Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ The Island Of Doom ❯ Run Davis, Run!! ( Chapter 1 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Yolei, and Ken were strolling though the school-yard one Friday afternoon.
“Man, there's nothing better than having lunch on a Friday.” Said Ken, “Unless of course I'm with you, Yolei.”
His Girlfriend blushed, “I feel the same with you, Ken.” She said.
They kissed quickly and heading toward the front doors, but before they even climbed up the steps, “Gang-way!!!” cried Davis from behind them.
He ran through the doors like lightning… “Oh man here we go again.” Said Ken. Yolei nodded, and they both stepped away from the doors as no less than ten girls calling out to Davis zoomed past them.
“Davis wait for me!!!” some of them cried out. “Hands off, he's mine!!!” the rest of them said.
“Poor Davis!” said Yolei, “Why doesn't he just give up, and give dating a try?”
“Come on, Yolei… you know why!” said Ken.
Years had passed since the battle with Maylo-Myotismon, and the Digi destined had grown up into their Twenties… with the exception of Cody!
The original Digi destined had already graduated University, and moved on with their lives.
The others all graduated High-School, and moved on into College, and a lot had happened too.
Ken and Yolei had been Dating since Grade-Ten, and everyone thought they made a cut couple… and like Yolei used to say.
“Ken and me… Me and Ken!”
Cody was still a little stubborn to the people around him, but he was learning to control it.
He still kept up with his kendo lessons, and studies, but no one would except he'd ever get a girlfriend… but he did.
Erika Ko-ming… a girl who had a crush on him since preschool, and tired numerous times to get Cody to notice her.
And it worked.
TK and Kari even started Dating to, and they had been at it for about five years and counting.
They shared a dorm, just like Yolei and Ken, as well as Cody and Mina!
However… there was only one problem that was killing them all. That involved Davis.
He hadn't started dating, nor ever considered trying ever since he said he'd gotten over his crush on Kari.
Everyone thought that he was just joking again. Not that he had gotten over his crush, but giving up dating without ever even trying it? What a joke?
…Or so they thought!
Davis was known world-wide for his efforts in the battle with Maylo-Myotismon.
The way he was able to stand up to the Brain-control, and set everyone free.
Not to mention, teaching everyone to believe in their dreams and banish Myotismon away.
Davis was the real hero in that battle. The battle that saved the both worlds.
The other's even said that they never would have survived without him… “Davis… you d' man!”
When word of this leaked out… girls at school had been chasing Davis around to try and win him as a boyfriend.
The kept flowing him around non-stop like a honey attracts flies.
To most boys… this was considered a dream come true, but Davis treated it as a Nightmare.
A Nightmare that was real!
Three girls once tried to impress Davis in class by silently slipping him love notes and stuff.
Some of them fought their way to get into any class Davis was in, even if it was a class they hated.
Once, a girl even managed to get inside Davis' locker and tried on one of his spare vests.
“Ooh… even your clothes make me think of you!” she would say in a ditzy tone.
“Uh… just why are in my locker?” Davis would ask.
“Dude… so I can get your number so I can ask you out!”
That's when chases began… Davis was always the center of attention to every girl in the school… on the street… even in his own neighborhood.
But to each and every one of them… Davis ran off like a Cowardly Cat.
His friends even thought he was just playing along, and making them chase him for fun… but the weeks turned into months… years.
Davis was still running today!
This made the others realize that he was serious about deserting the league of dating before even entering.
Was he crazy or just dumb? Nobody should live without love in their love, especially not Davis Motomiya.
After all the hard work he put into brining his grades up, and saving both worlds countless times.
He shouldn't be doing this to himself, and Kari and TK didn't like this one bit, so they decided to make it their mission to get Davis back interesting in Dating again.
TK, even passed on the word to some girls who didn't know Davis everything about him.
And Kari using some old pictures she took of Davis long ago to set up a little bulletin of Davis around the school.
Exactly like the one for Ken when he used to be a Genius.
It said that… “The Hero and Savoir of the world… He's the Captain of Obadiah Soccer Team… The top Video-game player in all the school, and girls… he's single!”
Davis was also pretty good looking too.
He had his hair cut a little so it was no longer big and spiky, but smooth looking like a young 007 character.
His body was reaped up a lot from all the Soccer practice, and workouts he did over the years.
What girl wouldn't want him?
Even the girls who used to say Davis wasn't worth the time of Day fell head over heals for him.
But… no matter how hard anyone ever tried, there was only one thing Davis did when any lovesick girl approached him… and that was RUN!!
Kari and TK were beginning to get worried about him and suggest they call psychologist.
But… from the way Davis was behaving, it looked as though not eve a shrink could help.
Besides… not one of them knew what ever it was that was bugging him to act in such an inhuman way.
TK and Kari tried to talk to him about it, but Davis always seemed to trail off and prefer not to talk of it.
In fact… when they all signed up for the classes in college, Davis had requested a long time back that he wanted a dorm alone, far, far away from anyone!
He got it!
His dorm was all the way on the other side of the building, that was like walking through a jam-packed mall to get where he was going.
Davis didn't even sit near anyone in class, and when lunch came, Davis had secretly bought himself some fast food, and locked himself up in his dorm.
“TK… I'm officially freaked out now!” said Kari, “I'm worried they'll put Davis in a nut-house if he keeps this up!”
TK put a comforting arm around his girlfriend, “Don't worry, Kari… if our plan works, he'll be a ladies man by the end of the first term!”