Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Reich Diaries 2002 ❯ Interlude A - Gran Kuwagamon's Plan, The Night of Glass ( Chapter 8 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]


DISCLAIMER - Digimon belongs to several different companies of which I own none. Therefore all digimon used are their property and used without permission. The Diaries Universe belongs to Lord Archive, and is used with his permission. The German Digi-destined belong to the Diaries universe. All other miscellaneous characters are my meagre intellectual property.

By Misc666

Set in Lord Archive's Diaries Universe

Reich Diaries 2002

Interlude A - Gran Kuwagamon's Plan, The Night of Glass


"So, I see that Golden Boy failed. Not strong enough to get rid of a couple of runts? Didn't think you were." The Stingmon at the door to Gran Kuwagamon's chamber gave off a snide laugh as Hans walked past. He briefly contemplated having his partner rip it apart, but decided it was a waste of time. And he'd probably have to answer to Dino Beemon for killing one of his followers.

"Says the worthless piece of shit that gets guard duty? Lord Gran Kuwagamon has no need for guards, but you're so useless you'd probably end up killing yourself by mistake if you left the building." Dokunemon's voice was just as snide as the Stingmon was restrained by another Stingmon. It was good to have immunity from attacks, and good to be on Gran Kuwagamon's good side.

"If you step out of line, I won't hesitate to run in and kill the two of you." The Stingmon finally stood up straight while directing a glare at Hans, the boy just laughed in return.

"If I step out of line Lord Gran Kuwagamon will eliminate me straight away. You, on the other hand, are not worthy of cleaning my boots." Hans shot a malicious smile at the Stingmon as he briefly pondered the pros and cons of killing it, after all he could have Yanmamon or Shadramon kill the three in the hallway any time he wanted.

"Just go straight inside." One of the other two Stingmon, seeing the developing conflict acted swiftly to avert it as he directed the pair to the door.

As Hans went through he heard the Stingmon that started it all mutter a snide comment which elicited a laugh from the other two. He came to the conclusion that maybe he'd do it on the way out.

Finally he came to where Gran Kuwagamon was enthroned, in a manner of speaking. The massive bug was only visible from the chest up as the rest of his body disappeared into the ground beneath. As Hans and Dokunemon came in Gran Kuwagamon's massive eyes turned to face him.

"Hmm… I hear that you failed to kill the Digi-destined. I'm disappointed." Gran Kuwagamon's voice was booming and Hans felt the building shake around him.

"As any of the force with me will tell you, Rosemon turned up and disrupted everything. Besides, I may not have killed them but I did get rid of them." Hans stated it as a matter of fact as he sat down on the ground. Dokunemon walked up beside him.

"And you Dokunemon is he telling the truth? No bug can resist my commands, so I know you must speak the truth." He turned to look down at the Child bug.

"It is all true; I felt the force of her attack. None but you would stand a chance against her." Dokunemon's head was bowed deeply out of respect for the huge Ultimate.

"True, she is highly dangerous. And you are but an Adult. Maybe Dino Beemon will stand a chance against her; she was always rather too maternal when it came to him." Hans raised an eyebrow inquisitively but filed it under stuff he should think about later.

"Are the plans all in place? Tonight is the night, right?" Hans looked down at the bloodlust in his partner's insectoid face; he truly was the right digimon for him.

"Yes, my generals have already left to set everything up. Tonight the forest will know the true meaning of fear." Gran Kuwagamon laughed maniacally as the building rocked more than before, Hans casually dusted himself off.

"And myself, I'm not going to have much effect against Perfect level digimon. How can I make myself stronger?" Hans was surprised at the amount his partner was talking; normally the bug was reserved in his speech.

"There is a tale of evolution items. Much like the Digimental of Darkness Hans holds, but far stronger. One should be able to evolve you to Perfect." Gran Kuwagamon looked down at the bored looking boy. Hans seemed to take a little more interest as a question formed in his head.

"But, even if it can evolve Dokunemon. Doesn't that mean that there are similar evolution items for the others? Don't you worry that they'll get their hands on them?" Hans felt proud that he'd gotten one up on the Ultimate.

"Oh, but I've already thought of that. Where do you think Ookuwamon is? He's out searching for any clues as to locations." Gran Kuwagamon laughed maniacally again as the fact that he'd proved Hans wrong got through to him.

"Any ideas on where to find the one which will evolve me?" asked Dokunemon hopefully as he looked up at his master.

"I'm afraid not, I'm not even sure what the items look like." Gran Kuwagamon stared down at him.

"Then I guess while the others enact your plan I'll set about finding it." Hans got up to leave as Gran Kuwagamon studied him carefully.

"You're hesitating?" Gran Kuwagamon sounded honestly curious as he said this.

"Part of me does wonder about the need for me to do this. After all, the other generals are all strong enough to wipe out this forest several times over. And I know the Digi-destined won't return to this world, I promise you that." Hans paused again to study the masonry around him.

"Is that really all? You know I abhor traitors, you know you're Cannon Beemon's replacement. But I'm sure I could easily find a replacement for you as well." Gran Kuwagamon seemed calm as he said this, but there was an edge of warning in it all.

"It is all, my Lord," murmured Dokunemon as he pushed Hans towards the door. Hans merely nodded as he walked out.

As they walked out past the Stingmon Hans heard the one from earlier mutter a comment under his breath.With a smirk Hans looked down at his partner who nodded in agreement.

"Dokunemon, Digimental up." As Hans spun round he raised his D-Terminal in front of him.

"Dokunemon armour evolve… Shadramon." The flaming butterfly exploded out as he finished evolving. The Stingmon merely looked uninterested.

"What's that going to do?" laughed one Stingmon.

"Indent Screw." As flames ripped around him Shadramon shot forwards into the first one's stomach, easily ripping through. Next he bounced off the wall behind sending him slamming into the back of another one's head. Not even stopping he leapt forwards driving himself through the final one. His work done he devolved back to his Child form.

"You can't get good help nowadays. Remind me to post some more guards when we leave." Hans' laugh started off light and began to deepen as he went. Soon he was laughing maniacally as he walked off.


Dino Beemon, scourge of the Endless Forest and first general in Lord Gran Kuwagamon, stared at the house again. It had been several hours; at least a day had passed, and he continued to stare at the four walls of it. There wasn't anything for him to do, his father and master had declared that he couldn't attack unless he said so. So he didn't attack, although wrecking the small vegetable garden outside had held back the urges for a while.

But he was frustrated.

"Angry much?" Dino Beemon spun as he dropped into an attack stance, even discovering the identity of the newcomer didn't ease him.

The speaker was huge, in comparison to Dino Beemon at least as it stood four times larger. Its carapace was pitch black in colour with some red orbs at points. A horn stuck out at the top and separated into two at the end.

"What are you doing here?" demanded Dino Beemon, always keeping his eye on the massive digimon.

"Lord Gran Kuwagamon sent me. The day has come. I hope you're ready for it." The giant bug would have smirked if it was possible for it to. But it was happily content by the growl let off by Dino Beemon.

"Well, for my father's information, I am indeed ready to bring this plan into action. My army is braying for some fun, we've been holed up here waiting for her to come out and play with us. Being able to move around will do them some good." He looked down at where a group of Stingmon huddled around talking amongst themselves. However looking up he saw the glory of his army, as far as the eye could see was his force. It spanned hundreds of bugs and was a larger army than had ever been assembled in the Digital World, at least he hadn't heard of vaster armies.

"Fine, I must go inform Scorpiomon, mind informing me of where she is?" Atlur Kabuterimon started scanning the army in search of the huge skeletal scorpion, another of Gran Kuwagamon's generals. However he couldn't see her, despite her being huge in size.

"She has burrowed into the ground. No doubt she will be ready to move at any time. Return to my father, no doubt you have some serious standing about to do. Meanwhile I will go out and fight my father's enemies." The tone of voice was meant to be inflammatory and earned a glare from Atlur Kabuterimon, but Dino Beemon was confident in that the general wouldn't dare attack Gran Kuwagamon's son.

"Fine, although I am actually going to be accompanying the army in this endeavour. Lord Gran Kuwagamon has asked me to join you; no doubt he wants me to make sure you don't mess it all up." Dino Beemon refused to be baited this time and merely waved it off.

"Okay, but try not to get in my way." Dino Beemon once more surveyed his army.

"The Night of Glass is upon us."


A peaceful glade was alive with the sounds of playful digimon. Plant digimon, ranging from petite Child digimon, like Floramon, to the more dangerous looking Adult Digimon, like Veggiemon, roamed about. They talked amongst themselves in feminine voices and got along with tasks they had to do.

"I hear Lady Rosemon isn't going to be able to see us in some time." A feminine Mushmon was busy wrapping a necklace of daisies around the neck of an Alraumon as she questioned out loud.

"The Lady is a busy digimon. She cannot come visit us everyday." A Woodmon replied as she wrote something down.

"Yeah, but it's always fun to see Rosie." A cheerful looking Floramon, one of the newest evolutions, happily squeaked as she was busy picking flowers.

"Do not call her…" The words of the Veggiemon were cut off by a choke as something hit her. Looking down she found a fearsome group of long claws sticking out through what could loosely be called her chest. Behind her stood a grinning Stingmon, and behind him a whole group of fearsome and lecherous Stingmon. And all only had one thing on their mind.

"Kill the Adult digimon, but the Child digimon can do… other things for us." The lead Stingmon grinned even more as he said this, his eyes drifting over to the once cheerful Floramon.

"Okay," chorused the Stingmon as one as they shot forwards.

A few of the Plants tried to fight back, but they were inexperienced and no match for the highly disciplined group of Stingmon. And pretty soon they only had two choices, run and die… or stand and die. Pretty soon the majority of Adult digimon, and several Child digimon, were out of the way. But just as they prepared to get what they felt was their just reward they discovered they weren't done.

"Flower Cannon." A blast of energy shot down ripping through the lead Stingmon turning him into particles of data. The user of the attack floated in the air, a pixie-like being in a pink flower-like dress and four green wings on her back.

"Damn you, Lilymon. Spiking Fin…" The attack wasn't completed as Lilymon shot down ripping into him and the three Stingmon behind him before stopping and surveying how many more were left.

"You've violated this glade, and hoped to do the same to my handmaidens. What makes you think I'm going to go easy on you? I will dispense my mother's justice on you." With that she shot towards another group of Stingmon, but her attack was cancelled out as a swarm of flies blocked her hit.

"Well, a Perfect attacking Adult digimon. That's not much of a fair fight." Dino Beemon grinned as he dropped down in front of the Stingmon. Lilymon let a scowl pass over her cute features at the sight of him.

"Brother!" The realisation that this was the one she'd heard of struck her. She knew he existed from her mother's stories, but had half hoped he'd been deleted by his increasingly mad and erratic father. They may have both came from Lady Rosemon's eggs, but Rosemon had had different mates both times.

"Feh, I don't know what you're talking about. Irritant Buzz." Lilymon was ready for this and leapt away bringing her cannon to bear. But Dino Beemon was also already moving as he leapt up to face her bringing his claws up.

"You forget that I am no mere Insect, I can fly just as well as you can." Dino Beemon propelled himself forward slamming into Lilymon, sending her cannon tumbling to the ground in the process. Down they fell, both grappling for supremacy. But it was Dino Beemon who landed on top, slamming Lilymon heavily into the ground.

"I'm no useless Child myself." But Lilymon couldn't back it up much; she was more than a match for Adult digimon, no digimon could doubt that. But Dino Beemon was stronger and far more willing to hurt his opponents, while she still had reservations about killing one who had the same mother as she did.

Suddenly she felt herself thrown onto her front as Dino Beemon grappled for her wings. Grabbing all four in his hands he began to pull, eliciting screams of pain from the Perfect level digimon. And with one final tug he ripped them free of her body sending them careening away from her.

With a grin he picked her up by the throat and held her up to his face. His eyes flashed with malicious intent as he looked down at her.

"Your kind will be exterminated this night. My father has ordered your eradication, an ethnic purge. The Night of Glass is upon you, none is safe from the army I lead." He smiled at her cries of pain, before slapping her down to the ground. Her strength had finally failed her.

"Lady Rosemon will not tolerate your actions. She will stop Gran Kuwagamon." Lilymon weakly looked up at him.

"Ah, but she is helpless already. She has deserted you. She no longer leaves her hut, and wouldn't fight my father even if she did leave her hut. There is no opposition to us." He laughed manically as she spluttered.

"The Digi-destined?" she managed to get this out, but with difficulty.

"They abandoned you. They ran away." She finally seemed to accept her fate as she lay back looking upwards and hoping for deletion. But he wasn't done with her, not by a long way.

"Don't think I'm going to let you die that easily. After all, you ruined my followers' fun. The Child digimon all got away. But you can fill in for them." With that he began walking away.

Leaving her with the lecherous Stingmon, already arguing over who would be first.


"Sometimes Dino Beemon even appals me." Dokunemon looked up at Hans, who stared off at Dino Beemon flying away from the glade.

"In what way does he appal you?" But Hans wasn't answering the question as he dropped down out of the tree they'd watched from. He pulled out his D-3 and began to stare at it in interest.

"I have an urge. I want to go back to the Real World." He stood up and looked down at the television set he'd found randomly lying around the area.

"So, you want to see your family? I guess all that talk about mothers and fathers got to you" Hans looked down with an expression of surprise, before laughing slightly.

"I couldn't care less about my family. Actually, I was more wondering about the other four. It's boring here without them. I think I'll have to bait them." He laughed even more as he held the D-3 up to the television.

"And what about Lord Gran Kuwagamon, does he know you're leaving?" Hans briefly wondered who Dokunemon's loyalty was to, him or Gran Kuwagamon? But he was pretty sure there was a fine line between them.

"No doubt the spies he keeps watching me will tell him. Are you coming?" Hans held his D-3 up again, almost challenging Dokunemon to say no. Eventually the Insect digimon relented and walked over to his partner.

"Anyway, if I get rid of the Digi-destined he won't have to worry about them." And with that he activated the portal.


Next Entry: Entry 8 - Whither Shall I Go

The Digi-destined are all dealing with the decision to return to the Digital World. But Nikolaus is firmly decided against returning. Could this mean that the Digital World is without saviours? Or will the others convince him in time?