Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ The Invincible Digimon ❯ The Ancient Prophecy ( Chapter 3 )

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The Invincible Digimon

The Invincible Digimon
Chapter 3:The Ancient Prophecy

By Trunks MTK + Mac

Hi,this is,Tai.Last time we were wandering through a forest when we were attacked by this digimon that looked like dinosaur bird.It's name was MetalPterodactylmon.We thought it was gonna destroy us when Greymon came along.Greymon couldn't defeat it on his own,then Kabuterimon came,then Ikkakumon and Garurumon came too.He was just about to really hurt Garurumon when Angemon and Angewomon attacked him.A couple of minutes later Togemon came flying in on Birdramon.Together we defeated MetalPterodactylmon.We were wondering where to find Apocalymon when he appeared.All our digimon digivolved to their most powerful forms and we were just about to defeat him when he digivolved to Armageddemon.Our digimon weren't strong enough to beat him so we all ran back to Gennai's.When we got there Gennai knew everything that happened,freaky or what.

It was a peaceful morning the sun was shining and the digidestined were fast asleep when they were woken up by the smell of burning.The first to wake up was Mimi.She woke up when the smell was to much for her."Mom,are you making dinner again?"She said waking up from her dream.

"Mimi,it's all right,it's me Gennai I burnt the breakfast.And don't call me mom!Just call me Gennai."Gennai half said and half shouted.When he shouted everyone woke up.

"Gennai,don't shout so loud,"T.K. said."it's too early to be shouting."

"I was just telling Mimi not to call me mom."Gennai explained to them."Now,breakfast is ready."

"Yeah,breakfast I'm starving."Tai said.

After breakfast and they were all full and couldn't eat,Izzy asked Gennai how he knew everything that happened at the battle with Apocalymon.

"Well,I know because on File Island there is an ancient prophecy in the ancient ruins where Centarumon lives.It said that Apocalymon will come back one year after the digidestined defeat him.Then the digidestined will be called back to Digiworld and try to defeat Apocalymon,but just as they're about to defeat him he digivolves.It also says that the only other digimon to digivolve to the extreme-mega level was Diamamon.One day Diamamon just disappeared and legend says that he left one thing,it is called the Digimon Power Stone.It makes any digimon who touches it able to digivolve to the mega level,unless they are at the mega level in which case they digivolve to the extreme-mega level.It also says that there are five more digidestined in the real world and you must find them if you ever want to defeat Armageddemon.We haven't finished translating all of it yet but when we do we'll tell you."

"But how do we get back to the real world and if we do how do we know who the new digidestined are."Izzy asked.

"To get back to the real world you will have to find items belonging to the new digidestined and when you find them they will open a portal to the real world."Gennai explained.

"But how can we tell who they are,already."Tai said impatiently.

"I'm getting to that.When you are near the new digidestined your digivices will start beeping and the item belonging to that digidestined will start glowing."

"Where do we find these items,Gennai?"Izzy asked curiously.

"There is a legend that a long time ago Diamamon made the items but an evil digimon tried to get them off him because he knew the items would be able to stop him if the right people had them."Gennai told them."But if he got them he would become all powerful so Diamamon hid the items in hope that some day their rightful owners would find them.Only one digimon besides Diamamon knew where they were hidden his name is-"He was cut off by an explosion up by the lake.

"What was that?"Matt said getting ready to fight.

"I think we're being attacked,Gennai you stay here and we'll handle this."Tai said following Matt.
* * *
Up by the lake a digimon that looked like an overgrown lobster with a blade on his tail was knocking down all the trees and knocking them into the lake.As another tree was being knocked down the digidestined came running up the stairs from Gennai's cottage.

"It's Scorpiomon,"Joe shouted."I remember him from when all of you were attacked by him and me and Mimi were the only ones left.He's really strong but he isn't very fast and he has a weakness for clams.He's an ultimate level digimon so you're all gonna have to digivolve."

"Oh,I was wondering when you would appear"Scorpiomon said to them turning around."I'm under orders from Armageddemon to destroy you all."

"Not on your life.Everyone digivolve."Tai said.

Agumon digivolve to……Greymon!

Gabumon digivolve to……Garurumon!

Biyomon digivolve to……Birdramon!

Tentomon digivolve to……Kabuterimon!

Palmon digivolve to……Togemon!

Gomamon digivolve to……Ikkakumon!

Patamon digivolve to……Angemon!

Salamon digivolve to……Gatomon!


"Nova Blast"

"Oh yeah,Tail Blade."Scorpiomon shouted swinging his tail at Greymon giving him a huge scar on his tail.

"Howling Blaster"

"Tail Blade"

"Meteor wing"

"Electro Shocker"

"Harpooned Torpedo"

All attacks hit dead center but it wasn't enough to stop Scorpiomon.

"Twin Sword"

"Hand of Fate"

"Gatomon,you have to digivolve."Kari said to her partner.

Gatomon digivolve to……Angewomon!

"Heaven's Charm"Angewomon shouted and a big hoop appeared above her.

"Everyone aim your attacks at the hoop."Sora shouted.

"Nova Blast"

"Howling Blaster"

"Hand of Fate"

"Needle Spray"

"Electro Shocker"

"Harpooned Torpedo"

"Meteor Wing"

All the attacks went into the hoop which began to glow and formed an arrow.Angewomon took the arrow and shouted "Celestial Arrow."The attack hit Scorpiomon and destroyed him.

"Yeah."They all shouted as the digimon de-digivolved.

"Gennai could you open up down there,we've defeated Scorpiomon."Izzy shouted down to Gennai.

"I hope he didn't make too much of a mess.It's impossible to keep Digiworld clean with all the fights."Gennai said when the digidestined came down.
* * *
Down under the lake at Gennai's cottage all the digimon and digidestined were resting except Izzy who was asking Gennai questions.

"Gennai,you never told us who else knows where the items are!"T.K. told Gennai.

"Oh yes,we were in the middle of that when Scorpiomon attacked.Well the only digimon,besides Diamamon,that knows where the items are is Loremon."Gennai told them

"Who's Loremon?!?"they all asked Gennai.

"Loremon is an ancient digimon who has all the knowledge of Digiworld.He looks like a horse with armor all over his body and he has a spiral horn on his back.You will be able to find him on the Island of Lore,a small island on the west coast of server.There are a lot of islands there but the Island of Lore is in the shape of a horse."Gennai explained to the digidestined.

"Okay,lets head for the Island of Lore."Tai said.

"Yeah."they shouted.
* * *
"Come on Gomamon do your thing" Joe told Gomamon.

Gomamon digivolve to……Ikkakumon!

Ikkakumon digivolve to……Zudomon!

Biyomon digivolve to……Birdramon!

Tentomon digivolve to……Kabuterimon!

Patamon digivolve to……Angemon!

Gatomon digivolve to……Angewomon!

Gabumon digivolve to……Garurumon!

Joe and Mimi climbed onto Zudomon's back,Matt climbed onto Garurumon's back,Angemon and Angewomon picked T.K. and Kari up,Izzy and Tai got on Kabuterimon's back,and Sora grabbed onto Birdramon's foot.Zudomon and Garurumon got into the water and started swimming towards the island and Angemon,Angewomon,Kabuterimon and Birdramon flew towards the island.
* * *
"According to this map Gennai put on my computer we should be at the island in a few minutes."Izzy said to the others.A few minutes later they saw an island in front of them.

"Is that it?Sora you and Birdramon fly above it and see if it looks like a horse."Tai shouted.

So Birdramon flew ahead of the others right over the island.

"Yeah,it's the exact same shape as a horse."Sora replied.

"Okay everybody land on that beach right as you get to the island."Tai shouted.
* * *
Izzy checked on his laptop and sorted out who should search out each area.

"Joe and Sora you search this area"Izzy said,pointing to an area on the map.

"Mimi and Tai over there and Matt and I at the horse's head".T.K. and Kari everywhere else"Izzy continued.

"I'll save you your troubles" a voice came from behind an overgrown vine tree.The creature came forward to reveal a limping horse.

"I'm Loremon,I forecasted your arrival.You should begin looking for the mystical weapons which Diamamon has created.I can give you a computer program that will show where they are so you can locate them in a matter of hours.You'll have to come to my home in Gallop Mountain,which is situated where the different climates meet.Come,this way."Loremon said leading them in the direction he was heading,through the jungle area.
* * *

After a long walk through the jungle everyone was tired and couldn't wait for
a rest.

"Are we there yet?"Mimi asked Loremon sitting down on a rock.

"Almost all we have to do now is climb half way up the mountain and we'll be
at my home on the mountain."Loremon told her.

"Half way up the mountain,are you kidding?!"Mimi said shocked."I couldn't
possibly walk all that way.Our digimon could digivolve and fly us up because I
can't walk up that."

"Mimi's right we're all tired and if our digimon fly us up there we'll have more energy to find the mystical weapons."Sora said.

"OK then Biyomon,Patamon,Tentomon and Gatomon should digivolve to fly us up there."Tai added.

Biyomon digivolve to……Birdramon!

Patamon digivolve to……Angemon!

Gatomon digivolve to……Angewomon

Tentomon digivolve to……Kabuterimon

"OK Sora,Mimi and Palmon should ride on Birdramon.Izzy,Joe and Gomamon should ride on Kabuterimon.Matt,Gabumon and T.K. should ride on Angemon and Me and Kari will go on Angewomon."Tai said.
* * *
Half way up the mountain the digidestined had just landed.Everyone hopped off the digimon they were on and then the digimon de-digivolved.

"Hey,where's Loremon?"Joe asked.

"I'm coming up behind you."Loremon said appearing behind Joe."This is my home it is not very big but it is big enough for me.Come inside so we can rest and I can give you the locations of the mystical weapons."

They all went into Loremon's home.They quickly took a look around and realized it was bigger than it looked from outside.

"Loremon what are you talking about this place is huge.You've even got a computer."Izzy said heading straight for the computer."Can you show us that computer program with the locations of the mystical weapons."

"Of course but let us all have a rest first for we are all tired from the journey."Loremon told Izzy.

"Loremon when we first saw you,you were limping what happened?"Kari asked.

"Oh that,I was attacked by one of Armageddemon's soldiers on my way to the beach where I met you.It was only a Woodmon so I defeated him easily."Loremon told them all.
Half an hour later
The digidestined were all rested and ready to find out where the mystical weapons were,all except Mimi who was fast asleep.

"Mimi,"Sora whispered,"Mimi wake up Mimi."

"That will never work."Tai said."Mimi,wake up!"he shouted.

"What,what I'm awake all ready."Mimi said rather grumpily.

"We're all ready to find out where the weapons are.But you were fast asleep."Matt said.

"Never mind that,lets just look at the locations."Izzy butted in.

"OK here is a map of the island.The mystical weapons are here where theses red dots are."Loremon said pointing at different places on the map."The digi-shield is in the iced over part of the island.The digi-stars are in the industry part of the island.The digi-bow+arrow is in the stormy part of the island.The digi-axe in the underground cave east of the iced over part and the digi-sword is in the dark jungle we came through earlier.I'll give you a copy of the map for your computer,Izzy."

"Thank you Loremon."Izzy said gratefully.

OK,we'll have to split up in order to find them all.Kari will come with me to search for the digi-bow+arrow.Matt,you and T.K. go get the digi-shield."Tai ordered."Sora,you and Mimi will get the digi-stars.Izzy,you and Joe get the digi-axe then we'll all meet at the beach and search the jungle for the digi-sword.OK,lets go."
* * *
In the iced over part of the Island of Lore Matt and T.K. weren't having much luck finding the digi-shield.

"Maybe its over that way Matt."T.K. said pointing in the direction of where Joe and Izzy went to search.

"No,I don't think it's over that way,T.K.According to this map Izzy printed out it should be somewhere up over that hill."Matt said pointing at a hill in front of them.

"Looking for something?"a chilling voice said behind them.

"Who said that?"Matt said turning around.

End of chapter three:What is the thing that appeared behind Matt?Is it a friend or an enemy and will the digidestined be able to find the mystical weapons?Find out all this next time on The Invincible Digimon.

To be continued in chapter 4:The Mystical Weapons.