Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Step Ahead ❯ The Mystery and the Abduction ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Please review I need to know if this is good. If you have a suggestion tell me.

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Kari was walking through a city. What city she was in, she didn't know. She didn't know when it was or how she got here, and wherever here was she didn't like it. She was walking towards a large castle, which seemed to have dark energy coming from it. The city was like none she had seen before. There were no people no, sign of any life. There were also signs of an ancient battle. There were transports turned over and burned, craters of long ago explosions, shells of once magnificent buildings, and even though it seemed to have happened long age the sent of death still hung in the air. The stench was enough to make Kari fell sick. As she got closer to the castle the smell got stronger. She tried to walk away but she couldn't, it was as if something was pulling her towards it. As she walked closer she could see a huge gate that, as she got closer, opened. She walked in and in front of her was Generationmon.

"What is this place?"

"This is your future."

"Where are my friends?"

He pointed behind her. She turned around and saw her friends hanging from the ceiling. They were scared and mutilated almost to the point where she couldn't even recognize them. She stared into Davis's empty eyes as fear coursed through her. To her surprise he started to speak…but in Generationmon's voice.

"Now you will die."

Kari woke up in a cold sweat. Everything started to come back to her. She remembered where she was, whom she was with, and the dream. The Dream. It had seemed so real. Could it be the future? She shuddered at the thought as she looked up at Davis who was sleeping soundly. She lay back down and as she drifted back off to sleep, she hoped for better dreams. (The dream will be explained in the sequel if I ever have time to write it.)

As the younger kids came closer to where the readings from Kari and Davis, they saw Kari's disappear for a couple of moments but then reappear strong as ever. After about 15 minuets of searching Cody found it. The base was one story high and looked small. It was covered with rock; the only reason he saw it was because one of Megidramon's blasts had knocked away some rock revealing the metal under it. They digivolved and approached the base. When they got close their future selves came out and also digivolved. After a tense moment Tribunalmon finally spoke.

"Well either we talk or we fight, chose one."

After another tense moment the younger digimon dedigivolved. They were soon followed by their counterparts. Everyone had relaxed after they dedigivolved except Veemon and Gatomon.

"Where are our partners?"

The older Kari pointed over at the base, "they're in there."

The older digidestined turned and started walking towards the base and ever though the kids were still wary, the followed. Everyone walked to the room where Kari and Davis were supposed to be, but they weren't there. Tai went to a control panel that was on one of the walls. A few moments later he came back and told them Davis and Kari were in the mess hall. When they entered the mess hall they saw that it was filled with humans and digimon. They found Davis and Kari in the back having a small snack. When the pair saw them they immediately ran over. After a happy reunion they had to get back to the problem.

"How are we going to get back home", asked the younger Davis.

"And defeat Generationmon", added Cody.

The future Izzy spoke up, "We have been working on a way to move through time, but it will be for nothing if we don't destroy Generationmon."

"We found out that when he was fighting you he was at his weakest."

"Then we'll have to go back to that point."

"Yeah, it'll be a piece of cake", Davis said in his confident tone.

"Didn't you say that last time", Yolie said in her sarcastic tone.

Davis just ignored her. With the decision to go back into the past the Izzy's went to work calculating whatever they calculate. The Tais, Soras, Matts and Kens went to make the strategies. This left the rest of them do what they want. The younger Mimi went with the older to try to find out what the fashions would be for the next few years. The Codys went to the gym to learn some new kendo moves. Joe showed his younger self some new medical instruments and techniques. The Yolies and the younger TK also went to the gym, while the older TK went up to his room metering darkly. The older Kari and Davis went for a walk, which left the younger ones alone. They couldn't decide where to go so they went over to one of the wall panels that had a map on it. After looking at it for a couple of minutes they finally decided on going to the garden. As they walked they saw the older TK. He walked past and Davis accidentally bumped into him. TK snarled at him and then shoved him to the ground. TK then turned around and ran away. Kari shook off her disbelief and helped Davis up.

"Whats his problem?"

"I don't know, but let's move before he decides he wants round two."

The two hurried two the garden where they found a nice bench next to a small fountain. They talked about small things like what it like to meet their future selves. Half way through the conversation their eyes meet and they stopped talking. Their lips drifted closer as their minds started racing with thoughts. Just as their lips were about to touch the older Davis came running out of the bushes. He was yelling he took her over and over again. Kari tried to calm him down. At first he looked surprised to see her but then just sad.

"Who is she?"

"Kari", he said near tears.

"Who took her?"

"TK, he took her to Generationmon."

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They were so close. Maybe they'll do it in the next chapter. The dream will be explained in sequel.