "Unpunished? Nae. But the best things come to those who wait." He turned to leave the room then, called over his shoulder "Howe'er, ye shant be the one to consider it the 'best thing.'" Sora sank onto the bed, attempting to figure it out. All she knew was that Taichi's laughter was more dangerous then his anger.

Wow. I've officially royally screwed Sora over, haven't I?