Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Step Ahead ❯ A Tragedy and A New Beginning ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

This is the final chapter and might get a bit sad at the end. Hope to get good reviews.

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After telling the story of what happened to the Davis and Kari, they helped him gather up the others. Everyone gathered in the R&D lab so the Izzy's could continue working. Once they were Davis started to tell the story.


Kari and Davis were walking through the garden occasionally commenting on the beautiful flora. They stopped by a small river and sat under a tree. Davis put his arm around Kari as they closed their eyes and let the sound of the rush over them. Their peaceful moment didn't last long; it was interrupted when someone kicked Davis in the stomach hard. Davis groaned, rolled over and got up. With Kari by his side he and saw…


TK snarled at Davis. "That's right you brainless dolt. You have no right to be anywhere near Kari."

He then turned to Kari. "Kari, come with me…together we can rule both worlds!"

Davis pushed Kari behind him. "Never."

"She will come and join me and my master or she will die!"

Nether had a chance to respond as TK's eyes changed red and he threw Davis into a tree and knocked him out without ever touching him. Kari ran over to him and tried to wake him up but TK calmly walked over to her and hit her so hard that she was knocked out to. He dragged her into a portal that had just opened and closed behind them.

End Flashback

TK looked embarrassed as if he thought it was his fault for what his older self did. Older Davis's friends tried to comfort him while the younger ones just stood around looking uncomfortable. They still didn't know him well enough to try and help. Just as things seemed to be at there lowest the Izzy's spoke up.

"We have the calculations completed, we can leave anytime."

"But what about Kari, we have to help her", whispered Davis.

"If we defeat Generationmon in the past then none of this will have happened. We will cease to exist. Kari will never have been kidnapped."

Davis looked like he was going to continue arguing but he remained silent. After everyone agreed to go through with the plan they strapped on their armor and gathered around a display of Generationmon's cavern. They talked about Generationmon's attacks and how they could counter them. They eventually came to the subject of his Time Portal.

"How are we going to stop him from using his Time Portal?"

"That's easy… we have a friend that can help us", Tai went to an inter com, talked into it and came back. A minute later a girl about 17 entered with a small digimon at her side. She walked over to the group and introduced herself.

"Hi my name is Ashley and this is Hackermon."


Level: Rookie

Type: Android

Attacks: Data Interruption, Virus Protection and Copy

His Copy can create clones of anyone he wishes and with his Virus Protection he can stop any viral attack.

Hackermon looked like Lobot from Star Wars. (The guy with the computer on the back of his head in ESB) But he was younger and had armor on. Ashley had short brown hair and in the opinion of all the guys in the room, very beautiful. All the younger guys were staring. After being…taught not to stare by their girlfriends Tai asked the question that was on the younger kids minds.

"How can you help us?"

"You'll see, just leave his Time Portal to us", she said smiling.

With armor on and digimon ready they stepped through the gate. In the gate they were amazed at the multitude of colors swirling around them. But a dark dingy cavern quickly replaced the brief beauty.

As they emerged from the portal Generationmon spotted them and smirked. "Ah, more pathetic attempts to kill me, but they shall fail like the thousands before them."

"We think it's time for things to change, everyone digivolve!" Following the order everyone digivolved to their highest possible forms.

When Generationmon saw the size of the force that he was up against he looked half impressed and what he said made Hackermon smile.

"One of the reasons I've lived so long is that I know when the odds are against me. So I must be departing, TIME PORTAL!"

"Now Hackermon."

"Data Interruption!"

What happened next surprised everyone especially Generationmon. The time portal that had almost finished opening snapped shut then exploded, wounding Generationmon. Tai was giving the order to open fire when a second portal opened up and two figures stepped out. Davis recognized them immediately.

"That's Kari and TK."

But by the time he said it Tai had already given the order and he wasn't heard as the digimon launched their attacks. He watched in horror as the attacks hit Generationmon who was firing his Temporal Canon in every direction. Just before he hit the ground he let out one final attack. It headed straight for TK and Kari. The attack burned right through TK and hit Kari on her left side not killing her immediately but mortally wounding her. Davis ran over to her as Generationmon dissolved into data. He scoped her into his arms as the others arrived. Just before she died she whispered in his ear.

"Don't blame TK he was trying to bring me back. He knew that you and I were destined to be togetherrr", with those last words she died in his arms. He brushed his fingers over her eyelids to close them. He laid her down and stood up, then for the first time he saw that she was starting to disappear. He looked at him self and saw the same thing.

"What's happening?"

"Like I said we changed time, we no longer exist."

"That means Kari won't die."

"We won't know."

"Then there is something I need to do."

He walked to the Davis and Kari from the time period they were in now. Both looked very confused. He knelt down and started to talk to Davis first.

"Davis I want you to something for me."

"Um, sure."

"Promise me that you'll always look out for her and never let harm come to her."

"I promise."

Older Davis turned to Kari. "Kari promise me that you'll tell him how you feel."

"I will."

The older Davis turned to see Tai and Sora, Ken and Yolie, Matt and Mimi and the older/younger (middle) Davis and Kari kissing. Those that didn't have a boy or girlfriend were with the digimon saying their good-byes, well all but one. Ashley was sitting beside Kari's body. He walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her. She spoke in a whisper so only he could hear.

"I'm going to miss mom."

"I know."

A couple moments later they were gone leaving only Davis and Kari with their unconscious friends. Davis broke the science.

"Is there something you want to tell me Kari?"

"Ya, I really do like you Davis. I never told you because I wanted to see if it was just a crush or real love. After seeing that, I know that you do." She looked down embarrassed. Davis tilted her head bake up and lightly kissed her.

"I really like you to."

She smiled as he pulled her into a hug.

"Now let's go give TK the good news."

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That was the longest chapter so far but it was also the last at least for this story. If you want a sequel tell me by reviewing. For now I'm happy just being able to sleep instead of working. Hope you liked it.