Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ The New adventures of Masked Rider ❯ The Return of Masked Rider: Part 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

(Part Two)
In his castle, Count Dregon had been observing the fight. “Double-Face… Who is this strange Earth-boy, and this mysterious blue creature that battle with my Butterflytron?” he demanded to know.
“Our computers explain that the blue creature is an Ex-Veemon, but the Earth-Boy remains as insufficient data, My Lord.” Double-Face answered. “However, it seems to be clear that he poses to stop us in our plans, so he too must be destroyed!”
Cyclopter stepped forward, “There is nothing for us to fear, Your-Highness.” he grumbled, “A mere Earth-Boy can do nothing to harm your new super-creature.”
Dregon was well aware of this, “Perhaps…” then he turned back to the screen. “But I still sense something very odd about this boy.”
Back in the park, Davis was still faced with grave peril. Ex-Veemon was still all stuck-down by that gooey honey, and the bug-man was still too weak to help him. His friends were still nowhere to be seen with their Digimon, and he was running out of time.
Suddenly, Davis realized, “Ex-Veemon may be stuck, but I'm not.” And he got an idea so incredibly crazy that if it didn't work he'd be finished. “Any last words, human…?” Butterflytron asked.
Davis smirked, “Yeah…! THINK FAST!”
“HIYA---! Davis, pretending this was once of his soccer-matches, began to dash hard to the left, and rolled behind the monster, and grabbed the bug-man's dropped sword, and struck the creature from behind. “HAH!”
A big spark flashed, and Butterflytron was hit hard.
“Davis!” Ex-Veemon cried, “Way to go!”
Butterflytron was not impressed, and flexed her claw, “Okay! You want a piece of me?”
“Bring it on, ugly!” Davis sneered, and a fierce battle began.
Davis seemed to do pretty well for a guy who didn't know martial-arts, or swordsman ship, but he did have plenty of speed, and stamina from all his years of soccer-practice and video-games, and he landed more positive blows than the bug-man did.
Let's Kick It Up!
Shout Out All The Things We Can Do!
Let's Kick It Up!
Now There's no Tomorrow!
Let's Kick It Up!
Cause They Ain't Seen The Last Of Me And You!
Let's Kick It Up!
The bug-man, though he was weak, could see everything, and was very amazed at how skilled this Earth-boy was. What amazed him even more was how Ex-Veemon managed to break free from the honey that stuck him, and they teamed up to attack Butterflytron together.
Let's Kick It Up!
Shout Out All The Things We Can Do!
Let's Kick It Up!
Now There's no Tomorrow!
Let's Kick It Up!
Cause They Ain't Seen The Last Of Me And You!
Let's Kick It Up!
Finally, Butterflytron decided to retreat. “I shall be back, Earth-Boy! You have not seen the last of me!” and she was gone in the blink of an eye.
Davis dropped the sword, and Ex-Veemon De-Digivolved into Veemon. “Davish… what jusht happened?” he asked.
Davis was too shocked to answer. He just fought a strange creature on his own, like he was some sort of superhero.
Suddenly, “Stay where you are, both of you.” said a voice from behind. Davis and Veemon had completely forgotten about the bug-man, who was now on his feet and staring down at them both.
Davis and Veemon were almost too petrified to speak, especially when the bug-man fiercely took back his sword. “You did very well, for someone who is inexperienced.” he said to Davis.
Davis blinked twice, “Uh-huh… and you are?” he wanted to know.
The bug-man nodded, and agreed to tell Davis and Veemon all they wanted to know. “But I feel it will be best if we were to speak somewhere more private.”
“Huh…?” the boys gasped, and then suddenly, they, along with the bug-man became incased in capsules of flames. “Hey! What the--”
“Where are you taking ush…?”
Then they were gone, just at the point when the Digi-Destined finally managed to make it to the park, without their Digimon still, but they hadn't seen what happened. “Whoa! Look at this place.” Ken said.
“It looks like a hurricane hit here.” added Yolei.
They all examined all the burnt areas on the grass, and the damaged foliage that lay about and assumed that a battle must've occurred. “But… where's Davis, and Veemon?” asked Cody. “Weren't they here?”
Kari tried to email Davis, but her D-Terminal said, “User is not available.
“Not available?” she exclaimed.
Yolei suddenly felt, “Oh! You don't think… maybe…?”
The others didn't believe it was that. “Davis is too tough, and so is Veemon.” TK said. “They may be stubborn and bullheaded at times, but they'd never let themselves be destroyed.”
“But then… where are they?” asked Ken.
When Davis and Veemon reached the end of their mysterious journey, they found themselves on a strange red world. You'd think they were on Mars. “Veemon…” Davis said. “I don't think we're in Kansas anymore.”
Veemon agreed, “But where are we…?” he wondered.
They soon got their answer when strange people, wearing robes, and hoods, with crystals on their foreheads approached them. The bug-man, and an elder-man with a long white beard and hair had come too.
“Welcome to the Planet Edenoi.” The man said.
Davis and Veemon was almost speechless. “You… speak English?” he asked. “What's going on here? Where are we? What is this place? Who are you all?”
The bug-man assured them, “There is no need for panic. You are among friends known as the Edenites”
“Edenitesh…?” asked Veemon.
The bug-man decided to remove his suit, “I feel maybe I can explain it better to you.” His suit vanished revealing a young-man, music to Davis' amazement. “Whoa…!”
The young-man smiled and then introduced himself. “I am called Dex. Prince of the Planet Edenoi. I am also called the Masked Rider; a great power bestowed upon that once allowed me to battle evil and injustice.”
Veemon and Davis exchanged looks of awe.
“Who are you?” Dex then asked.
Davis felt he could trust these guys. “I'm Davis Motomiya, and this is Veemon.”
Veemon waved, “Glad to know you.”
Dex introduced all his friends. “This is Deneus… Sarius… Farien… and my grandfather, King Lexian.”
Lexian bowed, and Davis and Veemon bowed in politeness towards the King. “It is a great honor to meet a Digi-Destined, and a Digital-Monster.”
This made Davis and Veemon realize that they knew all about Digimon, and all that came with it, including how among all the Digi-Destined on Earth there was, Davis was considered the best of them all.”
“Why did you bring me here…?” Davis asked.
The Edenites, using their mind-crystals, which allowed them to communicate each others thoughts and images, decided to show their new friends everything.
Edenoi was once a harmonious planet that had ceased the need for weapons and warfare. The only source of great strength was the power of the Masked Rider. A force that had existed on Edenoi for many centuries and handed down from King to King, but never used unless situations were dire.
Lexian's son, Dex's uncle, Count Dregon, Because of his place in the royal lineage, Dregon couldn't inherit the Masked Rider powers. He was banished for his evil deeds. Dregon and was determined to have the powers even at the cost of destroying his own family and his home world. Dregon took advantage of Edenoi's peaceful way and enslaved everyone in full swoop
If Dregon were to ever gain the Masked Rider powers, he would become invicible, and the entire galaxy would be at risk from his evil.
Lexian bestowed the Masked Rider powers upon Dex, to do battle with Dregon's forces, as well as protect both Edenoi and the Earth. After many a gret deal of battles, Dregon was defeated, only stripped of everything he had, but it was always feared that he would one day return to power, and continue on his conquest for power and greatness.
As it stood, their fears had come true…
“The monster you were facing is a cross between one of Count Dregon's insectivore creatures…” Dex explained, “But he also discovered a way to impregnat the DNA of the creatures you call, Digimon, into his creatures in order to increase their strength ten-fold.”
Davis and Veemon began to undestand why their attacks were hadly doing as much damage as they should have. This also meant that no Digimon would have the stength to beat those creatures, not even Megas. “Well, we get all that.” Davis said, “But what does this have to do with me, or you at that.”
Dex explained that while the Edenites had long since studied and understood the concept of Digimon, and everything else with it, they were simply not fit for comabt with such forces. This was anticipated from the very start, “Therefore, I am no longer able to continue with the powers of the Masked Rider.”
Veemon felt terrbile, “That'sh jusht awful.” he said. “Well… isn't there anything you CAN do?”
Dex nodded, “There is but one hope that remains.” He explained. “Knowing a day like this would come, my grandfather and I have decided that it would be eenstial to transfer my power to combine it with another whom we believe will possess the strength to defeat Count Dregon once and for all.”
Davis wa sstarting to catch on. “Wait a minute…” he paused. “Are you saying that--?”
“Indeed I am.” replied Dex, and then he showed images of all of Davis and Veemon's past victories and saving worlds when all others were unable. “Because of your courage and selfless acts and skills in the face of outstanding odds… Your will to never surreneder… and for saving my life as well-- I have chosen you, Davis Motomiya, as worthy of recving my powers and defend your home world from Dregon's dreaded evil.”
Davis was completely speechless. He just stood there not even blinking his eyes. Veemon however thought it was both cool, and crazy. “Davish? A Shuperhero…?” Even he didn't know what to think or say.
Davis, however, thoguht back to what was at stake. A new evil creep was terrorizing his home world, and quite definatly the Digial-World too, and Dex was right, Davis thought back to many people on Earth, but one was quite up to his level, or willing to fight when no one else would, or could.
“All right…” Davis finally said with a look of pride in his eyes. “I'll do it.”
Veemon knew Davis was making the right choice. “Well, if you're in, Davish… sho am I. I'll help you all the way.”
Lexian and Dex nodded in agreement. Dex's friend swere a little hestant at first. “Ar eyou certain this is wise, Sire.” asked Farien.
“He is merely an Earth-Boy.” added Sauris.
Denaus however was on the side of Lexian and Dex, and they all agreed that only the power of Masked Rider, combined with Davis' knowledg and strength of the Dgitial-World could stop Count Dregon.
“Once his mission is complete, he will no longer require the power.” Lexian said. “Are you ready, young-man?”
Davis nodded, “Let's do this.”
Lexian nodded, “Then kneel before me and Dex, Davis Motomiya, and accpet your new destiny.”
Davis did as he was told and got down on one knee, bowing his head. Lexian and Dex joined their hands together and began the power transfer. Streaks of colored lightning shourded Davis' body,a nd when it stopped, Davis' D3 appeared attached to his wrist.
“Arise, Davis Motomiya.” said Lexian. “From this day forth, you, and you alone shall be hence known to all as… The Masked Rider reborn.”
Davis clenched his fist with pride, and vowed never to let down his newfound friends.
As for Veemon, Dex explained to him that as Davis' partner, he too would play a vital role in aiding Davis to victory. “Which is why I present you with these…”
He held out two colorered orbs, red, and blue, which magiccaly vanished int Veemon's body. “What am I shuposed to do with them?” Veemon wondered.
Dex smiled, “You will know when the time comes.”
Veemon smiled up at him, and then Davis patted his head.
In his castle in the Digital-World, Count Dregon, and his minions had been waiting patiently for Butterflytron to renegrgize herself. “Fact! Tell me of Butterflytron. Has she completed her rejuvination?”
“Database indicates Butterflytron has once again reached full power, and is standing by awaiting orders.” chirped Fact.
Double-Face sniggered with glee, “And with no Masked Rider, there is nothing that can stop us from destorying the Earth.”
Dregon agreed, “Nefaria… send down a group of your magots to assist Butterflytron.” he ordered, “I want a widespread attack in the city.”
Nefaria bowed, “At once, Sire.” And then she played around with some swtiches, and sent a beam of light from the castle, up to a portal in the sky…
Twenty-year-old, Jun Motomiya, was returning home from the mall with plenty of bags dangling on her arms. “Make-up… tampons… hairspray-- EEE! I'm sure to land a cute boy with all this.” she giggled to herself.
That was Davis' sister for you, she still hadn't changed her flaky ditz-girl routine, and was still looking to bag herself a husband, if she could only get a steady boyfriend first--One that would at least last more than a week!
Suddenly she heard the sound of people screaming, and she looke dup to see a stampeede of people running up the street. “What's with them?” she wondered, “Must be a sale.” So she decided to check it out, but the moment she turned round the bend, she dropped her bas and SCREAMED!
Three monsterous looking bugs, about six-feet tall gazed at her, and began to huddle around her. “N-n-n-no! keep away form me!” Jun begged.
Then things got worse as Butterflytron appared in the streets. “Ah, heh, heh, heh…! That's right boys. Don't destroy the civilians yet. Have some fun.”
Back on Edenoi, The Edenites began to feel strange, and Davis' D3 began to bleep, and whirr softly. “What's going on…?” Davis asked.
“The Butterflytron has repaared in your hometown, on Earth.” said Dex. “And she is not alone.” He showed Davis the images. “Eww…! What are those thingsh?” Veemon asked.
“They are called Maggots.” Lexian answered, “Count Dregon's minion, Nefaria's, army of fighting insect-warriors.”
Davis suddenly caught the sight of a familiar person being threatned by those beasts. “Jun!” he cried, “I gotta go help her…!”
The Edenites agreed, and told Davis that with his newfound powers he would be able to telepot to Earth instantly, which also meant he could return to Edenoi at any time. “Okay… how do I do this again?” Davis muttered, “Ah, oh yeah…!”
Davis heald his fist tight, and then waved his arms before tapping his D3, and shouted out, “Ectophase, Activate!”
The metamorphisis was a complete success, and Davis had donned on his new suit. “Wow! This is so awesome!” he cried for joy. “Come on, Veemon!”
Veemon nodded and leapt into Davis arms, then they teleported away leaving the Edenites to gaze up at the sky. “Good Luck, Davis Motomiya.” Dex said. “You will serve us well.”
The situation had grown worse when the police had arrived on the scene, but they proved to be no match for these rancid creatures. “That's right…! Run, Earthlings. Nothing can stop me now!”
“Hold it!” snapped a voice from behind.
“Huh? What?” Butterflytron turned round and saw “You again…?” she glared at the hero, “Well… I suppose it is fortunate. Now I can get rid of you for good. Destroy him, Maggots.”
With Veemon safely hiding out of sight, and no civlians in sight Davis was free to not hold back agianst the oncoming monsters. “A-YAH!” Davis charged forth, and began his assult, punching and kicking the beasts to know end.
He had been told by the Edenites that the suit not only protected him from danger, but also increases his strength and stamina. Davis' soccer abbilties would now be fancy moves and attacks he could use.
“Time for RIDER KICK!” he shouted, “HAH!” He leapt up in the air, his boots glowed madly, and he strick the Maggot down hard, cauing it to vaporize into dust. “What?!” cried Butterflytron.
The other two Maggots charged at Davis, “RIDER PUNCH!” Davis leapt up again, this time his fists were glowing. POW! Two strikes with one punch, and the Maggots were gone.
“GOAL!” Davis cried for joy.
Butterflytron was flapping her wings in anger. “How is this possible?” she growled. “You shouldn't have the power to beat my forces.”
Davis gazed at her. “That was the old me. Now there's a whole new me.” He explained, “Now it's your turn, flutter-face, like all those who dare to cross me.”
“Oh yeah…! Bring it!” snapped Butterflytron, and the two fighters began to charge at one another like knights jousting. Punches, and kicks when flying all over, and the fight seemed equal, but suddenly Davis let his guard down…
KABLAM! The lightning had stuck Davis hard, “HAH! OHH…!” and he fell on the pavment. “Man! What a cheapshot.”
“Gah, ha, ah, ah! And now to finish you!”
Then Davis suddenly remembered, “Wait a minute! What if I treat this exactly as if it were a soccer match? he thought.
More lightnign bolts heades traight for him, but Davis began to imagine them all as other players on the field and found his edge to flip and dodge them all. “It works!”
“Oh really?” snapped Butterlfytron. “Then try my SWEET HONEY STRAW!” and she fired balls of that goey honey towards him. Davis, however, now imagine he was a goalie, and knocked each and every blast ouyt of the way with his arms.
“This cannot be!” cried Betterflytron.
“Oh but it is!” protested Davis. “ELECTRO-SABER!” reaching into his D3 on his wrist, Davis pulled out that glowing-sword, which was sparlking like crazy with electro-energy. He continued to charge forward…!
“UH-YAH…!” Butterflytron tried to swipe him with her claws, but missed. That's when Davis leapt up over her head. “FIRE…!” and shot a powerful energy-ball from his sword.
POW! “AALLGH-YAAH!” Butterflytron was hit fullforce, her body began to spark, and flare with lighting bolts. Then she fell over, and EXPLODED in a great ball of fire, and she was gone.
Davis landed on his feet, and stood tall and proud. “That'll teach you to mess with the Masked Rider!”
Many of the civlians, who had been observing the fight, ebgan to cheer and appluade for the new hero, but no one was as intmidated as Jun. “A Bug…!” she cried, “A giant bugman just saved me.” She was getting that blushy look on her face again.
Dregon was not please in the slightest. “No!” he growled, “It cannot be! The Masked Rider has returned, more powerful than ever!”
Gork was shivvering in fear. “The Masked Rider, Oh, dear, No!”
…Whatever shall we do to him, so?”
“Silence!” Dregon growled. “I may have lost this time, but perhaps this disaster can reflet upon me.”
He was reffering to the fact that now the Masked Rider powers were stronger than ever, he could once again hope to steal them for himself and take command of the galaxy.
“Perhaps this isn't such a disater after all! Hmm, mm, mm..!”
That night, all the Deigi-Destined, finally with their Digimon, met at Davis' house. “Sho, you had trouble getting through?” Veemon asked.
The other Digimon all nodded, “Some strange force is doing something crazy to the Digital-World.” said Patamon.
“Gennai promised that we could go trhough, but until he can investigate it thoroughly, he's closed all Digital-gates until further notice.” added Gatomon.
The Digi-Destined thought that was rough. “So it looks like we really do have a new enemy out there.” TK said.
Yolei sighed and rolled her eyes, “And just when we thought things couldn't get any worse after Maylo-Myotismon.” she groaned.
Hawkmon took that as a playful insult, “Really? And I thought you'd be please to see me again.”
Yolei smiled and hugged her friend.
Kari then noticed that Davis was fast asleep on the sofa. He looked as if he had been running a marathon. She smiled softly at him, and thought he looked so peaceful, not snoring for once.
Then her attention turned to the TV news cast about the mysterious stranger who defeated the Butterflytron. “There is no word on who this stranger is, but we are very thankful to his heroics, and hope to rely on him agianst the new threat that poses agianst the city these days.”
Davis, did hear that, and knew he would be there to fight more monsters that Count Dregon would unleash. But for now… he figured it would be best if he didn't tell anyone about what was going on.
No one was to find out that he was the new hero in town. “The Masked Rider!”
What are those two orbs that Dex gave Veemon for?
Will Davis find it easy to keep his identity secret from the world?
Has Jun really begun to fall hard for HER OWN BROTHER?
And how serious is this new plauge that shorud the Digital-World?
Alls this and many more, on the next exciting episode of… MASKED RIDER!