Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Sight of Friendship ❯ The Blind Digidestined ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
First of all: If you want to criticize this story, be very careful about what you say. I'm very excited about this day, March 11th, because it's my birthday and I'm 21. In other words, I don't want to see anything that will kill my really good mood today. Now let's get to the story. This is one of those Season 2 Digimon fics done my way, but please give mine a chance. I'll use some parts from the actual season, but most of this story will not involve the season that much. To prove what I'm saying to you, I have put two twists in this first chapter. But I won't tell you what they are yet because you'll find out.
' is thoughts

Chapter 1: The Blind Digidestined

Four years after the Dark Masters, the Digidestined's lives had calmed down a bit. Tai, Sora, Matt, Izzy, Joe and Mimi had gone to high school because they were now in their mid teens. TK and Kari had met up to walk to their first day of 8th grade at Tokyo Middle School.
"Fighting the Dark Masters was hard, but we won," TK said.
"You said it. I'm glad that we can just settle down. I thought I would never admit that I would rather go to school then face the Dark Masters," Kari said.
"I've been thinking the same thing. Maybe it's a coincidence," TK said.
Tokyo Middle school wasn't too far from where both of them lived. Kari and TK actually lived right across the street from each other. They hung out a lot and went on outings. How much they hung around started rumors that they were a couple through their neighborhood and even the school. But TK and Kari wouldn't be a couple. They were just good friends. TK and Kari's friendship only went to that of siblings, nothing more. About ten minutes later, they reached the school and entered. They saw kids hanging out in the hall.
"Hey!" a female voice shouted.
TK and Kari looked to see a girl with purple hair and glasses with a short boy with brown hair coming toward them. Soon, they met.
"Hi, my name is Yolie. This boy next to me is Cody," the girl said.
"My name's TK," TK said.
"And my name's Kari," Kari added.
"Kari? As in Kari Kamiya?" Cody asked.
"Yes, how do you know?" Kari asked.
"Your brother Tai had left quite the impression as a soccer player here," Yolie responded.
"Oh, silly me. I always forget about that," Kari said, blushing in embarrassment.
"Let's get to class. The bell is going to ring soon," TK said.
"What class do you have first?" Cody asked.
"Pre-Algebra," TK and Kari chorused together.
"Cody and I are in that class too. Let's go together," Yolie said.
TK and Kari nodded, and they headed off to class. They got in, sat in their seats and waited for the teacher to walk in. The teacher walked in just after the bell rung.
"Good morning class," the teacher said.
"Good morning Mr. Young," the class said.
"Before we begin, I would like to introduce you to a new student. He moved from Kyoto and decided to come here. He's only been in Tokyo for two months so far. Davis Motomiya, will you come in here please?" Mr. Young said.
The first thing to enter the classroom was a dog. The dog was a golden retriever. Then the class could see a leash as the dog was fully inside the classroom. Then they saw a boy with spiky brown hair enter the room. The whole class did a double take because this boy looked a lot like Tai. His dog led him to the front of the class.
"This is Davis Motomiya. As you probably guessed from the dog, he is blind. So I don't want to hear about anyone picking on him because he's blind. I or any other teacher will send you directly to the principal's office if you do. Davis, you can take a seat in front of Yolie. Yolie, will you raise your hand so his dog can guide him to his seat?" Mr. Young said.
Yolie raised her hand, and the golden retriever led Davis to the seat. 'I want to know him a little better. Maybe I can at break,' she thought.
The doy lay down after Davis sat in the seat. As class went on, everyone was basically focused on Davis, not Mr. Young. They haven't had a blind person at the school before according to the principal. When class ended forty minutes later, everyone's eyes were still on Davis as he left for his next class. The whole day was like that. Everyone couldn't grasp the idea of a blind person coming to a different school yet. When the final bell rung, most of the students prepared to go home. Davis on the other hand, wanted to get some of his homework done and headed for the computer lab.
"Wait up!" four voices shouted.
Davis turned around. The dog began to growl at the four children coming toward them.
"Annie down," Davis said.
Soon, the four students were an arms length from Davis.
"What is it?" Davis asked.
"I'm Yolie, and these are my friends Cody, TK, and Kari. We wanted to know why you transferred here. I'm sorry, but it's kind of weird for a blind person to be here," Yolie responded.
"I don't take offense. I wonder the same thing actually. I guess it's because I wanted to live in Tokyo. I was born in Kyoto," Davis said.
"How's it like in Kyoto?" TK asked.
"It's a lot quieter than this place. But I don't mind how lively this place is. I've been hoping for it. Kyoto is too dull for me, so I moved here," Davis responded.
"What did you do in Kyoto?" Kari asked.
"For the most part, I played soccer. I know it's really strange for a blind person like me, but I learned to use my other senses," Davis responded.
The others were stunned to hear that. A blind person who plays soccer? Now that wasn't something you would hear about everyday.
"Have you heard about my brother Tai?" Kari asked.
"Yes I have. I heard that he's quite good at soccer. I wasn't able to see him play, but my parents told me everything that happened. If he and I were to play one on one, he would probably kick my butt," Davis responded.
"You don't know that Davis. Maybe you could beat him," Cody said.
"Maybe," Davis said.
"Say, how did you become blind anyway?" Yolie asked innocently.
That was the one question Davis hoped they didn't ask. He already had to re-live that every night in his dreams. But it would be better if they knew.
"I hoped that you really wouldn't have asked that question Yolie. I'll tell you though because you have the right to know," Davis said as he began his story.

| Flashback to 10 years ago |

It was a very wet day in the city of Kyoto. It was currently 3:30pm and it had rained hard since 7am that morning. Two inches of rain had fallen already. But the draining system in Kyoto was the second best, Tokyo having the best draining system, so there really wasn't a threat for floods. Kyoto was basically flatland so there wasn't a threat for mudslides either.
Davis, just 3-years old at the time, was walking with his parents from the store. The store wasn't really that far from their house so they would always walk. Davis's mother had bought a little cart that she could push to the store whenever she went(A/N: I have one myself. Let me tell you, it's quite convenient, especially because the area around my school has some hills to walk up and down).
"I can't wait for those muffins you said you would bake mom. You're the best at it," Davis said.
"Why thank you honey. I'll get to work on them as soon as we get settled at home," Mrs. Motomiya said.
The light had turned green, and they began to cross the street. That's when disaster struck. A car wanting to turn left wasn't looking to see pedestrians in the crosswalk. When the person did see the people, it was too late. The person slammed on his brakes, but the car went into a skid and was now out of control. Davis saw the car first.
"Mom, dad, lookout!" Davis shouted.
Mr. and Mrs. Motomiya looked and saw the care heading towards them. They ran across the street. Davis wasn't as fast as them an was lagging behind. Then, the inevitable happened. The car slammed full force into Davis, flinging him thirty feet the other way. He landed hard on the sidewalk face up. The car had stopped upon slamming into Davis.
"Davis!" Mr. and Mrs. Motomiya cried in horror.
The driver got out of the car. Using his cell phone, he called for an ambulance. "I'm very sorry. I should've looked before I began to turn," he said.
"That's not important now. What's important is that Davis gets to a hospital and fast," Mr. Motomiya said.
The ambulance came twenty minutes later, and Davis was rushed to the hospital. His parents' rode in the ambulance, and the driver of the car followed the ambulance. Upon arriving at the hospital, Davis's parents and the driver who hit him were in the waiting room. The driver called his house and told his wife what happened. The wife was very worried for the little boy and soon came to the hospital as well.
"I'm Mrs. Anna Lee, and this is my husband George," the wife said.
"I'm Mrs. Kathy Motomiya, and this is my husband Jim," Mrs. Motomiya said.
After three hours, the doctor came into the waiting room.
"How is he?" Jim asked.
"That collision has done irreversible damage to a part of his brain. That part deals with being able to see. I'm sorry Mr. and Mrs. Motomiya, but your son is permanently blind now," the doctor responded.
Davis's parents and Anna and George were horrified about hearing that. Davis was still very young. There were a lot of things he could've seen. Now he would never be able to see again. But Mr. and Mrs. Motomiya as well as Davis's sister Jun found a way to deal with Davis's blindness. They made sure that he could still live like a normal kid. They had bought him a female golden retriever to help him get around. In a few years time, things had gotten back to normal again, even though Davis was blind. Even Mr. and Mrs. Lee helped out. The truth was that they were actually next-door neighbors.

| End Flashback |

The others were just speechless after hearing the story. A few moments later, Yolie and Cody began to head home while the TK and Kari went to the computer lab with Davis. To Kari and TK's surprise, Izzy and Tai were waiting for them.
"Izzy, Tai, what are you doing here?" Kari asked.
"We were just waiting for you when we got a distress call from Agumon," Tai responded.
"Agumon?" Davis asked.
"He's Tai's Digimon partner," TK responded.
Suddenly, the computer glowed a blue light, and something shot out from the computer and into Davis's hand. The light took shape. When the light dimmed, an updated Digivice was the result. The ones who could see couldn't believe it. Davis was a chosen. Then the computer had a split screen. One side of the computer glowed yellow, and the other side glowed a pinkish red.
Yolie and Cody were just about down the hall when something formed in their hands. "What is this thing?" they asked.
"What is this that I'm holding?" Davis asked.
"It's a Digivice Davis. But it doesn't look like the ones that TK, Tai, Izzy and I have. It looks a lot different," Kari responded.
"It means that you are a Digidestined like us," Tai said.
"I think the explanation can come later. Right now, we have to find a way to help Agumon," Davis said.
"But how can we get in? The gate to the Digital World closed after the Dark Masters' defeat," TK said.
Davis just happened to have his new Digivice facing the computer. The next thing that happened is that he, Tai, TK and Kari found themselves traveling through the computer. A few moments later, they arrived in the Digital World. Tai, TK and Kari were surprised. Tai then thought about something.
'Davis had that new Digivice facing the computer. It must've opened the gate. But I wonder who got the other two,' Tai thought.
"Tai, you came!" a familiar voice shouted.
Tai looked ahead to see three familiar Digimon heading his way. "Agumon!" Tai happily shouted before Agumon jumped into his arms.
"TK!" a little flying pig shouted.
"Patamon!" TK happily shouted when Patamon flew into his arms.
"Kari!" a cat Digimon shouted.
"Gatomon!" Kari happily shouted as well.
If Davis could see, he would've been very amazed. "What's going on?" he asked.
"Oh, sorry Davis. Agumon, Patamon, Gatomon, this is our friend Davis," Tai said.
"You look almost just like Tai," Agumon said.
"He does," Kari agreed.
Patamon noticed something wrong with Davis's eyes. "What's wrong with your eyes?" he asked.
"I'm blind Patamon," Davis responded, facing Patamon.
"How did you know where I was then?" Patamon asked.
"I learned to use my other senses. I heard your voice coming from behind me so I just turned. I can face people who talk to me just after hearing them. It helps me know where they are," Davis responded.
"That's a good thing to know," Gatomon said.
"Yes it is. But what happened here? Tai said that Agumon sent a distress call," Davis said.
"Not being able to see is a good thing in this case. Someone who calls himself the Digimon Emperor has taken control of the Digital World. He enslaved a lot of the Digimon. He has a dark D3 that prevents regular Digivolution," Gatomon said.
"I don't have a dark D3, but does his D3 look something like this?" Davis asked, showing his D3 to Gatomon.
"It looks like that, except yours is blue," Agumon said.
They didn't have any more time to ponder because they heard an explosion very close to them. The ones who could see looked ahead and saw a Centarumon.
"That's Centarumon. He's usually a peaceful Digimon. Watch out for his Solar Ray attack," Patamon said.
"This one doesn't look peaceful. Look at his eyes," TK said.
The ones who could see saw that this Centarumon's eyes had an eerie red glow to them. Upon a closer look, they could see something that looked like a black ring on his arm.
"He's got some kind of dark ring on his arm. Maybe that's what's controlling him," Tai said.
"Solar Ray!" Centarumon shouted.
"Out of the way everyone!" Gatomon shouted.
TK helped Davis get out of the way. They fled from the controlled Centarumon. They found a cave and ran into it. It was just in time because the Centarumon fired another Solar Ray. The beam missed them, but it also sealed them in.
"Now what do we do?" Kari asked.
"Let's explore. Maybe we'll find another way out," Davis said.
The others nodded, and Tai helped Davis get around. An hour later, they came across something strange. An egg was standing up, but it was anything but an ordinary egg. It had a large spike coming out the top, and it was the color of fire. The ones who could see noticed that the egg had the symbol of courage on it.
"Whatever laid that egg must've had a hard time walking for a while," Gatomon said.
"You think we should lift it and see what happens?" Davis asked.
"It's worth a try. You should go first Tai," Agumon responded.
"Okay," Tai said. He approached the egg and tried to lift it, but he couldn't. He tried again, but the egg wouldn't budge.
"Let me try," TK said. He tried, but the same result happened.
"Maybe I can lift it," Kari said. She tried, but the egg still wouldn't move.
"Let me try now," Davis said.
TK led him to the egg. "It's right in front of you Davis. Grab onto it where I positioned your hands because there is a large spike coming from the top," he said.
"Thanks TK," Davis said. He felt the egg and held onto it where TK positioned his[Davis's] hands and pulled.
The egg easily came out. The others were shocked at that. But the shock didn't end there. For an orange light shone out of the spot the egg once took. The light began to take shape again. A small blue and white Digimon with a small horn on its nose began to form. It was curled up on itself. As the light dimmed, the Digimon opened its eyes. It had wide, childlike red eyes.
Then the little Digimon reavealed a pair of wings. These wings were feathery and the same blue color as its body. When it saw Davis, it was overjoyed. It began jumping up and down around Davis. Of course, Davis couldn't see it.
"You freed me. You freed me. You lifted the Digiegg of Courage and freed me. I'm your Digimon partner," the Digimon said, obviously a male.
"You are?" Davis asked.
"Yes I am. My name is Veemon," the Digimon responded. He looked up at Davis and was puzzled about how Davis looked at him. "Why are you looking at me like that? Can't you see me?" he added.
"Actually Veemon, no I can't. I'm blind," Davis responded.
"Oh," Veemon said.
Before anyone could say anything else, an explosion shook the cave. Centarumon had finally blasted through the sealed cave. Now he closed in for the kill. With Agumon, Patamon and Gatomon unable to Digivolve, things really didn't look in the Digidestined's favor.
"Davis, the only way I can handle this Digimon is if I Digivolve," Veemon said.
"How can you Digivolve when Agumon, Patamon and Gatomon can't?" Davis asked.
"Say Digi Armor Energize, and I'll handle the rest," Veemon responded.
"All right Veemon. Go get him. Digi Armor Energize!" Davis said.
Veemon was then surrounded in an orange light as he began his transformation. "Veemon Armor Digivolve to..." He was surrounded in fire.
Then the fire formed a new figure. This figure looked like a taller version of Veemon. When the flames dimmed, the figure left standing had pieces of the Digiegg of Courage on his head, chest, hands, thighs and feet. A large spike came out of his head. His eyes were a lot sharper than he wide eyes he had as Veemon.
"Flamedramon: The Fire of Courage!" the new Digimon announced in a much deeper voice than Veemon's.
This new Digimon's wings were twice as big as he was. The ones who could see where stunned.
"Who are you and how were you able to Digivolve when the others couldn't?" Tai asked.
"I am Flamedramon. I used the Digiegg of Courage to perform a new kind of Digivolution known as the Armor Digivolution. My Fire Rocket, Flame Shield and Flaming Fist attacks give my enemies more than a hot foot," the Digimon responded.
The Centarumon took aim right at Davis. "Solar Ray!" he shouted.
The attack was pretty quiet so Davis didn't know where it came from.
"Dodge left!" Agumon shouted.
Davis complied and got out of the way wiht only seconds to spare. But Centarumon fired another Solar Ray at Davis. This time, it came from behind.
"Duck!" Flamedramon shouted.
Davis ducked, and the beam missed him again. Centarumon didn't slow down too much and fired as soon as Davis got back up. This Solar Ray came at Davis quicker than the others so he wouldn't have the time to avoid it. The others could only watch. Well, the others except Flamedramon. Tai, TK, Kari, Agumon and Gatomon didn't see Flamedramon anywhere.
"Where did Flamedramon go?" Patamon asked.
The answer came soon enough as Davis felt strong arms wrap around him. Flamedramon quickly flew up, completely escaping the Solar Ray.
"Are you all right?" Flamedramon asked.
"I am now. Thank you," Davis responded.
"Now let's take care of that Centarumon," Flamedramon said as he put Davis on his back.
"There's some kind of dark ring on his arm. If you can destroy that, I think he will be back to normal," Davis said.
"I gotcha," Flamedramon said. He flew in towards the Centarumon.
"Solar Ray!" Centarumon shouted.
"Hang on Davis," Flamedramon said as he spun in the air to dodge the attack. "Now it's my turn," he added.
His armored had glowed orange. The orange light soon became a fiery aura.
"Fire Rocket!" Flamedramon shouted, launching three small missile-like fireballs from his hand.
Two of the fireballs struck Centarumon. The third struck the dark ring. The dark ring shattered, and the Centarumon's eyes were back to normal. Then Flamedramon landed.
"What happened?" the Centarumon asked.
"You were under the Digimon Emperor's control. But Flamedramon freed you," Davis responded.
"Thank you," Centarumon said before galloping off into the distance.
Davis got off of Flamedramon's back. Flamedramon then reverted to Veemon. Then the humans headed for the port they came out of. The Digimon followed close behind. When at the port, the Digimon waved goodbye and left. Davis opened the Digiport, and the Digidestined went through.
Meanwhile in another part of the Digital World, a boy watched everything that progressed. The boy wore dark clothing and had dark unruly hair. He wore shades over his eyes and had a dark D3 on his belt. This was the Digimon Emperor. He was impressed to see what a blind person could do.
"Is there something on your mind master?" a voice asked.
"It's none of your concern Wormmon," the emperor responded. 'Hmm, that boy is pretty impressive for a blind person. And that Digimon of his was impressive too. But I know that more Digidestined will soon come. I'd like to know whom I'll be up against. It won't matter anyway. They don't stand a chance against me,' the emperor thought.

And here's the end of chapter 1. What do you think so far? Remember, be careful what you say today because I'm in a very good mood and I want to stay that way. Preview for Chapter 2: Prisoner: Two more additions join the Digidestined. But on the way to claim two more Digieggs, the emperor strikes again. Flamedramon battles the controlled Digimon. But the strike is really just a way to keep Flamedramon busy because he and the others fail to notice one of the controlled Digimon capture Davis. This will be one of two parts so expect a cliffhanger at the end of chapter 2 okay?

Hyperman: Thank you for responding to my question. I'll make sure I include the Digimon you want to see in this story.