Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ The Origin of the Soul ❯ The Beginning of the Beginning? ( Chapter 1 )

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Chapter One

Neb, Tammy and I were busy listening to music, when Mrs. Prescott had to make a stop at her office building for some files. "Be right back kids, don't get in trouble." she told us, and walked into the building. We sat for a while, when Tammy suddenly said, "Hey! She left the keys in the car!" Neb laughed, and joked, "Remember that one time when Lana tried to drive her parents car and almost hit the side of the grocery store?"

***BTW, that really happened, except it was a PAWN SHOP. ^_^;***

"Aw, cut it out Neb." I groaned. "Want to play some games on my laptop?" asked Tammy, getting bored with all this waiting. "What kinds have you got?" I said, leaning over Neb and looking at the screen. Suddenly, the screen lit up like fireworks, and beams of light shot out and went to Neb and Tammy's hands. I wasn't so lucky. Since I had been in awkward position, it nailed me in the face, and it felt like an electric bolt had gone through my body. I bit my lip to keep from crying, and touched the cheek where it had hit. When I took my hand away, I saw blood. Tammy and Neb stared at me, and gasped. "What?" I asked, getting worried. I looked in the review mirror, and saw it had left a strange cut on my face. It was the shape of an "S", with an unconnected curve under the bottom curve, and a dot inside the curve of the top curve. "What in the world?" said Tammy, shocked. Nebula quickly took out a first aid kit, cleaned it, and put a patch over it to soak up any more blood. "What are THESE?" asked Tammy, holding up the things that had landed in their hands. I looked in my lap and saw I had one too. "They look like those games that go on key chains!" Neb said, looking confused. Mine was aqua-blue, Neb's was a bright green, and Tammy's was neon orange. "Anyone else not see anything normal about this at ALL?" commented Tammy. But something even weirder was happening to the computer! Everything went black, and then six white words appeared on the screen. HOLD THEM UP TO THE SCREEN. We looked at each other, amazed, and a little scared, but then held them up to the screen and held our breath. It didn't take long for whatever it was to happen. The screen seemed to grow larger, and we were sucked in!

I sat up and looked around at our new surroundings. Fist thing I noticed was we were in a forest. Second thing I noticed was the noises. "Can anyone say 'Twilight Zone'?" asked Tammy, looking around. "There's a perfectly logical explanation for this." Neb stated, not sounding at all sure of herself. "Like we died and got sent to 'Limbo'?" I suggested, and then heard the roaring sound again. "What IS that?" asked Tammy. "Let's go check it out!" She exclaimed, seeing WE had no idea. We all pushed through some bushes towards the sound, and saw a large, insect-like creature attacking what seemed like three baby animals. "Hey! Leave them alone!" Someone yelled. I suddenly balked, realizing it was me! Before I could think about it, I was running towards the baby things, picking them up, and turning to run again. The thing shouted, I heard something rushing through the air behind me, and dived down to the ground. Something cut through the air above me, and sliced through several trees. I didn't know when that would happen again, so I got back up and ran into the woods again. "Hurry Lan!" Tammy and Neb screamed. Just as I dove into the safety of the trees, the insect charged after me. All six of us hid in some bushes, and the thing eventually left. "Whew, THAT was close." I jumped and looked down at the three little things in my arms. "Um, you can TALK?" asked Neb, looking at the things, clearly thinking she was crazy. "Sure!" chirped a one of the things that looked like a bird's head with wings. "I'm Compatymon! Your new partner!" and then it jumped into Neb's arms. "PARTNER!?" Neb asked, looking slightly nervously at the 'bird' in her arms. "I'm Hydreemon!!" exclaimed another little head, jumping from my arms to Tammy's, and declaring them 'Partners'. This one was bluish-green, and had a long flowing tail that looked like water. "I'm Demizemon! I'm YOUR partner, Lana!" "Wait, how did you know my name!?" "More importantly, what ARE you guys?!" Nebula asked. "We're Digimon!" Her little talking head said. "That stands for Digital Monsters!" said Tammy's little thing. "You're in the Digi-world right now, with us by you side, you'll be safe!" 'Demizemon' said. "Whoa! Back up and freeze! What's a digital monster, and what's the `Digi-world'? And what do you mean, `partners'?!" Tammy cried, holding her hands in a `T' shape. "Well, it's like this…." Compatymon started.

***Shorter than the last one, I know, but I ran out of time!***