Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ The Crest of Honesty ❯ The Stranger ( Chapter 1 )

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The Crest Of Honesty



Chapter 1: The Stranger

It was a warm but breezy afternoon the sun shone high in the light blue sky there were very few clouds around.

Sam Adams found herself standing outside someone's door. She didn't know where she was all she could remember was walking, walking and walking until she had found this building and remembered thinking - that might give me a good view of the city- and there she was looking at it. She stood there and thought *-this should be a nice place to make a new start-* she had fled her own country England because she felt that no there had cared for her, needed or wanted her. Even when she was at the airport ready to get on the plane the only person who came to say goodbye was her best friend. She had told her friend that she needed to get away from all the pain that she had suffered in the UK and start a new life. She felt she needed to go somewhere where she felt needed and wanted and she hoped that this was the place where she could finally have those things. She had no money as she spent all her money on her flight. Then the door behind her opened, and voice came from behind her 'Hi' it said

Sam: huh! (Shocked)

'Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you' the voice said.

Sam turned round to see a boy standing in the doorway.

Sam: oh that's ok

The boy smiled then he said 'my names Taichi Kamiya but most people call me Tai'

Sam: oh hi Tai I'm Sam Adams

Tai: hi Sam, are you new I haven't seen you around here before (questionably)

Sam: yeah I just arrived

Tai: cool

They talked for a bit then they heard " Tai Tai where did you…… oh" it was Kari Tai's sister.

Kari: Hi

Sam: Hi

Tai: Kari this is Sam she's new around here

Kari: well I can see that!

Sam laughed but Tai seemed a little annoyed by what Kari had just said

Tai: Kari's my sister

Kari: yeah why else would I live here!

Kari and Sam laughed which made Tai even more annoyed and Kari could see this so she stopped.

Tai: so where do you live Sam?

Sam: oh well I just got here so I haven't been able to arrange a place to stay yet

Tai and Kari: oh

Kari: would you like to come in mum isn't home yet

Sam: erm…. are you sure it's ok?

Kari: yeah

Sam: well… ok thanks

Tai: Kari (concerned)

Sam walked in cautiously, Kari and Tai followed they were talking about something but she didn't know what as she couldn't hear them very well.

Kari: take a seat

Sam: oh… um…. thanks

She was a little nervous but she sat down on the sofa and Tai sat on the other sofa.

Kari: would u like a drink……..

Tai: yeah I'd love one


Tai: oh

Sam: yeah ok thanks Kari

Kari: what would u like?

Sam: oh I'll just have water thanks

Kari: ok

Tai looked bored but out of the corner of her eye Sam could see that he was looking at her and everytime she turned to look at him he looked away, Kari could see this too.

Kari: here you go

Handing the drink to Sam

Sam: thanks Kari

Kari: your welcome

Then she smiled

Kari: Tai are you ok?

Tai: sure I'm fine

But Kari and Sam weren't convinced, they looked at each other as if to say 'I don't think he is'

Then the phone rang

Kari: I'll get it

Kari: hello? hi yeah he's here hold on a moment please

Kari: Tai, It's for you

Tai got up and went to get the phone from his sister

Tai: thanks Kari

Tai: hello?

While Tai talked on the phone, Kari when back over to Sam and they started talking

Kari: have you decide where you're going to stay yet?

Sam: (sigh) no

Sam looked down at her feet, where was she going to stay? She had never booked any accommodation because she took the first available flight out of England, which only included the flight.

Kari sighed, Sam seemed so sad when she answered her question, Kari thought Sam was a nice person who looked like she had, had a lot of bad things happen to her in the past and she wished there was something she could do to help Sam. Then she thought *-Sam could stay with us-* but of course she would have to discuss it with her brother and parents but she was sure they wouldn't mind. She decided that if she was going to help Sam she needed to know a little more about her if she was to have all the answers for her parents when they asked but she would need Tai's help and she knew it.

Kari: so where are your parents?

At this question Sam seem sadder than ever she looked like she was about to cry

Sam: um……well my parents got divorced some years ago now

Kari: oh I'm sorry

Sam: it's ok you didn't know

Tai got off the phone and joined the two girls

Tai: so what are you guys talking about?

Kari: we're not guys! We're girls!

Tai rolled his eyes and groaned

Kari: I was just asking Sam about her parents

Tai: yeah where are they?

Sam fought back the tears *-I mustn't cry, I mustn't cry-*

She kept repeating to herself in her mind. She kept quiet for a while which made Tai think he had said something wrong.

When Sam felt strong enough and knew she wasn't going to cry as soon as she opened her mouth she said

Sam: their……….their at home

Kari: but I thought you said you had no place to stay

Sam: that's right I don't

Now Tai and Kari were confused

Tai: how can you have no place to stay if your parents are at home?

Everytime Tai said 'parents' Sam felt like she was going to cry so it took her a long time to answer

Sam: I didn't mean home here I meant home in England

Now Tai and Kari looked shocked this girl they were talking to was from England so why was she here in Japan surely she wanted to be with her friends back home. *-that explains the surname-* thought Tai he wondered why it had been bothering him so much *-Adams……now that I think about it that does sound very English-* he though

There was silence as no one talked Sam had thought she had said something wrong *-oh no, what if they don't like English people? What am I going to do now?-* she thought. Kari was the first to speak again

Kari: so what are you doing here? And why isn't your mum with you?

At this question Sam seem to relax a little she was glad that Kari hadn't had said 'one of your parents' but she had a feeling that Tai might. And she was right Tai was about to correct Kari when he felt a slight kick

Tai: ouch!

Then he kept quiet

Sam gave a little giggle when she saw what happened, she was more relaxed now than before and was answering faster. Kari was glad to see Sam laugh even if it was only a little one because she knew it meant that she had calmed down, she had only guessed that Sam had been living with her mum which seem to have been a good guess.

Sam: things were getting a little crazy at home and I just had to get out Britain so I booked the first available flight I could, It didn't matter where it was to! And as for my mum…

Sam stopped as she remembered the argument she had, had with her mum a few days before she was to leave which mad her feel a little angry and said

Sam: (angrily) I don't need her to come with me everywhere I go, I can look after myself, I am twenty after all!

Now this was an even bigger shock to Kari and Tai it shocked them more than when Sam said she was from England. When Sam saw their faces in complete shock she just laughed her head off, she couldn't help it they just looked so funny!

Finally Tai spoke

Tai: your…your…twenty?

Sam: yup

Kari: but you look…

Sam: sixteen?

Tai and Kari: yeah

Sam laughed she always knew she looked younger than she really was, sometimes it was funny to see the way people reacted to her real age but other times it could be really annoying. She laughed again

Sam: don't let my looks fool you… trust me I really am twenty NOT sixteen

Slowly but surely Tai and Kari were getting used to the idea that Sam was twenty. Then Kari remembered that Sam needed a place to stay

Kari: Tai can I talk to you for a moment please now!

Kari was almost completely over the shock but Tai wasn't he sat staring at Sam thinking *-there's no way she can be twenty she only looks about my age-*

Kari: Tai!

But Kari got no answer, so she grabbed her brother's arm and dragged him away so she could talk to him. Tai was still staring at Sam as he was being dragged away, Kari took him into their room and said to Sam

Kari: we won't be a minute

And she then she closed the door

Tai was still staring at the door when Kari had closed it, so she took hold of her brother's shoulders and shook him until he told her to stop.

Tai: what?

Kari: Tai, Sam needs a place to stay

Tai: yeah I know but what can we do about it?

Then he realised what she meant

Tai: oooooh no!

Kari: come on Tai, She has no place to go. She's just arrived remember so she has no friends yet and she has no family out here, all her family are in England. remember what she said she took the first available flight out of Britain and didn't care where it went!

Tai: but…how are we going to convince mom?

Kari smiled she was winning him over and she knew!

Tai: and where's she going to sleep?

Kari: she can have your bed and you can sleep on the floor

At this comment Tai's eyes widen

Tai: sleep on the floor!

Kari: come on Tai! We're the first people she's made friends with. I mean where else is she going to stay? Who else can she turn to?

Outside the room Sam could tell that Kari and Tai were talking about her. It wasn't that she was listening at the door No She was still sitting on the sofa but she could tell that they were talking about her because her ears were burning they always burned when someone was talking about her.

Kari was still trying to convince Tai but she knew he was already half convinced he just needed a little more convincing

Kari: please Tai

Tai agreed

Tai: what do we do to convince mom?

Kari was hoping Tai would ask that. While Kari was telling Tai how they could convince their mum into letting Sam stay, their mum came home

Mrs. Kamiya: hi kids… I'm home

Then she noticed Sam sitting on the sofa

Mrs. Kamiya: oh… hello

Sam became nervous again their mum was home and Kari and Tai were still talking in their room

Sam: hello (nervously)

Mrs. Kamiya: are you a friend of theirs?

Sam didn't know what to say were they friends? She could see that their mum was waiting for an answer

Sam: yeah

Mrs. Kamiya: where are they? How could they leave a friend out here all alone like this?

She wasn't very happy that Tai and Kari had left Sam alone while they went off to do something else

Mrs. Kamiya: Tai, Kari

She knocked on their door

Tai: come in

Mrs. Kamiya: hey you two why have you gone and left your friend alone like this?

Kari: mom can we speak to you a minute

Mrs. Kamiya: sure honey, what it is?

The door closed and Sam was alone again

What are they doing in there? She wondered why do they keep leaving me alone? Am I that boring to be around? All these questions swirled around in Sam's head. She put her hand around her neck and pulled out one of her necklaces that she was wearing, it was flat with curved sides it wasn't very big about 4cm and it was light, it seem to have some kind of strange symbol on it. But Sam had never found out what the symbol meant. It was sliver like most of her jewellery. It was given to her by her father who told her "I've had this since the day you were born. Your grandmother gave it to me and said 'give this to Sam when she turns fourteen she is destined to help a world most of us know nothing about' " neither Sam nor her father knew what her grandmother was talking about. But they put it down to her age and thought nothing more about it. This necklace was very special to Sam because it was given to her before her parents got divorced. It was all she had of her father even though she talked to him on the phone and visited him a few times it still wasn't the same as seeing him everyday and living in the same house as him, she sighed as she looked at it. She then took out her other necklace that she was wearing this was also sliver but it was a different shape altogether this necklace was shaped in a half heart shape when connected with the other half it made a complete heart. On it was the word 'Friends' written at a slant as it was at the bottom, at the top there was a picture of a heart and around the edge was a twisted ribbon like effect. This necklace was given to her best friend (who kept the other half) back in England it was a birthday gift given on her 18th birthday. She could still remember what her friend had said to her when she opened it "no matter what happens we'll ALWAYS be best friends and keep in contact with each other promise" she had agreed. A tear came to her eye as she remembered how sad her friend looked when she left the UK for good to start a new life for her self but she had promised shed get in contact as soon as she could and when she was settled. And that was a promise she intended to keep no matter what. She held both necklaces tightly in her right hand remembering everything she had left behind:

Her cats, her friends, her father. She tried to fight the tears but the tears won and they were flooding down her face.

Then she heard the door behind her opening she quickly dried her eyes and tried to calm down.

How long had they been in there she had lost track of time.

Tai, Kari and their mum came and sat near Sam all of them had smiles on their faces and she wondered what they were smiling about. Then their mum spoke

Mrs. Kamiya: Sam, we've all talked about your situation

Situation? What did she by situation does she mean not having a place to stay? Sam wondered could Kari and Tai told her everything I told them? It's possible…. Now I'm worried but wait they all have smiles on their faces could this be good news?

If it was good news it was the first piece of good news she would have in ages!

Mrs. Kamiya went on

Mrs. Kamiya: And we've decided….

Sam grew tense and wished for good news

Mrs. Kamiya: that you could stay with us

Sam couldn't believe her ears, she had just met these people and they were allowing her to stay with them this was the best news Sam had heard in a long time she had tears in her eyes but she fought them

Kari: practically live with us

Kari smiled, Tai smiled even their mum smiled at what Kari had just said

Mrs. Kamiya: (sighed) welcome to the family

Then she gave a small laugh

At this Sam couldn't help it anymore she cried while saying

Sam: thank you… thank you so much

Finally people who wanted her, Kari went over to Sam and tried to calm her down

Kari: this way

Leading Sam into their room it took Sam several minutes to calm down when she had finally calmed down Kari asked her

Kari: do you bring any luggage with you?

Sam: yeah I left it all at the airport

Kari: oh ok hang on a moment

She left Sam in the room and went out as Tai came in

Tai: so I take it you don't go school being your twenty

Sam laughed

Sam: no

Tai: do you want to come to my school and meet my friends? Being you have no friends here yet.

Sam: yeah I'd like that Tai thanks

Tai smiled, Kari came back and told Sam that they could pick up Sam luggage from the airport. So they all went and Sam told them what bits of luggage were hers then they went back home. By the time they got back home they all felt very tired, Sam put her cases in Kari and Tai's room and turned to Kari and said

Sam: um… Kari where am I going to sleep?

Kari laughed

Kari: in Tai's bed and he's going to sleep on the floor

Sam laughed

Sam: where is Tai?

No soon had Sam said that then Tai walked through the door

Sam: thanks for letting me have your bed Tai

Tai: That's ok Sam

Later that night Sam couldn't sleep she had forgot to ask Tai when he wanted her to go to his school with him. She lay awake thinking about all the things that had happened to her in England and how she had never really been happy, then it came to her that she was happy now. she wanted to tell her best friend in England but she didn't want to wake everyone up so she turned to lie on her stomach and rested her chin on her arms that were folded in front of her. Then she heard what seems like a voice calling her name she ignored it at first thinking that it was her imagination but the more she heard it the more she thought it came from the floor so she looked over the bed and she jumped

As she was going to look over the bed Tai was coming up into the bed and gave Sam a fright.

Sam: Tai don't do that you scared me half to death!

Tai: Sorry

But Sam could tell he enjoyed it

Tai: Sam can I ask u a question?

Sam: yeah sure what is it?

Tai: do you have a boyfriend?

then she thought of Ben her boyfriend but he told Sam that if she left the UK he wouldn't be her boyfriend anymore but she thought he was kidding and went anyway. she didn't know weather they were still boyfriend and girlfriend or not. At the time Ben was on his way to China to visit a friend who moved there a couple of years ago and had just made contact again.

Sam: kind of

Tai: kind of?

Then she thought of course Ben and I are still going out he was only joking

Sam: sorry Tai I mean I do

'I hope' she whispered to her self

Tai: (disappointed) oh ok

Sam: why do u ask?

Tai: oh er…just wondering

Sam: hmmm

Tai: so………where is he?

Sam: in China (sounding sad)

Tai: oh rite

Sam: Tai can I ask you a question

Tai: sure

Sam: when you asked me earlier if I'd like to see your friends from school when did you mean?

Tai: um… how about tomorrow

Sam: ok

Sam smiled then fell asleep

When morning came Sam was quite wake she looked to see if Tai was awake as she didn't want to step on him

Tai: Morning

Sam: hi

Tai: sleep well?

Sam: yes thanks

Tai smiled

Sam: how about you?

Tai: yeah thanks

Sam got up which was very difficult considering Tai was holding her ankle

Sam: Tai let go

Tai: nope

Sam: Tai let go!

Tai just smiled

Then they heard laughter

Sam: morning Kari

Tai: huh?

As tai turned round to look he loosen his grip of Sam's ankle and Sam took her ankle back then she laughed

Sam: gotcha

Tai smiled as he tried to grab Sam's ankle again but she was ready this time and she moved out the way

Sam: oh no you don't

Then Sam looked up and saw Kari

Sam: morning Kari

Tai: I'm not falling for that again

Kari: morning Sam, not falling for what again Tai?

This time when tai looked back he saw Kari

Tai: morning Kari, nothing

so they all got ready. Kari went off to her school and Sam and Tai headed of for Tai's School. When they got to Tai's school all his friends were waiting for him

Tai: hey guys!

All: hey Tai

Tai: how you doing?

Sam just stood there she felt like an idiot while Tai talked to his friends waiting for him to introduce her. Then he remembered……….

Tai: oh guys this Sam she's new here

Sam: hi

Tai: Sam, this is Sora,…….

Sora: hi

Tai: Matt,

Matt: hi

Tai: Joe

Joe: hi

Tai: and Izzy

Izzy: hi

Off went the school bell

They all went inside except Tai who turned to Sam and said

Tai: I'll meet you after school ok?

Sam: yeah sure

Then he went in.

At lunchtime Tai and Matt started to talk about Sam

Tai: so Matt what do you think of Sam?

Matt: she's pretty cute

Tai: yeah, she is int she

Matt looked at Tai and he looked shocked

Tai: what?

Matt: I thought you were going out with Sora

Tai: I am

Matt looked confused

Tai: but at the moment I wish I wasn't

Matt: why?

Tai smiled then he answered: because when I could ask Sam out …………

They both laughed

Tai: (disappointed) ………..but she's go a boyfriend and she's twenty

Matt: man that's ashame………

Tai: yeah

Matt: ….that she's twenty

It was Tai's turn to be shocked

Tai: Matt didn't you hear me

Matt: yeah I heard you Tai she's twenty

Tai: and……….

Matt: and very cute!

Matt smiled Tai knew where Matt was going with this.

Tai: and she has a boyfriend

Matt: huh? What did you say Tai? Sorry I wasn't listening

Tai sighed he gave up he knew he couldn't win

Tai: well just don't tell Sora what I said about Sam ok

Matt: what that you think that she's cute

"who's cute" a voice said from behind them, they both turned round to see Sora standing there. Tai couldn't speak he just hoped that Sora hadn't been standing there long.

Sora: who do you thinks cute Tai?

Tai didn't know what to say so Matt answered for him

Matt: um well Tai didn't want you to know this but he………

Tai was worried now was Matt really going to tell Sora that he thought Sam was cute?

Sora: he what Matt?

Matt: he thinks you're cute

Sora blushed and Tai was very much relive he knew he could trust Matt

Tai: yeah that's right

Sora hugged Tai and Tai looked at Matt as if to say 'thanks' then he though *-phew that was close-*

Eventually school was over and Sam stood outside waiting for Tai when Matt approached her

Matt: hi

Sam: hi

Matt: how are you doing?

Sam: fine thanks, do you where Tai is? I've been standing here for ages!

Matt: he should be along soon

Sam: I hope so, I'm getting bored standing here

Matt smiled

*-Well it's now or never-* he thought

Matt: Sam…….

Sam: yeah

Still looking for Tai and getting a bit annoyed but still she liked it that Matt was there to talk to so she wasn't bored or looked like a idiot

Matt: would you……..I mean……do you mind if………

Sam: what? (annoyed)

Sam was getting angry not just with Matt who all of sudden couldn't speak in proper sentences but also with Tai who still hadn't turned up yet! Matt could see that she was getting rather angry so he decided to come straight out with it

Matt: ok……. Would you consider having dinner with me?

Sam looked surprised