Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Someone to Forgive Me ❯ Discovery ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: It wasn't mine when I started and it isn't mine now.
Someone to Forgive Me

Tailmon's ears twitched as she heard voices speaking below them. She reluctantly left Ken and peered over the tip of the ledge they were currently occupying.

What she saw was something she would never have thought possible if she hadn't seen it for herself.

The two figures in the room spreading out below her must have heard her slight hiss. Both of them turned to look up in her direction; one frowned, and the other smiled slowly.

She jumped backward, then glanced at Ken. *Okay, this is DEFINITELY going to give me a headache later,* she thought. *But forget about that for now. I've got to get both of us away from here, before either of them find us.*

"W-what d-d-did y-you s-s-see d-down th-there, Ta-Tailmon?" Ken whispered, shivering violently.

The Adult digimon shook her head. "It's not important, Ken. Don't worry about it."


Bastemon slid the key into the lock, allowing the cell door to swing open. She had sent SkullSatamon back to their master; so she wouldn't have to hear any complaining from him, at least.

"You, stay here," she told Hikari shortly, then turned to the purple-haired girl. "Let's go."

"HEY!" Miyako protested. "Hikari goes where I go!"

The smaller girl shook her head. "It's okay, Miyako. You go ahead."

The Keeper of Love and Purity glanced between her best friend and the strange woman she was drawn to. "Well...okay, Hikari," she relented.

Bastemon stood to the side to allow Miyako a clear path out, then closed the door and motioned for the girl to follow her.


Taichi slammed his open hand against the tabletop, making both Sora and Jyou jump. "What do you MEAN, the Gates are all closed?" he demanded, his face reddening. "Call Koushiro; HE'LL be able to force them open!"

"Taichi..." Sora trailed off. She had never realized it before, but Taichi was...intimidating when he got angry. *He's not going to like what I have to say...* "We already talked to Koushiro. There's nothing he can do."

"If HE can't open them, then what are we supposed to DO?!" he demanded. "That's my sister stuck over there!"

*How about waiting for a while? Even YAMATO wasn't this upset when Koushiro told him.* Outwardly, Sora shrugged.

"Who else is over there?"

"Takeru, Patamon...all the new Chosen," Jyou said. "And Ryo and Monodramon."

Taichi snorted. "Those two don't count. They live there anyway. Let's just try to open one of the Gates by ourselves."

Sora sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Taichi, the Gates can't just be forced open. You know that."


Daisuke and Raidramon now stood at the base of an enormously high cliff. Both of them were looking for a possible way to scale it, but that didn't really seem possible; the cliff- face was nearly vertical.

Raidramon considered the problem for a few minutes, then turned his head toward his partner. "Fladramon could get up there."

Daisuke nodded in agreement, and his friend shrank back into the smaller form of V-mon. "Digimental up!"

"V-mon, armor evolve..."

A wave of fire exploded around his body, which was quickly growing into a taller dragon-like creature. His arms, legs, and face were all protected by red armor decorated with stylized flames.

"...Burning with Courage, Fladramon!"

The bipedal blue dragon wrapped one arm around his human's waist, then leaped into the air, sinking the claws of his free hand into the rock for support.

The two friends spent several hours ascending the cliff. When they finally reached the top, Fladramon set Daisuke down, and both of them looked around.

They found themselves standing on a large plateau of rock, at the far end of which was a vast labyrinthine castle that appeared to have been grown from the very mountain it rested on.

"That must be where our friends are," Daisuke muttered, glaring at the towering pile of rock.

V-mon was bent over, gasping for breath. He had never spent this long in one of his higher forms, and he was exhausted. "Daisuke, I wanna get Hikari back and everything...but I don't think I can walk another step today. I'm sorry."


Tailmon prodded Ken's shoulder sharply, almost to the point of drawing blood. "Come on, Ken," she growled. "Don't fall asleep. You have to stay awake."

The blue-haired boy was on the verge of passing out; his fever was too high. She couldn't even be sure if he heard her voice.

The cat digimon knew if she wasn't able to get them out of this place, that he could die. She pressed one ear against his chest; his breathing sounded more shallow and ragged then it had just an hour ago. This was more serious then just a cold; he needed to get back to Earth.


Bastemon and Miyako arrived in a large, cave-like room. Standing at the far end was the same digimon who Miyako recognized as having attacked her and her friends before.

The lavender-haired girl watched him warily as Bastemon bowed, then pulled her forward. "Master Millenniumon," she said, more then a little pride in her voice. "Allow me to present my daughter, Miyanumon."

Miyako stared in disbelief. "WHAAAAAT??!!!!"

Millenniumon stared down at both of them. "After all these years, Bastemon, you pull this human child out of thin air and declare that she is your missing child? You will have to prove to me that what you say is true."

Bastemon turned to Miyako. "Attack me," she said abruptly.

The Chosen Child stared in shock. "You want me to WHAT?!"

The Viral woman sighed. "I want you to attack me. Focus your power and use it to attack me."

"Are you NUTS?! I don't HAVE any power! If this is your idea of a joke, lady, then it's a really bad one! I'm just a human; I don't have any special attacks like you do!"

The Virus's only answer was to lunge at Miyako. The lavender-haired girl took a step back, then felt something shift inside her. She didn't have to look down to know that her appearance had changed; she just knew. "Mau Cacin!" she cried out, as the words formed in her mind.

Bastemon narrowly sidestepped the blast; she had known the girl's power was strong, but she hadn't expected to be singed by it.

She waited for Miyako to finish examining herself. When she looked up, the woman smiled and spoke. "Welcome back, Miyanumon."