Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Unity ❯ An Unexpected Visitor ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

DISCLAIMER: Once again, Digimon is copyright of Toei animation. Don't sue me.
Warning: From here on out, the story is going to start becoming much darker, filled with conspiracy, betrayal, and plot twists, and generally deeper and more interesting (I hope.) If you're looking for a story that's going to be constantly happy and where there are no bad things that happen to the characters, you may want to stop reading here. I'm not writing an angst-fest, don't worry, but I can tell you right here and now that you should expect character death, a lot of backstabbing, and bad guys that aren't exactly going to be known for their morals. And yes, I know it's been over half a year since I last updated. I'm truly sorry for that, but college happens.
CHAPTER 12: An Unexpected Visitor
{Phoenix Enterprises, Surveillance Branch in Kyoto, Japan…}
A tall, suit-wearing man rushed down the hallway. His blonde hair was slicked back in a very military fashion, and if one were to remove his sunglasses, they would see his eyes were a deep, chrome yellow.
Despite this man's unusual appearance, nobody in the hallways took any notice of him, nor the strange fact that there were at least twenty exact copies of himself in the same hallway.
He finally reached the door he was searching for. Across the top in stenciled letters were the words, `Situation Room. Authorized personnel only.' The man swiped his ID card through the slot on the side, and a cool, mechanical voice said, “Welcome, Agent Alpha-571.”
Inside the room, all was utter chaos. On screens scattered around the room, lights in every shade of red imaginable were flashing around like mad, and warnings and analyses in every known language were flowing from printers.
He found the man he was looking for. “General Mitsude,” he said, saluting the other man.
Amano Mitsude was abnormally tall for a Japanese man, his height at 5 feet 10 inches. His hair, which was cropped short like a soldier's, was still more pepper than salt. He had deep grey eyes that missed little, and gave away even less.
The General turned. A vein was pulsating in his neck, a surefire warning sign for all others in the area. “What do you want, 571? I'm busy right now.”
571 saluted his boss again. “Sir, I conducted the scan of Digimon Online, as per your request,”
“Prior to the firewall failure, an unknown signature appeared on our scanners. A few minutes later, it disappeared, along with five other DO clients.”
“Names,” the other man said simply, pausing to spare a cursory glance over a report that had just printed.
571 read over the files he held in his hand. “Black, Leonardo Vincenzo. Black, Naomi Belladonna. Jackson, Daniel Kail. Cairn, Artemis James. Jacobs, Riley Alex. Each was accompanied by a digimon, and the sixth was with one that has been identified as the Calumon species.”
Mitsude frowned. “Check our scanners. I want a full-range tab on them.”
“I took the liberty, sir. All six signatures and their digimon are on Server, DW-01. Shall I send a retrieval team?”
“No. We are going to handle this personally. I just need to get authorization from HQ. This won't take long. Sign out a Gamma Series while you're at it. We may encounter hostiles,”
Alpha 571 saluted his employer a final time. “Yes, sir,” he turned to leave.
{Naomi's POV}
Much to her disgust, Naomi woke to a very bright light. She reached for her jacket, hoping to block out the accursed light, but found it was not there. What the… She blearily opened her eyes, and immediately realized that wherever she was, she was nowhere near the forest clearing where they had camped. She was floating in an endless white space, with no obvious difference between directions. Where am I?
Naomi didn't quite know what to expect, but she certainly didn't expect an answer.
In the physical sense of the word, you are still at your campsite, asleep.
Who's there?! Who are you?!
You don't have to be afraid. I am a friend, Naomi.
How do you know my name?
I am the one who sent you the Digivices.
But how… wait what?
Do not worry; all will be explained in time… For now, you must awake. We will meet soon…
Soon. But I must warn you: do not trust the man who is coming to search for you. He may introduce himself as a friend, but he is no ally of yours. Goodbye, psychic tamer. We shall meet again…
Naomi woke with a jolt. DJ was standing over her. “Morning!” He dropped an apple into her lap. “Breakfast?”
“Thanks,” Naomi yawned, and took a bite out of the sweet fruit, brooding over what she had just experienced.
DJ took a seat next to her. “Is something wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost,”
She shook her head. “No, I just… had a bad dream, is all…” What did he mean, psychic tamer?
{Leon's POV}
Leon, once again awoke very warm. Ren had apparently taken him back to Drag's house, because he was in his bed. He also noted that she had put his clothes on a side table, yet had neglected to cover him with anything other than her own furry body, which suited him just fine. So it wasn't a dream… He pulled himself closer to her, letting her heat course through his body. He grinned when a slight smile played across the vulpine Digimon's lips. This is so weird… Everything's changing so quickly; suddenly I'm a digi-destined, we're all in a whole other dimension, and I just mated with a fox Digimon…
A light knock sounded on the door, jerking Leon out of his thoughts. He carefully disentangled himself from the mass of blankets and fur that was Renamon. Quickly throwing on his boxers, he opened the door. Drag's snout poked in, bearing a look of concern.
“Come out here, I gotta talk to ya,” he whispered, and Leon complied.
“So, what is it?”
“I was out grabbing some food, and I flew over a campsite,”
“… And?”
“The `campers' were human,” he looked pointedly at Leon.
“The others…” Leon's heart leapt. “So, they're close by?”
Drag nodded. “Yeah, about five or six miles out. Now go wake your little friend up, it's breakfast,”
“Right,” Leon turned to leave, but a realization hit him. “Oh, um, Drag?”
“Don't worry,” the dragon Digimon chuckled. “I won't tell a soul about you and Ren, but I should warn you; any Digimon with a decent sense of smell will know regardless of how you try to hide it. Most will know that if you don't declare it right away, you don't want it known, but just as a warning…”
Leon nodded. “I'll keep that in mind,” and he walked back into the room to wake Ren up.
She had grabbed the pillow in his absence, and was now curled around it, seemingly very pleased with herself. He smiled. She's so beautiful… With a little effort, he pried the pillow out of her grasp, and smirked as she opened one eye blearily, sitting up and looking at him.
“Morning,” Leon grinned, and sat down next to her.
“You too,” she licked him on the cheek. “Is something wrong?”
“Three things, actually. For one, Drag found the others. They're about five miles out, he said. Two, there's the slight problem that both of us reek, and it feels like there's about fifty gallons of dried cum that's been dumped on me, and your fur's more than a little bit matted,”
“Well, we can take a bath in the river then,” he was reminded once again how strong she was in comparison to him as he was pulled rather forcefully into her lap. “I'm sure you won't mind,” he shivered as she dragged a claw gently across his boxers. “What's the third problem?” he moaned as the paw slid beneath the fabric, gripping him tightly and slowly stroking him.
“Drag says it's -uhn- breakfast time…” he panted, bucking into her paw. “Oh god, Ren, that's so good…”
“Well, we wouldn't want to miss out on that good food, would we?” She withdrew the paw and stood, forcing Leon off her lap, who almost cried at the denial of release. “You should get dressed,” she tossed the bundle of clothes at him, and walked out.
“Hey! That's not fair! Arrrrggh…” he looked down. Yup, that was definitely a boner, and a painful one at that. “She's evil,” he muttered. “She's evil, and sadistic, and THAT WAS NOT FUNNY, RENAMON!” All he got in response was a maniacal laugh from outside the door.
More than a little bit disgruntled, Leon pulled his clothes back on and walked out, grumbling.
Ren was of course there, an arrogant smirk plastered on her face. Drag had managed to procure what seemed to be a large basket of meat. “Dude, what did you have to kill to get all this?”
Drag looked at him condescendingly. “Digimon have more civilized means of procuring meat than through the slaughter of other beings,” he tossed one at Leon. “Eat it, it probably tastes better than the stuff you people call `meat'…”
Skeptical, Leon took a bite of the `meat', and all suspicions vanished immediately. “`Oly `rap!” he exclaimed. It was undoubtedly the best thing he'd ever tasted. Drag laughed, passing another piece to the Veemon from before, and another to Ren.
After breakfast, Ren had seen fit to drag him to the river, strip him down, and toss him unceremoniously into the frigid waters. Leon burst through the surface, spluttering.
“J-Jeebus, it's-s c-cold!”
Then her arms snaked around him, pulling him close. He leaned back against her, groaning at the welcome heat. She took a cloth (provided of course by Drag) and soaked it in the water for a moment, before rubbing it against his body. “Just lean back and enjoy it,” she whispered, and that's exactly what Leon did.
Half an hour later, the two of them left the river, wet, clean, and very content for the moment. Leon was halfway into putting on his pants when he was tackled to the ground by Renamon.
“You know, you could just ask,” he grunted.
“Be quiet!” she hissed. Leon could immediately tell that something was wrong; Ren would never have spoken to him like that…
He looked up as there was a rustling in the bushes ahead of them. “DIAMOND STORM!” The bush was pelted with hundreds of shards of ice, and there was a grunt of pain. “Show yourself!” she yelled, a vicious snarl on her face.
An enormous, muscular man stepped out. His hair was shaved off, and a pair of sunglasses was pushed up over his eyes, obscuring them from view. He wore a gray, expensive-looking suit and tie, which was now in shreds from the attack.
“Are you Leonardo Vincenzo Black?” He asked. Leon and Ren both shuddered; there was something unnaturally inhuman about his voice.
The mountain of a man pulled a small phonelike object out of his suit pocket and flipped it open, before muttering into it. “Agent Gamma-827 reporting. I have located Target 1. Over.”
Another voice came over the line, notably more human-sounding. “Very good. Bring him to our location; we've caught up with the other targets as well. Over and out.”
827 put away the phone, straightening his tie. “You are to come with me,”
Ren moved between the gargantuan man and Leon, spreading her arms protectively. “Who are you, and why should we just blindly follow you?”
He pushed his sunglasses up on the bridge of his nose, where they had been slipping. “I am an agent of Phoenix Enterprises. I am going to escort you home. If you need to retrieve any belongings, do so quickly so we can be on our way.”
“You're taking us home?” Leon asked incredulously. 827 nodded. “… Okay…”
“Please. We are short on time, so once again, if you have any belongings, go and retrieve them quickly so we can be on our way,”
Again, Leon felt a chill run down his back. There was definitely something unnatural about this guy, but he reluctantly pulled his clothes back on, and headed back towards Drag's house, followed closely by Ren, who kept glancing back at this `872', whoever he was.
Drag looked up as they entered the house. “Hey, you guys are back alrea--” His eyes widened in hatred as he saw the large man behind them. “WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOIN' HERE?! GET THE HELL OUTTA MY HOUSE!”
872 was either extremely calm, or didn't have any emotion to begin with. “Please, do not exhibit any hostile actions. I would prefer to avoid confrontation,” He straightened his glasses again.
“HOSTILE ACTIONS MY ASS! GET OUT!” Leon and Ren both gasped as he threw a punch at the mountain of a man, but to their horror, 872 grabbed the fist in midair, and there was a resounding snap throughout the room as he crushed the Digimon's fist in his hand, and he was then pushed to the ground, eyes swimming in hatred and pain.
“Please, do not exhibit any hostile actions. I would prefer to avoid confrontation,” he repeated, in the same deadpan expression. He then turned back to Leon. “Please retrieve your belongings so we can be on our way.”
Leon backed away in fear. “Dude, what the hell are you?”
“For security reasons, I cannot discuss that subject. Please retrieve your belongings so we can be on our way.” There was a tightening of the fist, an inclination of the head, and Leon knew it was a barely veiled threat. This thing was going to try to bring them wherever they were going alive and in one piece, but would obviously use force if necessary.
Well, I left you kind of on a high note there, didn't I? To those of you who reviewed (and are still faithful to this story), thank you. Rest assured, I will not abandon this series anytime soon. You can expect a great deal more of writing out of me before I finish.
On another note, the first file of Unity Chronicles is up. You can read some DO Files, the first taken from General Mitsude's personal files.
Now, onward!
NEXT CHAPTER: An Awkward Reunion
What is the truth about these `Agent' guys? And how was 827 able to beat ExVeemon without breaking a sweat? And who is the mysterious being who contacted Naomi?
What is the true horror of Digimon Online?
Find out in the next chapter of Unity!