Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Sing To Me ❯ Partnership ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The skies were deep red and dark orange, almost like it was on fire. Everything was in chaos when the Digi Gods found out that one of the twins had been captured. Digimon of random species were breaking out into battles and the deleting percentage was getting out of hand. Something had to be done.

The tower was huge. So huge that it took up probably twenty football fields and stood taller than any skyscraper a human could have possibly made in the state of New York. It was made of large stones of red and deep blue.

Tall, thick spikes stuck up from the ground all around the tower, stopping at the black, iron gate that loomed over any passing creature. Leading from the gate was a wooden bridge and under it flowed a river that was now the color of mud because of the skies.

Inside the main room were the four largest and most powerful digimon. They were the digimon guardians and before them were the second and third most powerful digimon. They were looking for someone in particular, but he hadn't arrived yet.

He was a powerful mega that had once saved both worlds along with the help of his friends and their tamers. They would have chosen another one named Guilmon, but he needed his tamer to be in his true mega form and they didn't want to risk a child. Not to mention that without the tamer, the red dinosaur was as smart as a rock.

The room rose in volume with all the confused chattering from that other ultimates and megas that had been brought there. Not all the megas were tall and bulky though. Some were tiny and weak looking.

The large white, blue striped tiger digimon glanced over at the other gods and asked, "When is he coming? Did he even get word of this meeting?"

"I'm not entirely all sure, Baihumon," Xuanwumon, the two headed turtle digimon, replied. Suddenly the distant roar of an engine rode over the planks of the bridge, making a thumping sound. The guardians of different sectors of the digital world paused to listen, which was kind of hard with all the chattering.

Then, with a frustrated sigh, the firebird known as Zhuqiaomon, thundered, "Silence!" He was rewarded with his command. The sound of brakes and the rumbling engine of a machine had paused, most likely outside the gate.

The creaking of the gate was evidence that the digimon outside had opened it. Soft thudding of boots on wood then tile echoed throughout the main room.

A tall shadow reached it's way past the entrance and onto some of the smaller creatures. The guest stopped then glanced over at the guardians in the back.

Standing nearly seven feet in height was a dark leathered clad mega. Black boots with three spikes sticking up from the toes with a hostler and it's gun strapped to his left one.

Tight leather pants, a long metallic tail swaying gently from behind, a pair of twin belts, a visible six-pack shown from under a skintight suit with a zipper running from his crotch up to his chin.

Long arms clad in the long leather sleeves of his waist length bomber jacket, deep gray arm guards strapped to his wrists and gloves slightly overlapping his deep gray claws. On the upper left arm was a neatly tied red bandana. Another black gun was strapped to the back of his jacket.

Above the fuzzy white collar of the jacket was a half-masked face. A gray cord hung on either side of the purple helmet that spiked out in the back along with his spiky blonde hair. Three blood-red eyes glared openly at everyone and a frown was placed upon his pale face with a fang over lapping his lower lip.

"You called me?" the visitor's deep voice boomed, wrecking the silence.

"Finally. We had thought you wouldn't come," Zhuqiaomon said.

"Well, you thought wrong," he replied, placing a hand on his hip, "What's goin' on here, uh? On my way up here I saw battles on either side of me. I had to defend myself from a couple of the unlucky morons."

"That's why we have need of you, Beelzemon," Azulongmon said. He turned to the other three megas and nodded to them before facing the annoyed looking biker. "Follow me and I will explain further."

"Yeah sure, whatever, " the virus grumbled stalked his way to the front then following the floating blue dragon through another door.


"Okay, let me get this straight," Beelzemon said, bowing his head and spreading out his fingers. "There are these twin digi chicks who are responsible for our moods or sometin' like that? And now the good twin has been kidnapped and everything has been thrown off the track of life? So, I have ta go and look for her and bring her back safe and sound?"

"That's it," Azulongmon said. Beelzemon's arms went limp at his sides and his mouth dropped slightly.

"Here I thought it was yous guys that controlled our actions. Never thought I was ruled over by a female. No, two females! Do you have any idea how harsh of a blow that is ta my pride?!"

"Don't you mean ego?" a soft, feminine voice sounded from behind him. The demon lord twitched and spun around, pointing angrily at the one who had insulted him.

"What?! How dare . . . you," he grumbled, his hand dropping to his side. A slender female digimon that had been leaning up against the entrance, listening to the whole speech, pushed herself upright and strolled over into the light and stopped in front of the gapping biker.

She was maybe a head shorter than Beelzemon. She had on black high-heeled boots with the tops tucked under tight black jeans, fitting her every curve. Small hands with rounded, deep-blue polished fingernails rested on her hips. Attached around each wrist was a thick, black leather bracelet with at least six one-inch spikes pointing out evilly.

A mid-drift spaghetti-strap the color of her fingernails clung tightly to her body, almost as if it were a second skin. Clinging around her neck was a thin, black velvet choker with a small red rose placed in the middle with a tiny green leaf pointing northwestward and another pointing southeastward at the top and bottom of it.

Long, jet-black hair was pulled into a tight braid, which swayed with her hips when she moved. Pointed ears, kind of elfish like, poked out from her head with small pointed crystal dangling from each lobe. Deep violet eyes stared coolly at Beelzemon and a challenging eyebrow raised.

"Good of you to grace us with your presence, Odiosomon," the blue dragon said.

"Yes, but I refuse to grace . . . him," she said disgustingly toward Beelzemon who was still eyeing her. She sighed. "Please tell me he isn't my partner in this search!"

"I'm afraid so."

"Ugh, thanks." By now Beelzemon had snapped out of his trance and glared up at Azulongmon.

"Partner?! I thought I was doin' this alone!"

"No. It will take much more than what you offer alone. You'll be needing assistance."

"But WHY this-this FEMALE? Why not another male? She's jus gunna drag me down!"

"Excuse me?!" Odiosomon shouted angrily. Beelzemon turned coolly to her and bent down slightly.

"Hey, toots, this is an A and B conversation so C ya later. Go try on some frilly dresses or play wit your dolls while the big boys talk serious. You ain't needed."

He was turning back around when those small yet strong hands grasped two fistfuls of his jacket and jerked him back down to eye level.

"WHAT?! You male chauvinist PIG! We'll see how big boy you are when I'M through with you!!"

She pushed him back then tackled him in the abdomen and they both landed roughly on the ground, causing what air was left in Beelzemon's lungs to rush out along with some saliva. They rolled around on the tiled floor, punching and biting and cursing each other out.

Beelzemon paused on top, struggling to hold the raging female down. "What's you problem, girl?!" he shouted. He was suddenly knocked off and she pounced him when he tried to sit up.

"You're my problem!" Her fist came down, but Beelzemon jerked his head to the side and it collided with the floor, cracking the tile. He grabbed her shoulders, pulled his feet up and pressed them flatly against her stomach then shoved upward, launching her in the air and causing her to do a flip on her back.

They both jumped to their feet at the same time and started circling each other, hunched over slightly with their arms out and fingers spread.

"Hey, you ain't half bad," Beelzemon admired breathlessly. Odiosomon's pretty features contorted to an angry sneer.

"It's a bit too late for your mindless flattery. And though you may comment me on my fighting skills, I regrettably have to say you fight like a rookie." Beelzemon stopped and jerked upright, his arms falling to his sides and his eyes narrowing angrily.

"What?!" he said, his voice starting out normal then going high voice with disbelief.

"C'mon, mama's boy!" she taunted.

"Hey!" He pointed a stiff arm at her. "Leave my motha outta this!"

"Your mama is so fat that when she lays in bed your father has to sleep on the floor!" she shouted, smiling.

"That's it!" the biker digimon declared, advancing her quickly. "My fatha ain't no importance, but no one talks about my motha and gets away wit it!"

"ENOUGH!!" Azulongmon thundered. The two digimon paused and looked up.

"She started it!" Beelzemon accused.

"Bite me!"

"You already have a few of those, toots. They dun look all that attractive either. Sure ya want another?" he said, smirking. Odiosomon was about to make an angry retort when the blue dragon digimon above them cleared his throat.

"You two are going to be partners whether you like it or not," he stated coldly. Beelzemon glanced at the female beside him and she turned her back to him. He huffed and crossed his arms, directing his attention up at the digi god.

"But why her? I'm strong enough ta do this on my own! I mean, what is she? A champion?"

"Mega," both Azulongmon and Odiosomon corrected hotly. Beelzemon snorted then started to laugh.

"You're pullin' my leg! A mega? Ah ha ha, I mean . . . look at her! She's so . . . small and . . . skinny . . . Huh, you ain't jokin' are yas?" When he got hard stares in response, Beelzemon crossed his arms again and turned his back to them.

"You are to leave immediately after this. Don't slack in any of this because both worlds are in danger now. Without the other twin everything will be at war. Right now the Real World is at peace, but different types of digimon will soon find to get through the digital fields and cause havoc there too."

"Whatever," Beelzemon grouched and made his way to the entrance.

"Later," Odiosomon grumbled, following the Demon Lord. Azulongmon sighed and wondered if he had done the right thing with pairing the two viruses up.


There we go ^^ Whadda think? Btw, Thanks Lily for the "Your mama is so fat" joke! XD I appreciate it!

Odioso is Spanish for hatred I believe. ^^