Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Union of Hope and Light ❯ Good Times ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter One

It had been five years from the defeat of BelialVamdemon and everyone had grown up much from their adventures and also had a new member on their team. It was Noriko who used to be one of the dark spore children and now was a chosen child.

Takeru and Hikari had gone out on two to three dates so it could be said that they had begun dating. Daisuke had moven off from Hikari since awhile back so he hadnt been too upset by his friends dating in fact he had shown quite maturity with it. Patamon and Tailmon were also quite close both had feelings for the other but were too scared of the pain of rejection. Today the younger chosen children had held a party just to hang out and have fun.

They were sitting in a circle the newer group of chosen chidren and their digimon. Noriko since being a part of the younger team now had come along as well as her digimon Lunamon though she felt a little shy and sat slightly away from the group talking and laughing happily.

"Hey why doesn't Noriko join us?" Hikari asked the others glancing over at the girl who was an year younger than her.

"I'll find out." Daisuke said volunteering causing both Hikari and Miyako to giggle slightly. Daisuke was always so friendly to Noriko and sometimes it made them wonder whether he could be feeling more than friendship towards her.

"What's so funny Hikari chan?" Daisuke asked her and Hikari simply smiled.

"Nothing just thought of something anyway Daisuke kun yeah get her to join us." Hikari said softly smiling and Daisuke frowned yet moved over to where Noriko was sat.

Ken and Miyako were having their own conversation Takeru smiled seeing his two friends talking it was a surprise they hadnt started dating already. Hikari chuckled watching Daisuke and Noriko causing Takeru to turn his attention to his girlfriend he saw her watching their friends and smiled. He moved over wrapping his arms around her waist.

"My angel of light seems to enjoy seeing her ex-crush happy." Takeru murmured seductively in her ear causing Hikari to blush slightly but leaned in to his touch.

"I'm glad our relationship didnt hurt him Takeru kun." Hikari replied turning in his arms to face him as Ken and Miyako seemed to have walked off.

"I know Hikari chan that is one of the reasons I fell in love with you always thinking of others." Takeru replied leaning her against the well moving and pressing his lips gently against hers. Hikari moved her hands around his neck kissing back passionately. Takeru let his hands interlock in her hair moving them around gently as they broke the kiss but remained in one another's arms.

"They make such a cute couple don't they?" Tailmon said watching from the next room with Patamon who was her closest friend the other digimon were with their partners but Tailmon wanted to spended some time with her best friend.

"Of course Tail chan after all Hikari is dating my partner so of course she'll be happy." Patamon said attempting to make a joke causing Tailmon to giggle slightly. Tailmon hugged Patamon gently.
"So modest arent you?" Tailmon said jokingly and Patamon smiled at her then moved his paw around her stomach in such a seductive manner causing her to moan and gasp from pleasure and surprise. Patamon leaned in close to her.

"I play very fair Tail chan." Patamon said seductively causing Tailmon to blush her breathing becoming slightly uneven. Patamon leaned even closer planting kisses down Tailmon's neck and soon she found herself enjoying his touches and caresses they shared a deep kiss and lay cuddling each other gently and happily.