Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Unity ❯ Mirror, Mirror, in My Mind... ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Digimon. Toei does. Don't sue me, because I've barely got a dime to my name anyhow, so it won't do you a bit of good.
Okay, this chapter begins roughly around the same time as the climax (pun unintended) of last chapter, so you can have an idea of the timeframe here.
WARNING TIME: This chapter contains NC-17 content. To be specific, masturbation.
Again, don't read if:
The law requires I tell minors to back off, but seeing as how you'll just read it ANYWAYS, I advise you to just make sure mommy, daddy, or whoever is in charge of you isn't watching.
You are offended by things of this nature.
Mirror, Mirror, in My Mind…
{Naomi's POV}
Naomi woke with a start, and looked around at the others, all in varying stages of sleep. She stood from her place in DJ's lap, being careful not to disturb him, and added a handful of twigs to the fire, huddling close to the merrily crackling flames. Looking up at the sky, she determined that it was late afternoon, at least, and frowned. We shouldn't have taken a break like that, she thought. We slept for too long…
At that moment, Cairn strode into the clearing, carrying an armload of small branches, and tossed a few into the flames, setting the rest down at his feet. He looked pissed, well, more pissed than usual, and as he sat down, Naomi noticed that his hands were trembling slightly. Something was definitely wrong with him, besides the Everest-sized ego.
“Are you… alright?” she asked timidly. He jerked his head in her direction and muttered something incoherent. “I'm sorry, what was that?”
“I'm … … nicotine …” he mumbled.
“Cairn, I can't hear you…”
“I'M HAVING A GOD DAMN NIC FIT, OKAY?!” Naomi was stunned by the ferocity of his outburst, and shrank back from the goth, who seemed suddenly much larger, but his apparent rage subsided, leaving him looking somewhat diminished.
“Sorry,” he said quietly. That got Naomi's attention better than anything he could have yelled at her. “It's just… I haven't been this long without a cigarette in three years, and without it, everything sort of… comes back,” he stood, his face hidden in the shadows of the trees overhead. “I need to be alone,” his voice was a forced monotone, completely unreadable. And yet, as he turned and stormed off, Naomi swore she could see a tiny sparkle, like a drop of water, fall from the man's face.
Is he… crying? Naomi wondered. She started to move after him, but was stopped by a warm hand on her shoulder she turned around and saw it was Riley who had grabbed her.
“Let `im go…” he said quietly. “He's in pain, can'tcha see? He hides behind that mask o' hatred and contempt, but peel all that off, an' I guarantee ya there's a broken man `neath all that gothic getup,” He smiled. “Hell, I was the same way when my mama died. She was always so happy all the time, even when everybody else was sad. She'd always say that there was two ways you could look it life; you could either live a tragedy, and waste your life cryin', or you could live a comedy, and laugh yer way through! Mom, she chose t' laugh. She fell off a horse when I was six, an' hit `er head on a fencepost pretty hard. Snapped `er neck right in two,” he laughed weakly, and wiped his watering eyes on his sleeve. “Pop just sorta gave up livin' after that. The old lady we lived next door to told my bother an' me that when one lovebird dies, its mate loses its will ter live, and dies, just so they kin be together again. Cairn, he got the same look as Pop had when Mom died. He's sufferin' cause somebody he cared about's dead now.”
Frankly, Naomi was stunned. Riley, the perverted cowboy, was getting emotional on her. “Wow, you think so? So, he's only an incurable asshole because he's trying to hide his pain?”
“That's what I think, anyways,” Riley said, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly.
Naomi laughed, and stretched, raising her arms high into the air, then snorted in disgust. “Geez, I totally reek,” she muttered. “Hey Riley, there's a lake over there, right?” She pointed north.
“Yeah, why?”
“Let's just say that four hours of walking didn't exactly make me smell like a basket of roses,” she spotted the small smile on his face. “And Riley, if you even think about following me, so help me, I'll have Togemon turn you into a eunuch, if you catch my drift,” Riley's hazel eyes widened, and his hand went instinctively to his groin in an attempt to protect himself. Smiling, Naomi walked off in the direction of the lake.
Naomi knew she didn't have any shampoo or anything of the sort, but felt she could at least scrape off the day's grime, and thankfully her jacket had a cotton lining, which she could use to dry off. Sure enough, she reached the lake in no time, which was close enough for her to not be in any real danger, but far away enough that she wouldn't be seen. She slipped off her trainers and socks, and experimentally dipped a toe in the water. It was slightly chilly, but not enough to ward her off.
She pulled off her green t-shirt and jeans and let them fall to the ground, leaving her half-naked body open to the air. There was a slight breeze, and the chilled air raised goosebumps all over her skin. She took the rubber band holding her braid together out, shaking her head slightly to loose her hair. She reached behind her back and undid the clasp on her bra, tossing it to the side. She had a moderate C-cup, something she knew was not exactly something to be sniffed at for a sixteen-year-old, and also knew that many guys had noticed (and stared at), as well as made many girls jealous. Soon the only things she was wearing were her Digivice, which quickly joined the pile, and her silver Chocobo necklace, which DJ had mailed to her as a Valentine's Day present. She slid gently into the water, the chill liquid sending a slight shiver down her spine.
To hell with it, she thought bitterly, and dove under the surface, and came up sputtering. She shivered again; it was freezing cold. She swam around in the shallows, letting her body get used to the frigid lake.
She was just starting to enjoy the bath/swim, when she suddenly felt something. A blanket of happiness enveloping her mind, accompanied by a slight tingling in her abdomen, a feeling she couldn't place. Hunger, she decided. But that can't be right; I just ate probably less then two hours ago… The feeling in her body grew, becoming more persistent as she swam around. What the heck is… She felt the water between her legs suddenly warm up, and Naomi instantly realized what was happening. Oh, crap, she thought bitterly, don't tell me I'm getting… The hunger spiked, a rush of images and sensations flooded her head that had nothing to do with where she was, and the redhead gasped. There was no two ways about it; her pussy needed attention, and it needed it now.
She quickly scanned the shoreline, making sure there was nobody to witness what she was about to do. Satisfied that she was alone, Naomi let her hand move south.
{DJ's POV}
DJ groaned as he woke up, stretching the kinks out of his back. The first thing he noticed was that three of their number were missing. Riley, Naomi and Cairn were nowhere in sight. He took note of their rapidly dwindling supply of firewood, and saw that Riley had placed his Stetson on top of the small bundle of twigs. They must have gone off to get some more firewood, he reasoned. He gingerly smelled himself under his arm, and snorted in disgust. He hadn't had a shower since two nights before, and the stench of his own sweat was proof enough. “Ick. I need a bath,” he decided. He moved to wake Betamon, who was snoozing soundly, but decided against it. He dug a small scrap of paper out of his pocket, and found a pen in Edie's backpack. `Riley, Naomi, Cairn— Don't worry, just gone to wash off. Be back in a few. -DJ' He hastily scribbled this on the paper and tucked it into the rim of the cowboy hat, and headed for the lake.
{Naomi's POV}
Naomi had dragged herself onto the soft grass on the shoreline, leaning up against a tree. She was already gently rubbing against her slit, allowing herself to become slick and wet, holding the mental image of a nude DJ in her mind. He'd gotten drunk on St. Patrick's day, and emailed her a short video of himself in the buff, dancing on the diving board in his pool, an experience she had both laughed at and been severely turned on by. Oh, how she longed for that muscled and tanned body, to be able to touch that perfectly sculpted ass, to feel him pounding his manhood into her; she wanted him bad, but he had always been too far away. She slid her fingers delicately into her sex. “Oh, DJ…” she whispered. “If only…” She slowly slid in and out of herself, whispering his name softly. She quickened her pace, pistoning in and out of her pussy, moaning his name as her orgasm approached. She felt her body tighten around her probing digits, biting down hard on her free hand as she screamed her imagined lover's name, and her world went white with her climax, and she collapsed, letting her juices flow around her cupped hand and out onto the grass. She was left with a sudden sense of exhaustion and contentment, basking in the afterglow of her glorious fantasy. Then she heard the twig snap, and the whispered curse that followed thereafter. She knew all too well the voice, for it had haunted her dreams. “Oh, fuck…”
{DJ's POV}
DJ had made it to the lake rather quickly. Just a short swim, he reasoned, something to wash the day's filth away, and to work out any kinks his muscles had developed. He stripped himself down to the skin, hanging his clothes over some tree branches, and was about to run out of his little knot of trees and jump in the icy water, when he heard the gasp.
He whipped around, and saw his girlfriend leaning against the tree, and very naked.
His eyes followed her form, down her right arm, which was settled between her legs, and moving.
Oh shit, he thought. She's actually… He shook himself out of the daze he was in, and turned to leave. Then he heard his name, and turned again. She was thrusting her fingers in and out of a very wet and very swollen pussy, and she was whispering his name, fantasizing that he was the one pleasuring her. To say it was a turn on would be a severe understatement. He was getting a full frontal view of her body, which was without doubt the most perfect piece of work he had ever seen on a 16-year-old. His eyes followed the hypnotic way her c-cup breasts swayed and bounced each time she bucked into her hand, and he felt himself wanting to taste the juices flowing from her swollen cunt, wanting to bury his shaft in her womb, to hold her and never let go. He was consumed by his desire, his need, to fuck her into oblivion. “I shouldn't be watching this…” he whispered to himself, then Naomi groaned again in her sexual bliss. That simple noise, so full of passion, made him lose control. His hand automatically went to his rock-hard dick, and started to stroke himself. He'd fantasized about her before, in the shower as well as in bed, but nothing could compare to what he was feeling now; he had the real thing fucking herself and by the sound of it, doing it quite well. He was forced to back against the nearest tree, lost in his own erotic fantasy. He gazed over at her, he knew he was nearing his finish and judging from her reactions, so was she. He watched her buck a final time and explode, collapsing against the tree, limp and drained. The sight of her cum flowing unchecked from her pussy sent DJ over the edge. With a faint grunt, he unloaded his own climax, coating his hand and dick with the hot, white fluid. He carefully stood, panting heavily, and quickly, but quietly, gathered his clothes, wiping his hand off on the grass as he went. The hell is wrong with me? He thought. I cannot fucking believe I just did that! It's bad enough I watched her jacking off, but I had to join right in, too! That's when he felt the twig snap under his bare foot, digging sharply into his sole, and swore at the sudden pain. He realized too late that the combination of the sound of the snapping twig and his muttered oath would almost certainly make Naomi aware of the situation.
“Oh, fuck…” he heard her whisper, and froze, praying to God she wouldn't see him in the shadows if he didn't move. His prayers went unanswered. “DJ?” her voice quavered with fear and apprehension. The blonde slowly turned around, waving meekly at his girlfriend, before remembering that he was still completely naked, and which hand he was waving. He flushed red, and quickly tried to cover himself.
In half a second flat, Naomi's skin went from pale with a light dusting of freckles to a deep crimson hue that would put her own vibrant hair to shame. “I… you… my God DJ, how long have you been watching?!
“A while,” DJ muttered sheepishly.
“Apparently enough to fucking join right in! What the hell were you—Oh, I am going to—Oh, my God! What the hell is wrong with you?!”
“I- I'm sorry, Naomi, I didn't even know you were out here and…” he found himself staring again, and backed away. “I'll just, um… I'm gonna go now,” he turned quickly to leave… and ran face first into a tree.
In that instant, the spell of mortification was broken. Naomi tried to suppress a snort, failed, and then let out a rich, pure laugh. Despite the sudden pain in his nose, DJ couldn't help but laugh as well. And with something as simple as a bruised nose, all the previous tension seemed to almost melt away.
He helped her up, trying not to think about the fluids covering their hands. “I guess I can forget about the bath, huh?”
She edged closer to him. “Seems that way, huh?” He suddenly found himself lost in her emerald eyes. He relished the feel of her skin against his own, and felt himself growing hard again from the contact. “Looks like someone's happy to see me,” she giggled.
In that moment, any leftover rags of rational thought went out the window, and he pulled her into a deep, fiery kiss, held it, and broke, traveling down her neck and onto her breasts, where he delighted in pleasuring her.
She moaned at the pleasure, and panted out, “We shouldn't be doing this,”
DJ paused for a brief moment. “I don't care right now, I love you and I want you and God, Naomi you taste good…” he resumed licking her, traveling down across her stomach, flicking his tongue at her entrance, causing her to moan again.
He was a split second from burying his face in her pussy when a very nasal voice rang out in the twilight air.
“Naomi, what are you doing?!
For the second time in the evening, Naomi swore loudly. “Oh, fuck…”
“Hullo, Palmon,” DJ said brightly, with the air of someone talking about the weather. Naturally, Naomi was mortified, and quickly tackled Palmon, clamping a hand over her mouth before she could scream.
“Pal, listen to me a second, remember the DaiKen Yaoi Doujinshi you found under my mattress and I made you swear to never tell anybody about it?” The plant digimon nodded feverishly. “Well, this is way bigger than that! Please, don't tell anyone what you've seen, especially Leon or Betamon!” Again, Palmon nodded, and Naomi released her. She then rushed to the lakeside, rinsing her hands and legs off, and was joined by DJ.
{Palmon's POV}
Oy vey, Palmon thought as she left her partner and DJ. I guess it's a good thing I got to them, or they might have done something… It then came to her that the hand Naomi had used to cover her mouth had been soaked with… Oh, Zhuqiaomon, that's completely disgusting! She quickly wiped it off her face, moving to wipe it off on the grass, but stopped. I wonder… She experimentally licked the fluid off her hand, and nearly shivered from the taste. It was sweet, though contained enough kick to shock the senses. She quickly cleaned her hand off, but found herself wanting more. Damn, gotta stop thinking like that. She's my tamer and a human, not a prospective mate…
She quickly shook the thought from her mind, and returned to camp.
{Naomi's POV}
Naomi was still reeling from the events of the past five minutes. She knew she should have been embarrassed about being walked in on (twice), but wasn't. She knew she should have been beating DJ into a bloody pulp right about now, but then she remembered how his tongue had felt on her bare skin, how it had sent a pillar of flame up her spine, and all thought of violence and rage was gone.
“DJ,” she called, quickly pulling her clothes back on. The blonde looked up from where he was trying to pull on his shoes.
“Mmf?” he was apparently unable to muster a more coherent answer than that, as his shirt was stuffed into his mouth.
“So… tomorrow night, after everyone's asleep?”
He grinned and nodded, accepting the invitation. He pulled his tank top over his head, whispered “goodnight,” and left.
I'll bed you yet, Daniel Jackson, she thought triumphantly, before following him.
Somewhere out there, my beta (and indeed, my only contact in the East), Amano is simultaneously cheering his lungs out and screaming in anger, for DJ and Naomi are together at last, but both are, as he put it, `disappointingly still virgins'. >sigh< I always pick up the most perverted wackos… Okay, now that that's out of the way, let's get this over with. The next chapter's gonna be a sort of cool-down from all this >ahem< excitement.
Naomi and company catch up with Leon and Ren, while Cairn deals with his own problems. However, all is not as it seems…
In addition, look out for the side-series,
Unity: Chronicles
It won't really be a series, so much as a collection of stories, DO files, and other such things, explaining backstory and other elements of the Unity world.