Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Someone to Forgive Me ❯ Alliance ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: If you don't understand that it's not mine, go sit in a corner.

Someone to Forgive Me

"If the Gates won't open on their own, then why don't you try to get to your mom's attention, Sora?" Taichi asked, turning toward her. "Ask her to open one for us."

"Taichi, she can't be bothered with something little like this," the red- haired girl replied. "Just wait a while; maybe our friends will be able to find whoever or whatever closed them in the first place."

"Well, I'm going back to my apartment to pack a bag in case we have to go over there," Jyou said.

"Good idea," Sora said. She took his hand and they walked out of the Yagami apartment together.


Hikari looked up as her friend stopped in front of the cell door. "Hi, Miyako," she greeted. "What did that woman want? Did she hurt you? Are you okay?"

Miyako shrugged. "I don't know who I am anymore, Hikari."

"What do you mea…" Hikari paused in realization. "Oh."

"She told me things about myself…Okay, this is gonna make me sound crazy, but she's my…mother." Miyako shook her head. *This is going to take a little getting used to.*

Hikari nodded, not saying anything.

"I mean, hey, I knew my mother wasn't my real mother; my dad and some other woman had me. But I never thought it would turn out to be a DIGIMON." Miyako trailed off when she saw the look in her friend's eyes. "Wait a minute…You know, don't you? How'd you figure it out so fast?"

The Keeper of Light seemed to shimmer with an aura of white light for a moment. When the glow faded away, her appearance had changed.

Miyako's jaw dropped open in astonishment. "Wow…" *She's so beautiful…*

Hikari's regular clothes had disappeared, replaced by a tight-fitting green shirt partially covered by a short white dress. A golden piece of armor was clamped onto her left shoulder. Descending from it was a long piece of lavender cloth that wrapped around her waist from behind her back. White leggings covered her legs up to her knees, which were also covered by golden armor. Two gauntlets made of green metal covered her wrists, and a band made of the same metal wrapped around her throat. Her hair was now much longer and seemed to wave in a wind that Miyako couldn't feel. Growing from her back were two great golden wings.

"You can call me Hiykamon when I'm in this form," she said. "What should I call you when you're in your other form? Can I see it?"

*I wonder how many of the other Chosen Children are like this…* Miyako shook the numbness from her mind and nodded. "S-sure, Hikar-I mean, Hiykamon." She concentrated for a few seconds, then felt the still- unfamiliar sensation of power flowing through her.

The Keeper of Light watched as her friend's transformation completed. The older girl now definitely resembled Bastemon. Sharply-curved claws extended from her hands. Short white fur streaked with red covered her arms, and probably most of her body; Hikari couldn't tell for sure. Two red cat's ears grew from her head, and a red tail grew from the base of her spine.

"You can call me Miyanumon," the transformed girl announced. When she spoke, her friend could see her oversized feline fangs. "Now, let's get out of here!"


The demon digimon looked down at the dark-haired boy, who was lying on the cold stone floor and burning with fever. She knelt next to him and prodded him experimentally.

*Looks like he's not going to wake up any time soon,* she thought, then sighed. "Come on, kid, let's go."

Tailmon returned from her short exploration up ahead. Immediately, her eyes narrowed angrily and her fists clenched. "Get AWAY from him!" she snarled.

LadyDevimon turned, glancing down at her. "Oh, it's YOU," she said, with a sigh of annoyance.

"If you hurt him, I SWEAR…"

The Virus laughed. "Don't worry; I have every reason NOT to hurt him, and a few to help him. If you're coming, let's go."

Tailmon hissed under her breath as she thought about it. This woman might be her arch-rival, but it looked as if LadyDevimon wanted the same thing she did, although Tailmon had no idea why the fallen angel would want to help anyone but herself.

The other woman was already walking away with Ken, and Tailmon reluctantly followed. She might not like LadyDevimon very much, but maybe together, they would be able to help him.

She hoped.


Hikari and Miyako stopped in their tracks as the Kaiser appeared at the far end of the hallway, blocking their way.

The lavender-haired girl's fists clenched and she bared her fangs. "What the hell kind of game is this, Ichijouji?!" she demanded.

He said nothing as he began walking toward them. In his hand was an Evil Spiral.

"I KNEW we couldn't trust you!" Miyako snarled. "You pretended to be in trouble so Millenniumon could catch us! You set us up, BASTARD!"

The Kaiser completely ignored her, putting a hand to his chin in thought. "One Spiral, two freaks of nature. Which one of you would make a more powerful slave?" His gaze passed across the taller girl, then settled on Hikari.

Miyako stepped protectively in front of her. "HEY! You leave her ALONE!"

He half-turned to face her. "Do you want to be Ringed instead?"

Bastemon's daughter bared her fangs at him again, her eyes blazing with rage. "You can go-"

The Kaiser raised his whip and lashed out at her. Miyako felt the leather cord wrap around her neck, cutting off her breath.

"Miyako!" Hikari cried out.

As the Kaiser jerked his arm back in an attempt to strangle the life out of her, Miyako grasped the cord with both hands, pulling back on it.

The blue-haired boy glared as the girl freed herself from the whip's coils, taking a deep breath of air.

He turned toward Hikari and tossed the Spiral at her. The brown-haired girl covered her eyes and fearfully waited for the metal to clamp around her arm.

"X Laser!" a deep male voice called out.

The golden energy blast slammed into the Spiral, shattering it before it reached Hikari.


A short distance away, Tailmon's ears twitched and she stopped, looking around for the source of the sudden shout.

LadyDevimon had also stopped. "Sounds like your friends are in trouble." She looked down at the boy she held in her arms. "I don't think he should be anywhere near a battle right now, not with how sick he is."

Tailmon frowned briefly; she still wasn't comfortable with the idea of leaving Ken alone with LadyDevimon. She glanced up at her unconscious friend, then slowly nodded. "I'll go ahead to check things out."