Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ The Next Level ❯ Could it be? ( Chapter 5 )
Hey, TOEI owns Digimon. Yes, it's hard to understand but it's the truth...
Alan, Chris, Reilmon, Tsuki and Ryu and characters made by me, do not try anythingwith them, from stealing to using, whatever, without my consent.
Noriko, Shiroma, Han and Teria are also characters made by me, don't steal them either.
Kitsunemon however is property of Talismon2k1. I decided not to post his mail to avoid him any mail coming from my stories.
This story happens 10 years after the events of "2nd Run", which happens 8 months after "A Love Story", which happens 4 months after "A New Story".
This story will contain crossbreeding relationships (NOT lemons though, only the feeling itself), and then result of the deep love between a couple of humans and Digimons if you know what I mean...
The Next Level - Chapter 5 - Could it be?
Sequel to "A New Story", "A Love Story" and "2nd Run".
Ugh... Sun. The only thing I actually was grateful that I wasn't able to see it, but I also had missed it, being under artificial light all day wasn't THAT bad, but a little sunshine won't hurt anyone, of course, having the sun passing through a window and getting right into your face while you were asleep only makes you ask something...
"Why in hell I decided to sleep in front of the window??" asked Noriko as she woke up with the sun shining on her face.
"Because you said you liked the glow of the moon..." said Tsuki, not in her best mood but to be awoken by a cat-like human whining about her sleeping place didn't helped at all...
"Obviously you didn't remembered the sun also shines, haha" laughed Shiroma at her last remark.
"Hmmm...." Noriko only shruged. The 3 exited the room, it was a little after 10 AM.
"Breakfast won't be ready until about half an hour" said Alan in the kitchen, with Reilmon helping him.
"Oh well, I'll take a shower in the meanwhile..." said Tsuki. Who entered the bathroom, after some time she exited, Shiroma started to walk towards the bathroom too, but Noriko outrunned her, only making her angry, by the time she finished, Shiroma took her turn, having only that pair of clothes, Tsuki decided to lend both of them some of her's. Only problem being that their tails weren't of the same size...
"Why is your tail so..." started to ask Noriko as Alan's voice echoed through the apartment.
"Breakfast is ready!" he yelled, in a couple of seconds all 3 girls were there, sitting on the table. It was already 11 AM, so they only had about 40 mins before meeting with the rest...
"Are you all ready?" yelled Chris across the apartment, the clock marked 11:27, they didn't had much time left before heading out to meet the rest to plan the last of their moves to destroy an organization.
"Almost, just give me a sec..." said Ryu, who was in the living room clasping the hook of one of his bracers.
"Wha.. I thought they were attached to your arms" said Han, who just exited Ryu's room.
"Of course not! It's just that I only take them off before taking a bath..." he said back.
"Then how did you got them?" asked Teria, who was exiting the bathroom.
"My dad got them for me a long time ago in the Digital World, thats why they usually grow with me, it's kinda weird but I really don't care..." Ryu andwered back.
"Ok.." said Teria.
"Ok, I'm ready to go" said Ryu, Han and Teria only nodded. Chris soon entered the room with Kitsunemon at her side.
"Then lets go" she said, everyone started to exit the apartment, and headed towards the park where both groups were going to meet...
The park was awfully quiet, only the cold morning breeze blowing some leaves could be heard, the leaves crushing against the air and the floor making a small noise, the fountain was off, for a strange reason, everything else was the same as before... Two groups, each composed by one human, one Digimon, and three half-breeds approached each other, each coming from opposite exits, they knew each other very well, some not under the best circumstances, but they had gone through it and it was time to start forgeting about all those memories, it was time for revenge...
"Both at the same time, that's very unusual..." said Alan as he let out a small laugh...
"You could say..." said Chris.
"Why are we here, exactly?" asked Noriko.
"In short, just to go together as a group in case anything happened..." answered Reilmon.
"Ok" said Noriko afterwards.
"Are we all ready to go?" asked Kitsunemon. As he finished the rest either answered with a yes or only nodded.
All ten started to head towards what would be the HQ of Project Eradication. None of them knowing what was going to happen, what would they see, or any idea of any upcoming battles, if one should ensue...
"Well, here we are.." said Alan, all ten where just around the corner of their destination.
"Let me check if there are enemies there..." said Reilmon, in less than a second she disappeared, a couple of seconds later, she returned.
"Anything?" asked Kitsunemon.
"Lots of them, at least 20 or so..." said Reilmon just as she sighed and prepared to fight.
"Let me handle this one, I've been meaning to try this move.." said Ryu as he started to glance in all directions, his eyes picked on a building in front of their destination. He turned his head towards Tsuki.
"Will you do me the favor?" he asked, as he tilted his head towards the building.
"Sure, don't know why though..." said Tsuki, as she grabed one of Ryu's arms, and quickly disappeared, they appeared on top of a building in front of PE's.
"Wow, I did it!" said Tsuki a little too enthusiastic, her ability to teleport wasn't mastered, and she made mistakes from time to time, occasions such as this where Ryu asks her to teleport them to somewhere really boosted her skill...
"Thanks, now..." said Ryu as he lowered his head and closed his eyes, like if concentrating...
"Big........." he started to said as he backed his right arm, which started to radiate the usual blue-like aura...
"..Bang....." he continued, this time he backed his left arm, which then radiated a red-fire like aura...
"....End!!" he yelled, he punched the air with his both arms at the same time, instead of the dragon silhouette a common ray of energy went flying towards all the Digimons in the front of the building, a meter away or so both blasts combined, and as soon as they entered in contact with the floor, a giant explosion ensued, almost taking the others a well.
After a couple of seconds the explosion subsided, only data bits where in the place of the Digimons, Tsuki teleported herself and Ryu back to the others...
"Next time give a heads up..." said Noriko a little angry, she was brushing of the dirt from her gloves, Chris was taking of the dust on her hair.
"Hehe, sorry, but I've never tried that move before, so I couldn't say anything at all..." Ryu apologized...
"It's ok though..." started Reilmon, taking the dust out of her fur, "You eliminated all of them..." she finished talking, but her fur was far from finished...
"Let's hurry before more come!" said Shiroma, waving her lion tail, just as a lion looking at a prey...
The rest only nodded and headed towards the door, which was also destroyed by Ryu' Big Bang End attack.
"Sir, it appears a big explosion occured at the entrance of the building, we don't know the reason yet" said another black Digimon inside the usual black coat.
"We are already looking into it, it shouldn't take long to discover the source..." said another, just as someone on the other side of the dark desk stood up.
"Night Raid!" he yelled as lots of bloody bats went flying towards the other Digimons, deleting them in seconds...
"Useless Digimons, I guess I'll just have to wait... But soon, I'll have my revenge..." said the Digimon as he sat down again...
"Well, this place was surely protected..." said Han as he glanced around to see himself, and the rest of the group surrounded by Digimons of all different types, all black colored though.
"Black Fist of the Lion King!" echoed through the room, Tsuki only turned around to see a blast of energy towards her, in less than a second she shouted...
"Moon Barrier!" Tsuki yelled as she quickly raised her arms and created a white-glowing barrier which destroyed the energy blast, suddenly, from behind her came...
"Freezing Dragon Silhouette!" yelled Ryu, he was a little behind Tsuki and to the right, he backed his right arm, which glowed a blue aura, a dragon image glowed on the bracer for a second, he then swung his fist sending the dragon silhouette flying towards one of the enemies, taking 3 at the same time.
"Energy Claws!" yelled Noriko, she shifted her hands to cat claws and slashed the right paw/hand first then the left, creating 5 energy waves with each slash, taking 4 Digimons in total.
"Black Fist of the Lion King!" yelled a Black Leomon, who charged some energy and released it punching the air, going directly at Shiroma, whose back was facing the Digimon, Tsuki saw this and tried to push her away but failed, the attack got Shiroma heads on sending her flying away, but was catched in the air by Han.
"Ugh..." moaned Shiroma, who was resting in Han's arms.
"Are you alright?" asked Han, he was pretty sure of the answer, but even so...
"Not to well, my back hurts a lot, other than that, Im fine, haha..." she said finishing with a small laugh.
"Sorry, but it looks like both Shiroma and I won't be participating for now, I can't just leave her on the floor, so I'll carry her..." said Han.
"Don't worry, just focus on protecting her, we'll do the rest" said Reilmon appearing out of nowhere and standing right besides Han.
"Thanks" said Shiroma as she let out another moan of pain.
"Inferno Crystal!" yelled Kitsunemon, who has a couple of meters away from Han and Reilmon, he slammed the ground with his foot as small dust particles raised and hovered, they suddenly transformed to small white glowing crystals. They all started to fly towards a copy of a Greymon, the crystals exploded, taking copies from an Angewomon, a Devimon, and a CyberDramon, for some reason, all those Black Digimons where a LOT weaker than the originals, making them easy to delete...
The fight continued, shadows of foxes disappearing and reappering everywhere, claws swiped everywhere, tornadoes of various colors were created, they spun and dissipated, crystals glowed and exploded, various fists of different black versions were flying, and other kind of attacks also were made by the black versions of the Digimons.
"Damn..." said Kitsunemon as he stood with one knee on the floor holding himself with one fist on the ground, brething heavily. "There seems like there is no end to this...." he added.
"Let me take a look" said Han as he lifted himself fromo the ground and flew above the Digimons, he was able to make about a hundred of them, before then nothing else in sight. "There are about one hundred left of them!" he said reaching the floor again.
"Cover me, I might be able to take most of them in the next attack!" yelled Ryu from behind the rest.
"Very well, just let us know when ready!" yelled Tsuki standing besides him, Alan and Chris treating a wound from Noriko, hey, being a doctor, a Digimon doctor for that matter had it's uses...
"Big!......" yelled Ryu, so that the others could hear, he then moved his right arm backwards as usual, and started to glow a light blue aura.
"Bang!......" continued Ryu, as he now moved his left arm backwards in the same usual fashion, then started to glow a light red aura.
"Fall back!" yelled Tsuki as she watched Ryu charge his left arm, and geting ready to release all the energy. And just a second later everyone ran, flew, disappeared just to stand behind Ryu, which yelled...
"End!!!" he threw both fists to the front, releasing both energy rays, which combined just before the closing Digimons, making a huge explosion, a lot bigger that he had planned.
"Oh damn!! RUN!!!" yelled Ryu as he started to run, Alan and Chris got up, Noriko was still on the floor, with her left foot still wounded, Ryu quickly picked her up and continued to run. Reilmon picked up Alan, Kitsunemon did the same with Chris, and Teria jumped on Han's back, Shiroma just started to run away as Han flew with Teria on his back, Ryu, Tsuki, Reilmon and Kitsunemon leaped through the floor as fast as they could.
About a couple of meters later they stoped, the explosion finally subsiding...
"Hehe, I think the explosion was bigger than I thought..." said Ryu sheepishly as he shruged. Which only made the rest of the group to return harsh looks to him.
"......" was the response from everyone else...
"Hey, at least they are gone..." Ryu said back also shruging. He was still holding Noriko though, but it appeared he didn't reliazed that.
The rest of the group, Teria, Alan and Chris now on the floor started to walk, leaving Ryu behind them.
"Hey! Wait for me!" he said as he started to run towards them, still holding Noriko, she was also annoyed of the fact, but was grateful to him for carrying her, not that she told him though.
They all reached the same place they were before, well, you know...
"Oh, come on, you can't still be angry" whined Ryu, still holding Noriko, still behind the rest of them.
"We are just teasing you Ryu" said Tsuki. "You cleared the last hundred of them, yes, we had to run for our lives, but we still thank you for that" she continued.
"Uh-huh..." Ryu said, now a little annoyed.
"Anyway, lets just continue..." said Reilmon as the rest started to walk again.
"Um, Ryu. You can put me down if you like, I think I might be able to walk, at least with some effort." said Noriko, now feeling a little embarassed by having being carried this long by Ryu.
"Nah, it's no problem at all, besides, your wound hasn't recovered yet." he said back at Noriko.
"Oh" managed Noriko while blushing, and being white as a Tailmon, it could easily be seen. "Thanks" she added.
"Anytime" said back Ryu. Noriko now blushing deeper...
A long walk was indeed, but after a couple of branches in the path, in which Noriko always told them the direction, they finally reached a big door with an nreadable message written on a paper and hung over it, Kitsunemon opened the door and everyone walked into a dark room. The door suddenly close and it was all dark. Most were able to see in just a sec, except for Teria, Alan and Chris, all of the other were part of a Digimon that resembled an animal whose sight was adept for the dark. Tsuki walked to the door and tried to open it.
"It's stuck" she said still trying to open it.
"It is futile..." came from, well, somewhere in the room.
"Who is there?" asked Kitsunemon, while yes, his sight was adapted to darkness, the room was a little too long...
"That voice..." said Reilmon, wondering, as if...
"Yes, Reilmon, it is who you think I am..." the dark voice said again.
"It cannot be, both Alan and I defeated you!! How can you still be here?!" she yelled.
Now Tsuki was preoccupied, she never heard much from Reilmon's life, save from how both her and Alan met and things like that, but neither of the biggest events on her life. But seeing her mother in this state didn't helped.
"That doesn't matters at the moment..." it said again.
"But why were you trying to capture us?" asked Han at nowhere in special.
"I've despised humans for so long, even more Digimons who sided with them, and now this comes!" he yelled.
"Thats all why you wanted to get us?" asked Teria.
"Yes, and now I have you all here, along with the one who almost deleted me, it is time to take my revenge!" and with this the room suddenly got bright, then going to a normal brightness, the room was long, very long, and at the end a desk, with a Digimon behind it, he suddenly stood up and jumped to the other side, walking closer to the group, everyone entering a battle stance.
He was getting closer, but none were thinking about attacking, at least not until he appeared hostile, he stood in front of Reilmon, whose face showed an angry look at him, he suddenly lifted his right arm and moved it to Reilmon's cheek, which surprised her, quickly delivering a slap which echoed in the room, the Digimon took a step backwards.
"Don't you dare touch me!" To call Reilmon angry would be a dramatic understatement.
"Haha, you look the same as your parents and sister, you truly resemble your parents..." he said coldly.
"Why you?!" Reilmon yelled as she lunged forward engulfing herself in flames, she jumped at him and grabed him, taking him to the floor, still in the motion of the movement, she rolled still grabing him and threw him across the floor. He quickly stood up but did nothing, only brushing the dirt from his clothes.
"If that is how you wish to continue this... Nightly Raid!" he yelled as he opened his cape and a bunch of blood-made vampires flew towards Reilmon.
"Moon Barrier!" yelled Tsuki apearing from nowhere in front of Reilmon, protecting her. But the vampires were many, and her own powers were growing weak until...
"I.... can't...hold...it...much....more...." Tsuki managed to say as the barrier suddenly broke with a loud sound. Tsuki was sent flying through the room, Ryu quickly 'handed' Noriko to Han and ran...
"Tsuki!!" he yelled runing after her, and jumped to catch her, but Vamdemon quickly appeared from nowhere and hit Ryu, sending both flying, crashing into a wall, Ryu still holding Tsuki, unconscious, her energy was all used with the barrier she made.
"Inferno Crystal!" yelled Kitsunemon, kicking the floor, raising the dust and turning them into crystals, which radiated a white glow, and sent them to Vamdemon, all making contact but doing nothing. "What the?!" said Kitsunemon.
"Hehe, after I was revived I got stronger, your weak attacks do nothing to me now..." said Vamdemon, he then looked to where Reilmon was... "Your attacks are as useless as your parents', and Guiremon wasn't able to do anything at all against my powers..." he said coldly.
"You...." said Reilmon as she kneeled, her right knee on the floor, the left one standing, she supported herself with her left paw over her left knee, her right paw turned into a fist and hit the floor, a small dark aura generated from it only to disappear as quickly as it appeared.
"I'll never forget you!!" she yelled as she was engulfed in a dark light....
Yay, my dreaded writer's block finally cleared!!
Well, next chapter will probably be the last one.
Yes, I do have this strange thing to make this kind of things happen, if you've read my other stories you'll know what I mean, such as Guiremon's mysterious comeback in "2nd Run"...
Don't count on next chapter coming quickly as usual though, I just recovered from the writer's block, so it might take a while...
Alan, Chris, Reilmon, Tsuki and Ryu and characters made by me, do not try anythingwith them, from stealing to using, whatever, without my consent.
Noriko, Shiroma, Han and Teria are also characters made by me, don't steal them either.
Kitsunemon however is property of Talismon2k1. I decided not to post his mail to avoid him any mail coming from my stories.
This story happens 10 years after the events of "2nd Run", which happens 8 months after "A Love Story", which happens 4 months after "A New Story". In total, this happens 11 years after the former...
Alan "Haiiro Kitsune" Quirino - grayfox_2510@hotmail.com
Next: Chapter 6 - A Dark Seed. For good or for evil?