Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ The Invincible Digimon ❯ Armageddemon! ( Chapter 2 )

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The Invincible Digimon

The Invincible Digimon
Chapter 2:Armageddemon!

By Trunks MTK

Hello,this is Izzy last time I got an e-mail from Gennai saying there was big trouble in Digiworld so I got everyone to come to my place.When they got here Gennai sent another e-mail saying how to get to Digiworld.When we got there it turned out that Gennai had sent the e-mails months before in Digiworld.We also found out that Apocalymon is back.So now we have to get our digimon and stop him.

The digidestined were searching around a deep,dark forest trying to find their digimon.Having no luck so far they were about to give up when they were attacked by a great,big digimon that looked like a pterodactyl from the days of the dinosaurs except the digimon had metal on parts of its body.

"What is that thing,Izzy."Sora asked while running away.

Izzy looked up the digimon on his digimon analyser."Its name is MetalPterodactylmon and it's an ultimate digimon.Its attack is called Metal Wing and it's extremely powerful."

"Well then I think we should run away as fast as we can and hope it doesn't catch up with us,which I sincerely doubt."Joe said speeding up.

They ran as fast as they could but Joe was right they didn't stand a chance of getting away from it.Just as they were about to get hit by MetalPterodactylmon's Metal Wing,they heard someone shout "Nova Blast".A big ball of fire went straight at MetalPterodactylmon but it dodged it easily.

"Tai,it's me Greymon,"a big,giant,orange dinosaur-like digimon with a rhinoceros mask on its head shouted to Tai."I missed ya buddy."

"Greymon!It's great to see you,too,but could you please try and stop the digimon that's trying to kill us!"Tai said back.

"Nova Blast"Greymon said aiming another fire ball at MetalPterodactylmon.It hit the target but barely phased it."It's no use he's an ultimate digimon while Greymon is only a champion!"Izzy said."We need more power."As if by magic a big ball of lightning went straight at MetalPterodactylmon,but it missed.

"It's Kabuterimon."Izzy said as Kabuterimon,a giant insect digimon with four clawed arms,three sets of teeth and a razor sharp horn came flying down to where the digidestined and Greymon stood.

"Electro Shocker."Kabuterimon said as he aimed another ball of lightning at MetalPterodactylmon.Once again MetalPterodactylmon dodged it."Izzy,I missed you.How come you didn't visit?"Kabuterimon asked.

"You know the gate was closed,otherwise I would have been here all the time."Izzy said to Kabuterimon.

MetalPterodactylmon chose this moment to try and attack."Metal Wing"It said and swung its wing at the digidestined.

"Harpooned Torpedo"

"Howling Blaster"

Two attacks came straight for MetalPterodactylmon.This time he was hit and out of the trees came two digimon.One of them looked like a giant snow wolf,this was Garurumon,and the other looked like a giant walrus with a horn,this was Ikkakumon.

"Garurumon look out."Matt shouted as MetalPterodactylmon came up behind Garurumon."Metal Wing"shouted MetalPterodactylmon and hit Garurumon on the back.All of a sudden two angels appeared in the sky.These were Angemon and Angewomon.

"Hand of Fate"

"Celestial Arrow"

A beam of light came from Angemon's hand and headed straight at MetalPterodactylmon and so did an arrow shot by Angewomon.Neither of these attacks did great damage to MetalPterodactylmon but they still weakened him.MetalPterodactylmon advanced on Garurumon who was still weak when a giant cactus came jumping off a bird on to it.The cactus was of course Togemon and the bird was Birdramon.

"So you wanna Needle Spray do ya?"shouted Togemon and loads of needles went spraying from her body.

"Birdramon you attack it too"Sora shouted to her flying friend.

"Meteor Wing"Birdramon shouted and what looked like fireballs came from her wings.

"Alright now,everyone attack at once while it's weakened."Tai shouted.

"Nova Blast"

"Howling Blaster"

"Meteor Wing"

"Electro Shocker"

"Needle Spray"

"Harpooned Torpedo"

"Hand of Fate"

"Celestial Arrow"

All the attacks hit MetalPterodactylmon and he started to disappear as his data was reconfigured.All the digimon reverted back to their rookie forms.Including Angewomon who normally returned to Gatomon her champion form.

"Way to go,Patamon you were great."T.K. said congratulating Patamon.

"You were all great."Tai said."But now we have to find and defeat Apocalymon."

"But where will we find him?"Kari asked.

"Erm.I don't know.Does anybody know?"Everybody shook their heads.

"We could wait for him to find us."Mimi suggested.

"But that could take hours"Joe said.

"Well fear not digidestined because you won't have to wait long at all"a booming voice said."Because I'm here now and I'm ready to destroy you!"

"Oh yeah,we beat you before and we can do it again,"Tai shouted."Agumon warp-digivolve!"

"You too,Gabumon."Matt said and held out his digivice.

Agumon warp-digivolve to……

Gabumon warp-digivolve to……



"Al l right everyone else digivolve too."Sora shouted.

Biyomon digivolve to……Birdramon!

Birdramon digivolve to……Garudamon!

Tentomon digivolve to……Kabuterimon!

Kabuterimon digivolve to……MegaKabuterimon!

Palmon digivolve to……Togemon!

Togemon digivolve to……Lillymon!

Gomamon digivolve to……Ikkakumon!

Ikkakumon digivolve to……Zudomon!

Patamon digivolve to……Angemon!

Angemon digivolve to……MagnaAngemon!

Salamon digivolve to……Gatomon!

Gatomon digivolve to……Angewomon!

"Now everyone attack him at the same time"Tai shouted.

"Terra Force"

"Metal Wolf Claw"

"Wing Blade"

"Horn Buster"

"Flower Cannon"

"Vulcan's Hammer"

"Angel Rod"

"Celestial Arrow"

All the attacks hit Apocalymon and he looked as if he would fall down if someone breathed on him.Then…"Is that all you've got well I'll show you something that will make you cower in fear"Apocalymon said.

Apocalymon extreme-warp digivolve to……Armageddemon!

"What do you think of me now?"Armageddemon asked them.He looked just as ugly and scary as Apocalymon only a lot bigger.The only word for him is evil.

"Izzy,"Tai said looking scared,"how did he digivolve?I thought he was a mega digimon."

"He is or was."Izzy looked at his computer and frowned."My analyser has nothing on him.No attack information,no level information,no nothing.It's like he's a whole new digimon."

"How perceptive of you,yes I am indeed a new digimon.Never seen before,by human or digimon I am the ultimate digimon no one can beat me.Mwaa ha ha ha"Armageddemon laughed."I am able to use every attack that exists,my level is the extreme-mega level,I'm sure you digidestined have never heard of such a level but it does exist I am proof of it and you digidestined have no way of defeating me."

"What do we do?He's too powerful,we only have two megas and six ultimates against one extreme mega.I don't know what you think but I think there's no way we can win."Izzy said in a panicked voice."He would crush us just like we were bugs"

"I agree with Izzy,I think we should run away as soon as we can and fight him when our digimon are stronger."Matt said to the others.

"Maybe we should run for it.If we're lucky Gennai will be back and he might know something about all of this."Tai said.

"You aren't going anywhere digi-doomed your fate is sealed you are going to die now."Armageddemon boomed.

"Oh yeah,you just try and stop us."Matt shouted at Armageddemon.

"I think I will,"Armageddemon said."Giga Cannon"Two missiles shot straight at them.MetalGarurumon and WarGreymon stopped them but they couldn't hold them off for long.

"Run,Tai get out of here now."WarGreymon said."We'll try and hold him off for as long as we can."

"Quickly everyone back to Gennai's"Tai shouted.
They all ran quickly back to Gennai's having to dodge an attack from Armageddemon every here and there.

"Lets beat this guy."WarGreymon shouted to the other digimon."Terra Force."A big ball of energy formed in WarGreymon's hands and he threw it at Armageddemon who dodged it with ease.

"WarGreymon's right we'll never beat him unless we try."MetalGarurumon agreed."Giga Missile"A missile came out from MetalGarurumon's stomach it was too fast and it hit Armageddemon but it didn't even make a scratch in him.

"Vulcan's Hammer"Zudomon shouted hitting his giant hammer against the ground sending a spark up at Armageddemon.He dodged this attack as well.

"Don't you know you'll never be able to defeat me I'm a lot stronger than I was the first time we fought."Armageddemon said while dodging MegaKabuterimon's Horn Buster attack."River of Power"he shouted aiming it at MegaKabuterimon.It just barely missed him but he wasn't as lucky the second time Armageddemon tried to hit him.He fell right out of the sky and turned back into Motimon.As soon as he got his strength back he ran after the digidestined.
* * *
"Izzy wait for me."Motimon shouted after Izzy.

"Motimon are you alright,what happened how come you de-digivolved."Izzy asked Motimon as he slowed down to wait for him.

"Armageddemon hit me with MetalSeadramon's River of Power and I couldn't dodge it."Motimon said as Izzy picked him up.

"Well you'll be alright in the morning but now we better go catch up with the others."
* * *
Meanwhile back at the fight the digimon were losing terribly to Armageddemon.It was beginning to get too much for them so Lillymon,MagnaAngemon,Angewomon,Garudamon and Gomamon,who had de-digivolved after being hit by Myotismon's Grisly Wing attack went after the digidestined and left WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon fighting Armageddemon.

"They shouldn't be too far from here.We should see them in a few moments."Lillymon said leading the way after them."Look out Garudamon."she shouted as a missile came right at Garudamon,luckily she dodged it and was safe for the moment.

"There they are just ahead."MagnaAngemon said spotting them.

They all landed where the others were and de-digivolved because they were so tired.

"Look,"T.K. shouted it's all our digimon."Patamon are you OK?"

"I think so T.K. but my wings are a little tired."Patamon said as he dropped into T.K.'s arms.

"We're all a bit tired,"Gomamon said."But WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon stayed back to hold off Armageddemon."
* * *
Back at the scene of the fight WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon were getting tired of battling Armageddemon just as they were about to de-digivolve Armageddemon said "You too are not a challenge anymore I'll fight you another time when you aren't so weak."And after that he flew away.WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon used the energy they had left to find the other digimon and the digidestined.

"Are you as tired as I am,MetalGarurumon?"WarGreymon asked.

"I think I am.Armageddemon is really strong I don't think we'll ever beat him."MetalGarurumon replied.
* * *
The digidestined walked for hours when all of a sudden two balls fell out of the sky.

"Koromon,is that you."Tai asked rushing to one of the balls.Matt ran to the other

"I'm sorry Mat but Armageddemon was too strong for us."Tsunomon said to Matt looking really sad.

"How did you get away?"Tai asked.

"Armageddemon said we were no longer a challenge to him and said he would fight us some other time when we are stronger.Then he left."Koromon told Tai and the others."But Tai,I think no matter how strong we get we'll never be able to defeat him."

"Don't worry Koromon Gennai will know what to do."Tai said not really believing himself.

So they walked on and on through the forest until they came to the lake where Gennai lived."Gennai!Gennai!"they shouted.

Just when they thought he wasn't there the water parted and they walked down the steps.

"So you're back how was the fight.?"Gennai asked them

"Gennai,"Izzy panted out of breath,"Apocalymon digivolved-is too strong-we can't win"

"Hold on a second Izzy wait until you get your breath back."Gennai said.So everyone sat down and a couple of minutes later Izzy said "Gennai,Apocalymon digivolved and he said his stage is called the extreme-mega level.And even all our digimon together couldn't beat him.What will we do he's way too strong for us?"

"I know every thing that happened tonight and I will tell all of you what we can do to stop him in the morning.But right now you should all get some rest.It wouldn't be any good if you all fell asleep while you were battling Armageddemon"Gennai said.

"Gennai,we can't fight him again he'd destroy us for sure,you must be kidding and how do you know his name none of us told you it?"T.K. asked Gennai who just smiled and said "Like I told you I know what happened tonight."

So they all lay down and tried to get some sleep hoping they would find a way to defeat Armageddemon.

End of chapter two:How does Gennai know what happened at the fight with Armageddemon?Was he at the fight?How will the digidestined defeat Armageddemon and how did he digivolve?Find out all this next time on The Invincible Digimon.

To be continued in chapter 3:The Ancient Prophecy.