Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ The Aftermath ❯ Prologue
Author's Note: Well…*takes deep breath* Hey! This is Pooka's first fic EVER, and Pooka's really nervous about it! Yeah, Pooka know, it's a short fic (Not even two chapters long!), but there is a perfectly good reason for it! Actually, TWO perfectly good reasons for it. Reason One: It is short because it is just the introduction to the 'Destiny Series' I have planned.
Reason Two: It is the middle of the night and I'm frickin' tired!!!!!
There ^.^' That's why this fic is so short. Well, Pooka better get on with it! Oh, but first, the summary! Ok, here 'tis!
Summary: It's been two years since MaloMyotismon's demise. Davis is into football (The American football. Please don't hate Pooka for this, Pooka know he's the guy who's practically obsessed with soccer when he's not obsessing over Kari, but Pooka thought Pooka try something a bit new. Don't worry, Pooka'll make him go back to playing soccer…one way or another…MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA-Oooh! They just shoved a little bunny to Pooka through little white floppy-flap!), Ken's now the best-ever soccer player, Yolei's doing whatever it is Yolei does, Cody is still training with his grandfather (Kendo), and T.K and Kari are…dating? Wow, things certainly have changed the past two years! Hmm………It seems that their Digimon partners are busy, as well. Hawkmon's trying on Yolei's high heels, Armadillomon is now Kendo training alongside Cody, Patamon continues to be rejected by Gatomon, and DemiVeemon is doing what he does best: eat, sleep, and eat more! Pooka guess…it's for the best…But Pooka could be wrong! (P.S. Tai and Sora are a couple, Matt starts developing feelings for Jun, Izzy is buying his precious laptop new parts, Joe is studying to become a doctor like his dad, Mimi is modeling in America, and their Digimon partners are vacationing in the Digital World!)
Ages (Just to get things straight):
Davis Motomiya: 15 Tai Kamiya: 22
Kari Kamiya: 15 Sora Takenouchi: 21
T.K Takashi: 15 Matt Takashi: 22
Cody Hida: 12 Izzy Izumi: 18
Yolei Miyako: 16 Mimi Tachikawa: 22
Ken Ichijouji: 15 Joe Kido: 24
Disclaimer: Pooka don't own Digimon. So bleh.
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The Aftermath
Kamiya Residence, Kari's bedroom:
Kari was lying on her bed, gazing up at the pale white ceiling, a grin plastered on her face. 'T.K just asked me out…He just ASKED ME OUT!' The brunette felt like screaming those words out at the top of her lungs. But she didn't. She kept them locked up inside and just listened to the music playing on her radio. She had the volume cranked up loud enough so she didn't hear her older brother, Tai, making out with his girlfriend, Sora. Kari's parent's were vacationing in Hawaii for the week, and Tai had decided today would be the perfect day to have sex with his lovely girlfriend. He had made Kari swear she wouldn't tell their parents before inviting Sora over. She wanted it as badly as Tai did, and that's what they've been doing for the past two hours. Having sex while Kari was stuck in the other room, cranking the music up even louder.
Kari nodded her head to the beat of the song that had just started. It was one of her favorites. She didn't know why. Maybe because…I don't know, maybe because it had a good beat or something.
I tried to kill the pain But only brought more [So much more]
I lay dying And I'm pouring Crimson regret and betrayal
I'm dying. Pray-y-y-ying. Bleeding. And screaming
Am I too lost to be saved?
Am I too lo-o-ost?
Kari stroked Gatomon's white fur as the cat Digimon hopped onto the bed and nestled beside her partner, purring.
My God, My tourniquet
Return to me salvation
My God, My tourniquet
Return to me salva-ha-ha-tion
Do you remember me?
Lost for so long
Will you be on the other side
Or will you forge-het me?
I'm dying. Pray-y-y-ying. Bleeding. And screaming
Am I too lost to be saved?
Am I too lo-o-ost?
My God, My tounique--
CLICK. The brunette turned off her platinum colored radio and sat on the edge of her bed, rubbing Gatomon's ears. "What's wrong, Kari? I thought you liked that song." Kari grinned. "I do. It's just, well…It's kind of old now. Plus, I'm not really in the mood for a depressing song right now. At the moment, I'm ecstatic!" Gatomon cocked her feline head to one side, confused. "Why is that? Did I do something wrong?" Kari laughed, shaking her head as she patted her little friend gently on the head. "No, no. Ecstatic means happy. I'm happy, Gatomon." "Oh…" The cat thought a moment, cleaning her claws. "What for? Did I do something right?" Kari giggled again as she pulled the catlike Digimon into a joyful hug. "You always do stuff right, Gatomon. No, I'm happy because, well…because I'm going out." "You're happy to go walk outside? Geez, I've never seen anyone so happy to take a walk before…" Kari giggled yet again as she released her partner. "No, silly! I'm dating!" Gatomon's ears perked up with interest. "Really? And who's the lucky boy?" Kari's eyes closed for a few seconds as the brunette pictured T.K naked. 'Mmm…' Hr eyes flying back open, Kari grinned. "T.K." Gatomon nearly did a back flip off the bed in her excitement. "I knew it, I knew it, I KNEW IT!" The white furred cat grinned as she congratulated Kari. Kari laughed as she scratched her little friend between the ears. Then a thought crossed her mind. Davis was pretty depressed when she and T.K had announced to their friends that they were going out. 'Poor Davis. I hope he's ok with this. After all, I still want to be friends with him. I just hope he doesn't do anything stupid to jeopardize our friendship…'
Odaiba High School, football field:
"C'mon, Motomiya! Hustle, hustle, HUSTLE!" The football coach, Coach Fesk (Transferred from America to teach football in Odaiba. The town really wanted a football team, so they hired the coach, no idea how capable he REALLY was), shouted, almost in a pleading voice, to his best player on the team, right on top of Jordan Yamigouchi, who was the fastest player. Davis Motomiya was officially the best, though. Just like he was on his soccer team. Hmph, guess this kid was MEANT to play sports!
Davis shook his head as he forced his legs to move faster. Normally, he would be the second done with the routine exercises during football practice, first being, of course, Jordan, the fastest kid on the team. Davis wasn't exactly himself today. Nor was he himself yesterday. Or the days before then. Actually, he was never himself since T.K and Kari announced to everyone last week that they were officially an item. It had pained Davis to hear them say that, and it practically killed him when they kissed after proclaiming the sentence Davis had dreaded his whole life. If it were him and Kari telling everyone they were a couple and then kissing afterwards, the dark haired teen would be burning with vigor today. But it wasn't, and he isn't. "Alright, guys! Practice is over! Yall can go on home and rest up now!" Davis sighed with relief as he headed with his teammates towards the locker room. "Hey Davis, you ok? You seemed out of it today." Jordan's bass voice asked from beside the down player. Davis sighed as he gazed at his friend.
"No, man. I'm not ok."
"You wanna talk 'bout it?"
"Ok, whatever, man. But you better be better by tomorrow. I hear Coach is gonna bring out the big guns."
Davis grinned slightly. "And just what would these 'big guns' be?"
"Well, I overheard Garret talking to Dan about these 'big guns', and he said they were these really, really heavy stone bricks. He said that Coach was gonna have us carry like, five or so of them across the field and back. He said they were supposed to build our upper body strength or something."
Davis laughed as the two entered the small locker room. It smelt of sweat and horrid body odor, but the two were used to the stench, and they marched towards their lockers, which just so happened to be side-by-side. Taking off his uniform, the dark haired teen flexed his muscles (Yes, he now has muscles. What? Pooka love Davis and Pooka not afraid to mold him into what Pooka think he should look like! :p). "Like I need to." Jordan rolled his eyes and punched Davis lightly on the arm. Davis feigned injury and punched Jordan back. "Oh man, you're in for it, now. You are in for it!" That said, the two teens, dressed only in their boxers, began fighting, throwing harmless punches at the other, kicking occasionally. The rest of the team laughed at the pair, then packed their gym bags and moved on, leaving the two to their 'fight'.
Miyako residence, Yolei's bedroom:
"You did WHAT?" Yolei shrieked in bliss, absentmindedly wrapping the clear blue phone cord around her index finger. "OH MY GOD YOU ARE THE BEST BOYFRIEND EVER!" Yolei flopped onto her bed, sighing as she and her boyfriend, Ken, began talking about their romantic dinner at the most expensive restaurant in Odaiba: the Blue Palm. Hawkmon stumbled out from the excited girl's closet, hot pink high heels strapped to his feet. "Yolei, do you think I should wear these next time we go out in public?" Yolei glanced over at Hawkmon, nodded, then jerked her head back in the hawk Digimon's direction. She dropped the phone as Hawkmon ambled towards her, spreading his wings to keep his balance. "I tried on your pale blue slip-ons, but I think my feet were too big for them…Then there was that pair of light purple high heels, but…let's not even go there. So, what do you think, Yolei? To 'hot'?" The hawk suddenly struck a pose similar to one of the fashion models in one of Yolei's many fashion magazines. Yolei felt like dying then and there. "Hawkmon…WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN MY SHOES?!" The girl screamed furiously, tackling the bird to the floor and wrestling the shoes off. "Uh, Yolei? Hello? Yolei? Hellooo!" Ken's voice was drowned out by Yolei's shrieks of rage and Hawkmon's squawks of fright.
Takashi residence, T.K's bedroom:
T.K sat in the middle of his bed, gazing out his bedroom window, a dreamy look in his eyes. He was finally dating the one girl he had been dying to go out with for years. And now, it's finally happened! His life-long dream had come true! 'Can't forget the look on Davis's face when we told them all the good news. Or when I pulled Kari in for that kiss. HAHA! He was about to cry his little eyes out! That little punk is out of my way, and now I can have Kari all to myself…Heeheehee…' "T.K! Earth to T.K! Hello in there!" T.K snapped out of his trance and turned to see Patamon glaring at him, his orange wings flapping in annoyance. "What?" The blonde asked innocently, grinning as the orange football, but with wings, flew up and landed on his head. "What were you thinking about? You looked pretty lost there." T.K laughed as he gazed back out the window. "I'm going out with Kari now, Patamon." Patamon congratulated his partner. "Thanks. How are things with you and Gatomon?" Patamon frowned. "She's still not saying yes when I ask her out…" T.K sensed his little buddy was down, so he reached up and plucked him off his head, patting the little guy thoughtfully. "She might be scared. Did you ever think of that?" Patamon shook his orange head, grinning slightly. "I think I'll try tomorrow." "Try what tomorrow?" Patamon gazed up at his partner, his grin widening. "Ask her out, silly!" T.K laughed and patted the orange Digimon on the head, his thoughts floating back to Kari and Davis's 'near tears' scene.
Cody's grandfather's training building:
"Well, this is it, buddy. Are you sure you want to do this?" Beside the young adolescent, a yellow armadillo nodded. "Sure, Cody. I'm set on trying this "Kendo" thing out." Cody laughed and led Armadillomon towards the front door. "Well, do you know how to wield a sword." The yellow Digimon thought for a second before replying. "If I don't know how, I'm sure I'll learn." Cody nodded in his serious manner and opened the sliding door. Armadillomon stepped in first, followed by Cody. 'Here we go…' The young teen thought, closing the door behind him.
Somewhere in the Digital World:
A dark shadow slid across the barren landscape, headed towards an indescribable building looming ahead, shrouded by the black sky. 'Soon, very soon, I will have my revenge on those Digidestined freaks! Starting with that foolishly adamant leader of theirs. MaloMyotismon would enjoy their screams as I torture them to the death! That, I'm sure of…' The indistinct shadow disappeared into the darkness, an evil cackle echoing throughout the desolate land. 'I, as well, will enjoy breaking them until they beg for death!' Another earsplitting screech reverberated off the bare scenery.
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Weellll………*sigh* Please review. Pooka know it's short, but Pooka tried. POOKA TRIED!!! *deep breath* Ok, ok. Ok. Pooka's working on a sequel, and trust Pooka (Don't worry, no one ever does), it'll be long. Very long. So long you'd wish for another! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA…Wait, that doesn't make any sense………o.O O,O O.o