Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Unity ❯ I Hate Digimon! ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I don't own Digimon. Bandai, or Toei, or whoever wrote it does. I own only my characters.
LOGIN 1: I Hate Digimon…
Denver, Colorado- June9, 2011
“Come on, Leon! We're gonna be late!” Naomi Black grabbed her twin's arm and pulled him through the streets of Denver, Colorado.
“Naomi,” Leon struggled to stay behind, pulling her back. “You know I hate Digimon. It's just a waste of time!”
Naomi grabbed hold of her brother's hair. “Yeah, well, I figured you could spend some time with people other than your dueling club! Besides, Digimon Online is great! It's just like the real world, only not!” She pulled him, still holding on to his hair, down the street.
Leonardo Black struggled to keep from screaming; he hated getting his hair pulled, a fact that his twin sister, Naomi, exploited gleefully. “C'mon, sis, I -ouch!- have a -ow!- tournament to practice -OW!- for!”
Naomi sighed, and stopped. “Okay, fine! Go and have fun playing with your stupid pokeyman cards!”
“Mi, for the last time, it's not `Pokemon,' it's `Yu-Gi-Oh!' And I have a reputation to uphold; I am the city champ!”
“Okay,” she said, finally letting go of his hair, “I just wanted to spend some time with you, big brother, but I'll just go…” She slid effortlessly into her trademark pout, her lower lip protruding slightly beyond her upper lip, accompanied by her puppy-dog eyes.
Crap, Leon thought bitterly. She knows that's the one thing I can't refuse! I HATE it when she does that! That and the `big brother' thing! Geez, I'm only older by five minutes! He sighed, massaging his temples in exasperation. “Okay,” he said finally. “But I'm not gonna like this…”
Though the two of them were twins (they had the same shade of cherry-red hair, the same emerald eyes, basically the same build, and they were within an inch of each other's heights, Leon being slightly taller), their personalities couldn't be more different; Leon was always calm, cool, and didn't like computers or video games. His strength was cards; he was the best Yu-Gi-Oh duelist in Denver (he had the trophies to prove it, and his deck was always in a `hip-holster', ready to go), and he was a master of Blackjack, poker, and gin. His father always said he should work in a casino, but Leon didn't approve of gambling for money; he was in it for the fun (and bragging rights). He wore his red hair down past his ears, was never seen without his goggles or his beloved leather jacket with the Aerosmith insignia on the back (he practically worshipped the band). Naomi, on the other hand, was his polar opposite. She was a computer whiz, and was best described as `bouncy'. She preferred to keep her hair pulled back in a long braid down her back (inspired by her favorite video game character, Aeris from Final Fantasy 7), and opted for yellow-tinted sunglasses. She was hyper, she was clearly the more immature of the two siblings, and she hated rock n' roll, claiming that Enya was so much better. Oh, and she loved Digimon, which Leon despised.
But Leonardo Black had a secret: there was one Digimon he didn't hate, just one. Renamon, the yellow fox Digimon, was the one Digimon he thought of as kind of cool. Not that he let anyone know that. He had secretly bought a Renamon plushie, which held a very honorable place in his room: right next to his collection of Aerosmith albums, his electric guitar (which was signed by Steven Tyler and Joe Perry, no less), and his first YuGiOh card ever, a first edition Harpie's Brother. Still, he had no interest in the actual game or the TV show. It was kind of stupid really.
He was deep in thought when his sister's voice pierced his concentration. “Leon, we're here!” she cried. They were in front of a large building, which said `DIGIMON ONLINE- REGISTRATION CENTER' above the glass doors in flashing neon letters.
Once inside, Leon had to admit, the place was very technologically advanced. At the front desk were uniformed people sitting at brand-new Dell ImperionL1500 computers, the most advanced CPU's on the market. A lady on the right smiled and waved. “Hi, Naomi! How's it going?”
Naomi strode happily over. “Going great, Alicia. I'm just taking Leon to get an account!”
“Really?” Alicia smirked. “I thought you didn't like Digimon?” He grimaced, jerking his head in Naomi's direction. “Oh. Well, if you give it a try, you're sure to enjoy it! Do you have the cash for the account creation fee?” Seeing the blank looks, she smiled, and said “Tell you what: since I'm such a nice lady, I'll pay for it, and you can pay me back when you get the chance!”
“Really? You'd do that?” Leon asked. Alicia smiled. “Okay, thanks! How much do I owe?”
“Twenty dollars.”
“Okay. I won't forget!”
“Now, we gotta start the registration process. First, you gotta create an avatar. That's your player's name and your login ID. Next, you're gonna need a password so no one else can use your account. It's all voice-print verified, so don't worry.”
“Okay, um…” Leon had no clue as to what a good username would be. “I'll just go as Leon Black. As for my password, I'll just use my birthday: zero-two-zero-eight-nine-five. Is that all?”
Alicia laughed a little. “Nope, you gotta take a short personality test to figure out who your partner should be!”
“Partner?” he replied blankly. “Oh, you mean what Digimon I get!”
Naomi shook her head. “No duh. Are you always this clueless? Nevermind, don't answer that.”
Leon elbowed her in the side, and then looked at the test. It was ten questions long, with questions like, `What's your favorite color?' and `Are you more active during the day or night?' When it was done, Alicia processed the results, then handed him a card. (Not a playing card, more like a credit card, with a magnetic strip) “Give that to the Login Navi and she'll set you up in a pod. You'll receive your partner in the `Digimon Lab' to the left of the `Login Room'. Have fun!” Alicia waved goodbye as the twins walked into the room at the far end of the hall.
It was a big room, filled with about fifty one-man pods. Some had people in them, wearing weird helmets, eyes closed as though asleep, while some were empty. The Login Navi was an elderly man dressed in the stark-white uniform of the rest of the employees. He glanced up, smiling as Leon and Naomi walked into the room. “Welcome back, Naomi. I take it this is your brother I've heard so much about?” The twins nodded. The Navi held out his hand to Leon, who took it. “Don Jones. I'm Ronny Jones's grandfather.”
Leon looked bewildered for a second, then recognized the name. “Oh, yeah! Ronny Jones! He was my opponent in the final match last tournament! Hey, tell him I'd be glad to give him a rematch any- ow!” Naomi had just elbowed him in the ribs.
“Will you quit? We're supposed to meet someone!” She smiled sweetly again. “Here's my login card, Mr. Jones!” She handed over her card, then signaled for Leon to do the same.
“Alright, you're both clear. Naomi, you're in pod 32, and Leon can have number 25. And don't worry,” he added to Leon. “It's just like falling asleep; it won't hurt a bit!”
Leon climbed into the pod. It was very comfortable; the seat was leather upholstery, and there was plenty of legroom. Mr. Jones walked over and explained how to put the helmet on. “You just put it on, then you tighten these electrodes until you feel some slight pressure on your temples, then pull the visor down and you're good to go!” Leon did as he was told, and gasped as the lid of the pod closed round him. A cool mechanical voice came over the speakers.
“Leon Black” He answered back.
“PASSWORD?” it prompted again.
Leon suddenly felt his body go numb. He started to panic, but couldn't move his arms or legs. The world around him dissolved into a flurry of lights speeding by, and it was very cold. Then, there was a bright flash, and feeling rushed into his body again. He was in a very futuristic-looking room, standing on a pad with a weird triangle symbol on it. If it wasn't for the fact that his sister was standing right across from him, he would've sworn he'd walked onto a set from Star Trek or something.
Naomi tapped her foot impatiently. “Come ON, let's go, we're LATE!”
Leon was still gaping around at the room. “Wow, this is all so real- looking! Great graphics! What are we late for, anyway?”
Naomi whacked him upside the head, which took Leon completely by surprise, because it hurt. “I can feel pain here? Wow, that's…”
“Awesome, I know!” Naomi finished for him, though that wasn't quite the answer he'd picked. “I'm meeting a friend from California here, and besides, I so wanna know what your Digimon's gonna be! Knowing you, it'll probably be a Gabumon or maybe a Terriermon if you're lucky!” She dragged him out the door, heading to the left, towards a lady at a desk, once again in the trademark white uniform.
“I beg your pardon, miss, but I do believe you're someone I know,” said a voice behind them.
Naomi turned around and squealed. “DJ!!!” She threw herself into this new boy's arms. He was tall, with a very athletic build, though he wasn't a weightlifter. His skin was very richly tanned, like he'd spent a lot of time at the beach, and his blonde hair was spiked. [A/N: Think Matt/Yamato's haircut from Season 1] He was wearing a white muscle tank-top, which conformed to his somewhat muscular chest, and faded blue jeans. A green frog-looking thing with a red fin sticking out of its back was at his side, and a green plant-like thing was behind him. The plant-thing practically pounced on her after Naomi had pulled out of the hug. “Leon, this is Daniel Jackson, from San Diego, but he goes by DJ, or Danny if you want to make him mad!” DJ whacked her playfully, then shook Leon's hand.
“Nice to meetcha, Leon.” He said casually. He jerked his thumb at the frog at his feet. “And this joker is my Digimon, Betamon.” The little frog Digimon blinked and waved.
“Same here, DJ.” Leon replied. “San Diego, huh? Are you a surfer or something?”
DJ grinned. “Yup. Got the trophies to prove it, too!”
The little plant thing cleared its throat rather loudly.
Naomi laughed softly. “Oh, yeah, and this is my Digimon, Palmon. She's pretty cool!”
“Nice to meet you, Palmon,” Leon replied absently. I figured this was a waste of time… He thought bitterly.
“Ditto,” said Palmon.
Leon did a double take. “Whoa, those things can talk?” he asked incredulously.
“Of course we can talk, silly!” Betamon cried.
Leon raised an eyebrow quizzically. DJ patted him on the back in a brotherly manner. “So, Leon, you know what your Digimon is yet?”
“Nope. Not a clue. Quite frankly, I'm not really interested. I don't much care for video games or Digimon for that matter. The show's… kinda dumb, and I never liked the computer games. Heck, I couldn't even get into the card game. Too much wasted time. Let's just get this over with, okay? I'm only here `cause Naomi dragged me into it.” He strode over to the Lab's desk.
“Oh, come on, brother! You'll have fun, I promise!” Naomi called after him, then shook her head in exasperation.
“He seems very friendly,” DJ commented.
“What a grouch!” the two Digimon said together.
Next Chapter: A Diamond in the Rough
Leon gets his Digimon partner! Who will it be? Read and you'll find out!