Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Sleeping Birdie ❯ Chapter 5
Sleeping Birdie
by Nefertanya dragongurl Ahhotep
Sleeping Birdie: Biyomon
Prince Dragon: WarGreymon
Demon Queen: Lady Devimon
3 Good Sennyo: Tentomon, Gatomon, Palmon
Good Emperor: Tai
Good Empress: Sora
Advisor/Narrator: Ken
Dragon's Dad: RedGreymon :)
Guards: Bakemon
Wise Man: Gennai
Errant Errand Boy: Hawkmon
Musicians: Gecko + Otamon
Queen of Light: Kari
*Mr. Kamiya - "I think the kids are doing a great job!"*
*Mrs. Tachikawa - "Yes, and my Mimi did such wonderful work with the costumes!"*
*Ms. Takenouchi(crisply) - "I beg your pardon, but it was *my* Sora who made the costumes."*
*Mrs. Tachikawa(shocked) - 'What?!"*
*Ms. Takenouchi - I believe your daughter was in charge of refreshments?"*
*Mimi's mom stands there, mouth opening and closing in shocked outrage like a fish out of water. Before she can gather her thoughts, the lights dim 3 times*
*Mr. Ishida - 'Oh, well, would you look at that! Looks like the intermission's over!"*
*He leads his snickering ex-wife by the elbow between the two stage mothers, allowing their respective husband/date to pull them away to their seats*
**Act 4, Scene 1: Hidden Charms**
*Ken is spotlighted, center stage, still in the gray robes of the marble statues
Ken- "Prince Dragon, fearful as he was of the powers of the Dark Queen, nonetheless was determined to bide by his words. He spent hours wandering the seemingly endless halls of the castle with no luck.
Losing hope, he made a left when he should have went right and found his destiny."
*The scenery slowly comes into view as the lights brighten. Ken returns to 'statue' as the Prince enters.*
WarGrey(softly, nervously)- "What in name of the King...?"
*The Prince is walks through the room full of statues, all of which are dynamically posed, like the outside ones. But these faces bear panic and terror. He steps over to one, which happens to be the Empress*
WarGrey- "This must have been where the Demon Queen cast this spell. I pity you all. The terror in your soulless eyes speaks volumes."
*Gomamon- "The terror in your soulless eyes...? Who *wrote* this junk?!"*
*Matt + Mimi- "Umm....."*
*Gomamon(incredulous)- "Oh, no! It's not-"*
*Matt(weakly)- "Well, she did a pretty good job before.."*
*Gomamon(rolling his eyes)- "Oy vey. That explains those two."(jerks a claw over to Gabumon + Palmon, who are busy, ahem, wrinkling their 'clothes'*
*Matt- "GABUMON!"
WarGrey- "I will make things right again somehow. If I could only find the Princess..."
*He turns from the Empress and finds her. The Princess is still seated at the wheel. The spell woven into it moves the wheel of it's own accord now. Energy is pulled like a thin blue string to and from her. This is what keeps her sleeping like the statues, yet alive.
The Prince is overwhelmed by the girl's beauty, unchanged through the years*
WarGrey- "You...you *must* be the Princess the woman spoke of....no one else could be so beautiful."
*carefully he removes and sets aside one of his gauntlets and strokes her cheek. She stirs slightly*
WarGrey(amazed, breathtaken)- "You move? Then you *are* still alive. But how do I set you free? I know of no magic. I have no elixir or spell to chant. I am but a humble prince, who can only swear his undying devotion to you. All I can give is my soul, but perhaps that is enough?"
*Thoroughly smitten, he leans over the sleeping girl with his back to the audience. When he pulls away, there is a guilty look in his eyes and a slight, yet distinctive frown on Biyomon's face*
Biyo(blinking groggily)- "Oooohh......."
WarGrey- "It-it worked...? Princess, do you hear me?"
Biyo(annoyed)- 'Of *course* I can hear you! I'm not deaf, and you're only a foot away!"
WarGrey- "My apologies, my lady..."
*he looks up to see that all the other statues have not changed*
WarGrey- "Hmm. it appears I was not as successful as I thought."
Biyo- "What are you babbling-!"
*She looks up and sees her family encased in stone, frozen in fear*
Biyo(angrily)- "What have you done to them?!"
WarGrey(confused, surprised)- "Nothing! They were like this when I got here!"
Biyo- "Yeah, right! I see your plan!"
WarGrey- "Good. Will you tell it to *me* then?"
Biyo- 'Don't play dumb with me! You wanted to get my father out of the way, so you could have your way with *me* and run *my* country!"
WarGrey- "That's not what I want at all!"
Biyo(snorts)- "Sure. You just *happened* to be her, and my family just *happens* to be stone."
WarGrey- "Marble, actually, I think."
Biyo- "Ha! How would you know that if you weren't the spellcaster?!"
WarGrey(losing patience)- "I know it because I have worked with stone, and I know what marble looks like!"
Biyo- "You work with stone. You're a quarryman then?(a horrible realization hits her, and she throws her hands to her mouth) I've been kissed by a commoner?!?"
WarGrey- "I am not a commoner! I am Prince Dragon of the Fire Kingdom!"
Biyo- "Prince Dragon...? No, you can't be!"
WarGrey- "Why the hell not?!"
Biyo- "Because he is ten times as handsome as you are. *And* he would never swear in front of a lady!"
*Gomamon- "Assuming there was one in the room-Ow!"(glares at Joe, who's hiding a smirk)*
*Joe- "Sorry, my hand slipped."*
WarGrey- 'You would drive a monk to swear, woman!"
*He steps up to her as he speaks, until they are but inches apart. They stare at each other for several tension filled moments, as each tries to outstare the other. Conflicting emotions cross each other's face, but before they can react on any instinct they are blasted apart from above*
LadyDevi- "Well. Well, well, well."
Biyo/WarGrey- "The Dark Queen/Demon Queen!"
LadyDevi- "You were expecting Santa Claus? Now, my dear, how is it you've awakened from my little spell?"
Biyo(weakly)- "Sp-spell...? You-you did this?"
*The Demoness touches down and strokes the Emperor's cheek in an affectionate manner*
LadyDevi- "I don't ask for much. Just a little respect. A little payback for what's owed me."
WarGrey- 'You'll get it soon enough!"
LadyDevi- "I already have. You see, my dear little princess, your parents wanted to have a child beyond reason. An heir to the throne, as well as a reason to complete their happy little lives. Their Advisor told them of the three sennyos that could grant their wish. But do you know where they got that kind of power, little one?"
The princess shakes her head in dumb terror as the two-toned temptress lounges lazily on her mother*
LadyDevi- "They got it from *me*, of course! To use a spell that creates life requires vast amount of resource, of which I have plenty of. My only stipulation was that I was to be among those at your blessing party. Then your silly parents were to be told of the deal that made you."
Biyo- "No...It's not true..."
LadyDevi(merrily)- "Oh, but it is! And what a wonderful thing you turned out to be! Selfish, arrogant, backstabbing....the perfect heir to my throne!"
WarGrey- "*Your* throne?!"
LadyDevi- "Mm-hmm! With all that dark power coursing through her veins, she would have easily grown up strong enough to overthrow me, and join her empire with my own. Under my 'direction' of course. Hm-hmm! Oh silly little girl! You've been nothing but a burden and a pawn since they day you were conceived!"
Biyo- "No...It's not true. It's not true! It's NOT TRUE!!"
*She runs from the room crying in shame, leaving Prince Dragon alone. The Demon Queen smiles casually at him*
LadyDevi- "Care to dance?"
*She charges up an energy blast, and the stage goes black just as she's about to release it*
**Act 4, Scene 2: Family Secrets Are Always Shameful**
*When the stage relights, the audience sees the Princess sobbing, tripping over her dress as she runs blindly. She loses her footing suddenly and falls to the floor with a yelp. Instead of rising, she curls up and wails miserably*
Kari(still o/s, sternly)- "Stop that! You're too big to cry like that!"
Biyo(frightened)- "Who's there? Why should I listen to you?"
Kari- "Hush! Come to me and watch your manners! I am still your elder!"
*She gets up stiffly and walks toward the voice. Kari's statue still remains unchanged, but the tile around her is shrinking ever so slowly, aging like the rest of the castle*
Biyo- "Au-auntie?"
Kari- "Listen to me. You have to go back. Go back and defeat her!"
Biyo- "I can't! I'm nothing! Just a pawn in a game I have no control over!"
Kari- 'That's not true."
Biyo- "Yes it is! I heard her! She said my only reason for life was to destroy all my father worked so hard for! I am weak, alone. No parents, no allies, no clean clothes-"
*The princess is stunned into silence by the tone never used before*
Kari- "Hmph. Someone should have said that to you a long time ago. Listen to me. You are not alone in this. You left behind your ally-go back to him."
Biyo- "He probably hates me, now that he knows I'm evil and stuff."
Kari(quietly)- "If I weren't made of stone I'd slap you good right now."
Biyo(floored)- 'Wha-??"
Kari- "Yes, you were spoiled. We loved you so much we didn't want to see you hurt or lack for anything. You parents were too good and kind to do anything but. Your father tried to always protect you, keep you safe from the Demon Queen's powers, but I....
What we did-what *I* did-was wrong, but that does not make you a child of evil. Listen to your heart for once, my darling. Redeem yourself!"
Biyo- "How...How do I do that?"
Kari- 'Take the pendant from my neck. Run back and use it's powers to stop the Darkness from conquering your heart and everything else. Hurry!"
*She does as instructed. When the pendant is removed from the Queen's neck, the aging process intensifies*
Kari- "Hurry, girl! There isn't much longer before the spell becomes permanent, and we all remain lawn jockeys for eternity!"
Biyo- "I will, Auntie! I'm sorry! I'm sorry for all the trouble I've caused everyone over the years! I'll be better at being a princess!"
*She clutches the pendant tightly and runs back to the battle. Vines creep over the queen's body, and the light fades away*
Kari(mournfully)- "Heaven help us if I fail."
Ooo, what does she mean by that? Guess we'll find out soon enough!
Go On!