Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Unity ❯ Hot and Cold Make... Steam ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

DISCLAIMER: Don't own, don't sue. But, as always, Leon, Naomi, DJ, Edie, Riley, Cairn, Tenshimon, the plot, and so forth are mine. Oh yeah, and Frappuccinos are the property of Starbucks.
Right, Warning time:
This chapter contains NC-17 content, which means Lemon, which means Human-on-Digimon sex for you simpletons, which means the following need not apply:
If you are a minor, I'm not going to tell you not to read this, seeing as how you'll read it anyway, but just do yourself a favor, and make sure mommy and daddy aren't watching.
If you are offended in any way by hentai material
Are offended by crossbreeding,
Go away, and don't read, or if you still want to read, just skip past the parts marked [NC-17]. In addition, some parts of this chapter may depict limited amounts of blood and gore. You have been warned.
Chapter 10: Hot and Cold Make Steam
{Naomi's POV}
Naomi sighed as she crumpled to the ground in hunger. They had made it to the edge of the forest, and the radar on her Digivice showed that they were less than five hour's hike from wherever Leon and (presumably) Renamon were located. Still, sheer hunger had forced the group to stop, and the Digimon had set out to find anything edible. “What I wouldn't give for a soda right now,” she moaned, and DJ plopped down beside her.
“Forget the soda; what I could use right now is some ice-cold Frappuccino…”
Naomi giggled. “What about ice cream?”
DJ playfully whacked her upside the head. “You be quiet, you're making me hungrier!”
“Mmkay,” she said quietly, and leaned over, resting her head on his shoulder. She could almost feel the heat rise to his face, but he simply wrapped an arm around her, holding her. She sighed, curling up closer to him. This is nice… I could stay like this forever…
However, her thoughts were interrupted by Palmon and Betamon running into the clearing, each carrying a fair amount of fruits and stuff. They were closely followed by Meramon, who had a load of fish. (already cooked and ready to go). He set them down on a large strip of bark, which he'd apparently had Devimon and Tenshimon procure. Everyone was all too happy to start in on the food, excluding Calumon and Edie, who bowed their heads in silence for a minute before picking up their own food.
Naomi smiled a little as she looked over their little group. They were slowly learning to work together; hell, even Cairn was visibly losing his cynical attitude, and had grudgingly sat with the rest of them, as opposed to standing outside the firelight. Of course, he was still an incurable asshole, but that was a given.
She almost chuckled to herself when he choked on a piece of fish, but when he glared at her, daring her to make a response, she restrained herself out of fear for her own life. Incurable asshole indeed
{Leon's POV}
Leon sat in his room, doing exactly what he always did when stressed or in need of a reprieve: meditating. The morning's `incident' kept replaying itself in his mind, no matter how hard he attempted to push it away. And each time it happened, he found himself shuddering with anticipation at what could have happened. Renamon… We almost… He shivered, and pushed the thought out of his head. “I love her, dammit, but are we ready for that yet?”
A pounding on the door brought Leon out of his thoughts. “Come in,” he said quietly. The Ex-Veemon who Renamon had dubbed `Dragonheart' (or else Drag for short) walked in.
“Yer name's Leon, right?”
“Yeah,” Leon sighed. “What of it?”
Drag motioned for him to follow, and he obliged. Leon sat down in one of the chairs at the table. Drag took a larger one opposite him. “Ya look stressed, kid. What's up?”
Leon looked away. “Nothing,”
Drag let out a deep laugh, then pulled a bottle of a cabinet, pouring himself and Leon a drink. Leon noted his own cup was much smaller than the dragon's. Drag drank deeply from his glass, and Leon followed suit. He took one swig, then gagged, coughing up the vile liquid. “Ack- What the hell is this?!”
Drag grinned. “Sake,”
“Sake? I can't drink this! I'm not even of legal age!” He gagged from the aftertaste.
“Heh. You look stressed. I figured you just needed a drink,” Drag took Leon's cup away, and poured himself another glass. His face darkened. “You should be careful, you know,”
Leon glared at Drag. “What do you mean by that?”
“Renamon,” he said simply. “Many of our kind wouldn't approve of what you two are doing.”
Leon took his cup back. “What do you know?”
Drag grinned still more broadly. “Listen, kid: from the way she ran off, it's not too hard to figure out what happened this morning.”
Leon gaped, at a loss for words.
“Do you know what's happening right now, as we speak?”
“Enlighten me.” Leon stared at his cup for a moment, then drained its contents.
“Mating Season,” Drag answered, and Leon gagged and coughed, spraying the table with sake.
“I… come again?”
“You heard me,” Drag retorted, wiping off his face. “Look, I'm not saying you should do anything you're not ready for, but I've seen this kind of thing happen before, and if I were you, I'd at least make an effort to understand what she's goin' through, `cuz if you don't, one of you'll do something stupid that you'll both regret later on…”
“Alright, I'll talk to her,” Leon stood up from the table, then the full meaning of what Drag had said hit him. “Wait, you've `seen this before'? Who do you know who fell in love with a human?!”
The blue dragon just smiled sadly. “A very dear friend of mine, who is… no longer with us,” He drained the last of the bottle, making it clear the topic was not up for discussion. “I have some `stuff' I gotta go and do, so just sit tight until I get back, alright?” He made to leave.
“Drag?” The blue dragon stopped for a moment. Leon flashed him a smile. “Thanks.”
Drag returned the look. “Don' mention it, kid,” and he left.
{Renamon's POV}
“Dammit, dammit, dammit, dammit, DAMMIT!” Renamon screamed, striking the tree as hard as she could. She had a lot of stress and frustration to burn off, and she did so in the only way possible at the moment; she had spent the past hour beating the shit out of everything in her immediate vicinity. Why was it that everything she got involved in had to fall apart, just when it was getting good? First the village, and now this… I definitely could have handled that better. She lashed out at the tree, leaving three long gouges in its bark. “Why is it always… ME?!” She delivered a roundhouse kick, cracking the wood. Why did you stop? There was that damned voice again. You could've had him, and yet you flee
Just shut up.
Ah, it countered, touchy, are we? Could it be that the little warrior is… afraid?
“RRRRAAAAAAAAGGHH!” She slammed her fist into the bark, splitting both the wood and her skin. She winced from the pain, but at least it helped her to tune out the voice. For a little bit, at least…
What're you afraid of…? Pain, perhaps? Afraid this love will live just as long as the last? What could it be…?
Still, as much as she hated to admit it, that voice had a point. Thinking back to the events of the morning, she realized just how badly she'd screwed up. She'd felt her own desire, that much was certain, and even through her haze, she'd been able to sense his, so why had she stopped?
Renamon, you idiot! Leon doesn't want that, not yet anyways! By the sovereigns, you barely met him two days ago!
What makes you so certain? He could be just as ready as you are...
But he's so… young! Humans are so different from us…
Young, maybe… But different? Only if you're blinded by prejudice!
“Flamedramon… What would you have done…?”
You mean if it were you who had stayed behind at Infinity Mountain, and he had fled? Even if you'd stayed, he would have remained as well. He loved you that much.
I'm well aware of that!
Then why did you run…?
… Because I was frightened, and… he wanted me to survive
Exactly! Think about it… What was the last thing he said to you?! Think back
The rain was coming down in torrents, small rivers of runoff streaming down the sides of the infamous Infinity Mountain. But for all it was worth, the water may as well have been blood.
“DIAMOND STORM!” Renamon launched her attack at her foe.
The dark figure just shrugged the attack off. Come now, is that the best you can do? DARKNESS WAVE!!!” Renamon shrieked in pain as the Ultimate's attack tore at her body. She was borne to the ground, clutching a deep gash in her side. “Now, my old friend… you will die…
“LadyDevimon… you will not harm her!” Renamon felt her heart soar at the voice. He's here… I'm saved
“Ah, of course,” the Fallen Angel cackled. “The so-called `Fire of Courage' comes to rescue his bitch…
Flamedramon assumed a fighting stance. “Renamon, I want you to leave, now!
Renamon forced herself up. “No! I'm not leaving you! You can't fight her on her own!
Ren, please… do this for me…” The armored dragon never took his eyes off LadyDevimon, but Renamon could see the pain they carried.
“I…” she struggled to find words, but none would come. “I'll be back! I promise! I'll go and get help!
Flamedramon nodded.Don't take too long, okay? And… Ren, be strong… for me…
Renamon felt the sting of tears coming to her eyes, but backed away. LadyDevimon lunged for her, but Flamedramon blocked her attack with his fist. “Ren, you have to run away this time! Now go!” Renamon choked back a cry, and attempted to run, but LadyDevimon sent her to the ground with a casual swipe of her hand. “LadyDevimon! Let her go now!” Flamedramon roared.
“Not yet,” she smirked evilly. “I want her to see this…” she flicked her wrist, leaving a shallow cut along Flamedramon's snout.
“Bitch,” he spat. “You won't live to regret that!! FIRE ROCK- AAAAARRRRGGHH!!!” He was cut short by the claws that had just pierced his ribs. Turning his head, Flamedramon could see their ends sticking out his back. He was no expert, but he knew the damage was fatal.
“FLAMEDRAMON, NO!!!As much as she refused to believe it, she knew it to be true; he was as good as dead.
LadyDevimon withdrew her claws, sending the armored dragon to the ground, gasping in pain. “Fool,” she spat.
Renamon crawled over to Flamedramon. She didn't need to see or smell the blood now flowing freely from her beloved's chest. “Ren…” he wheezed. “Be strong… for me… now, go…
She cradled his broken body, not even caring about the tears, both his and her own, that mixed with the crimson liquid. She felt him grasp weakly at her paw, a desperate attempt to cling to life.
“RenI want you to know…I… I lo-” his body spasmed just once, and then the light left his eyes entirely, and his body broke into data, which was quickly absorbed by LadyDevimon.
“Now, Renamon…How do you expect to live with yourself, hm? Oh, dear, I don't think the pain will ever go away, poor girl...” LadyDevimon cackled. “How can you go on, knowing that it's all your fault…” Renamon blacked out at that moment; why, she never could tell, but all she knew was that oblivion felt better than reality...
“Be strong…” Renamon stood. “I understand now… He didn't want me to spend the rest of my life mourning; he wanted me to be happy, to follow my heart…”
Now, we're getting somewhere!
“I'll never forget you, Flamedramon… but now I'm moving on, just like you wanted!”
“Out of curiosity,” called a voice behind her, “who's this `Flamedramon' you're talking about?”
Renamon whipped around. There, watching her, leaning up against a tree, was Leon.
“I- nevermind…” Renamon turned away, but Leon walked up to her, placing an arm around her.
“Drag told me what's going on,” he whispered.
“He… so, you know…”
“Yeah, it seems that way, doesn't it?”
Renamon bowed her head. “I'm sorry…”
“Sorry?! There's nothing to be sorry for!”
“I… just don't want you to feel like you're being pressured into anything, is all…”
Leon sat down, leaning against a tree. “No worries there, Ren.”
Renamon felt her eyes well up with tears at the familiar nickname.
Leon looked concerned. “Did I say something wrong?”
“No, it's just…” she sighed. “He used to call me that, before…”
“And who exactly is `he?'”
“Before I was sent to Digimon Online to be partnered with you, I lived in a village on File Island… my best friends and I… Veemon, BlackGatomon, and I… we were always together… One day, Vee got named by our chief to succeed him. Part of that honor… was to receive the power of the Digiegg of Courage… He became Flamedramon. I didn't know it then, but BlackGatomon was jealous of his power. She started training harder, spending a lot more time building up her strength than with me. The years went by, and she eventually managed to hit her Ultimate form, LadyDevimon… She was so happy when she showed me, I couldn't help but be happy for her, you know? But I was a little jealous, too… you see, I never managed to get past Rookie, though I know now it's because I didn't have you to help… Then one day… Flamedramon came to my door, and he asked me… asked me…” She choked back a small sob.
“What did he ask you, Renamon?”
“He asked me… if I would be his mate. You might not understand that, but… I think the human equivalent of mating, would be marriage.”
“Wow,” Leon said quietly. “That important, huh?”
“Yes. And, well, what with him being such an important figure in the village, that was a big move for both of us, and needless to say, I was… shocked to know that he cared that much about me. `Ren'… That was always his little nickname for me. Still, I think that was the last straw for LadyDevimon. I guess that she kind of liked him too, that she wanted to be with him, because she left the next day. She'd never… had much love for the village anyway, because it was so close to where her mother had been killed. Well, Flamedramon and I… you get the idea. About two years later, she returned, much stronger than before, and driven by some hatred I've yet to figure out. She… she razed the village to the ground, and deleted all who did not flee. Flamedramon and I were… out at the time, and we followed her up to Infinity Mountain, hoping to bring her to justice. I remember that day… so well… she slaughtered him, and left me for dead… I can't help but think that… if only I'd been just a little bit stronger… he'd still be alive…” she wiped the tears out of her eyes. “You probably think I'm weak now, don't you?”
“On the contrary,” Leon gave her a quick hug. “I'd only think you weak if you didn't feel bad about it. You've been through a lot of pain, Renamon, and… I want to help you ease that pain…”
Renamon sat next to him, hugging him tightly. “Thank you, Leon…”
“Don't mention it,” he replied, rubbing her ear affectionately. “So, you and Flamedramon, um… you know…”
Renamon choked out a weak laugh. “Yes,”
Leon sighed, looking away. “Look, Ren… I know I could never replace Flamedramon, but--”
She put a single finger to his lips. “And I don't want or expect you to. You're you, and that's good enough for me,” she moved in to kiss him, but he held her back.
“Renamon,” he whispered. “I came here to ask you something very important.”
“What's that?”
He sighed. “Look, I know what you're going through, and I want to ask you… Will you let me… be your `mate?'”
Renamon's eyes went wide. “Leon, do you know… what it is you are asking me?”
“Yes,” he whispered. “And I… I want it… just as much as you do. I realize what I'm getting myself into here, but I don't care!” He buried his face in her fur. “I love you, Renamon…”
{Leon's POV}
Leon felt the tears sting his eyes almost immediately. He couldn't explain how, or even why, but he could feel an echo of her pain resonating in his heart, threatening to devour his very soul.
He felt her arms tighten around him. “And I you…” she whispered, and he shivered at the feel of her hot breath on his skin. “Are you sure you're ready for this?” Leon nodded. “Then I hope you can take it a little rough…” she purred.
[Little kiddies go away now!]
She peeled off the purple leather gloves, tossing them to the side, and instantly locked him into a deep, fiery kiss. She slipped a paw under his shirt, rubbing against his chest. He moaned into her lips, and he could almost see her smile at his reaction. She paused for only a brief moment to rip off his shirt, leaving his chest exposed, then deepened the kiss. He kicked off the heavy boots, and she broke away, panting heavily.
“… Not pulling out now, are you?” Leon panted at her.
She just huffed. “Fat chance,” Next thing he knew, he was on the ground, and she had him pinned. She took advantage his shock, and before he knew it, had tossed his jeans off to the side. She moved on top of him, brining her face an inch from his. “Now,” she growled, “let's get one thing straight…” she gripped his face with one paw, forcing her lips over his, and he couldn't help but gasp when she brushed the roof of his mouth with her tongue. She pulled away, and whispered, so low that he could barely hear it, “as long as you're here, you are mine, got it?” She ran a claw along his cheek, and he shivered at her touch. “Good,” she purred. She moved down, and planted her tongue at the base of his neck, and Leon felt his back arch involuntarily. She seemed to take pleasure in his reaction, because she kept on moving down, lingering on his chest, and continued south.
Within seconds, the boxers were forgotten as well, leaving him completely naked before her. Grinning wolfishly, she dragged her claw on the underside of his already rock-hard dick, causing him to shudder. She looked up, into his eyes, silently asking his permission. He nodded, bracing himself, and then his world exploded as she took him into her mouth, gently running her tongue up and down his length, almost driving him to the edge, but she pulled away.
“Ren, what are you…” He was cut short by a scream escaping his lips, because she had closed her lips around him, and started sucking. Hard. He was forced to prop himself up on his elbows, bucking into her mouth involuntarily. “Renamon,” he panted. “I'm going to… ah…” he felt himself explode into her throat, and collapsed, breathing heavily.
He looked back at Renamon, who swallowed deeply, and winked at him. She… swallowed it… He thought dimly, still in a haze. She slowly crawled up, pressing her lips against his own, apparently delighting in shoving her tongue down his throat. Even though he was enjoying the treatment he was receiving, he struggled not to gag from the taste of his own cum. After what seemed like an age, she broke away, and laughed as he tried to spit globs of it out. Deciding it was a lost cause, he looked back at her and gasped, “After that, I think it'll be a minute before I'm ready to go again,”
“That's alright,” She grinned again. “I think I know what we can do to pass the time,”
She pushed him to the ground again. “I just did you a favor. The way I see it, it's only fair if you do the same for me,” She moved forward, pressing her crotch against his face. “Now, if you'd be so kind…”
Being unable to make a comeback, largely due to the fact that his face was buried between her legs, he obeyed. He flicked his tongue against her entrance, and she gasped, causing him to smile, and he slid into her, eliciting moans of pleasure from the Fox. She pulled away from him, however.
“You're not going to be able to breathe very well from there,” she explained quickly, then turned on her back, spreading her legs, an unspoken invitation. He obliged, and returned to his previous position, sliding his tongue into her again. She hissed at the sensation, arching her back. Exploring her to all extents, he found a hard nub of flesh, and experimentally licked it. She screamed, bucking in reflex, then whispered, “There… faster…”
Well, that worked. He focused his attention on the nub, letting her juices flow freely down his throat. He could feel himself growing hard again from her chorus of moans, and increased his pace. He felt her paws press against the sides of his head, her breathing increasing to a fever pitch, quavering with a deep, rumbling purr in her throat. Suddenly, he felt her pussy begin to spasm around his tongue, and she squeezed his head with her legs, locking him in place. She released a high-pitched scream, and Leon felt something hot and wet squirting onto his face. Renamon collapsed back to the ground, panting as her lover sucked the remaining juice out of her. Leon almost gagged on the bittersweet cum, but managed to choke it down, wiping the remainder off his face and onto the grass.
“Well?” she panted.
“I could learn to like it,” Leon replied. “A little bitter, but hey,”
“Well,” she purred, pushing him on his back again. “You'd better learn to like it, because I'm expecting an encore performance,” She ground her hips against his, letting him know exactly what she wanted. “You ready for the main event?”
“As I'll ever be,” he answered. She nodded, and straddled his hips, taking his cock into her paw, positioning herself over him. They locked eyes, and she drove herself down onto him, screaming in unison with him, and collapsed.
“I'd almost forgotten how good that felt,” she panted. Leon, however, could barely hear her through the haze of pleasure he was in. Dear Lord, I'm inside her… She wrapped her arms around him, and flipped over, leaving him on top.
“You know, I'm probably not going to be very good at this,” Leon said, slightly embarrassed.
She pulled him closer (and indeed, deeper) with her tail. “I'll be the judge of that. Shall we?” Leon nodded, and pushed himself slowly into her, and locked his lips over hers.
He slowly moved in and out of her, taking his time to appreciate the fact that Renamon was almost insanely tight. With each thrust, she moaned out his name, increasing in volume and intensity until he had her practically screaming every time he slammed into her cunt. Without warning, she snarled viciously, and pinned him to the ground.
She was panting heavily, still impaled on his dick, of which he was given an unobstructed view, and of the fluid flowing readily from her obscenely wet pussy. She grabbed his wrists in her paws, pinning them down, and did the same with his legs, leaving him effectively immobilized. He was suddenly aware of how much stronger she was than him; no matter how hard he struggled, she maintained her grip. Then, a feral growl rumbled in her throat, and she slammed down onto him, burying him in her sex up to the hilt. She was moving, no, pounding her body against his, feral and even violent, but Leon was loving every second of it. Renamon thrust one final time, crying his name, and sank her fangs deep into his shoulder. She spasmed around him and came explosively, refusing to let him go, and Leon emptied his seed into her womb, bucking instinctively before collapsing beneath her.
“You bit me,” he panted, and reached up to his injured shoulder, which was releasing a small trickle of blood.
“Well, I did tell you it would be rough…” she retorted, then fell forward onto him and passed out.
“Well,” Leon whispered, “you're not the only one who's expecting an encore performance,” he smiled, and soon darkness claimed him as well.
That… was a long chapter. I realize this was a very Leon-centric chapter, but it was getting long enough as it was, so I decided to leave Naomi and co. for next chapter. So, in the next chapter we'll check up on our other favorite DD's.
Next Chapter:
Mirror, Mirror, in My Mind
They say twins share a special psychic bond, that whatever one is feeling is reflected upon the other. While Leon is having a `moment,' what is his `innocent little sister' doing?