Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Second Chances ❯ Memories ( Prologue )

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Second Chances
Category: Anime » Digimon Censor: PG Genre: Romance Chapters: 2
Reviews: 12 StoryID: 327008
Author: ~Mimi_Tachikawa~

Chapter 1 : Prologue-MemoriesChapter 2 : Chapter 1- Foreign Home Next
Chapter ( 2 ) »

Second Chances

This is the prologue for a story I wrote a while ago. It is a Mimato at the
beginning and mainly a Takimi. If you guys like the begining please review and
ask me to continue. 5 reviews and I will post part 2. And for any Takimi fans
(or mimato,michi, koumi, jyoumi or any other couple with Mimi in it) please sign
up for my mailing list, post stories there or read what other's have written.
www.topica.com/lists/Mimi_Tachikawa_loves. I hope to get a few more subscribers,
it would give me extra incentive to finsih some of my stories.

'10 years, ' Mimi thought as she walked out of the airport, pleased to be out of
those cramped compartments although uncomfortable to be disguised by a large
hat, sunglasses and scarf. 10 years since she had last set foot in Japan. 10
years since she broke off all communications with the other digidestined.
It sounded so stupid now that she thought of it. Slowly, she sorted through the
haze that surrounded those repressed memories.


Mimi sat beside Matt with her head resting on his shoulder.
"As much as I love spending time with you, Mimi, I have to get to band practice.
I'm half an hour late."
Mimi pouted. "Can't you stay just ten more minutes?"
Matt laughed. "I really can't/ I promise I'll be back in an hour. Just hang here
for a while." he said as he got up. "Just one hour." He gave her a quick kiss
then left.
As the door shut the phone began to ring. Mimi hesitated for a moment then
picked up the phone.
"Hello, Ishida residence."
"I think you've been spending too much time with Mimi, Matt. You're even
starting to sound like her!"
"Very funny T.K. Matt just left for rehearsal. Anything I can help you with?"
"Well... Yeah. Want to come to the Digiworld with me?"
"I'll be over in ten minutes then."
"Okay. Bye." Mimi said, just beating the click on the other end. 'He seems
rather excited.' she thought as she quickly brushed her hair and straightened
her pink tank top. Reaching for her bag, she checked for her digivice then
finished her can of pop that had been sitting on the table. The doorbell rang.
Mimi answered it, smiling at the sight of T.K, out of breath from running over.
"Hey (pant) Mimi. Ready(pant) to(pant) go?" he asked, attempting to regain his
"Just a second. I have to write a note to Matt." Grabbing a piece of paper, she
quickly scribbleddown a message, then joined T.K. at the computer. Holding out
the digivices, the port opened and they went flying through the gates of
Mimi loved the feeling of the journey. It set her body alive. As her feet made
contact with the ground, she smiled at eh large gathering of digimon that were
waiting to welcome them.
"Palmon!" She cried as she gave the flower digimon a hug.
"Welcome back, Mimi."
Mimi felt tears welling in her eyes. I t had been months since she had last seen
her digimon. Suddenly the ground began to shake, knocking Mimi off her feet.
T.K. rushed forward to catch her in his arms.
"Thanks." she said as she straightened herself up.
Over the treetops, the huge form of a giant bug digimon appeared.
Mimi stepped back. It resembled the first bad digimon that they had had to fight
when they arrived in the Digiworld, Kuwagamon. 'But it was much larger and
uglier than Kuwagamon was.' thought Mimi.
The giant bug turned and fired a ball of flame towards Mimi.
"PALMON digivolve to..."
But it was too late and the fire hit Mimi straight on, the force throwing her
through the air against a tree. Black dots filled her vision and her mind
clouded over as she dropped into unconsciousness.

The first thing she was aware of was the cold draft that blew over her body.
Then the pain came, making her wish that she could go back to sleep. A gentle
hand caressed her cheek, so familiar. 'Matt' she thought, pulling her mouth into
a smile. Slowly opening her eyes, she focussed on the figure of...T.K.?
Mimi was shocked. Looking around she noticed the morning sun rising from the
window of the hut. How long had she been out? She tried to sit up only to have
feelings of intense pain wash over her. She gasped out in pain.
T.K. turned around, his eyes filled with concern. "Are you okay, Mimi? he asked
runnong to her side. "Here. Drink this." He handed her a glass of steaming
liquid and sat down beside her on the bed.
"How long have I been out?"
"About 14 hours. I sent Matt a message. HE and the other Digidestined should be
here shortly for the cleanup. I wasn't able to send a distress call until a
little while ago."
Mimi nodded and took a sip of the liquid. She grimaced at the cup. The liquid
was semi-bitter but with a sweet aftertaste. It eased the pain quickly and left
her feeling lightheaded. "How strange," she murmured.
"Do you like it? I made it myself." T.K. smiled then stifled a yawn.
Mimi frowned. "Didn't you get any sleep last night?"
T.K. shook his head sheepishly. "I was afraid you might get worse so I watched
over you."
Mimi shook her head and wrapped her arms around T.K. "You big lout! Just because
I'm Matt's girlfriend doesn't mean you have to go out of your way to..."
T'K pressed his finger against Mimi's lips. "I didn't do it because you're
Matt's girlfriend. I did it because ... I love you."
Mimi's eyes widened, suddenly very aware of how close she was to T'K and the
fact that her outfit had been torn to shreds in the attack and was now very
revealing. "Oh no T.K. you don't mean that. You have Kari and..."
T.K. leaned forward and kissed Mimi, pulling her closer while pushing her back
on the bed. Mimi allowed herself to be laid down as she hungrily returned the
kiss, allowing T.K.'s tongue to explore her mouth.
At that point, the door opened and Matt and the others entered.
"T...." Matt found his voice gone as he saw his little brother lying on top of
his scantily clad girlfriend, kissing her. Kari came up behind him and let out a
gasp. T.K. lifted his head away from Mimi, returning Kari and Matt's looks of
matt shook his head. "I can't believe you T.K." He turned aeound and went to
leave the hut before turning back around to Mimi. "I think you should get your
stuff from my apartment, Mimi."
Mimi stared at Matt in shock as his underlying message sunk in. She pushed T.K.
off of her and ran past the still silent Kari to follow Matt. In the distance,
she say his blond head disappear into the forest.
"Matt! Wait up!"
Matt turned around, his anger showing clearly in his eyes. "About what? About
how I leave you alone to go to band practise only to come home to find you've
dissapeared in the Digiworld to screw around with my little brother? God he's
not even of legal age!"
"That's not what happened Matt! I was attacked by a digimon and lost
consciousness." Mimi felt tears form in her eyes at Matt's cold, unbelieving
face. "T.K took care of me before I woke up, then he kissed me. I didn't ask him
to do it." She grabbed his arm at the last part, pleading with her eyes for him
to believe her.
With a look of disgust, he pushed her away. "Whatever Mimi. I wasn't born
yesterday. That was not a one-way kiss no matter what you say. You were kissing
him back and from what I could see, you were enjoying it." He shook his head and
began to walk away.
Mimi's head was reeling. His voice was so harsh and cold. The worse part was she
knew he was right. She had kissed T.K. back and had enjoyed it, perhaps even
more than she did when she kissed Matt. She knew that she was so lost in the
moment she forgot that T.k was barely 15, a year and a half younger than her.
Tears still streaming down her face, she headed for the digiport to go back to
Matt's house. She would get her bags from his house, then go back to America. It
was better for everybody for her to leave. By staying in Japan, she would only
be making things worse.

End Flashback

Okay I'm going to leave that there for right now. I'm not really sure about this
fic. Should I continue it. I do have quite a bit more already written that I
could post if you guys like the prologue. To just summarize, Mimi has just
returned to Japan after a very scandulous exit. What will happen? Will the
Digidestined accept her back? What will Matt do? And T.K? Tell me if I should
write more. 5 requests is all it takes.

Chapter 1 : Prologue-MemoriesChapter 2 : Chapter 1- Foreign Home Next
Chapter ( 2 ) »

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Title: Second Chances
Name:~Mimi_Tachikawa~ (Signed Review)
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