Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ The New adventures of Masked Rider ❯ Gold and Blue. Black and White: Part 1 ( Chapter 8 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Previously… on the adventures of Masked Rider--
Davis had been given a special gift from the Edenites. A giftwould eventually allow him to access the powers of Masked Rider Super Gold, and Masked Rider Super Blue.
Meanwhile, Count Dregondecides to recruit Mina and Ryuji from Davis' school and transforms them into all new powerful Robo-Riders.
Are these new Robos stronger than Davis? Can Davis actually fight beings of his own kind at such risk?
Find out on the adventures of MASKED RIDER, next!
(Part Two)
Davis was still confused, and horrified that the Robo Riders were people he knew, though didn't particularly like. “Mina, Ryuji… you have to listen to me.”
“Silence!” roared Black. “You are speaking of who we once were. Now we live only to serve Dregon.”
“And serve him we shall…” sneered White. “…By taking you down.”
The two of them stood poised and ready. “ROBO-RIDERS, ATTACK!” and they began to charge straight at Davis, who at first just stood there, and took their attacks.
Davis rolled on the ground, but still managed to get back to his feet. “Come on, guys. Don't make me fight you.”
“No matter, it will be easier to destroy you.” growled Black. “BLACK-FIRE!” Strong black flames burst from Black's gloves and Davis was barley able top avoid them. “UGH… AAH…!”
“WHITE-LIGHTNING!” White fired electrical powers from her helmet which struck Davis full force. “YEOW! OHH…!” The Robos laughed to no ends, but Davis finally stood up, “Guess I haven't got much of a choice. I have to fight back. MMM!”
The Robo-Riders charged again, this time Davis began to fight back. Though he was outnumbered, he didn't hold back. Surprisingly, two against one, and the fight was pretty much equal. Davis managed to land hits on the Robos, though it did make him feel ashamed that he was hurting people he knew.
BAM! Black got hit.
ZAP! So did White.
Davis was able to hold up his defenses pretty good, but still, he knew he couldn't just destroy Mina and Ryuji… even if they were mean to him at school. They were still human beings.
“I've got to try and reason with you-two.”
Dregon was enjoying this. “Excellent! Soon the planet Earth will be mine, and then I shall proceed to attack the entire galaxy.”
Gork, however, begged to differ, “We should pause for a reality check…
Supposing the Robo Riders have a wreck?”
Cyclopter clunked Gork on the head, “Don't be ridiculous. What are the odd of that happening? Fact, report!”
“Less than one percent.” Chirped Fact, “But if Davis is able to jog the humans' memories, we shall indeed lose the Robo-Riders.”
“What?!” snarled Dregon, but he realized this was true. He would have to send an insectotron to aid the Robo-Riders, one he had been saving extra specially. “What…?! The Okuwanite?!” cried Double-Face.
All the minions were terrified out of their wits. “But, Sire…” Nefaria warned him, “That monster is created from an Ultimate Digimon, and it's three times Masked Rider's size. You'll have no control over it.”
Dregon, however, was more than confident. “Don't underestimate my powers. This creature will work perfectly. So even if the Robos fail…” then he sent the monster on its way. “Masked Rider and the Earthlings are as good as mine!”
The Robo Riders did a team up attack. “BLACK FIRE!”
Davis leapt out of the way and avoided being hit. “A-YAH! UGH…! That was close.” He grunted as he got to his feet.
“Why do you continue this foolish attempt?” growled Black. “Give up and surrender to Dregon, and we may let you live.”
“Never!” Davis thundered. “I'll never give in as long I still breathe.”
“Fine then! You leaves us no alternative!” sneered White. The three of them rushed towards each other to resume battle when the ground began to quiver and a huge beam of light crashed deep into the ground.
“What is the meaning of this? Is this come trick of yours?” asked Black.
Davis assured them that it was an impact tremor, “Guess Dregon doesn't trust you-two, and sent another insectotron to do your job.”
“GRR! He wouldn't dare!” snarled White.
The monster hadn't revealed itself yet, and didn't have to. It just stayed under the ground and caused more tremors with its, “BEETLE HORN ATTACK!” ramming into the sub-terrain with his head, and causing massive tremors.
Davis recognized that voice, and the name of that attack. “It couldn't be…!” he exclaimed.
But it was, Black confirmed, “The Okuwanite! He actually sent the Okuwanite? Dregon must not be messing around.”
White steadied herself onto her feet, “No matter, it is we who shall destroy you.” She assured Davis. “This is no over. We shall return.” Then she and Black both disappeared.
“I'll be waiting for you!” Davis called at them, “Right now, I gotta' get to Edenoi and report this.” Then he vanished too.
The Robos returned to the castle, and wanted a strict word with their Count. “Get out of our way!” Black yelled a he pushed Gork aside.
“Ugh! Hey…!
…Don't do that I say!”
Dregon turned round to face his warriors. “What are you-two doing back here?” he demanded to know.
“Sire! We are your servants…” sneered White, “Do you not realize what a chance you are taking sending the Okuwanite to assist us. It is more than twice our side, and can devour us easily.”
“I know that!” Count Dregon was beginning to lose his nerves, as if he had realized what a mistake he had made, but it was too late to recapture the monster now. “GRR! I want you all to go back and keep that creature in its cave! Do what you wish with it but don't let it loose.”
The minions all agreed, and the Robo-Riders offered to go first.
“You do realize that if you fail, the Masked-Rider powers will be lost to you forever.” They both said.
Okuwanite caused more earthquakes and tremors by digging at the rock with his “DOUBLE SCISSOR CLAW!” The people of Obadia were trembling along with the quakes and in fear.
“What's happening?”
“I think we're breaking up!”
Davis could see everything that was happening, on Edenoi. “If that monster keeps attacking the under-basis, your cites will crumple like bread.” Dex informed him.
Davis stomped his foot in frustration, “This day just keeps getting better, doesn't it?”
Sarius felt confused, “I believe you meant to say, getting worse.”
Davis rolled his eyes, “It's just a figure of speech.”
Lexian approached Davis, “Nevertheless, Davis, you must be extremely careful.” He warned him. “And insectotron this size can easily devour you. Not even your Electro-Saber will be strong enough to destroy it.”
Davis had a feeling that would've been the case, which also meant he would have to figure out how to unlock those two new powers he was given, as well as find a way to stop Mina and Ryuji. “But I can't just destroy them. What can I do?”
Deneaus approached Davis and told hint he story of how Dregon once used him to attack Dex, in exactly the same method, as the Robo Rider. “If Dex could save me… I know that you will be able to do so for your schoolmates.”
Davis knew he was right, but making that actually happen wasn't going to be easy for him. Nevertheless, he had to head back to Earth and stop that monster before it did any irreparable damage.
“Good luck, Davis.” Dex said to him.
Davis winked at him, “Later, Dex. Ectophase, Activate!”
Then he was gone, back to Earth.
Okuwanite was growing irritable being down in the caves were so long. “I'm hungry!” he growled. “There must be something I can eat around this place.”
Suddenly, he felt himself being attacked by fire and electricity. It was the Robo-Riders. “Now hear us, Okuwanite…!” growled Black. “Go back to your cave and stay there!”
Okuwanite laughed, “I'll do no such thing. Not until I've had my fill on Masked Rider… and I may as well start out with the two of you!”
“Do as you're told!” sneered White, “Or we shall be forced to destroy you ourselves!”
“Heh, heh, heh…! Sorry, but hunger comes before honor!” mocked Okuwanite, “DESTRUCTIVE IMPULSE!” he fired a huge energy burst at the Robos, they leapt out of the way.
The Robos knew they were outmatched, but just as Okuwamon was ready to fire to kill. Davis leapt down form the skies, having returned from Edenoi, “Hold it! Stay where you are, Okwanite!”
“Ahh, Masked Rider…” Okuwanite hissed, “Just in time for lunch.”
Davis put up his fists, and began to pace towards the giant monster. “Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm going to cancel our lunch date-- WHOA!” he was interrupted by the ground beneath his feet giving way, and he feel down into a deep cavern.
“Ohh! I should've known something like this would happen.”
Okuwanite as already there, surprisingly fast for a large creature. “Well, well… glad you could drop in for our little feast after all.” he snickered. “I'm going to enjoy devouring you, and even your puny little powers are no match for me.”
Suddenly, who should appear before Okuwanite, but Double-Face, Gork, Nefaria, and Cyclopter. “Count Dregon's minions...?” Davis could barley believe it. “What are they doing here?”
“Hey! Who invited you clowns?” Okuwanite growled.
“Silence, Okuwanite!” bellowed Double-Face. “We have strict orders from your master, Count Dregon, to return you at once.”
“And if you will not com willingly, we shall destroy you here and now.” added Cyclopter.
Gork held his fists up high, “All for one, and one for all…
…if you won't listen, we'll make you fall!”
And at once, all the minions began to take on the giant monster. “Hey, get off… go away!”
Davis couldn't understand why Dregon's minions were helping him, but then suddenly he realized. “Of course…! Dregon knows if I get destroyed, we'll never get my powers.”
The minions and Okuwanite were fighting so fiercely that as they smashed against more of the rocks, they began to release hot gas-pockets and lava from the center of the Earth.
“Ugh… it's heating up!” cried Davis. “Well… it looks like this may be a better time that ever.” he decided. That's when his D3 began to glow, “Masked Rider Super-Gold, Activate!”
His suit began to glow and flare up in flames, and ultimately change its shape. “Wow… this is awesome.” Davis said as he admired his new suit. “I don't even feel the heat coming from the lava.”
The Okuwanite tossed all the minions off of him. Then he saw Davis, “How interesting. You have a new suit. Bet you're even tastier now than ever. “DESTRUCTIVE IMPULSE!”
Davis just stood there and there and took the blast, but not even a scratch was dealt to him. “Cool… I hardly felt it.”
“What?!” cried Owukanite, “Fine then… hand-to-hand.”
Though Davis was still small compared to the monster, his new powers made a big difference. He was able to block Okuwanite's “BEETLE HORN ATTACK!” with his hands alone.
“Forget this, I wasn't very hungry at all.” Okuwanite whimpered and he flew up threw the hole out of the collapsing, flooding cave. Even Dregon's minions realized they had to flee. “Back to the Spider-Castle.” cried Nefaria.
Still, “I gotta stop that lava flowing, but I gotta stop this monster too.” Davis realized, “Veemon… Rev-up! Mode-Blue.”
“Veemon, Rev-Change to; CHOPPER-VEEMON!”
Chopper-Veemon rolled along the fields, tearing the ground as he went along. Davis then leapt up from the depths of the cave and onto his bike “Like your new suit Davis.”
“Thanks….” Davis said while giving him a thumb-up, “Now let's go squash that bug!”
Chopper-Veemon rammed on is speed best he could and gained on Okuwanite, who gazed back at them. “DESTRUCTIVE IMPULSE!”
Davis steered out of the way of the blast. “Give it to him, Chopper-Veemon!”
“HEAD LASER!” The beams fired, and hit their target, but it hardly did anything at all. Okuwanite didn't even flich. ”It's no good, Davis. He's still too strong.”
Davis tightened his grip on the handle-bars., and then suddenly remembered, “Wait a minute. I remember what Dex said…” he explained. “Maybe you got a new upgrade too.”
Chopper-Veemon's eyes glowed red with excitement, “Maybe I did…”
Deciding now was just as good a time as ever to try it, Davis tapped his D3 and found what he was looking for. “Chopper-Veemon, Upgrade!” he shouted, and Chopper-Veemon changed his forum…
“Chopper-Veemon, Upgrade to; LEVEL 2!”
Now Chopper-Veemon was white, much faster, and stronger too. “Ah, yeah… I'm lovin' this.” he said with glee. “Hang on to your suit Davis, HERE WE GO!”
They tore through the roads faster than ever before, and managed to get directly under Okuwanite. “SUPER HEAD LASER!” This time, the beams shot Okuwanite right out of the sky like a plane and sent him crashing to the ground below. “Hey! No fair…!” growled Okuwanite. “I'll get you for that, Masked Rider! You and your bike!”
“That's what you think!” shouted Davis. “E-Gun, Activate!” A small laser-gun appeared by his side. Davis gripped it tight, “Your time is up Okuwanite!” he called “…FIRE!”
POW-POW-POW! Powerful flares fired from the gun and bombarded the monster all over. “OW! HOT… OHH----!” Then he EXPLODED, and was gone—but Davis and Veemon weren't through yet…
They still had to take care of that lava-flow, and the Robo-Riders. “There it is, up ahead.” said Davis as Chopper-Veemon skidded to a halt. Davis leapt off and ran for the hole, but was halted by the Robos. “Going somewhere?” hissed Black.
“Mina, Ryuji, you gotta listen to me.”
“Silence!” shouted White. “We told you, we are not those whom you remember.”
Davis still had to figure out how to get through to them. “Look, you-two-- This whole area's completely unstable. It could blow any second if we don' stop the lava flow.”
The Robos realized this. “Well then… we'll just have to destroy you faster, won't we.” sneered Black. “BLACK FIRE!”
Davis' Super Gold suit protected him well against the attacks, much to the Robos shock. “What?!”
“How did he…?”
“Guess I got it better than you-two.” Davis mocked them, “And it's about to get even better. I'm going to show you two another trick I got.” His suit began to glow again, “Masked Rider Super-Blue, Activate!”
Now Davis's suit was even cooler than ever, and he had a bright new sword too. “Yes! Perfect!” he said while admire the new look.
The Robos didn't care. They charged forth ready to hit him with all they had, but Davis… using his new “AQUA-WARP!” he could change himself into a forum of liquid and sprint off, out of the way.
“Hey Robos… I'm over here.” he mocked at them.
The Robos charged at him again, and Davis warp out of the way again… and again… and again. “Wow! Look at him go.” Chopper-Veemon thought, “Wish I could do that.”
The Robos were starting to lose their patience, but suddenly Davis pulled a fast one on them and bound them both in a beam of energy. “What-- What is this?” growled Black.
“Let us out at once!” demanded White.
“That's exactly what I'm going to…” he said. “Time to get rid of all that evil around you.” He held his sword up high and it began to flash and spark with jolts of lightning.
Chopper-Veemon nearly panicked, “Davis, what are you doing!”
“Trust me!” Davis called back to him, and he fired the lightning onto the Robos. They groaned and growled in pain as they felt their bodies, not breaking up, but actually, their powers dying out.
“What's happening?” cried Black.
“I… feel… uhn, faint…!” whimpered White.”
They both fell to the ground as Ryuji, and Mina; back to their old selves, as for the Robo suits, now separated from their bodies. “A-HUA!” Davis fired more lightning at the suits completely destroying them… and causing a landslide to occur down below that buried the lava-flow and stopped the tremors saving the city from utter destruction.
Davis stood tall and proud beside Chopper-Veemon, “Count Dregon has failed again. Masked Rider will always triumph.”
Count Dregon was silent. Totally silent, not even shouting. Davis destroyed the Okuwanite, and the Robo-Riders without harming his schoolmates. All this because of his new powers. “Powers that should be mine!” he said sounding way low.
His minions extended their apologies to the failure, though it was not their fault at all, but Dregon was in no mood for their pity. “Out of my sight!” he demanded.
The minions did so, leaving their Count to wallow in his shame.
Mina and Ryuji woke up with splitting headaches. Neither one of them could remember a thing of what had been going on. “You guys okay…?” Davis asked when they came too.
“Huh? Motomiya…?” said Ryuji. “What the heck are you doing here?”
Davis winced back, “Whoa-hoa-kay there… looks like someone's feeling a little better.”
Mina groaned and whined, “My hair's a total mess, and my outfit is ruined.” Then she got up and pointed fingers at Davis “This is all your fault, Davis! I'm charging you of getting me more clothes.” Then she walked off in a huff.
“You are so gonna get it for this Motomiya.” added Ryuji, then he was gone too. Davis felt relieved, not the fact that he didn't get pounded into dirt, but the fact that with those two not knowing a thing, his secret was still safe.
When Davis got home, he received an Email from Kari which asked, “Are you okay? You just ran off and I thought something happened to you.”
Davis felt slightly ashamed, and wrote responded back to her, but it didn't make him feel any better. “I'm always letting people down. Especially people whom I care about, like my friends.” he thought to himself. “But then again, I'm always saving them too… and others whom I don't even know.”
Davis couldn't spend all his time feeling sorry for himself. He was still the Masked Rider, and if he wasn't there to save the say, he didn't rightly know who would be.
It was his responsibility.
Will Davis ever stop lying to his friends about where he's slipping off to all the time…?
Should Dregon's minions start looking for new jobs…?
Will Mina and Ryuji ever think to seeing Davis as more than just a geek…?
And how much more information will the Digi-Destined gain about Count Dregon and his forces…?
All this and many more, on the next exciting episode of…MASKED RIDER!