Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Second Reich Diaries ❯ Entry 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Location: Berlin, Germany

Activation: 23/09/2002-02/02/2005 (disbanded)

Team Members: 4/5

Hans-Joachim Goeth

DoB: 09/10/1990

Current Location: Spandau, Germany

Partner: Dokunemon

Highest Achievable Form: Jewel Beemon - Perfect

Tobias Kaufmann

DoB: 29/12/1990

Current Location: Berlin, Germany(off active duty)

Partner: Hawkmon

Highest Achievable Form: Karatenmon - Perfect

Katrina Probst

DoB: 24/07/1991

Current Location: Berlin, Germany(off active duty)

Partner: Renamon

Highest Achievable Form: Doumon - Perfect

Nikolaus Reinhardt

DoB: 15/01/1991

Current Location: Unknown, Switzerland(off active duty)

Partner: Agumon

Highest Achievable Form: Master Tyranomon - Perfect

Karl Weber

DoB: 03/04/1991

Current Location: Berlin, Germany

Partner: Kokuwamon

Highest Achievable Form: Andromon - Perfect

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DISCLAIMER - Digimon belongs to several different companies of which I own none. Therefore all digimon used are their property and used without permission. The Diaries Universe belongs to Lord Archive, and is used with his permission. The German Digi-destined belong to the Diaries universe. All other miscellaneous characters are my meagre intellectual property.

By Misc666

Set in Lord Archive's Diaries Universe

Second Reich Diaries

Entry 1 - A New Beginning

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"Damn, never thought I'd ever go back to being a normal teenager. But now there's no need for me to go back to the Digital World." Karl's mantra was suddenly interrupted as some of the other people at the bus-stop turned to give him strange looks.

Of course he had to admit, normal could be equated to boring. Although this meant no death-defying acts or staring down giant bugs who wanted to kill him, it also meant no more fun just messing around in the Digital World. Sure he could go there whenever he wanted to, but he'd be alone. And it had always been Tobias who thought of fun things to do.

Tobias, he'd gotten out of hospital. But Karl hadn't been able to contact him, and he knew it was going to stay that way. When he'd had that last talk with Nikolaus he knew that Tobias and Katrina would be the same. It had been the Digital World that had destroyed them in so many ways. None of them was ever going to want to return, they were all stubborn.

"Are you okay?" Karl's thoughts were broken by the question. Looking to the side he found himself looking into a pair of inquisitive eyes. The owner of said eyes looked curiously at him as he fiddled with the school uniform he obviously wasn't too comfortable wearing.

"Yeah, just got caught up in my own thoughts. Why'd you ask?" The boy scrunched up his face as he tried to think of the answer to the question, or he may have been uncomfortable with saying it.

"Well, you looked really angry and kept mumbling people's names." Karl looked around and realised his mumbling had been the subject of attention at the bus-stop.

"No, I'm just going through a hard time in life. Just been having some problems with my friends." The kid suddenly cheered up as if the mention of the word 'friends' had reminded him of something good.

"Oh don't worry, there are new friends just waiting for you to meet them. Just yesterday I met one for myself, maybe you can get one like him." The boy grinned impishly as if he was telling a secret.

"Oh and where did you meet this friend?" Karl was barely listening as he asked the question.

"My friend is really cool, she showed me around her village. And then we played games all afternoon." The boy was extremely energetic by now and it was obvious that neither he nor Karl was listening to the other.

"Oh, what's her name then?" Karl looked off to see if the bus coming was his, and found that it wasn't.

"My friend? Well she said she was a Tentomon and that they all went by that name. So I guess she's called Tentomon." The boy grinned happily as some of the older people at the bus-stop began to lose interest in what they saw as being just the silly fantasies of a pre-teen.

"That's nice, wait did you just say she was a Tentomon?" Karl spun to face him anxiously as he realised something was off.

"Oh here's my bus." The boy ignored him as he rose to his feet and walked to the curb.

"You said she was a Tentomon, did you meet her in the Digital World?" The boy pulled out a bus pass as he climbed onto the bus. At the last second he spun to face Karl, allowing him a look at the red and black device the boy held.

"Yeah, how'd you…" The boy didn't finish the sentence as the door closed on the bus and it sped off.

"Damn, looks like the Digital World isn't going to leave Germany alone this time." Karl sighed as he resolved to contact Hans, as much as he disliked the neo-Nazi he still deserved to know about what had happened.


"Charles." Hearing her name the brown haired boy spun around, one hand pushing his bag back up his shoulder. A chubby girl named Sybille stood their panting as she finally caught up to him.

"What's wrong, don't you have Maths now?" The girl finally regained her breath and straightened up with a grin on her face.

"You remember that thing you showed me?" Charles cast a cautionary glance to either side of himself, but none of the other students seemed to be paying much attention to two young kids standing in the middle of the hallway during lesson changeover.

"You have to be a little quieter. I don't want the whole school to know about it. After all, it's not exactly a normal everyday occurrence." Despite saying this he still bent down to get the item in question out of his bag.

"Yeah, but I think I may be able to help you. Well I say 'I may', but I mean that I may know someone who can." Charles' eyebrow raised in interest as he finally found what he wanted in his bag.

"Who?" She grinned even wider at the interest displayed on his, normally bored, face.

"Show it to me again and I'll tell you." She grinned mischievously as he sighed.

"How about you tell me, and then I'll show you?" She shook her head, never losing her grin, and held out her hand. Grudgingly he pulled a device out of his bag and gave it to her. Cupping her hands around it she was subtle in her looking at it. Finally she passed it back to Charles.

Bemused he looked at the device he held, all brown with a lighter colour of brown on the grips. It held a fascination for him that no item ever had.

"So who should I talk to?" He sighed as she took a large breath. This normally meant her explanation was going to be far longer than it needed to be. And he really couldn't be bothered considering he was going to be late for English if she took to long.

"Well, I was talking to one of my cousins last night. And I just happened to mention it during the conversation. And well, he says to me that it reminds him of something he once saw at school one day. Apparently he saw a weird device fall out of the bag of someone in his class. So he said that you should hunt him down." She finally finished talking and he was able to get a word in.

"What was the guy's name?" His face had lost interest by now and he was already looking around at the empty hallway.

"Well the guy he mentioned was called Nikolaus Reinhardt." Charles already had a piece of paper out and was in the middle of writing down the name when Sybille grabbed it and pulled it away.

"What's wrong with that? It's easier to remember if I write it down." Sybille responded by cupping her face in her hand and shaking it.

"Sorry, apparently he's left school. But my cousin said that maybe you could try asking one of the guy's friends. One in particular he mentioned may be helpful, and is the only one that is apparently still at school at the moment, Karl Weber." Charles grunted acknowledgement as he took back his pencil and wrote the name down.

"Anyway, have fun in Maths." Charles started walking towards the front door of the school before Sybille caught on.

"Hey, you're not going to class?" He laughed slightly as he continued walking.

"It's already five minutes in. I'll catch up next lesson or something." She sighed at the laid back response to why he was going to skip class.

"Well, something else that may help you. My cousin goes to Leipziger Gymnasium, you may find him there… if he's not bunking lessons as well." With that she ran off to make it to class on time.

Making sure he was out of sight of the cameras Charles slipped out of school with his destination in mind. Time for him to pay Karl Weber a visit, and maybe get some answers.


"You're in a hurry." Sophia spun round to find herself face to face with the stubble covered face of Mr Kahl. Blushing heavily she apologised for running in the halls and walked off. No sooner had she left him did she bump into a group of friends standing around chatting.

"Sophia, where have you been? We've been waiting for you, and now the queue for lunch in giant." Sophia laughed softly at her friend's moaning, a quick look of her own showed the queue to be small in relation to normal.

"Well, I got held up by Mr Kahl, I was running to make it in time." One of the other girls blushed and said something under her breath while fiddling with her fingers. The others turned to face her and started asking her what she'd said.

"I said… Iwouldn'tmindbeingheldupbyMrKahl." She looked away bashfully as the others giggled.

"Is that so? But he's like, twenty four. He's like so old. He's going to be dead by the time you're out of school." Sophia enjoyed a giggle with the others while the girl pouted.

"He's not that old. And he's so cute." The girls started giggling again as the girl walked towards the lunch queue. A boy with reddish-brown hair was hastily doing up his tie in front of them and repeatedly saying that he was late. One of her friends nudged her in the ribs.

"Seems like someone was late today." This resulted in another round of giggling from the girls and a scowl from the boy who proceeded along the lunch queue picking up his food.

"Now, how about that boy?You've got more of a chance with him than you do with Mr Kahl, don't you think Vanessa?" The girl they'd teased earlier scrunched up her face and shook her head.

"No, he hasn't got Mr Kahl's rugged features. He doesn't even have any hair growing on his chin." The boy glared at them again as he picked up a drink and placed it on his tray.

"That's because I'm thirteen," muttered the boy as he walked off to find a table.

"Seems like he heard us." The lead girl giggled again as she debated whether to get chocolate or not, eventually she decided against dieting and grabbed one full of sugar.

"Well, he looks familiar… I think I've met him before." Sophia soon became a source of attention as the others crowded around her.

"Oh, who is he?" Sophia struggled to push herself away from their crowding as they spoke animatedly. Even Vanessa seemed to have forgotten about her own torment moments earlier.

"Just one of my older brother's friends, I think. Not anybody special, not at all. Nothing…" She trailed off as she thought about something. Technically she was lying to her friends, she knew that the boy was special.

"Heh, well don't worry. Let's go get us a table." With that they slid off to eat their lunch. But Sophia kept an eye on the boy, watching to see what he was doing.

"Hey Sophia, did you do the Maths homework?" She didn't here her friend at first but after a quick shaking she was brought back to reality, missing the boy who'd just walked up to the one she'd been looking at.

"Umm… yeah." Quickly she handed it over and turned around. But the boy was up and walking towards the exit with another in tow.

"You okay? You seem a little spaced." One of the girls waved a hand in front of her face.

"Maybe she's reminiscing about her run in with Mr Kahl. Maybe they'll be having another 'run-in' later on." The girls giggled as Vanessa got indignant.

"Sorry, I'll be back later. Just remembered something I had to do." Making her excuses she ran off out the door and after the other two. Luckily she spotted them heading towards the computer room and managed to catch up to them as they went in.


"Damn girls. I get in late and have to listen to their giggling." One of Karl's friends patted him on the back while munching away on a sandwich of his own. However his mouth was too full to talk, not that he didn't try and spray lettuce over the others.

"All girls their age are like that. Chances are every girl you'll ever go out will have been like that once." He went back to snacking on his sandwich as Karl looked down at his own half eaten sandwich.

"Are you Karl Weber?" Karl looked up in surprise at the boy standing there. His uniform wasn't from the school, and he recognised it as that of one of the International Schools across town. Why he was here was bizarre.

"Yeah, that's him. But I'm afraid you can't have him, he's already promised himself to me." Karl shrugged off his friend's arms as he got up and looked at the kid. Couldn't be older than the boy he'd met this morning.

"Yeah, I'm Karl Weber. What do you want?" Karl leaned against the table as he took a bite from his sandwich nonchalantly.

"Well, it's a bit private." At the sound of these works the other kids at the table nosily craned their heads to hear. Karl groaned as he smacked one round the head and stood up straight.

"Well, I know a quiet place. We'll go talk there. Heck, I get the feeling that I'm going to need that room again soon." Karl sighed as he began leading the boy away. And yet he felt compelled as he reached the door to look back into the crowd, straight at the table of the girls that had been behind him in the queue.

"Is something wrong?" Karl shook his head and walked out of the door with the computer room in mind. Many of the teams around the world quoted the school computer room as being good for open Digital Gates.

"I take it you have a D-3." Charles cocked his head to the side in confusion at Karl's question.

Sighing heavily Karl reached into his own pocket and brought out his own off-yellow and white one. Realising what he'd meant after seeing Karl's he pulled out his device.

"So it's called a D-3? Interesting name." But his was interrupted from pondering further as the door was thrown open and a girl stormed in.

"Why am I interested in you?" yelled the girl angrily as she stalked in. Obviously she was confused by the situation herself.

"I don't know." Karl waved his hands feebly as Charles ignored the two. Instead he was focused on the computer behind him.

"Is it because of the Digital World?" Again she was yelling loudly cowing Karl into silence.

"The Digital… how do you know about the Digital World?" Karl stared at her, taking in her brown hair and greyish eyes. Apart from being a girl she looked familiar, had she been in the Digital World before?

"What is going on?" She yelled once more before Karl felt a hand on his shoulder shaking him.

"What's the computer doing?" Karl spun around rapidly to find the screen flashing as something loaded on it. Charles kept saying something and yet the words didn't seem to make it to him.

"Well, I'm assuming it's opening a Digital Gate. Wait, a Digital…" Karl's speech was cut off as his D-3 flashed and he was sucked in. The other two could barely spare each other a glance before being pulled in as well.


"You'll never get used to it." Sophia moaned as she got off the pile she was on. The pile was in fact, after a quick look, the brown haired boy lying face down on the ground. The speaker was the red-haired boy from before sitting up against a rock, the way he held his side indicated his fall hadn't been nice either.

"Never get used to what?" But the boy seemed off in a world of his own looking at her; instinctively she scrunched up and blushed.

"Being, a Digidestined. You have one of these." He held up an off-yellow and white device. The other boy held up a device of his own, brown.

"What do you…" Looking down she realised what he'd been meaning, and why he'd been staring. In front of her lay a device of her own. Purple except for the white grips, and interesting contrast to those of the other two.

"Damn, I really hoped I wouldn't have to deal with this." Brushing himself off the boy held out a hand to pull up the younger one.

"Deal with this? What exactly is this place?" He sighed heavily as he held out a hand to pull her up as well. Ignoring it she got to her feet by herself and then bent over to pick up the device looking at it with curiosity.

"Three? Hmm, wonder if there's any more." Sophia scrunched her face up in annoyance. The boy refused to answer one simple question, no matter how many times she asked it. She shot a questioning glare at the younger boy who just shrugged.

"My name is Charles. He's called Karl, or so I've been told. And apparently this is the Digital World." The younger boy, Charles as he'd identified himself, busied himself with looking around.

"Okay, look here Karl… what is going on? I've heard about the Digital World but… Are you listening to me?" Karl turned to look at her, nodded and then turned away again mumbling something under his breath.

"Where is he? Where is he?" Karl suddenly brightened up while looking off into the distance. Sophia tried to strain her eyes to see what it was, but only saw a box like thing moving towards them. Suddenly she realised it was closer than she expected, a smaller box than she expected. And it was running.

"What is that?" asked Charles curiously as the figure walked into their field of vision. Sophia still found herself unable to work out what it was, being that it was a vaguely bug-like machine.

"This is my digimon partner, Kokuwamon. If you two are Digi-destined it means that there are two digimon waiting out there for you. Now we just have to look for them." Sophia threw him a questioning glance; she was more than aware of what digimon were and what it meant to have one as a partner. But was she really a Digi-destined? Charles however beat her to the question again.

"How do you know we're Digi-destined?" Karl looked away from his partner who'd nearly reached them to answer the question.

"Two reasons. First is that you're in the Digital World, anyone who enters the Digital World ultimately becomes Digi-destined. And secondly you have digivices, universal symbol of Digi-destined and Chosen everywhere." He smiled as Kokuwamon finally reached them, albeit looking slightly curious and confused.

"New Digi-destined? That means trouble, right?" Karl nodded to his partner's question as the bug-like machine looked over his shoulder.

"What's up with him?" Sophia looked down at what seemed like a very worried digimon.

"Don't suppose either of you has a partner? No? Well, we're going to have company in a second. He's been rampaging through several villages so I drew him off in this direction" Kokuwamon gestured to the distance as a hulking mass of blue crested the hill.

"A Raremon? How annoying, and yet very fitting. I take it that it's not going to back down?" Kokuwamon nodded grimly.

"What do you mean?" Sophia seemed to be grasping what the two were talking about, but still wasn't sure.

"We're going to have to delete it. Some digimon only live for destruction. Raremon are often a prime example of this. When you find something like it you generally have to ensure it can't do more damage." Karl's face was depressed as he said this; obviously he wasn't as fond of this point as others.

"That's what attacked the Reichstag a couple of years ago," stated Charles as he began to recognise it.

"Possible, but unlikely. Raremon seem to be one of the common types of digimon." Hastily he whipped out his D-3 again. Sophia noted that the screen was glowing.

"It won't take very long, it's vastly outmatched." Karl nodded at his partner.

"Kokuwamon evolve… Clockmon." A pillar of light engulfed Kokuwamon. And when it subsided he'd been replaced by a little man in a black costume with red gloves and a red hood. He also wielded a hammer and was, bizarrely, riding on a clock with arms and legs.

"Go burst his ears." Karl didn't seem to have any malicious intent as he said this, despite the tone it would normally be said with.

But then as Raremon came over the hill it exploded in a burst of flame. A weird butterfly made of fire shot forwards towards them. Sophia felt fear grip her as the sight of it nearly made her soil her underwear. But Karl kept a straight face, maybe even slightly annoyed.

"Damn it Hans, couldn't you introduce yourself first?" Karl growled as Shadramon landed in front of him. Hans meanwhile calmly walked towards him from behind where Raremon was deleting.

"Who's he?" Sophia blushed at the sight of the boy walking towards them. The complete opposite of Karl; he had short cut blond hair, brilliantly blue eyes, a tall limber physique, muscular arms and perfect skin. She wondered what it would be like to be held by those muscular arms.

"He, would be Hans-Joachim. Another member of the Berlin Team, and not a very nice one at that." She wondered how such a fine example of manhood could be mean, and failed to grasp it.

"I thought you said there was one new Digi-destined? Where'd the other come from?" Hans held the caterpillar-like Dokunemon in one arm as he looked over the two younger kids.

"Actually, I haven't been able to contact the first one yet. He found me and she walked in on the two of us. So that makes three new Digi-destined." Karl looked at them as well as he said this.

"Three replacements… seems like the Digital World likes being mathematically correct." Dokunemon let out a slight laugh as he said this.

"We're going to need to find their digimon partners. If you leave Dokunemon with me we'll look around tonight." Kokuwamon stared up at Hans who nodded.

"Fine. Karl, mind if I crash at your place. Normally I couldn't bring myself to staying at your dump. But I can't be bothered to return home tonight, my bitch of a step-mother seems to think I should take part in taking care of my half-brother. I hate babies." Karl looked irritated but agreed to it. Sophia was, meanwhile, beginning to understand what he'd meant.

"Anyway, could you explain some stuff to them? I've got to make a journey, got a Digi-destined to find." It was Hans' turn to look annoyed but he also agreed.

"So there are more of us?" Charles asked probingly.

"One more that I know of. Kokuwamon take care of yourself, not going to help out the situation if I suddenly find myself partnerless. Hans, I'll see you later on today. I assume you know the way to my house" After a nod from Hans Karl said his goodbyes and made his exit.

Hans once more looked at the two kids he'd been left with. Did he really have to baby-sit? Resigning himself to it he accepted the first question.


Maximillian von Weisskopf grinned as he shoved another piece of stew in his mouth. His mother cast a disapproving glare at the liquid that was dripping out from his lips. With a foppish smile he licked it off and went back to demolishing the large plate of stew. His father sighed as some of the stew flicked onto his newspaper.

"Don't you have homework to do?" Maximillian gave a bereaved look but his parents were unwavering. Sighing loudly, he swallowed the last of his dinner and got to his feet.

For a few seconds he just stood there looking around anxiously until his mother grabbed his head, and pointed him in the direction of the front hallway.

"You dropped your bag by the as you came in. In your hurry to play videogames, I must add." Maximillian smiled at his mother's veiled attempt to dissuade him from playing videogames on a school night.

Sighing he picked the bag up and walked up the stairs to his room.

"Whatever are we going to do with that boy?" she sat down at the table dejectedly as her husband smiled and got to his feet.

"Well, I wouldn't trade him in for anyone else. But now I have to go out quickly, one of my colleagues left today so we're getting together for some last drinks." She nodded and kissed him on the cheek as he adjusted his tie and headed out.

"Well, what am I going to do with myself?" She sighed as she looked at the empty cup which had, until she'd finished it, held coffee.

Then there was a surprise as the doorbell rang. With a surprising amount of excitement she got up and ran to answer it. The figure on the other side was not her husband deciding to stay at home tonight. Nor was it a travelling salesman, she'd gotten two during the day already.

Instead she found a teenager, although not a very old one at all. He had reddish-brown hair and brown eyes. She recognised the white shirt and the red and black tie as belonging to one of the secondary schools in the area, but not the public school her son went to. She was sure this boy attended one of the state schools. But why he was at her door was a mystery.

"Hello, you must be Mrs von Weisskopf." She nodded slightly.

"And you are?" The boy blushed as he realised he'd been impolite in not mentioning his own name.

"Sorry, I forgot myself for a second. My name is Karl Weber. I'm here about your son." She looked down in surprise at him. How could he know her son? And what had Maximillian done now?

"What about Maximillian?" The boy stopped once more as he looked around for a bit, as if he was thinking. But she soon realised that wasn't the problem. In thinking about him being impolite she'd done the same thing, she'd forgotten to ask him if he'd like to come in.

"Umm… is he home?" She nodded and led him into the front room seating him on a sofa.

"I'll go get him now." Hurrying she went up the stairs to his room. She was pleased to see his Maths book open on the bed, but then realised Maximillian was nowhere to be seen. Instead there was a faint glow coming from the computer.

"I should have guessed from what he said." She spun to found Karl staring at the computer.

"Should have guessed what? Where is my son? What is going on?" She realised that she was sounding hysterical but wasn't in the mood to stop it.

"Well, it's complicated. But he is okay, I assure you." He smiled as she finally calmed down.

"Would you like a drink?" She tried to take her attention off her missing son.

"Sure, I'll have some water. While we wait for Maximillian I'll explain the situation. It's really not as bad as it seems." He smiled again as he led her down the stairs.


Next Entry: Entry 2 -

Digi-destined and digimon. Two sides of the same coin. The search for partners begins. But Sophia worries; she didn't get the digivice until entering the Digital World. Was she even meant to be a Digi-destined? Or does this mean there's no destined partner for her?


A couple of miscellaneous background characters added in this chapter. Some will, of course, make appearances later on in the series, though I'm not saying which ones.