Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ The Origin of the Soul ❯ Getting on the way ( Prologue )

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||||||||||Disclaimer: I don't own digimon. Nothing belongs to me but Lana, Neb, Tammy, Jay, and the rest of the characters in the Prologue. Any comments, bad or good, should be e-mailed to me so I can improve my fics, or reconsider my future as an author ^_^; (Please be civilized about what you say though, but if it's a complement, I don't care what you say ^_^ ) If anything in this fic has already been taken by someone, please tell me. (Other than the story plot) Finally, if you want to use my characters in your own fic, e-mail me for permission or I will hunt you down and sue for all your worth. Enjoy ^_^

The Journey Begins


"You're kidding!" I screeched to Neb, full name Nebula, over the phone.

"Nope! Completely serious!" I could practically hear her grinning.

I flipped onto my back on my bed, careful not to jerk the cord on the phone. "That is so not fair! How come you get to go to summer camp and I don't?!" I complained. "Well, for one thing, your parents don't have the money." she informed me. "Don't remind me." I groaned, thinking of my parent's reactions when I had asked if I could go to a summer camp with my friends.


"But Princess, the whole summer? You're too young, besides, you'd miss us too much!" Dad said, giving me the 'my little baby' hug he knows I hate so much.

Not likely. I couldn't help but think. "Dad," I reasoned, trying to keep calm, "I'm almost fifteen, I think I could handle it. I'm not your little baby anymore!" Bad move. He came back at me with his usual argument. "You'll always be my little baby, no matter how old you get!" he said in a singsong voice. I took a couple of deep breaths.

"Dad, I really think I'm ready for this, besides, Jay will be there! He could check on me once in a while! Also, all of my friends are going!" Ok, the thing about Jay was a desperate attempt. Jay was a cousin of mine, who is a couple of years older than me. Under any other circumstances, I would not have even THOUGHT about suggesting Jay keep an eye on me, but I was trying to have to keep from begging on my knees.

Dad pouted. "He's not responsible enough to look after my precious princess." he told me. To this day, I don't know if he's seriously serious when he starts all this, or just trying to tease me.

***BTW, my dad really DOES act like this. ^_^;***

If it's the latter, I think I could grow to hate him. It makes me so mad when he pulls this junk. I TONS more responsible than most kids in my school! I get all A's and B's, I don't smoke or drink, I don't stay out until 2 o'clock in the morning on school nights, or any other night, come to think of it.

I always prove myself to be a responsible student, and even help my friends with some of their problems, like with guys and homework! I'm even tutoring two kids! One is older than I am!

**Ok, maybe a LITTLE exaggerated ^_^;;;;;***

Yet DAD still insists I'm too young to go to a simple summer camp with a couple of friends!!! ARGGG!

"Rodney, I looked at the brochure for this camp, it could really be a fun thing for Lana to do! And you know she's VERY responsible." said Mom, finally stepping in. I gave her a grateful smile. She looked at me and smiled. "Getting the money will be the main problem, but if we can scrape it together, I'm sure you can go." she said, and cast a sidelong glance at my dad, telling him that was that. He pouted, but didn't say anything. I grinned at my mom, and ran up to my room to get on the phone.

/End Flashback/

My parents had had a lot of trouble with getting the money, and I was pretty sure I wouldn't be able to go.

"Lan? You there?" Neb asked over the phone. I sighed, and said, "Yeah Neb, I'm here. Man, I wish there was SOME way we could get the money."

"I wish there was too, it's not going to be much fun without you there to organize kitchen raids and midnight trips to sabotage the boys cabins." Neb chided me. I rolled my eyes. "Neb, you can do that stuff just as good as I can. The only difference will be that you'll be minus one 'partner-in-crime' to split the blame with if anyone finds out." I laughed. "Still, it won't be the same without you." she said, now somber. I sighed again, and said, "Hey, if Jay's there, TP his cabin for me, huh?" This at least got her to laugh for me. "You got it, Lan-chan."

"Lana! Will you come down here please?" called my mom from downstairs. "Coming!" I yelled back to her. "G2g Neb! Call you back later!" "Bye!" she said, and I hung up the phone.

"What is it Mom?" I asked as I came down the stairs. She smiled at me, and patted the couch cushion next to her on the floor. She had been working on some stuff for her class.

***Mom's a teacher at my school in real life. Along with my Dad, unfortunately. >.<***

"Honey, we were able to get the money, so you'll be able to go to that camp. We're both going to be busy though, so we can't take you, could you ask Nebula's Mom if you could drive down there with them?" she asked me. I jumped up, and pumped my fist in the air. "YES! Sure Mom! I'll go ask her right now!" She smiled and stood up, stretching. "Oh, and another thing Sweety, ***Is it just me, or do parents have an unendless supply of cute nicknames for there children? ^_^;*** your father asked Jay to look out for you, so you'll probably need to see him about every other day so he can tell your Dad you're ok." I groaned, but flashed a victory sign, and ran back up the stairs. Why did it have to be Jay??? I asked myself as I dialed Neb's number. I could just picture what he'd do with this kind of power over me. Most of the things would be harmless to ME, but they would kill my dignity. He'd have me report to him at a certain time every day, and if I was even two minutes late...

See a boy pacing around, looking at his watch. I come running in, breathless. "Lana! Where have you been?!" he'd yell. "You were 'spose to be here at 2 o'clock! You're late!" and then he'd show me his watch would read, 2:03. "S-sorry Jay! But I was at lunch!" you will see me saying, looking embarrassed as people walking by stare at us. "That's no excuse! Next time, eat faster, or grab a snack later on!" he'd yell, and then grill me on what I did that day, so he could report to Dad.

***Reminds me of a drill sergeant ^_^;***

I sighed as the phone rang, and Neb picked up. "Lan? Is that you?" "Yep! Guess what!!! Mom got the money, but she can't take me, do you think your parents could take me with YOU guys?" I asked her. "I'll ask!" she said, and ran off to find her mom. Someone picked up the phone, "Hello dear, yes! Of course! We'd be happy to drive you down! Tell your mother I said hello!" said Neb's Mom. "Thanks Mrs. Prescot!" I said happily. "Anytime dear." she replied kindly, and handed the phone back to Neb. "YESSSSSS!" Neb screamed into my ear.

***My friends are always yelling over the phone. I think my hearings going to go someday.***

I winced, and waited for my ears to stop ringing. "We'll pick you up after school next Friday, 'K?" she announced. "That's fine." I giggled. As we hung up, I thought to myself, Next week, boy, it can't come soon enough!

"This is so cool!" squealed my other friend, Tammy, at school the next day when we told her. "I know!" I was practically jumping up and down as I said it. "I wonder if we'll be able to get that Horse-back riding class." Neb wondered. "If we can't, we can try to get archery." I suggested. "And that karate class!" put in Tammy. I laughed. It sounded like by the time we were done, we'd be in every class the camp could offer. Tammy sighed, and put her head down on the table. "It's going to be forever until we get there. I don't think I'll make it." she groaned.

Tammy was energetic, impatient, and willing to volunteer for anything that was legal and fun. Neb was serious, cautious, and always eager to lend a helping hand. I, on the other hand, was a dreamer, empathetic, and hesitant to join anything unless my friends were there.

***For my REAL personality, take a weird combination of all three ^_~***

"You kids still go to SUMMER CAMP?! How childish. But then, you guys always have been sooo immature." said Jennifer, the biggest snob in our school. Tammy, Neb and I had been enemies with her ever since she pushed us in the mud on the day of the Valentine's dance in fifth grade. *** ^_^; Sorry, it's the best reason I could come up with at the moment.***

"For your information, I heard that YOU asked your parents if you could go too, but they thought you were too young." growled Neb. Her mother and Jennifer's Mom were both in the same book club, so they knew eachother pretty well.

***^_^;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I am in such a writer's block for good reason's for these things, any suggestions?***

Jennifer blushed, and snapped, "Well I wouldn't want to go now anyway! I'M going to Florida over vacation." she finished smugly. "Whatever." I said rolling my eyes. "So anyway, do you think we'll all be in the same cabin at camp?" I asked Tammy and Neb. "I hope so, but then again, it wouldn't be so bad if we didn't get to. At least we'd be able to meet new people." Neb said, looking thoughtful.

"While your dealing with those CHILDREN at camp, I'LL be meeting all the hot Florida boys at the hotel." Jennifer said loudly.

"Shut up." I said, whirling around and glaring daggers at her. "What makes you think we care about anything you're doing this summer? You're such a stuck up barbie doll. At least WE'RE not trying to be anything we're not." I growled at her. "We like the outdoors! If YOU can't stand to be more than four feet away from any modern conveniences, that's your problem, not ours." added Tammy, also glaring. "It just classifies you as a pathetic weakling who wouldn't stand a minute in the woods." I said, looking at her with mock pity.

***In case you couldn't tell, I HATE stuck up people. >: (***

"Why you little losers, I'm not the pathetic one, YOU ARE! My 10 year old cousin stopped going to those camps a year ago!" she yelled at us. She was going to go on, but I had had enough. I stood up, and grabbed her by the neck of her shirt. "Get away from us. And STAY away." I growled, and shook her a little for emphasis.

"Is there a problem, ladies?" said a teacher from behind us. "No, there's no problem Miss Cloudwater." said Neb, and shot a look at the preppy girls. "N-n-no Miss Cloudwater, there's n-no problem." said one of Jennifer's friends nervously. "Why don't you girls go eat your lunch?" Miss Cloudwater told Jennifer and her friends. They quickly walked away, and Miss Cloudwater sighed and sat down at our table. "Lana, you have to stop letting those girls get to you so bad." she told me quietly. "I can't help it! They get me so mad I just want to explode!" I replied, with angry tears in my eyes. "Well, you won't have to deal with them much longer. Summer's only a few days away." she said, and patted me on the arm. I gave a small smile back, and nodded.

***Doesn't everyone wish they had a teacher like this? I know I do.***

"Alright, did you pack enough clothes?" asked my mom, holding the list of items we had made that I would need to take to camp with me. I quickly counted all of my outfits, and nodded. "Bath and body things?" "Check." I replied. "Alright, that should be everything." she said, and folded the sheet back up. "And don't forget Lavender!" said my dad, putting a cute, purple rabbit doll in my suitcase. I clenched my teeth, but I knew it was go with the rabbit, or don't go at all. "I think you're ready to go." said my mom, rolling her eyes. "Bye bye Princess." my dad sniffed, and gave me a hug. I sweat dropped, gave my mom a quick hug, and jumped in the car before they could do anything else embarrassing.

"Bye Mrs. Johnson!" Neb yelled to my mom. She smiled and waved, calling, "Have a great summer!" We all waved back, as the car pulled out of the driveway, and we got on our way to camp.