Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Someone to Forgive Me ❯ Nightmares ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: If you really think I own this, there's something wrong with you.

Someone to Forgive Me

"Hey, you guys...?" Miyako said suddenly. "Hate to say it, but I think we're lost."

"Lost...?" Hikari repeated, her gaze moving across her surroundings to rest on a tall oak tree with a large hole in the trunk. "...You're right; I've seen that tree before."

Tailmon cleared her throat loudly to get the attention of her friends. "We've got bigger problems to worry about right now then just being lost." She pointed in the direction of the figure descending out of the sun. "We'd better hide. I don't know who or what that is, but evil is practically RADIATING from it."

The Chosen scrambled into the hole in the oak tree; Tailmon's instincts were never wrong.

"Shouldn't we, you know..." Miyako paused. "Try to fight it or something?"

Ken shook his head as a hazy memory came back to him. "I don't think so. I've seen that digimon before...in the desert. I'm not sure, but I don't think we have a chance against it, for some reason...I wish I could tell you more, but that's all I can remember. I'm sorry..."

Miyako peered at the creature as it landed, trying to get a better look at it. "Looks kinda like Chimeramon to me."

Hikari nodded in agreement. "But it looks a little like Mugendramon, too."

Until now, Wormmon had been just as puzzled about the creature's identity as the rest of them. But as he heard Miyako and Hikari's descriptions of it, his eyes widened enormously. "Oh, no..."

His friends turned toward him with questioning looks. "If you can explain to us what manner of creature that is," Hawkmon said urgently, "might I suggest you tell us now? It's coming closer!"

Wormmon had begun to shiver, and was unable to stop. "M- Millenniumon..."

Tailmon's fists clenched, and she swore loudly. "Oh, FUCK me..."

"So he's Millenniumon," Miyako said with a shrug. "What's the big deal?"

Tailmon began to tap the claws on her left hand against the ground; it was one of her nervous habits. "He's the most powerful digimon I've ever heard of; even stronger then Apocalymon. I've only fought him once; in order to win, we all needed a little…outside help. I didn't think he was still alive, though…"

Miyako stared at the Adult digimon in disbelief. "Are you saying we shouldn't even bother trying to fight him?!"

Tailmon gritted her teeth; what she was about to say was hard for her to admit. "We only have the slimmest chance of getting out of here alive, unless by some miracle Hawkmon, Wormmon, and I all spontaneously evolve to our Ultimate forms."

"Gee, could you be any more optimistic?" Miyako muttered. "My day isn't completely ruined yet. Tell us something worse, why don't ya?"


Miyako gulped. "I take it back. I want someone to NOT listen to me for once!"


"Hey, Iori, Takeru!" Daisuke called as he and V-mon came running up. "I hope you guys had better luck then we did!"

Iori quietly shook his head. "We're sorry, Daisuke. They just disappeared. It doesn't make sense, though. They can't have gone THAT far!"

Takeru also shook his head in resignation as Angemon set him down. "Even Angemon and I couldn't find them; not one trace. It's as if they disappeared into thin air! Even their energy readings disappeared; I can't pick up any trace of them on my D-3."

"Aw, come on," Daisuke growled. "We've just gotta try harder! They're around here somewhere and we'll find them! Right, V- mon?"

The small blue dragon nodded in agreement. "Sure we will, Daisuke!"

"Let's get going, buddy!" the red-haired boy exclaimed after watching his friends take off in two separate directions.


The Kaiser's slow gaze moved over the boy kneeling in the desert sands. "How does it feel to be such a failure, Daisuke?"

He glared silently at the other, tears coursing down his face as he struggled not to look at his friends' torn bodies. "Murderer..."

Ken shrugged. "Well, it doesn't matter anymore. You've lost this war; there's no one left to help you now. Crawl back to Earth, sniveling insect."

He climbed onto the Airdramon's head, smiling in satisfaction at the massacre beneath him as his slave returned to his base.

"I've won! This world is truly mine now." He threw back his head and laughed. "DO YOU HEAR ME, OSAMU? IT'S ALL MINE!"


Wormmon cowered in the darkest corner of the throne room. Ken had returned in a better mood then he had been in for the past few days, and the green caterpillar had a sinking suspicion that he knew why.

The Kaiser searched through the various monitors until he found the location of the older red-haired boy and the purple dragon-creature who had been his friends once upon a time. "Devidramon!" he shouted. "Kill them both at once!"

After making sure his orders would be followed, the blue- haired boy turned to face the Child digimon huddled in the corner. "And as for you..." He raised his whip. "Don't worry. It won't hurt...MUCH."

*I forgive you, Ken.* It was the last thought Wormmon ever had.


Hikari struggled in Phantomon's grip, her eyes widening in fear as he brought his scythe to her throat. Her spirits rose as she saw the feline digimon enter the room where she was being held. "Tailmon!"

Her excited happiness turned to fear when the Adult turned icy blue eyes in her direction. Tailmon slowly walked up to the little girl.

"Did you actually think I'd betray my lord, Keeper of Light?" she asked softly. "He took me in, gave me a home, helped me become the person I am...did you really think I'd give all that up for the friendship of a weakling human child?"

Not waiting for an answer, she quickly slashed the tip of one claw across the girl's throat.

Tailmon licked the blood from her claws as Phantomon let the dead girl's body fall to the floor. They left the room together.

She didn't spare a glance at the dead human behind her. Her last connection to the past had been severed.


Tailmon sank her claws into Vamdemon's arm. She knew he would kill her for that, but she couldn't bring herself to care anymore.

The people who should have been her closest friends were all dead; she would never get a chance to know them. Even her human partner, Yagami Hikari, was dead: Vamdemon had forced Tailmon to watch as Phantomon took her life with a single swing of his scythe.

"I suppose you're going to kill me now?" she asked dully, all the strength gone from her voice.

Vamdemon looked down at her, shaking his head slowly. "Oh, no, Tailmon. You'll live with the failure to defend your charge for the rest of your life. You have my permission to hurt her, Phantomon, but not to take her life. Death is too light a punishment for her. Take her away!"


"Momoe, where are we going?" Miyako asked, as she was jostled around in her oldest sister's grip.

The older girl didn't answer as she raced down the final flight of stairs, coming to a stop in the lowest basement of Hikarigaoka.

"Get down and cover your head with your hands," Momoe ordered, getting into the same position. "Do it NOW, Miyako!" she screamed as the air raid siren began to sound.

The little girl began to cry, more afraid of the fear in her sister's voice then of the wailing sound above them. "Where's Mama and Papa, and Mantarou and Chizuru? Are they gonna be okay?"

"I don't know, Miyako," Momoe replied. "I just don't know." *Those two digimon who were fighting the virus on the Internet...I can't believe they lost...She shook her head. It'd be stupid to blame them; it's all Diablomon's fault...*

She crouched over her youngest sister, using her body as a shield to protect her as the bomb went off and the entire weight of the high-rise building fell in on them.


Hawkmon sighed again as he watched Miyako clamber down the rope to the bottom of the crater. "Miyako, what are you doing now?"

"Leave me alone, Hawkmon!" came her shouted reply. "I'm tough; I can do anything I want to!"

"That's good, Miyako," Hawkmon said, "but you have no idea who or what could be down there!"

The lavender-haired girl's attention was drawn by movement below her. "Whoa, that's the biggest spider I ever saw...I always hated spiders...SOMEBODY GET ME OUT OF HERE!"

Takeru, Hikari, and Daisuke pulled back on the rope to bring their friend back up. They could feel the rope swaying in their hands as Miyako moved back and forth, trying to get enough leverage to kick the Dokugumon away from her.

The Chosen felt the rope go slack in their hands as the Dokugumon chewed through it, and they listened in horror when Miyako began to scream.


"He doesn't have any choice but to come now..." Millenniumon said to himself as the six Chosen he had captured thrashed and screamed with their own personal nightmares. "Let the games begin."