Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Sight of Friendship ❯ Prisoner ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Recap: TK and Kari headed to their first day of 8th grade. They met some new friends including a purple-haired girl named Yolie, a short brunette named Cody and a brunette named Davis. But they found out that Davis was actually a blind person and were even more amazed that Davis could play soccer. The most amazing thing yet was that he was a Digidestined. Upon encountering a controlled Centarumon, Davis got his partner Veemon, and they were able to free the Centarumon.
' is thoughts.

Chapter 2: Prisoner

Tai, Davis, Kari and Tk came back through the school lab computer. They were back in the computer lab. But they came out in a tangled heap. They soon got untangled and stood up, only for Annie to jump Davis. Annie then started licking Davis's face. She was glad to see her master back safe.
"Okay Annie, I'm glad to be back too," Davis said laughingly. "Now can you please get off me?" he added.
Annie got off Davis, and Tai helped him up. Just then, Yolie and Cody came into the computer room. They had seen the bright light coming from it on their way to it and really wanted to know what was going on. Upon entering, Yolie and Cody saw the others. Upon a closer look, Davis had something similar to what they held except for the color.
"Can someone explain what's going on and what are these things?" Yolie asked as she held up her D3 for all to see.
"So you and Cody are the ones who got the other two," Tai said. "We were responding to a distress cll from my partner Agumon. When Davis came to the computer, a blue light that formed a D3 shot out into his hand. Then the computer glowed yellow and pinkish red and shot out two beams of light. We now know that those beams of light formed into your D3s," he added.
"It means that you are Digidestined like us," Kari said.
"You're a Digidestined?" Cody asked.
"I sure am. I was part of the first group of Digidestined four years ago. So were Tai, Izzy and TK," Kari responded.
Davis put his hands at his sides when he felt something in his right shorts' pocket. He pulled it out. "Hmm, I didn't know this was here," he said as he held it for everyone to see.
"That's a D-terminal," Izzy said.
"How do you know that it's a D-terminal?" Yolie asked.
"Well, I have been in frequent contact with Gennai. He told me about new devices that will help with communication between the newer Digidestined. You will be able to send email with it. I can see that the screen has a picture of your Digiegg in it Davis. That must mean that the Digiegg is instide the D-terminal," Izzy responded.
"Well I should be heading home," Davis said, putting his D-terminal back into his pocket and his D3 on his belt.
Annie moved up to Davis. Davis felt for the leash and took it in his left hand. Then Annie led Davis out of the school and towards home. Yolie then told Tai and Izzy more about Davis. It goes without saying that Taie and Izzy were stunned. Not only was Davis a Digidestined, but he could also play soccer. Those were pretty good accomplishments for a blind person.
"He's amazing for a blind person. I would've never thought that he would choose to play soccer or any sport for that manner," Tai said.
"I agree Tai. He handled himself very well in the Digital World too," TK said.
"Yes he did. I think that he would make a good leader. What do you think about it?" Kari added.
"He most definitely would. We'll ask him about it," Tai replied.
Meanwhile in the Digital World, the Digimon Emperor had an army of Digimon ready for the arrival of the Digidestined. He knew that they would be back. But one of them had his interest in particular. The one called Davis. The emperor couldn't help but be amazed after seeing all that happened.
'The blind one will most likely be my biggest adversary. I'll need to deal with him first,' the emperor thought.
The next day, Davis, Cody, Yolie, TK and Kari went to the computer lab to go to the Digital World. They got another surprise. Sora was with Izzy. Sora was glad to see TK and Kari again and wondered about their new friends.
"Hey TK, Kari, who are your new friends?" Sora asked.
"Sora, these are our friends Yolie, Cody and Davis," Kari responded. She noticed Davis turning his head around trying to locate Sora. "Oh, Sora's right in front of you Davis. Davis is blind Sora. But even in saying that, he's a soccer player. He is also a Digidestined like us," she added.
"You don't say. And can I assume that Yolie and Cody are Digidestined too?" Sora said.
"Yes you can," Cody responded as he and Yolie held up their D3s.
Davis then pulled out his D3 as well. He put his D3 in front of the computer screen after Yolie guided him to it. "Digiport Open," he said.
Then, the Digidestined felt themselves traveling through the computer. When they came out, the ones that could see and were here before could see things were just slightly better than before. They didn't have time to ponder before two voices broke the silence.
"Sora, you're back!" a female voice shouted.
"Izzy, you're here!" a male and kind of nerdy voice(A/N: I'm sorry about this, but it's the only way that I can describe Tentomon's voice) shouted.
Sora and Izzy looked back. They saw two very familiar creatures flying their way. One creature was a little pink bird, and the other was a ladybug-looking creature.
"Biyomon!" Sora said as Biyomon landed next to her.
"Tentomon!" Izzy said kneeling.
Tentomon landed next to Izzy. "How have you been?" he asked.
"Oh, things have been pretty crazy these past couple of days," Izzy responded.
"Crazy is right. We all enjoyed peace here in the Digital World when someone who called himself the Digimon Emperor came out of nowhere and started enslaving Digimon. Tentomon, Gabumon, Agumon, Patamon, Gatomon, Gommamon, Palmon and I were luckly to escape before we could become enslaved as well," Biyomon said.
"But the Digimon Emperor found a way to keep use from Digivolving," Tentomon said.
"Keep you from Digivolving regularly anyway," TK said.
"What do you mean?" Biyomon asked.
"There is a new kind of Digivolution called Armor Digivolution. Davis's partner Veemon did it to free an enslaved Centarumon," Kari responded.
"Davis is a Digidestined?" Biyomon and Tentomon asked in shock.
"I sure am," Davis responded, holding up his D3 to prove his point.
"We are too," Yolie and Cody said, also holding up their D3s.
"Hey, you're back," a familiar voice said.
The others looked back to see Veemon, Gatomon and Patamon walking towards them. Well, Gatomon was the only one walking. Veemon and Patamon were flying. TK and Kari smiled upon seeing their Digimon partners again. Yolie and Cody were just amazed. It made them wonder if they also had Digimon partners.
"Do you think we have partners as well?" Cody asked.
"You probably do. We just have to find them," Izzy responded.
Just then, Yolie and Cody's D3s started beeping. They pulled their D3s out and saw an arrow pointing straight ahead on the screen.
"Maybe our D3s are pointing to something," Yolie said.
"It could be another Digiegg," Davis suggested.
"It could be. Let's try and find it," Sora said.
The Digidestined and Digimon set off to find the egg. Yolie and Cody led the way since their D3s picked up the signal. They didn't know that this meant that whatever gave off the signal was theirs. Davis's D3 didn't go off as well because he already claimed the egg that would've sent him the signal. And there wasn't just one egg giving off the signal this time, but there were two eggs.
Meanwhile in another part of the Digital World, the Digimon Emperor was just about ready to put his plan into action. He gathered up an army of Frigimon and Coelamon. He planned to capture Davis. The army of controlled Digimon would serve as a diversion while a separate controlled Frigimon made off with Davis.
"Perfect, those brats are here. Now to put my plan into action," the Digimon Emperor said. "Now go and bring the blind Digidestined to me," he told the Coelamon and Frigimon.
The flying base was near a lake so the Coelamon jumped in. The Frigimon walked out, and the base went back into the air. The dark rings on the Digimon were made to track D3 signals. Since the emperor had one, he made it so that his controlled Digimon would be able to track the signals of any other D3 that is in the Digital World.
Meanwhile, the Digidestined were getting closer to whatever was giving off that signal. They came to a cave, but it was different from the one that Tai, TK, Kari and Davis were forced to go int. The walls were orange instead of the typical brown color. There were two Digieggs in this cave, one giving off a pinkish red energy, and the other giving off a yellow energy. As everyone knows, red and yellow make orange.
"We're getting closer guys," Cody said.
Soon, they came to the eggs. One of them looked like an oval with wings and had the symbol of love on it, and the other looked like it was carved out of rock and had the symbol of knowledge on it. Sora and Izzy went to pick up the eggs. The eggs didn't move an inch.
"Yolie, Cody, maybe you should try. I was able to lift the Egg of Courage when Tai couldn't. Maybe you can lift the egg of love, and Cody can lift the egg of Knowledge," Davis suggested.
"A good deduction Davis," Izzy said.
Yolie and Cody went up to the eggs and pulled. The eggs came out with no problem. Yolie and Cody were quite confused about it.
"How could we lift the eggs?" Cody asked.
"Your D3 is yellow Cody, just like the yellow energy your egg was giving off. Yolie's D3 is pinkish red, similar to the energy her egg gave off," Izzy responded.
"So our D3s were actually the clue as into whose eggs these belonged to?" Yolie asked.
"That's right Yolie," Sora responded.
Then, two lights came out of the places where the eggs once stood. Just like when Davis removed the Egg of Courage, these lights formed Digimon. The pinkish red light formed into a small red bird with a feather on its head, and the yellow light formed into a small armadillo with green eyes. The two Digimon opened their eyes and saw the group of people around.
"You've come. You finally come. You lifted the Egg of Love, and I'm now your Digimon partner Yolie. My name is Hawkmon," the little bird said.
"Howdy Cody, how are ya? You were able to lift the Egg of Knowledge so I'm your partner. My name's Armadillomon," the armadillo Digidmon said.
There was no time to ask questions because a cave wall was frozen solid before punched in. A group of Frigimon then came into the new hole followed by Coelamon. Everyone except Davis could then see dark rings on their necks.
"It's more of those dark rings. That means the Digimon Emperor is behind this," TK said.
"Are you ready Veemon?" Davis asked.
"Ready and waiting Davis," Veemon responded.
"Digi Armor Energize!" Davis shouted.
Veemon Armor Digivolve to...Flamedramon: The Fire of Courage!"
"Sub-Zero Ice Punch!" a Frigimon shouted as it lunged for Flamedramon.
"Flaming Fist!" Flamedramon countered. He burned through Frigimon's attack.
The other Frigimon and Coelamon started attackin the others. The actual plan was to separate them. By seeing one of the Digidestined help Davis around, the Frigimon figured out that the one that was being helped had to be the blind one.
"The one that blonde is helping must be the blind one. Let's get him," one of the Frigimon said.
"Mussel Bite!" the Coelamon shouted.
A barrage of clam-like creatures shot out at the Digidestined. Everyone scattered. The Coelamon and Frigimon kept attacking, splitting the Digidestined from each other even further. Flamedramon tried to help, but he was pretty busy with some of the Frigimon and Coelamon himself. No one had noticed that Davis had unintentionally wandered off. In the other Digidestined's hassle to keep away from the controlled Digimons' attacks, Davis went another way and became separated from the group. This was exactly the moment that the separate Frigimon waited for. Davis soon felt a very cold arm wrap around him.
"Now I'm going to take you to the emperor," the controlled Frigimon said.
Davis knew that struggling was useless. He could only hope that Flamedramon and the others would be able to find him. Speaking of Flamedramon and the others, they still had their hands full with the other Frigimon and Coelamon.
"Yolie, say Digi Armor Energize. I can help Flamedramon," Hawkmon said.
"The same for you Cody," Armadillomon said.
"All right, go help Flamedramon. Digi Armor Energize!" Yolie and Cody said.
"Hawkmon Armor Digivolve to..." Hawkmon said as the Digiegg of Love merged with him.
Then what appeared to be clouds surrounded Hawkmon. The clouds then formed a new figure. When the clouds dissipated, the figure looked like a four-legged eagle. The figure had a large piece of the Digiegg of Love's armor on his head and wings.
"Halsemon: The Wings of Love!" the new figure said in a deeper voice than Hawkmon's.
"Armadillomon Armor Digivolve to..." Armadillomon said as the Egg of Knowledge began to merge with him.
Armadillomon was then surrounded in rocks. The rocks then formed the shape of a new figure. The new figure drilled his way out to reveal a yellow insect-like Digimon with drills on his nose and hands.
"Digmon: The Drill of Power!" the new figure said.
"Whoa," Yolie said.
"Double whoa," Cody added.
"I am Halsemon. As Hawkmon, I used the Digiegg of Love to Armor Digivolve. My Tempest Wing attack blows away my enemies," the four-legged eagle Digimon said.
"I am Digmon. As Armadillomon, I used the Digiegg of Knowledge to Armor Digivolve. My Gold Rush and Rock Cracking attacks put my enemies in a deep hole," the insect-like Digimon said.
"Now, let's free these Digimon of their dark rings," Flamedramon said.
"You've got it Flamedramon," Halsemon said.
"Let's see how they like this. Gold Rush!" Digmon said.
The drills on his nose and hands shot out at the controlled Digimons' dark rings. The drills hit their mark and five of the ten Frigimon was freed.
"My turn now," Halsemon said as his wings glowed. "Tempest Wing!" he shouted as he spun straight for another Frigimon.
The dark ring on that one also shattered.
"My turn," Flamedramon said. "Fire Rocket!"
By working together, Flamedramon, Halsemon and Digmon had quickly freed the Frigimon and Coelamon of their dark rings. The freed Digimon thanked them and left. It was then that Flamedramon felt that something was very wrong. The others could tell that something was bothering Flamedramon.
"What is it Flamedramon?" Kari asked.
"It feels like something's missing," Flamedramon responded. He looked around and then immediately realized what was wrong. "Davis is gone!" he shouted.
"What?!" the others shouted. They looked around and saw that Davis was indeed missing. "Where could be be?" they asked.
"I'm getting the feeling that Davis got separated from us and was then captured," Flamedramon responded. He didn't know how right he was.
Meanwhile at the Digimon Emperor's base, Davis was locked up in a cell. The Digimon Emperor had told the Frigimon to immediately lock Davis up. Davis just awaited his fate. He soon heard footsteps approaching him. He knew that it had to be the Digimon Emperor.
"You're pretty impressive for a blind person. I would've never expected you to be one of the Digidestined," the emperor said.
"Maybe this will show you to never underestimate a blind person next time," Davis said.
"Don't take that tone with me. You are in no position to. You'll learn your fate soon enough," the emperor said. Then he left.
Davis just hung his head low. 'How can I get out of here? The emperor probably has a lot of Digimon in the base. If I try to escape, I probably wouldn't get too far before I was spotted by him or the Digimon. What am I to do?' he thought.

Cliffhanger just like I said there would be. For those who don't like cliffhangers, I really don't either. But sometimes even I have to admit that there are some points of a story that a cliffhanger works well for an ending. And this seemed like the right place to put a cliffhanger to me. Anyway, sorry for making you wait this long, but I'm out for the summer now ^__________^. That means that I can work on my stories a lot more due to the abundance of free time I have. Moving on, preview for Chapter 3: The Upgrade: The search for Davis is on as the Digidestined and their Digimon split off into teams.

Oh and to HyperMan: Your suggestion to have Mikemon will happen in Chapter 3. I was able to find Betsumon on the web. Since Betsumon is an Ultimate, I will include him later on in this story. Mikemon will be better to use since he's the Champion-level of Betsumon.

To everyone: If you want to see a Digimon in this story, send what Digimon you would like to see my way. It can even be one of the Digidestined's Digimon that will be captured and used against the Digidestined. I did it with Patamon in The Strength of Friendship, and I will do it for this story if you want to see it.