Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Sing To Me ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

If one thought long and hard, they would find that the Digital World and the Real World were similar in many ways. Some humans and digimon would deny such a possibility, but deep down they knew the truth.

Digimon and Humans are resourceful to the end, talented, intelligent, and friendly to one another. Sometimes. Those were just the positives.

Unfortunately, the Digimon also have inherited a Human's less pleasant traits. They can also be violent, vicious, liars, stealers, tricksters, and down right evil. They will do anything to become stronger and more powerful than the next.

Why are they like this? They are just a computer and card game right? So they shouldn't have any real control over what they do. Well, half of that isn't true. They do have a mind of their own and their actions are sometimes their own cause. But the other half is true.

See, what no one knows except for the four digimon gods is that there are two digimon, born as twins, who are in control of the fine line of peace and destruction of every living creature in the Digital World. How is it that they can maintain such a feat?

The twin digimon were born with voices that were remarkable and beautiful. One twin held the voice of purity. When they sang, anyone who listened would feel peace and calm. This voice held everyone in harmony.

The other twin held the voice of hatred. Though it was smooth and cool ((A/N: cool as in "Cool Dude!" ^^ )) as running water, happiness and peace did not come from it.

Instead, when one heard it even a couple, they would break out into a viscous battle and would not stop until one was deleted or the other twin's voice was heard to calm them. If something were to happen to one of the twins, destruction to the Digital World and probably the Real World could prove fatal . . .

Soft musical notes rose high in the night air. The notes wrapped themselves around every digimon nearest causing their ears to perk up or heads to tilt in curiosity, but then their eyes would droop lazily and relaxation would steal into their bodies, causing the voice to be tuned out.

The source of the beautiful singing stood upright on a large boulder. A white, flowing gown fluttered in the soft breezes of the night and the light green ribbons that wrapped around slim, bare ankles and wrists flowed gently with it.

Deep purple strands of hair waved from the loose braid that swung around a small, rounded bottom. Small, delicate elf ears with three golden rings going up each poked out from either side of the long, pretty face.

Large, violet eyes shun happily in the light of the blue orb of the Real World from above and the small, pink lips moved slowly to form the words of the soft song.

Suddenly a large, bulky shadowy figure with glowing red eyes rose up from behind the singer. She gasped and spun halfway around, her eyes widening a little and her mouth forming an "o" of horror.

She turned to leap from the rock when a hand with five thick, sharp claws shot out from the shadow it was hiding in and clapped over her mouth. Another sickeningly thick arm wrapped around her waist and jerked her back from the boulder and into the darkness, her eyes wide with terror as they silently screamed for help.


I know. I have two Beelzemon fics that have YET to be updated, but I got this idea when I had watched the ten ep digi marathon today on ABC Family. The last three eps were of Season three. A Question of Trust, Grow Mon Grow, and Give A Little Bit. I quoted a lot on Impmon and Beelzemon. XD

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this fic cause this one will be the only Beelzemon fic I'm gunna continue at the time. You might consider it a Mary-sue, but I'll try to avoid it. A Mary sue is something that has no plot. This has a plot, but the romance is gunna be obvious. Oo