Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ The Invincible Digimon ❯ Big Trouble in Digiworld,Get the Digidestined ( Chapter 1 )

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The Invincible Digimon

The Invincible Digimon
Chapter 1:Big Trouble in Digiworld,Get the Digidestined.

By Trunks MTK

Gennai was pacing up and down his cottage muttering to himself and wondering when Leomon would be back and hoping it would be soon.He waited for a while when all of a sudden someone shouted.


"Is that you Leomon?"Gennai shouted back.

"Yes,it's me,let me in quickly!"Leomon replied.

So Gennai made the water part so Leomon could come down.Gennai noticed Leomon was cut all over and he was limping too.

"What happened Leomon?"asked Gennai,"Who injured you so badly"

"It was Apocalymon."Leomon answered.

"Apocalymon!"Gennai shouted in surprise,"the digidestined defeated him.How could he come back,it's completely impossible."

"I know that but somehow he's back and he's really strong."Leomon said,"Maybe we should get the digidestined children."

"I think you are right my friend"Gennai said solemnly,"I will send Izzy an
e-mail immediately."
* * *
"Mom,have you seen my football boots?"Tai Kamiya shouted.

I think you left them in the closet!"replied his mom.

"I already checked they aren't in there"Tai said getting really annoyed.

"You left them under your bed the other day"Tai's little sister Kari said coming into the room."See there they are just like I said,you should really clean up your bedroom Tai,it's messier than Miko's litter box."

"Very funny I'll clean it up tomorrow,Tai said not really meaning it."Why did you come in here anyway or did you just come in to say my bedroom is messy."

"I came in to tell you I think something's wrong in Digiworld."Kari said looking really concerned.

"How do you know?"Tai asked her wondering if Agumon was all right.

"I just have a weird feeling that something's wrong."She said.

"Oh.Well,I'm sure everything's fine,so don't worry."Tai said feeling relieved that she only had a feeling that something was wrong,"Now I have to go to soccer practice.So I'll see you later,OK and don't worry."

* * *
Over in Izzy's house Izzy was on the Internet.

"Hey I have e-mail from Gennai,I wonder how everything is in Digiworld."Izzy said to himself.

Izzy there's trouble here in Digiworld .Gather the others and tell them to bring their digivices,with them.P.S.Tentomon and the others are fine but they miss you all.

"I better call the others this sounds serious."Izzy said looking up Tai's number.
* * *
(Phone rings) "Hello"Tai's mom said,"Oh,hi Izzy no Tai isn't here right now he's at soccer practice."

"Will he be back soon?"Izzy asked.

"No he won't be back for an hour.Can I take a message.No,OK."

"Wait a second is Kari there,"Izzy asked just remembering about her.

"Yes,I'll get her for you.Kari,Izzy's on the phone!"

"Coming mom.Thanks.Hi Izzy what's wrong?"

"I just got an e-mail from Gennai,he says there's something wrong in Digiworld and that we should get there soon.He also said to bring our digivices."Izzy told her in a rush.

"I knew there was something wrong but Tai wouldn't believe me.Do you know what it is?"Kari asked anxiously.

"Gennai didn't say,but whatever it is it must be really bad and really powerful.Could you get Tai quickly he knows where Sora and Matt live.I'll call Mimi and Joe and tell them to come to my house."

"OK,I'll get Tai.See you later Izzy."

* * *
Izzy picked up the phone while trying to remember Joe's number.

"Oh,yeah now I remember,"Izzy said,then he began to dial the number.It rang about ten times before a very angry Joe answered.

"Who is it?I'm trying to do some studying I've got a very important test tomorrow and if I fail I'm toast.Oh,it's you Izzy could you call back later on I'm kinda busy."

"Gee,Joe I would except this is very important."Izzy said to Joe who was asking if it was really more important than his study."Yes,Joe it is more important I got an e-mail from Gennai saying there is trouble in Digiworld and that he needs us there A.S.A.P."

"Fine!I'll get to your place as soon as I can,"Joe said still angry because of all the studying he would miss,"What we have to bring our digivices too.OK.See ya."

They both hung up Joe finds his digivice then starts to do a bit more studying and Izzy starts to call Mimi.
* * *
In Mimi's bedroom she's in the middle of dying her clothes pink when the phone starts to ring."Oh,whoever that is don't they know I'm busy"Mimi says and lets the answering machine get it.

Hi,this is Mimi I'm not here but I'd love to talk to you so please leave a message.(Beeep)

"Mimi it's Izzy if you're there please pick up it's very import-"

The message stopped there because Mimi picked up the phone.

"Hi,Izzy what do you want I was dying my clothes."

"Oh,so you are there."He said then explained about Gennai's e-mail.When he was finished Mimi yawned and said"sorry I was thinking about my trip to Hawaii what did you say"So Izzy had to explain it all over again.Five minutes later they both hung up.Mimi finished dying her clothes and went to meet Joe.
* * *
At the soccer field Tai was playing soccer when he saw Kari walking towards the field.

"Kari,what are you doing here,"He asked his little sister.

"I came because Izzy called and said that Gennai sent him an e-mail saying that there was trouble in Digiworld,and that we have to get there as soon as we can."Kari said running out of breath.

"OK then it's a good thing I brought my digivice lets hope Sora did too."Tai said,"Sora come over here!"

"Yeah Tai.Oh,hi Kari what are you doing here?"Sora asked.

"She's here because there's trouble in Digiworld and we have to go there.Do you have your digivice with you?"

"Yes I always take it with me."She quickly replied."I'll tell coach that there's an emergency and we have to go."
* * *
Izzy's doorbell rang.Izzy rushed to it hoping it was Joe and Mimi.It was.

"Hi,it's us."Mimi said in her cheery voice.

Joe walked in after her."Where are Tai and all the others."He asked looking around for any sign of them.

"They'll be here soon.Do you guys have your digivices?"He asked.

"We sure do,"Mimi said showing Izzy her digivice.Joe held his up too."Where's your digivice,Izzy."She asked.

"It's in my computer I was looking at all the digimon we met before."He answered.
* * *
The others were all following Tai to Matt's house but it didn't look like Tai knew."It's around here somewhere,"He said looking around."There it is."

Tai rang the doorbell and waited for someone to answer.Matt came to the door.

"Hey guys.Whats with all the gloomy looks was it something I did."Matt asked looking at their faces trying to remember if he did something wrong on any of them,but he came to the conclusion that he didn't.

"There's trouble in Digiworld and we have to get there quick."Tai said,"so get your digivice and lets go to T.K.'s.

"I can get my digivice easy but T.K. lives on the other side of town."Matt said."But I could ask my dad to give us a ride.

"OK,ask him quickly and let's go."Sora said.

"Dad could you give us a ride to T.K.'s it's really important."Matt asked his dad who was busy reading the newspaper.

"OK I just have to get my keys and we can go.You're lucky it's my day off."Matt's dad said.
* * *
Meanwhile back at Izzy's house the others were getting tired waiting for the others to get back.As usual Joe was complaining about something"What on earth could be keeping them so long?We've been waiting for half an hour,I've seen snails that are faster,honestly snails!"Joe said sarcastically."You know I could be studying right now,but no something had to go wrong in Digiworld,I swear that place has more things wrong with it than I do."

"Oh,Joe just shut up!You've done nothing but complain since we've got here.Maybe if you're lucky you'll get lost in Digiworld and then you can study all you want but right now you aren't so just shut up!"Mimi said getting really annoyed with Joe."Actually if we're lucky you'll get lost in Digiworld then we won't have to listen to you're complaining.And besides the others will be here soon.Or at least I hope they will."Mimi said this last bit quietly to herself.

After what Mimi said Joe didn't complain as much but knowing Joe he still complained a bit.
Ten minutes later
"I think I hear the phone ringing.I'll let my mom get it."Izzy said still looking at his computer,which now showed a picture of LadyDevimon.

"Izzy,Matt's on the phone he wants to talk to you!"Izzy's mom shouted from the hall.

"OK I'm coming."Izzy shouted back.He went to get the phone off his mom."Thanks mom.Hi Matt,where are you guys?"

"We have to go pick up T.K. and we're stuck in traffic,so we'll be a little bit longer than we thought.I have to go now I'm calling from my dad's cellphone and the battery's low.See ya later,bye."

"Bye"Izzy said wondering how much longer they would be.He went back into his bedroom to tell Joe and Mimi what Matt had said.After he told them Joe let out a sigh,which Mimi recognised as the start of some more complaining so before he started she shouted."Joe,I recognise that sigh and I know exactly what it means so before you start complaining and annoying us remember what I said earlier!"
A While Later
Izzy's doorbell was ringing Izzy,Joe and Mimi got up to get it.

"That will be the others"Izzy said.

"Izzy you said that the last two times someone was at the door and they were just insurance salesmen so don't mind me if I don't get all excited."Joe said to Izzy who was looking really angrily at Joe.

"Well I know it's them this time!It has to be!"Izzy said shouting.

"Oh yeah how do you know that-"Joe started but he didn't get to finish his sentence because Izzy came charging at him.The two of them were rolling along the floor when the doorbell rang again and Mimi shouted at them."Will you two stop fighting and answer the door because whoever it is will leave soon."

"Oh yeah the door"Izzy said getting up to answer the door.He opened it and Tai fell right down on top of him.

"Well it's about time you answered."Tai said getting off of Izzy.

"Well it's about time you got here,"Joe said"what took you guys so long?

"It's like I told Izzy we got stuck in traffic."Matt said.

"Well it doesn't matter how long we took or how long it took them to answer the door what matters is getting to Digiworld."T.K. said.

"T.K.'s right."Sora said."How do we get there Izzy?"

"I don't know Gennai didn't say"Izzy said as they walked back to Izzy's bedroom.Izzy spotted something on his computer,it was an e-mail from Gennai."Hey look there's another e-mail from Gennai.I better see what it says."He said rushing to his computer.

Ah hello well we don't have much time to talk so I might as well tell you the reason I sent this e-mail.To get to Digiworld all you have to do is gather around the computer and hit the 'Enter' key.I look forward to seeing you.Goodbye.

"All right everybody got your digivice"Izzy asked.Everyone nodded."Ok then.Next stop Digiworld."
* * *
"Welcome digidestined I was beginning to think you hadn't got my e-mails it took you so long to get here"Gennai said as the digidestined appeared on the floor of his underwater cottage.

"What took us so long?What took us so long?I realise it took us a couple of hours to get here but you say it like you sent that e-mail months ago not just this afternoon."Joe said surprised that Gennai was saying what he was saying.

"But I did send that e-mail a month ago and things have been terrible here in Digiworld."Gennai said to Joe who looked astonished.

"But how we only got it this afternoon and you said time was only different because of Apocalymon and since we've defeated him there shouldn't be a problem."Izzy said looking confused.

"That's why I called you here,Apocalymon is back.Leomon went to destroy him but he wasn't strong enough.He died a few days after the fight."Gennai told Izzy and the other digidestined.

"What Apocalymon is back,how?"the digidestined said with fear and shock written all across their faces."and Leomon is dead but we never got a chance to see him."

"I amn't quite sure how he has managed to come back but I am going to File Island to see if Centarumon knows.In the meantime you digidestined should round up your digimon and try and defeat Apocalymon before he destroys both our worlds.

End of chapter one: How has Apocalymon come back and will the digidestined be able to defeat him,find out next time in The Invincible Digimon.

To be continued in chapter 2:Armageddemon!