Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ The Next Level ❯ Eradication ( Chapter 4 )
Hey, TOEI owns Digimon. Yes, it's hard to understand but it's the truth...
Alan, Chris, Reilmon, Tsuki and Ryu and characters made by me, do not try anythingwith them, from stealing to using, whatever, without my consent.
Noriko, Shiroma, Han and Teria are also characters made by me, don't steal them either.
Kitsunemon however is property of Talismon2k1. I decided not to post his mail to avoid him any mail coming from my stories.
This story happens 10 years after the events of "2nd Run", which happens 8 months after "A Love Story", which happens 4 months after "A New Story".
This story will contain crossbreeding relationships (NOT lemons though, only the feeling itself), and then result of the deep love between a couple of humans and Digimons if you know what I mean...
The Next Level - Chapter 4 - Eradication
Sequel to "A New Story", "A Love Story" and "2nd Run".
Sleeping, a word that Shiroma, Han, Teria and Noriko had long forgotten, being caged inside a strange building, knowing nothing about your families, or still remembering the moment they were killed because of some stupid plan, all of this had never let any of them sleep well, being on the floor didn't helped either.
But being with a family, alongsides another half-breed, captured and then rescued, and in a bed made the forgot all of that, as they all slept peacefully through all the night.
Still thinking if those Digimons would come back, but they didn't cared, for they had the help of new friends to protect them.
A small yawn echoed through a room where three female half-breeds where sleeping, well, only two after this.
"Long time I hadn't sleeped like that..." said a cat-like girl. The sound of her voice waking the other two.
"Yeah, being in the floor wasn't that comfortable..." added a lion-like girl now.
"You had to sleep on the floor?!" asked a fox-like girl a little shocked.
"Yeah..." said Noriko.
"Sorry to hear that..." apologized Tsuki.
"Nah, don't worry" said Shiroma.
"Well, since we are up might as well eat something..." said Tsuki.
"You sure your parents won't mind?" asked Noriko.
"No, besides they accepted to take care of you for the time being" said Tsuki as she exited the room. Noriko and Shiroma following.
"Good morning, you must have been tired to sleep that much..." said Alan as he left a small laugh escape.
"Huh? What time is it?" asked Tsuki at her father.
"About 1:30..." answered Alan.
"Well, you can't blame yourselves for that, I'm pretty sure it wasn't comfortable inside that place..." said Reilmon exiting another room.
"Yeah... Thanks for letting us stay here though" said Noriko.
"No need to mention, it's the least we could do for you" said Alan.
"Dinner should be ready in a couple of minutes. Why don't you sit?" offered Reilmon as she also took a seat, followed by Tsuki, Noriko and Shiroma.
After a couple of minutes they were all eating, memories of yesterday already forgotten, well... At least for now...
Inside another apartment, three male half-breeds, one digimon and a woman were already fully awake.
"It feels pretty good to finally get out of that place..." said Han stretching, both his arms and wings.
"Yeah, I had forgotten how it felt to be inside a real house..." added Teria, who was sitting on a couch.
"But why did they tried to capture you?" asked Kitsunemon, sitting on another couch with Chris at his side.
"They call themselves Project Eradication. I've heard they aren't quite fond of half-breeds, and are trying to destroy us... I overheard them one day saying they were planning on capturing two more, which I suppose were Tsuki and Ryu..." said Teria.
"And how did you heard that?" asked Han.
"These.." said Teria as he patted one of his ears.
"Well, at least we know their plan... Now we have to stop them..." said Chris as a small noise came from the kitchen.
"But for now, let's eat" she quickly added, as all 5 walked to the table, Kitsunemon helping her.
After about ten minutes the phone started to ring.
"I'll get it" said Han, as he got up and went to answer the phone, Kitsunemon had also gotten up but since Han had already made his way he sat down again.
"Hello?" said Han into the receiver.
"Han? This is Alan, can you please put Chris on the phone?" came the voice of Alan from the phone.
"Sure, I'll call her" he said as he placed the receiver on a table and called Chris, she went to grab the phone.
"Alan?" she said.
"Hi, Chris" said Alan through the phone.
"Hi, why are you calling?" she asked
"To discuss about what to do, what do you say if you all come to the park we used to visit?" offered Alan.
"Sure. We'll be there in about half an hour" she said back.
"Good, we'll meet you there. Bye" said Alan.
"Bye" said Chris as she hung up.
She made her way back to the table.
"We are meeting Alan and the rest in about thirty minutes" said Chris.
"To discuss what to do I suppose?" asked Kitsunemon.
"Yes" answered Chris.
It was a dark room, the same were the head of the strange corporation was...
"Sir, all of the half-breeds have escaped" said a Digimon.
"What?!" yelled the other person.
"Somehow they were able to kill the guard and escape, two Digimons pursued them but also failed. We don't know about their current whereabouts" said the Digimon.
"Incompetent fools" mumbled the other person.
"Is something wrong sir?" asked the Digimon not knowing what the other person just said.
"No, nothing. But find those half-breeds!" yelled the person as the Digimon only started to exit the room.
"Hey! Over here!" yelled Alan as they rushed to greet the others.
A couple of minutes passed from the common greetings.
Alan, Chris, Reilmon and Kitsunemon had separated from the others six, each group discussing their own things.
"Slept well?" asked Han at Noriko and Shiroma.
"Quite well, I couldn't remember how it felt to sleep in a bed" answered Noriko, Shiroma only nodded.
"Yeah, same with us" said Teria.
"But what are we doing to do after we destroy them, my family and Han's are dead, Shiroma and Teria know nothing about theirs..." said Noriko.
"Hmm... I really don't know but I'll suppose we should discuss that after we make sure we are safe from those guys" said Ryu.
"Yeah, what's the point in making plans if we aren't even sure we'll be able to make them" said Tsuki.
"I guess you are right..." added Shiroma.
"So what are we gonna do?" asked Chris.
"Shall we go with full frontal attack?" offered Alan.
"Let's leave that as a backup plan in case we come up with nothing..." said Reilmon.
"You have any plans? I don't think we'll be in peace long enough, they will be attacking pretty soon, I'm sure of that..." said Alan.
"Well, I can't think of anything" said Kitsunemon.
"Me neither..." added Chris.
"I guess we'll have to stick to that, besides, it doesn't looks like the building is very secured, they managed to escape pretty easily, so security musn't be tight..." said Reilmon.
"Ok, that's settled, now let's decide when. I say tomorrow, after 12 o'clock" said Alan.
"But they might attack" said Chris.
"It's better than nothing though, it's better to be fully rested than partly..." said Kitsunemon.
"And besides, if they were to attack it would have to be a really big number..." added Reilmon.
"Then it's settled..." said Alan.
"Yeah, but let's stay here, I don't feel like walking at the moment and that way they can talk..." said Chris.
"They ought to have something to..." Kitsunemon started to say but a thought rushed through his mind, he quickly raised his right bracer and the sound of metal clashing onto it was heard as a small dart hit the bracer and then fell on the grond.
"But first..." said Reilmon turning towards the black Digimon.
"We should get them..." said Alan.
"Shall we call them?" asked Chris.
"They will realize that on their own, let them be" answered Alan.
"They are not many... For us at least..." Kitsunemon said counting them.
"Shall we?" asked Reilmon.
"You do the honors" said Kitsunemon. Just as Reilmon leapped up high and stored energy for her attack.
"Flaming Fox Leaf Arrowhead!" she yelled as the crystals formed, which were sent flying towards the Digimons, at mid-air the crystals catched on fire, and on contact they exploded taking at least 5 Digimons, hurting a couple more of them.
The other 6 noticed the noice of the explosion and turned to see about 20 of those Digimons.
"Lets go!" said Tsuki as she started to run towards them, followed by the rest.
"Watch out!" yelled Ryu as he moved in front of Noriko and blocked a dart with one of his bracers.
"Thanks, never saw that one coming..." said Noriko.
"Flaming Arrohead!" yelled Tsuki. Noriko turned only to see a big white-glowing leaf pass besides her head and straight into the Digimons, the explosion deleting about 3 or 4.
"Energy Claws!" yelled Noriko, as she shifter the nails on one of her hand into sharp claws, she slashed the air as a 5 waves of energy materialized from the slash, heading towards the Digimons, elminating 2 of them.
The rest of the Digimons turned into action as they dropped the guns alongsides with their cloaks, they revealed an Angemon, or more like a Dark Angemon, it was idetical to them, only black colored, and eyes were red.
"Black Hand of Fate!" yelled about 10 Digimons, mimicking Angemon's Hand of Fate, energy fists materialized, heading towards the half-breeds.
Tsuki and Ryu possesing the agility of a fox jumped upwards evading the attack, Noriko somersaulted to the sides evading them, Shiroma went to ground, the attack flying over her and Han grabbed Teria and lifted into the air.
By the time they had landed or risen, the Digimons were already heading towards them.
"Somersault Lance!" yelles Shiroma as she jumped like a lion, grabing a Black Angemon by the shoulders, throwing him into the ground, still grabing him, she spinned and threw it into another Digimon, deleting both.
"They are pretty easy... Flying Crescent!" yelled Han, as he hovered from the ground, he flyied towards one of the Black Angemon, and at less than a meter away, he made a somersault upwards, kicking a Digimon on the chin sending it flying about 5 meters, deleting upon contact of the ground.
"Burning Dragon Slihouette!" Ryu time to attack was now, he moved his left arm backwards, charging a red aura around it, he punched the ait sending the silhouette of the burning dragon towards the Digimons, burning 3 and deleting them.
The last 4 Digimons created a silver staff out of nowhere, rushing towards them. One was heading towards Tsuki, which in reaction only yelled...
"Moon Barrier!" as she held her hands to the front creating the white-glowing barrier, the staff clashing into it.
"Mibiriiro Throw!" yelled Teria now as he dashed and somersaulted above the Digimon that was attacking Tsuki, he grabbed the head of the Digimon with his ears and finished the somersault sending the Digimon flying away, deleting upon contact of the ground.
"Thanks!" said Tsuki as she disappeared the barrier.
"No probl.." started to said Teria as Tsuki suddenly disappeared yelling...
"Shadow Kick!", said Tsuki disappearing, Teria turned around to see a shadow kick a Black Angemon that was just about to get him, Tsuki suddenly reappeared in middle air ddelivering a flying kick sending the Digimon sliding about 4 meters on the ground, hitting a tree in the end, bursting into data.
"Ok, lets end this... Wing Tornado!" yelled Han as he flyied into the middle of the two last Digimons, and began to fly in circles, creating a tornado in the place, and sending the Digimons flying above 10 meters off-ground, Noriko jumped to complete the combo.
"Cat Slash!" she yelled, shifting the nails on her both hands to cat claws, she jumped like if doing an uppercut, her claws went through a Digimon, bursting it into data, she spun in the air, inserting the claws on the other falling Digimon, deleting the last one of it.
"They are too easy..." said Noriko as she touched ground.
"Took you some time to finish..." said Reilmon with her arms folded, she was standing next to Alan, Chris and Kitsunemon.
"Yeah, we had about 20 and we finished in a couple of minutes, too bad almost all of your attacks only hit one at a time..." said Kitsunemon.
"Well, it's not our fault our attacks are like that..." said Shiroma waving her tail.
"I guess you are right..." said Reilmon.
"Anyway, we should rest for today, tomorrow at 12 o'clock we'll gather here again and head towards 'Project Eradication HQ'..." he said adding a tone of sarcasm on Project Eradication HQ...
"It's still too early..." said Teria.
"I never said we should go to sleep right now..." said Alan.
"Oh..." returned Teria.
"Either way, shall we spend more time here, or..." said Chris.
"I'd rather stay here..." said Han.
All other 5 half-breeds only nodded.
Once again, the two groups, one formed by all half-breeds, and the rest making the other separated, Alan, Chris, Reilmon and Kitsunemon were sitting on some benches in front of a small fountain. While the rest was a little away sitting on some steps.
They spent almost all day talking, just random talk... Hopefully, a second attack never came, fighting was something both Reilmon and Kitsunemon hadn't done in some time, back then they had to fight for their own survival, or in previous events discover the events behind some weird happenings. But since they met Alan and Chris and after the tragic events on Reilmon's life, they hadn't fought, in the 10 years that passed since that incident no single Digimon had challenged them inside or outside the Digital World. And fighting a weird group of Digimons to prevent the capture of each couple's child wasn't something they really didn't liked.
As long as those Digimons remained that weak, they had no problem whatsoever...
Night had already hit that side of the world, the street lights were already lit and the wind started to turn chillier. The 6 half-breeds approached the 2 couples.
"Yes?" said Alan watching them coming.
"I think we should go back..." said Noriko as she shivered because of a gust of wind.
"Should I ask why?" said Reilmon.
"Is 'It's getting chilly a reason'?" asked Shiroma.
"Not for me but I can't talk for you..." said Reilmon as she looked down to see her...... fur.
"Besides we ran out of topics for any kind of conversation..." said Chris.
"Then we'll meet here tomorrow?" asked Kitsunemon.
"Yes" answered Alan as they all said goodbye and such and each group headed to their own place.
"Be sure to be cautious, those Digimons might attack again..." said Alan as he watched Tsuki, Noriko and Shiroma enter Tsuki's room.
"Sure will, dad" said Tsuki entering the room.
"No worries there..." said Noriko patting one of her ears as she left a small laugh escape.
"Good night" said Shiroma as she entered the room.
"Night..." answered back Alan in a higher tone, soon followed by Reilmon as they also went to their own bedroom.
"Be sure to rest... Who knows what will be waiting inside that building..." said Kitsunemon at the 3 half-breeds, all getting ready to sleep.
"Yeah..." answered back Ryu.
"Sure" said Han as he tried to acomodate his wings in a comfortable position.
"Later" was the only thing Teria said as his head fell into a pillow.
Kitsunemon exited the room, joining Chris on their own.
Both groups readying for what would be the last fight... Project Eradication had gone too far, and it was time to put a limit to their plans...
Yep, only one more chapter, I was supposed to nd it here, but decided not to...
Well, hope this story is still of your liking...
Alan, Chris, Reilmon, Tsuki and Ryu and characters made by me, do not try anythingwith them, from stealing to using, whatever, without my consent.
Noriko, Shiroma, Han and Teria are also characters made by me, don't steal them either.
Kitsunemon however is property of Talismon2k1. I decided not to post his mail to avoid him any mail coming from my stories.
This story happens 10 years after the events of "2nd Run", which happens 8 months after "A Love Story", which happens 4 months after "A New Story".
Alan "Haiiro Kitsune" Quirino - grayfox_2510@hotmail.com
Next: Chapter 5 - Could it be?