Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Unity ❯ A Diamond in the Rough ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

DISCLAIMER: Don't own, don't sue.
CHAPTER 2: A Diamond in the Rough
Leon walked impatiently towards the Digimon Lab desk. Impressed as he was with the programming of Digimon Online (Not only could he see and hear, but he could feel the cool air blowing from the air vents, and even smell the flowers on the desk), he was determined to get it over with as soon as possible. I can't believe Naomi dragged me into this! He thought to himself.
The lady at the desk (again, in a white uniform) looked up at him. “Hello, and welcome to Digimon Online! How may I help you?” she smiled.
“I'm here to pick up my Digimon partner,” he replied absently.
“May I see your login data?”
“Umm… You mean this?” he pulled out a card similar to the one he'd given Mr. Jones at the Login desk.
Thank you. Please wait over there on the Login mark.” She took the card and pointed to a triangle symbol on the floor like the one in the login room. Leon obeyed, standing on the mark and tapping his feet.
Naomi and DJ walked down the steps after him. She looked a little offended by Leon's previous outburst, but seemed anxious at the same time. DJ watched with interest as well.
Leon was just about to say something about it taking too long, when the floor lit up. A strange wind started to blow around him, and a smell reminiscent of autumn leaves filled his nostrils. When the light faded out, he gasped. There, standing in front of him, was a Renamon.
{Naomi's POV}
I'm so excited to se what Leon's Digimonwould be! I mean, knowing his personality, it would probably be a Gabumon, or something else like him. Yeah, I'ma little offended by his blatant disregard for Palmon's and Betamon's feelings, but he'll have fun. I just know it! Naomi thought anxiously. At that moment, the floor lit up, surrounding Leon in a blinding light. After a few moments, it faded out, leaving Leon standing with… Oh, no way in hell he got one! There is no way he got a Renamon! How did thathappen? Nobody I know's gotten a Renamon!
DJ shot her a look, then whispered in her ear, “Aren't those supposed to be really rare? I mean, they aren't even offered to new Tamers, are they? It's hell just to find one in the wild, let alone one assigned to a Tamer!”
“I know,” she said quietly. “But let's just see what happens…”
{Leon's POV}
I can't believe it! The only Digimon I don't hate is supposed to be my partner? I guess I could call that lucky. “So… Hello, Renamon, right?”
Its tail swished behind it.
“I'll take that as a yes. I'm Leon. I'm supposed to be your Tamer, right?”
Again, tail swish.
“Are you unable to talk, or something?”
“I am perfectly capable of speech, Leon,” it replied, in a distinctly feminine voice.
Suddenly, Betamon's squeaky voice was heard in the background. “HAHA!!! Leon got stuck with a girl Digimon!”
Well, not long after that, the trio set off down the road.
“Hey, aren't Tamers supposed to get Digimon in their own gender?” Naomi teased, eyebrows raised playfully.
“Not necessarily,” DJ replied. “This one girl in my class wound up with an Agumon. It's really more interesting that he got a Renamon. I've never seen those assigned to new Tamers before. I think it's kinda cool that he wound up with one.” He flashed Leon a smile.
“Whatever,” Leon said sulkily. He was in a bad mood because he was actually starting to get excited about the game. That, and he'd gotten the only Digimon he would've wanted, and had been determined to prove Naomi wrong. It didn't help that Renamon was… well, there was no other word for it: cool. Palmon and Betamon had taken an instant liking to her, and he couldn't help but smile when she kept pushing the two sugar-happy Digimon off her bushy tail for the umpteenth time, struggling to keep her cool and not `Diamond Storm' them. They spent a little time fighting wild Digimon in the park area just outside the main city (Kioru City), and it was time to head home before they knew it. So, Leon and Naomi said goodbye to Renamon and Palmon (DJ's goodbye, he noticed, was a quick kiss on the cheek), and the two of them logged out.
As he clambered out of his pod, Leon called over at Naomi, smirking. “So, how long have you two been going out?”
“What are you talking about?” she replied offhandedly. Still, a red flush came to her cheeks.
“You know,” his smile grew wider, “The kiss. I saw how you kissed DJ. Are you planning on meeting him somewhere, or what?”
“Well,” she blushed a still deeper shade of red, “We met out in the forest; he was having a little trouble with a particularly nasty Yanmamon, and I had to step in to help, and we kind of hit it off pretty well after that…” she grinned sheepishly. “I was thinking about asking him to visit next time we're over at Uncle Brad's; he lives just a few blocks over. You're not mad, are you?”
“Mad? Why would I be mad? He is pretty cool. I mean, he's completely likeable. Not bad-looking, either. Hope you two can make it work.” He smiled back at her. “Well, I suppose you'd better hold your nose; I think it's `Liver-Stix Night' again. So gross.” He shuddered at the thought of the disgusting food. Naomi giggled. “You know, I'm sorry I was rude like that in front of you and DJ. You were absolutely right; I did have fun, and I wanna do it again tomorrow.”
“Really? You see, I told you, brother! Good thing school's out. Anyway, let's just go home. We can go out and do some more interesting stuff tomorrow.”
After a much-appreciated dinner (Mrs. Black had burned the Liver-Stix, so instead ordered Chinese), Leon did his usual `ritual' before going to bed: taking a shower, lighting some incense, and doing yoga with Steven Tyler screaming his lungs out on the stereo. Finally, he crawled beneath the sheets, ready to go and really kick some butt with Renamon the next day.
Next Episode: Awakened
What is that? It feels like cat's fur, but we don't have a- Aw, hell no…”