Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Summer Camp of Love ❯ Now who's a fool ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

That night, was the last night of camp, and that meant it was time for the ball. All that day, especially after Kari and Davis had come out of that room… and Davis cleaned the lip-gloss smears off his face, everyone spent their time getting ready.
The girls were taken to an area where any dress of any kind was there for them to select for the ball, and even makeup and jewelry.
The boys got suits and tuxedos to try on.
The main hall was decorated fancy, with carpeting, chandlers, and even sit-down romantic dinners for all the couples, and would you believe, every camper was now in a romantic relationship, even Cody and Hitomi… although they hadn't kissed yet, and felt they were too young.
As dinner and the ball progressed Junta and Ami explained to Davis what was going on, and who very few couples they ever had failed to come together. Especially those who seemingly wanted to be together, but didn't' confront each other… like Davis and Kari.
So the counselor's always had a plan ready for that.
The forbidden bunk was not exactly all that forbidding, just to all the other campers. The counselors knew that it would be the one place one would think to look last, and the cavern below was all handmade and rigged with only play dangers…
Davis was embarrassed to learn that those boulders that shot at him were only real soccer balls painted brown, and that huge one was a giant balloon with a speaker inside it imitating the sound of a rolling stone.
Kari was captured by Chloe and taken to the special room where she had been staying the past few days, and Chloe had been brining her food from the kitchen, by Kari's request, and that everyone at camp was in on the act of her disappearance to test Davis out.
Believing that he was right… not willing to give up… and chasing after Kari and braving all those dangers proved how much he cared for her.
As for Chloe, she was really an actress hired by the camp to play along, and she had a boyfriend in town. “But… you said you always wanted to meet me.” Davis said.
Chloe admitted that was true, “Who wouldn't want to meet THE Davis Motomiya; the guy who saved everyone's butts.”
Davis didn't know what to feel. He was mad at everyone for being tricked like that, and happy that everything was back to normal, but… out of everything… he was happy that Kari loved him, and they could start to go at it now.
“And that's what makes you and Kari… Number-One Campers and Couple in our books tonight.” Junta announced. The crowd cheered for joy and then chanted over and over for them to “Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!” Kari giggled, and Davis smirked at her before he took her into his arms, and dipped her back, “Ohh…! Oh…!” and kissed her deeply making the crowds cheer louder.
The ball continued and the couples danced all through the night, except when it came time to eat dinner. The night was so romantic, nobody wanted to it to end, or even to leave camp…
…but the next morning the campers bid their goodbyes to the camp and counselors, hopped in the bus and were on their way home. After all, the summer was still young, and the couples couldn't all wait to get home. TK and Mina were planning a date immediately. They were going to shoot some hoops, catch a movie and maybe a pizza.
Hitomi invited Cody for dinner at her place, to which he accepted. “I can't believe I've got a date.” He kept saying.
Ken and Yolei were just planning to take it easy, but as for Davis and Kari. They planned to just stay in that night… in Davis' room and maybe watch a few DVDs… except… when they got to Davis' room upon arriving home…
Davis' family was overjoyed to have him back, and please to hear he and Kari were finally going to start dating… only…
Davis' room was a huge mess, even messier than when he left for camp. Jun explained that Veemon got a little carried away and invited all the Digimon to party in Davis room for weeks. “And just where is Veemon?” Davis asked, but the sounds of groaning and belching gave him away.
Veemon poked out of a pizza-box with his stomach bloated to twice its regular size. “Ohh…! Double pepperoni is delicious… but… the Hawaiian with pineapples gave me heartburn!” He groaned, and he belched hard. “Exshcuse me! Ohh…! Awe…!”
Kari, Davis, and Jun all shook their heads and rolled their eyes, and Veemon burped again, “Oh, shorry…! Ohh!”