Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ The Amazing Colossle Unoficial Season 11 Episode Guide ❯ #1105 DIGIMON 1/2 ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

#1105 DIGIMON 1/2

Original Fic by Robster80

Summary and MiSTing by Digifan316


There are certain times that crossovers never work. This is one of them. Why? Simple, Mr. Pink Wedding himself, Robster80 decides to use the Ranma 1/2 cursed springs as, get this, A LIME DEVICE! I'll wait till reality hits you. On the upside, it's not another Takami. I'll wait till you're done partying. Done? Good.

We begin the fic finding out that the tour guide from Ranma 1/2 got his job back. That's the good news. The bad news, we have foreshadowing as the guide thinks "Hope kids don't fall in spring." We then see whom those kids are when Tai, Kari, and all the others step off a bus. We also find out that Davis is still an idiot when he tries to make TK look bad by spilling his drink on TK'S Gilligan hat. OOOOOOOO! EVIL! As Davis tries (Keyword: Tries) to look cool, Kari and the others know that he's a dope. What gets worse, his sister is along for the ride as Jun keeps a hold of Matt. Just when we thought that was bad enough, we find out that this is a Mimato.

Well, after all the stuff at the bus, the tour FINALLY gets underway. As the guide said that the springs were cursed, Tai says that there is no such thing as curses or magic. Right, after seeing Wizardmon and having a giant Dracula wannabe nearly destroying his town, he doesn't believe in magic. As Davis sees TK with Kari, he gets really angry and hears about the drowned girl spring. Faking a trip, Davis pushes TK in and he comes out as a well-built red head. Wait a minute. A red head? Isn't TK a blonde? And doesn't the spring turn you into what you would look like as a girl? Oh well. Anyway, Kari saw this as well as the others and quickly becomes everyone's favorite character in this fic as she knocks Davis into the spring of drowned pig. Jun sees this and knocks Kari into the spring of drowned cat as Tai gets in between them and gets knocked into spring of drowned duck and Jun gets knocked into the panda spring. This caused Jun to go nuts and knock Matt into the wolf spring (Oh, that's a big surprise), Cody goes into the spring that turns people into a minotaur with wings and an eel's tail, and Sora into the tiger spring. The guide gets pissed and nearly yells at the kids to follow him to find a cure. The guide tells them all to take a hot bath and Kari neeko gets a dirty idea. She sneaks into TK'S bath and secretly joins him. Must have been a lot of steam in the room for TK to miss the ONLY cat in the whole room.

As TK gets in and changes back, he sees Kari did too, and has a memory lapse as he forgets that he's naked. Just then, Davis comes into the room. Just before the situation can be resolved though, we see what happened a few minutes ago as Matt and Tai yelled at Davis. Jun sees this and Mimi thinks that now she'll have second thoughts about Matt. Davis then heard something and went to the bathroom with TK in it and, as we all can expect, jumps to the conclusion that he raped her. He then blames TK for the curse that was put on everyone, even though we know who's really responsible, and tries to fight TK when Ken hits him on the head with a frying pan. Gee, if I didn't know better, I'd say they were a married 1957 cartoon couple. As Ken takes Davis away, Tai, Matt, and TK get to see Kari naked. Nothing like having one of your own relatives see you in your birthday suit to brighten your day. After everyone leaves, TK is looking for a spear robe in another room as Kari plays peeping tom. She sees TK with out a towel as he drops it and gets a lemony idea. She bursts into the room and surprises TK and TK says that he needs a spare robe and Kari was too happy to oblige, as she takes off the robe. TK tries not to see her naked, but it couldn't be helped. Before the lime turns lemon, Davis comes in and tries to fight TK. TK head butts Davis and Tai enters the room saying that it wasn't the time to put the moves on Kari. Kari says TK wasn't putting the moves on her, because she was putting the moves on him, witch causes Davis, and the readers, to be astonished. Well, they find the cures and everyone goes home, but not before we're treated to a mental image of Kari giving Davis a knuckle sandwich.


Segment one: The Mads sends up a ship with poor entertainment for two people. Brian grabs Maggie before she can get on and Matt and Kari get off the SOL on the ship and are treated to "Spiceworld" and "Artimis' Lover." Maggie is so grateful for the save, Brian's reward was shocking to say the least.

Segment two: How do you reward someone for not interrupting a wedding while punishing a goggle wearing baka? Answer: TAKARI!

Segment three: Crow goes over the cursed spring collection he has, when he notices that the drowned girl spring is missing half of its content. Davis screams and sounds like a girl. Normally, that's expected, except he comes out looking like a girl.

Segment four: Refusing to cure Davis. Would you?

Segment five: After one too many hits in the theater, Davis splits personalities and Brian uses an old Joel device that survived the crash in an inventions locker to turn Daisy into a physical being and curing Davis. It works, but just as Daisy comes out, cupid decides to target both Daisy and Davis.

Segment six: Davis and Daisy are kissing and flirting and the alarm goes off before it goes farther. This is one time fanfic sign is a good thing.

Segment seven: Davis is dead set on being Daisy's boyfriend, till someone mentions that Kari could date Yolei. Davis leaves and Daisy is heartbroken… till she sees QB Ted.


Crossovers are used to ether tell a good story (Witch doesn't work most of the time), as a comedy bit (Witch is bad), or a lime/lemon plot (Witch is worse). The only good crossover anyone can see is if the Ronan Warriors met the scouts since they're so similar. What really has me baffled about crossovers is why are there so many Gundam Wing and Sailor Moon crossovers? They live in different times/universes. It even has its own section on Fanfiction.net. As for this fic, the up shot is that it's one of the few Ranma crossover fics I've seen that doesn't crossover with Sailor Moon, and one of the few Digimon crossover fics I've seen that doesn't have the Pokemon. However, I gotta give props to Robster on this one. While this was a crossover, it was a good lime. Yes, you read right. While you can't make a tasteful Digimon lemon, you can make a tasteful Digimon lime.


You can find my MiSTing at

http://www.mediaminer.org/fanfic/view_ch.php?id=2956&cid=7501& ;submit=View