Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Someone to Forgive Me ❯ Trapped ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: It wasn't mine when I started and it isn't mine now.

Someone to Forgive Me

Tailmon grimaced as she pulled herself up to a standing position, leaning against the wall for support.

"Hikari?" she called. "Miyako? Hawkmon? Wormmon? Ken? Can any of you hear me? If anyone can hear me, answer me and let me know if you're all right!"

For a few minutes, she listened for any response. As she started to give up, she heard a shuffling noise on the other side of the wall.

Tailmon put her ear to the wall, and heard someone cough weakly. "Hikari? Is that you?" she asked again.

She heard the familiar sound of heavy chains dragging over stone, then the voice of the former Kaiser spoke weakly. "N- not Hi-Hikari..." He broke into another coughing fit. "K-Ken."

Tailmon scowled sharply. The human didn't sound very good at all. "All right, Ken," she said as she began using her sharp claws to dig through the stone. "I'm going to get both of us out of here."


Akiyama Ryo walked down the shadowy, torch-lit corridor, flanked by two SkullSatamon guards. An uncharacteristically silent Monodramon followed a short distance behind him, glaring hatefully at the two demons.

They stopped before a set of elaborately carved wooden doors. The two SkullSatamon opened the doors, standing to either side to allow Ryo and Monodramon to enter the vast room.

Millenniumon stared down at them from the far side of the room. "Welcome, Akiyama Ryo."

"Enough games, Millenniumon," Ryo growled. "What have you done with our friends?"

"You don't have to worry about them; they'll be safe..."

Ryo folded his arms. "What's the catch?"

The evil digimon laughed, the sound echoing around the cave-like room. "Nothing gets past you, does it?" He paused. "I will release your friends in exchange for your promise to stay here."

Ryo shook his head. "You'll have to PROVE that they're okay first."

Monodramon looked up at his human in shock. "Y-you're n-not r-really go- gonna l-listen t-to h-him, a-are y-you, R-Ryo?"

The Tamer shrugged. "I don't think we've got much of a choice-let's just see what he's planning, Monodramon."


Raidramon growled in frustration. He and his partner still had no idea of what happened to their missing friends or where they could be, even though several hours had passed.

Daisuke looked down when he heard his friend express his annoyance. "Worried about Hikari, huh?"

"I don't get it," the blue dragon replied. "I should have at least been able to pick up their trail by now...unless whoever or whatever that energy signature belonged to doesn't WANT us to find them."

"You think it has them?" the red-haired boy thought out aloud. "Got any idea what it is?"

"Well, it COULD be Millenniumon," Raidramon replied. "If it is, though, we'd have to get Ryo's help."

Daisuke scowled. "You know I don't like that guy."

"Just because I was one of his partners isn't any reason for you to hate him. Besides, he's got Monodramon now. You've got nothing to worry about."

His partner grimaced. "Sure, everything's just great. Except for the fact that Millenniumon might've captured our friends."

"Well, I'll do everything in my power to get Hikari back safe," Raidramon answered. "Just like you'll try to rescue Ken."


Ken and Tailmon currently had their backs to a massive wall of stone and were edging along the narrow ledge.

Tailmon was half-supporting Ken, who was unable to stand up on his own now. There were dark circles beneath his eyes, and she was becoming increasingly worried about the harsh coughing fits the human was having.

The Keeper of Kindness stared down into the abyss stretching out below them, his eyes focused on something far below. "I wonder what that is..."

Tailmon followed her friend's gaze, staring down at the same object. "I wonder..." she muttered. "Could it be my Holy Ring?"

She made Ken sit down, after wringing out a promise that he wouldn't fall asleep or go anywhere while she was gone.

Tailmon climbed down the face of the cliff, digging her claws into the rock and then pulling them out as she did so.

She supported herself with one paw, leaning over to get a better glimpse of the object. "I was right!" she exclaimed, now in a much better mood. She replaced the golden ring on her tail, then quickly ascended the cliff.

*Maybe now I'll have enough strength to get us out of here safely,* she thought as she rejoined Ken.


Hikari was awakened by angry voices shouting outside her cell.

"This is all YOUR fault!" a scratchy male voice snarled.

A low female voice laughed in response. "Oh, yes, it's always my fault. You IDIOT! Those claws of hers can cut through almost anything! Master Millenniumon won't be pleased when I inform him of your failure."

*...Millenniumon...?* Hikari's face paled with utter horror as her memories of the ambush in the forest came rushing back all at once. She struggled to her feet and attempted to get a glimpse of her jailers.

One of them was a male demon digimon. His face appeared to be nothing more then a leering greyish-black skull, and his body seemed to be made of hard red bones. Two ragged black wings sprouted from his back, and he was grasping a long bladed staff in his hands.

The other was a woman who appeared to have the hind legs of a leopard. Two long, black tails waved in the air behind her, and two black cat ears grew from her head. Long fiery-red hair flowed from her head, and her face was half-covered with a filmy purple veil.

Hikari was unfamiliar with both of them. She glanced over her shoulder at her friend, who was stomping toward her, an enraged look on her face.

Miyako grasped the bars and began yelling at the man and woman, who Hikari was almost certain were both Perfects.

The Keeper of Light tugged on her friend's sleeve, desperately urging her to be quiet. "Miyako, please...you'll only make them mad..."

The taller girl shrugged her off. "Hey, you can at LEAST tell us who you ARE!" she shouted at the two digimon, who were watching her with matching amused expressions.

The demon man stepped forward. "SkullSatamon," he said. "YOU," he growled, his gaze raking across Hikari. "It's your partner's fault that I'm in trouble now."

"Enough of your whining. You have no one to blame except yourself," the woman snapped. She pointed at herself. "You can call me Bastemon."

"My name's Inoue Miyako." The lavender-haired girl stuck a hand through the cell bars.

"Miyako!" Hikari gasped. "What are you DOING?!"

"I'm making friends, what does it look like?" the Keeper of Love and Purity replied. "This is gonna sound REALLY weird...but I feel like I can trust her. She's not gonna hurt us...Are you?" she asked, a note of uncertainty entering her voice.

The woman didn't reply; she seemed to have been shocked into silence. She was completely unable to tear her gaze from the Chosen Child's. "It...it can't be..." she whispered, too softly for the other three people to hear her.

Slowly, she extended one hand and grasped Miyako's.