Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Twelve Angry People ❯ Detication ( Chapter 9 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Author's notes:
Hmm… only 9.10 chapters…
I was sort of hoping Id' be able to do it in 12 to make it seem more appropriate. Ah well…
Everyone just sat there starring at TK. “Well… now what do we do?” Tai asked.
“You're alone, TK.” Davis pointed out.
“I know I'm alone…” TK said. “And frankly I don't care. It's my right.” There was a brief moment of silence as TK could feel the eyes of all the others piercing through his skin as they gawked at him. “Well what do you want? I say he's guilty.”
“We ant to hear your arguments.” said Davis.
“I gave you my arguments. Several time over.”
“We're not convinced. We want hear them again. You take as long as you need too.”
TK couldn't believe this was happening to him, but he wasn't willing to give in so easily. “Everything that went on in that court… every single thing says he's guilty.” He ranted. He stood by the windows, where the rain had finally stopped…
“Why, what about the old-man…? Take what he said! He lived there and heard everything said! ”
“And what about the gun...? You found another one like it. The boy's gun falling through a hole in his pocket…? that's a laugh…”
“You claim the old-man couldn't have seen the boy, but he did, no matter how long it took. You can't prove he didn't get to the door in time! Maybe you can waste time dragging across the room, but you can't prove it!”
“And what about this stuff with the monorail, and the movies… Now there's a poor pathetic excuse. I'll bet you a-million bucks that I could remember the movies I'd see. I'm telling you everything's been TWISTED… and TURNED!”
“You want facts… I'll give you facts, right here…” he slammed his wallet down on the table where he kept his notepad, and the picture of his family before the divorce slipped out.
“Well that's it…!”
A brief moment of silence occurred with the others still gawking at him, still not convinced. “Well? Say something!” he snarled, but nobody said a thing.
TK couldn't believe this, the people whom he though were his friends were all against him just like that. “You lousy naive idiots…! How can you do this to me, and let an evil guy like that escape? I'm not going to be intimidated. I'm entitled to my opinion.”
His gaze fell upon the picture on the table. He gazed angrily at his father, and grandfather who were the reason his family broke up in the first place. “Rotten evil…!” he growled stressfully. “I hate evil! I hate it! I HATE IT! I… HATE IT!!”
He lunged for the picture and furiously began to rip it to shreds in his hands. Then he stopped, and his emotions changed. He realized that all this time he had been letting his anger and hatred towards evil cloud his mind, and mess him up.
He couldn't even look up at the others as he slowly slumped into his seat with his face buried in his arms as he sank to the table sobbing softly. “No…. I can't do this.” he sobbed. “Not Guilty.”
“Not Guilty…!”
That was it. The vote was finally unanimous. Izzy knocked and the door and told they Bailiff that they were ready.
Everyone slowly got up from their seats and began grabbing their jackets from the closet as they left the room, but Davis and Kari stayed behind, as TK was still where he was, lying face down on the table crying in shame.
Kari walked over to the sobbing man and comforted him, while Davis grabbed TK's jacket form the closet, and helped him into it. “I'm so sorry I was mean to you guys.” he said sniffling.
Davis put a comforting arm on his shoulder “Hey… you weren't yourself.” he said kindly. “You did the right.”
“Thank you TK…” Kari said, and she kissed him on the cheek.
TK smiled, and then they turned out the lights, and left the jury room.
The boy was declared not guilty, and free of charges. The case was dismissed, and just in time too. Tai just couldn't wait to get to the soccer-game.
Matt just wanted to get home before his cold got any worse.
As for Davis and Kari, they stopped on the steps outside of the courthouse and were gazing deeply into each other's eyes. “Davis… that was brave what you did.” she said to him referring to the fact that he alone was able to help convince everyone, especially her, to change their vote. “Yeah… I guess it was.”
“Well…?” his fiancée said, “Aren't you going say, “Here's lookin' at you,”?”
Davis laughed softly, “Nah… that's another story.” but he did kiss her passionately. The moment was broken up when Yolei called to them, “Hey, you guys… come on!”
Hand in hand, Davis and Kari joined the others walking down the street into the night. It had been a very long but successful day.
Author's dedication:
This fic dedicated to the honoring memories of…
Martin Balsam… John Fiedler… Lee J. Cobb… E.G Marshal… Jack Klugman… Edward Binns… Jack Warden… Henry Fonda… Joseph Sweeny… Ed Begley… George Voskovec… and Robert Webber.