Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ The Crossover Adventure ❯ The first battle and a new girl ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Sumi: My very first battle.

Me: Yeah! Jyou and his girlfriend will help you too.

Sumi: Jyou has a girlfriend?

Me: Like you, a made up character by me.

Sumi: What is her name? How does she look like?

Me: You will know soon. In the mean time, let's continue the adventure. Digimon is not mine and it cannot and never be mine. It belongs to Toei Animation & Foxkids.

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Chapter 9: The first battle and a new girl

Sumi and Black Agumon were running towards the location where one of the dark digimon Daemon sent was. Yamato who was worried about her tagged along together with Gabumon. Takato, Ruki, Jenrya went with him too while the rest of the tamers would stay and help Sora to search for Koushirou and asked the other digidestinated for help.

Daisuke's group received the signal and headed for another one of the dark digimon location. Takeru and Iori got off from the bus half-way and headed for the last dark digimon location as they heard it was a sea-type digimon.


*Sumi's POV*

It was my first battle. No matter what I must not lose. I told myself. I had told Yamato to be careful along the way there. He said he understood but I hope nothing bad will happen to him like Taichi did. The image of the dark digimon comes to view.

"Dark Tricermon!" Takato exclaimed as he looked into his gold D-power. Yamato and I were surprised to see their "digivice". It was way different from mine. They can even know the data of that particular digimon. That was cool. But serious thing first. This is the first time Black Agumon digivolve using my power.

"Black Agumon warp digivolve to...Black Wargreymon!" Black Wargreymon emerged.

"Good luck!" I called out to Black Wargreymon as he confronts dark Tricermon.

*Yamato's POV*

Black Wargreymon was battling Dark Tricermon. Sumi was supporting him cheering for him. I'm unable to help her. Gabumon can't digivolve into his ultimate state. All I did was to watch. The Tamers seems to know what is happening.

"Digi modifies!" I heard the Tamers shouted.

Guilmon, Renamon and Terriermon digivolve into their ultimate stage. They were battling. But wait! I sensed Taichi's power. The power grew stronger each time Dark Tricermon attack. But why? He must be alive then. I thought in delight. I must think of ways to help them.


*Normal POV*

"Gomamon digivolve to...Ikakumon!" Gomamon shouted.

Jyou knew that he might not stand a chance against Marine devimon but tried his luck.

"Stick with me. Muriko!" Jyou shouted to her.

Muriko was a girl wearing a hat like Takeru's but it was pink in colour. She looked a bit like Hikari. She also looked like Miyako as she was wearing a spectacle. Muriko was scared out of wit. She had seen the same monster before while visiting a friend in the hospital two years ago (the same hospital, Takeru, Iori and Jim Kido went in episode 44 in 02) but this time round Marine Devimon became stronger with Taichi's life power Daemon gave him. As Ikakumon was too weak for him, he was defeated and turned back to Gomamon.

"Sorry, Jyou." Gomamon apologized.

"Don't apologise, he was too strong for us. If only you can digivolve into your ultimate stage." Jyou sighed.

Shakkoumon appeared and started battling with Marine Devimon.

"Are you alright?" Iori and Takeru came shouting for Jyou.

"I'm ok!" Jyou stood up looking at the battle, "He was too strong for me. His power was like digidestinated's. I can sense it." Jyou shook his head.

"Digidestinated's power?" asked Takeru and Iori in unison. "But we can't sense it." Takeru said. Shakkoumon was enough to delete Marine Devimon. On a verge of being deleted, he unleashed his last attack aiming Muriko. Jyou and the others watched and stood rooted to the ground.

"Muriko!" Jyou shouted. Muriko saw the attack coming towards her. Just then, bright light blast through killing Marine Devimon and destroying his attack. Muriko opened her eyes and saw a grey coloured D3 on her hand.

"Wow!" she gasped. Her partner digimon appeared. It was Marine Angemon. It looked the same as Kenta's but Muriko's Marine Angemon could speak in their language.

"Hi! Couples' digidestinated." Marine Angemon greeted Jyou and Muriko. Jyou, Muriko, Takeru and Iori looked at her blankly wondering what the heck she was talking about.


Meanwhile, Sora and the rest of the Tamers found Koushirou at the computer lab. Sora told Koushirou everything about Sumi being a digidestinated.

"What? She..." Koushirou asked unable to believe what he had heard.

"She is the leader of the world's digidestinated which Digidestinateds of the world have to listen to her command. That is why I could not stop her from going for battle." Sora broke in tears.

"It's going to be ok." Juri assured her.

"These three digimon were sent by Daemon who was planning to take revenge on you all. They all were given digidestinated's life power but they can still be defeated easily." Hirokazu proudly present to script. Koushirou looked at him in dismay.

"Digidestinated's life power?" he asked. Hirokazu just smiled. He knew that if Takato knew about this, he would be dead.

"What can we do?" asked Sora. "Don't worry! Today's battle will be settled easily. A new digidestinated will be chosen as couples' digidestinated which means if the new girl fight hand in hand with her boy, their power will grow stronger." Kenta said feeling proud that he knew about that while Hirokazu was starring at him giving him a blank look. Kenta knew he was going to be in trouble again. He laughed at himself.

"Someone is going to be here." Shuichon said. Light blasted through the computer lab.

It was Gennai who came back from the Digimon World. Sora and Koushirou except the Tamers was surprised to see him. Mimi and Palmon came as well.

"Hi! Long time no see, digidestinated! Who are they?" Gennai saw the tamers asked and Koushirou explained everything.

"So all of you knew the progress in the stories huh?" Gennai looked at them blankly. The tamers smiled not knowing what to say. Gennai explained his purpose for coming here. Giving the digidestinated their needed Azulongmon power to aid them with Digimon's digievolution to ultimate stage and above. Gennai also told them about Daemon who was wrecking havoc.

"Please tell the digidestinated with the arrow of hope to be careful with the arrow. Daemon may kill him to get that. If he got both the arrows of hope and light, that's it." The tamers added that all these things were in their script. Koushirou threw a book at them.


"What should we do? Daisuke?" asked Ken. Daisuke walked towards Hikari,

"We needed Tailmon's tail ring." He told her. Hikari agreed without thinking. Tailmon handed him her tail ring.

"Thanks, Tailmon." Daisuke turned to look at Ken. "It's time!"

"Veemon digivolve to...Exveemon!"

"Wormmon digivolve to...Stingmon!"

"Hawkmon digivolve to...Aqillahmon"

Master Tyrannomon was coming nearer to them.

"Exveemon...Stingmon...DNA digivolve...Paildramon."

"Aqillahmon...Tailmon...DNA digivolve... Silphymon!"

"Paildramon...digivolve...Imperial Dramon!" Imperial Dramon changed into fighter mode. Justimon came to help.

"Hi!" Justimon greeted them. Daisuke and the others stared at him.

"It's me Ryo."

"Brother Ryo! Digimon?" Hikari asked.

"Be careful, Hikari!" Justimon shoved Master Tyrannomon away who was heading for her before Hikari knew anything. Silphymon was blasted to the ground and changed back to Tailmon and Hawkmon.

"Thanks Brother Ryo!" she said as she carried Tailmon up.

"Are you guys ok?" Koushirou and Hirokazu came asking. Altur Kabuterimon joined in the fight. Hikari asked Hirokazu about Justimon and she understood.

"Quick! Tailmon digivolve now!" Koushirou shouted.

"This digimon has the life power of a digidestinated. We have to defeat him. Besides, Gennai had given you all Azulongmon's power, you all should be able to evolve up to ultimate stage." Hirokazu added. Hikari looked at Tailmon who nodded her head.

"Tailmon...digivolve to...Angewomon."

"Holy arrow!" she shot the arrow killing Master Tyrannomon. The others could not believe their eyes.

"Angewomon can destroy him in one attack! Cool!" Hirokazu exclaimed.

"You knew that already right?" Koushirou patted him.

"Hehe!" he chuckled.


*Yamato's POV*

Their digimon had already worn out except Sumi's but I can't do anything.

"Yamato, I want to fight!" Gabumon exclaimed.

"But..." I knew Gabumon could not fight him unless..."

"Digivolve now! Gabumon." Gennai shouted. Gabumon was gald to see him.

"Gabumon warp digivolve to...Metal Garurumon!" Metal Garurumon appeared. I could not believe my eyes. It seems a long time I last seen him. Metal Garurumon unleashed his attack injuring him. Dark Tricermon screamed in pain. Sumi was cheering for Black Wargreymon who could still fight. Takato and the rest retreated ended up watching us.

"It's a sure win." Takato told me. I smiled feeling more confident. As Metal Garurumon was going to finish him, I could sense Taichi who was screaming.

"Stop it!" I shouted. Metal Garurumon looked at me as Dark Tricermon aimed his attacks at us.

"No!" I shouted again.

"Terra Drstroyer!" Dark Tricermon was deleted.

*Sumi's POV*

I don't know what got into Yamato. He stopped fighting halfway and almost got himself killed. The other digidestinated and tamers came. My cousin came crying. I hugged her to reassure her that I'm alright.

We went to Koushirou's house. Koushirou told me that he was worried about me. I consoled him by telling him that it was my Black Agumon who defeated Dark Tricermon. I realized that every one of them cared about me. My identity was revealed. Muriko joined us. I turned to looked at Yamato. He seemed to be worn out and he was deep in his thought. I took a breath in and walked towards him. I had to pass the message to him. I had to.


*At the dark ocean*

*Taichi's POV*

Daemon was throwing tantrum. He was mad at the digidestinated being able to kill off his subordinate. I felt weaker as each of the dark digimon was being deleted. It was my life power being deleted anyway. I jeered at him. He looked up at me and walked towards me. I thought he was going to beat me up as usual. I could not move. I was being sealed up here by him since 2 years ago. All he wanted was the arrow of light inside me. I was glad that he could not get it from me. I hope he does not find Yamato. Daemon laughed again. I laughed with him. I can't stand the sight of his looks.

"Boy how was it?" he asked me. I continued laughing.

"Do you know it's so satisfying to see your subordinates being deleted by my friends?" I waited for him to slap me but he did not.

"I'll find the friend of yours with the arrow of hope." He laughed once again.

"You will never succeed." I muttered. If he managed to get hold of my arrow of light and Yamato's arrow of hope, he would be able to conquer the real world and the digital world.


Author's note: That was a long chapter. I'm not good in writing descriptive essay as seen during the fights. Well, the next chapter, Sumi was going to tell Yamato what Taichi had asked her to tell him. Yamato dreamt of him as well. Stay tune and please review.