Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Unity ❯ In Which Everything you Though t you knew goes Straight to Hell ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Okay, I just realized that this entire chapter was missing from the story! I'm sorry! Here it is, chapter 9 for your reading pleasure!
DISCLAIMER: Whew, these are getting kind of tiring. Don't own, don't sue. All human characters, the plot, and Tenshimon are mine, though.
This is gonna be a long one, so bear with me.
Oh, almost forgot:
CHAPTER 9: In Which Everything You Thought You Knew Goes Straight To Hell
{Leon's POV}
When Leon woke up, a deep, earthy smell filled his nostrils. Raising himself off the ground, he realized that he'd been face-down in the grass. Where the… hell am I? He wondered, and looked up. The sky was cloudless, and the sun was setting behind a mountain range. Mountains? There weren't any mountains near the city… He plopped down on the grass. What the hell happened? The last thing I remember is that Edie girl saying something about a Digital World, and then there was that flash of light… As he looked around, he realized he was completely alone in the clearing. “Oh, you have got to be shitting me…” Where is everybody? More importantly, where's Renamon? He debated calling out for them, but considering that he was alone in a forest at night, decided it was a bad idea. A sudden rustling in the nearby bushes caught his attention. A blue and white lizard, about two or three feet tall, poked its head out of the bushes. Leon dimly noted that it had a V-shaped mark on its forehead, and it rang a bell in his head. What's that thing called again…? Veemon, yeah, that makes sense. He stood up. “Hey, I don't suppose you could--” The Veemoon yelped and took off in the opposite direction. “Great, just fucking great…” Leon shivered; a chill wind was whipping through the trees.
“So, I'm in the Digital World,” he muttered venomously. “Renamon's gone, my friends are missing, night is falling, and just about any Digimon that feels like it could use me as a midnight snack. All in all, this is turning out to be a really shitty day…” He shivered again; there would be time for ranting later. For now, he had to concentrate on keeping warm.
Leon scrounged up some dry branches and managed to get a small blaze going (how he did so was beyond him), and huddled close to the crackling flames. He heard his stomach growl, and moaned sympathetically. “I need food!” But there was no way in hell he was going to go beyond the little ring of light his fire gave off. “Where IS everybody?!” His cry of help echoed in the night, breaking the fragile silence, which did not seem to like being disturbed, so Leon forced himself to keep quiet.
A small snap behind him alerted him to another presence in the clearing. Leon whipped around to find the little Veemon from before, only this time it was accompanied by a large blue dragon-like Digimon with an `X' mark on its chest. Leon felt nausea rising in his throat; whatever the dragon thing was, it looked pissed. The Veemon tugged on the larger thing's arm and said something to it in a language Leon couldn't understand, but vaguely recognized as Japanese. The larger thing glared at Leon, and cracked its knuckles menacingly.
Leon backed away and tried to scream, but found his throat was completely dry. The thing said something in Japanese to him, and he choked out, “I-I'm sorry, I can't speak Japanese…”
The thing cocked an eyebrow at him, and translated: “I said, what the hell do you think you're doing, scaring my kid?!”
Leon paled; this was definitely not going to end well. “Listen, this is all just a big…”
It cut him off. “I don't know who the hell you think you are, but I'm gonna kick your ass for bullying my kid!” It swung a huge fist at him, and Leon ducked just in time. The little Veemon was shouting out various phrases in Japanese to its apparent father, who continued to demolish the clearing in an attempt to take out Leon. “Aah, fuck it… V-LASER!” The X on its chest glowed, and launched a gold beam at him. Leon yelped and ran out of the way.
“Hey, listen, I didn't-” he ducked another swing. “-attack-” Another V-Laser missed him. “-your kid!” One of the dragon's attacks finally hit its mark, sending Leon flying back into a tree. He gasped as he felt his ribs crack, and landed on the ground, wheezing in pain. Through a haze, he dimly realized that it was preparing another attack, and Leon cursed his fate, knowing he would die. He barely heard the voice that cried, “DIAMOND STORM!”, and only registered a yellow blur before he blacked out.
{Renamon's POV}
“What do you think you're doing?!” Renamon screamed at the X-Veemon. “DIAMOND STORM!” The ice shards hit him, and he yelped and leapt back.
“About to ask you the same thing, Tao Fox,” He spat. “This little bastard attacked my kid!” He gestured angrily towards the Veemon cowering in the bushes.
“Nonsense, Leon wouldn't do that!” Renamon countered. “He's defenseless! He has no chance of surviving a direct attack a Champion like you!” The X-Veemon opened his mouth to say something, but Renamon cut him off. “Is your child hurt in any way?”
He fell silent.
“Is he harmed at all?”
“… No.”
“Then why are you attacking him?!”
“I… Ah… Rrrraaaggh!!” He pounded his fist into a tree. “Mind your own business! Now stand aside!”
“Fat chance,” Renamon said coldly.
“Argh…” he growled, but lowered his fists. “… I guess you're right.”
Satisfied, Renamon quickly bent down and examined Leon. His chest was already bruising from what looked like a cracked rib, and a lump was swelling on his head. “Damn,” she picked him up gingerly, then turned to X-Veemon. “Do you have a house, or something of the like nearby I can treat his injuries?”
X-Veemon looked away. “I… Yeah, just over there,” He pointed off through the trees. “We've got some bandages and stuff an'…” he looked back at her. “Sorry `bout that. Yer not from around here, are ya?”
Renamon shook her head. “No, but thank you for your hospitality. Could you take me there?”
X-Veemon nodded, and walked off through the trees, Renamon eagerly following.
{Cairn's POV}
Cairn immediately pushed himself off the ground. He cursed his bad luck at having landed on a rock, and pulled a cigarette from his pocket and lit it, pulling deeply from the smoke. No sooner had he stood than DemiDevimon perched himself on Cairn's shoulder. “You alright?” He asked cautiously. “Ya took quite a little fall there, and-”
“I'm fine!” Cairn retorted angrily. He started playing with the lid of his lighter, a sure sign that he was stressed. DemiDevimon frowned.
“Ya don't hafta yell; I was just tryin' to help!” The little bat Digimon fluttered to Cairn's other shoulder when he attempted to swat him away. “The others've set up a camp over there,” he gestured towards a small terrace further up the mountainside. “You can go if you want,” then he flew off to the campsite.
Cairn made his way up to the little camp. There was a pile of wood in the center, which DJ was trying in vain to light. Riley and Candlemon were sitting off to the side, chuckling at his inability. Naomi was huddled against a rock, sharing her coat with Palmon. Edie was holding Calumon tightly, struggling to get warm. DJ gave a cheer as the wood sparked, but moaned again when the wind blew it out, causing Riley to laugh again. Stupid brats, Cairn thought bitterly, and jammed his lighter into the center of the wood, which obligingly caught fire. “Some of us aren't over-fond of freezing to death,” he spat, and continued to puff on his cigarette haughtily. Something seemed out of place to him, though, something missing. Then it hit him. “Wait, where's the goggle-head?”
Naomi looked down sadly. “We don't know. We never found him. We saw what looked like a fire down there not too long ago, but it went out,” she pointed out towards the sea of darkness below that was the forest.
“Renamon's probably with him,” DJ said, putting an arm around her shoulder. “I'm sure he's fine.”
Cairn simply huffed, and stared out at the moon.
A moment later, a loud smack was heard around the campsite, and Edie stomped away from a reeling Riley, a red handprint on his face. Naomi choked out a laugh, and Cairn rolled his eyes. Why do I always get landed with the babysitting job?
{Leon's POV}
Leon woke groggily, cursing the dull throbbing in his ribs that occurred when he attempted to sit up. “Wait… I'm alive?” Then he realized his upper body was covered in bandages, and that he was also covered in a blanket. And that he was in a bed, stripped to his boxers. “But, wait… how?” Renamon, he realized. Of course, she'd saved him from that big blue thing, but that still didn't explain how he'd gotten into a bed. But he didn't have time to think of that, as Renamon had arrived, carrying a small bowl of fruit. She set it down on a small table, and went to him, planting a kiss on his cheek.
“You alright?” she asked quietly.
“Yeah,” he made to get up, but the searing pain in his side brought him back down. “Okay, no, I feel like shit,” He winced as his ribs throbbed painfully again.
The door slammed open again, and in walked the big blue thing from the previous day, which caused Leon to jump about a foot back in alarm, which was a rather painful action on his part. It looked concernedly in his direction, then proceeded to speak to Renamon in Japanese, who, much to Leon's surprise, answered in kind. Leon ordinarily would've said something, but was distracted by the pain in his chest. “You have to lie down, or it'll get worse,” Renamon whispered, and gently, but firmly, forced him back onto the bed, pressing the bowl into his hands. “Eat,” she said simply. “I need to talk with him for a minute.”
Leon was fuming. He was being treated like a child, stuck in bed with nothing to do. He just knew he was going to go stir-crazy in here!
{Cairn's POV}
Cairn groggily stood from the position he'd been sleeping in. His back hurt like hell, and it hadn't exactly helped that his watch had been the `graveyard shift', meaning he'd been woken up at around midnight and forced to stay awake until roughly four in the morning. Needless to say, he was cranky, he was tired, and he was beyond pissed to find that everyone else had decided to search for the goggle-head. Let the little shit fend for himself, he thought bitterly. “This is pointless,” he said aloud. “Our best bet is to head for the nearest town,” he pointed out towards a cluster of gray structures off to the north. “Do you even have any clue at all as to what's down there?! This is suicide!”
Naomi glared at him. “If you wanna head for that city, go right ahead,” she said coldly. “I'm not leaving my brother behind!”
“Hmph,” Cairn just walked away. As expected, DemiDevimon returned to his ever-faithful place on Cairn's shoulder.
“Ya know,” he said quietly, “I've never been one fer social stuff, but ya could at least give `em a chance, especially after…”
Cairn whipped his head around. “Don't you dare mention that ever again, do you understand me?”
Demi fell silent.
Cairn pulled out his lighter, and reached for a cigarette. Upon discovering the pack was empty, he swore explosively, and was instead forced to flip the lid to keep himself occupied. After a few minutes, the rest of his little `group' walked past, carrying the few possessions they had. Naomi threw a venomous look his way, but kept moving. Once they'd disappeared around the mountain, Cairn relaxed, and started to head towards the city, but halted. Demi gave him a pleading look, and Cairn could almost see the little bat attempting to force a halo into existence over his head. Cairn sighed. “This is going to be a looooong day,” And so he took off after the others.
{Edie's POV}
Edie trudged along with the others, Calumon perched on her head. She'd given him a lollipop, the last ounce of food she'd had on her upon first entering the Digital World. Calumon sat, contentedly munching on the candy, which gave Edie plenty of time to think. Since her father had escaped from Cuba with her, Edie had always been a very quiet, reserved girl. She hadn't made many friends, and had been forced to take on a job at fourteen so she could help support her father. Then, at the age of twelve, she had become immersed in the Digimon craze. Digging up old DVDs, cards, everything Digi, just to have something to do. Then she'd received her Digivice four years later, and she'd all but forgotten her former fascination, until she'd woken up in the Digital World. For eight long weeks, she'd been flitting between Digital World and Digimon Online, trying to find a way home. Through her trip, Calumon had been her only companion, and at times, the little Digimon was more like a small child than a friend, unless he was a Champion at the time. She jumped slightly as the tall, trenchcoat-wearing man appeared at her side. “What are you doing here?”
Everyone halted and turned to look at him. Cairn just sneered, “I still owe the goggle-head for beating me,” And fell into stride behind them. “Naomi rolled her eyes, and continued walking. Though she wasn't really into negative stuff, Edie privately agreed with Naomi; Cairn was an asshole, no doubt about it.
Still, not a bad-looking asshole… She mused. Wait, where the hell did that come from? Edie shook the thought out of her head, and walked on.
After a while, it was Naomi that broke the silence. “So, Edie, how did you… you know… get here?”
Edie took her time answering. “I don't know… I just found my Digivice next to my computer about three months ago, and then one day…” She gestured around at the trees. “I just woke up here with Calumon. All I know is, I can't get back, and my father's probably worried sick…” Naomi's, DJ's, and Riley's faces fell at this.
“You mean… we can't go home?” DJ said quietly.
“No, I'm afraid not,” Edie answered. “And what's worse, there's a LadyDevimon who's stirring up a lot of trouble lately. I have no clue what she's planning, but she's been trying to take out any and all DigiDestined in existence.”
Naomi's face darkened further. “LadyDevimon… Oh, no! What if she gets Leon?! He might be hurt! What if she takes him away?! We have to find him!” She continued to ramble on in a panic, with DJ trying to calm her down.
{Renamon's POV}
Renamon seated herself across from X-Veemon. The blue dragon had done much for Leon, and she was grateful, but Renamon needed some questions answered immediately. X-Veemon was the first to speak. “So, whatcha want now?”
“I need to know,” Renamon began, “exactly where we are, and,” she remembered Edie's comments, “I need to know anything and everything concerning the recent attacks on Digimon Online,”
X-Veemon choked on the water he'd been drinking. “W-What do you care about that Sovereign-forsaken place, anyway?!”
Renamon just glared. “Are you going to answer my question, or not?”
X-Veemon was now visibly unsettled. “You're on the island of Server.”
“You know what I mean, Dragonheart,” `Dragonheart's' eyes widened at that remark.
“Now, why'd you call me that?”
“I think you know perfectly well why I called you that. If my fears are confirmed, and LadyDevimon is indeed up to her old tricks, then I need to know,”
`Dragonheart' pulled another cup down and poured the both of them a purple liquid, which Renamon could only assume was wine. “Listen, Fox: I quit using that name a long time ago. Now, as to your question, yeah, she's back again,” He pulled deeply from his cup, and Renamon followed suit. “Now, answer my question: “Why do you care about DO, anyway? The humans have done nothing but exploit us!”
“You and I both know that's not true, and besides, I care because someone I love is in jeopardy if LadyDevimon is the one behind the attacks.”
The blue dragon looked confused for a moment, then suddenly looked towards Leon's room, comprehension dawning on his face. “You mean…”
Renamon nodded. “Precisely.”
Dragonheart shook his head. “You're asking for trouble you know. If the sovereigns find out you're with a human-”
“The Sovereigns don't need to know,” she answered. “Put yourself in my place. If you could have her back, if only for a day, then wouldn't you? I want my revenge as much as you do, Drag, but I want to protect Leon more! And I can't do that unless I know exactly what's going on! Now, tell me!”
Drag refilled her glass and his own before continuing. “Alright. As you know, LadyDevimon's always had this deep-seated hatred of humans ever since the old hag herself bit the data. She's gotten stronger since then, and she's waging war against the humans. That answer your question?” He downed the rest of his glass. “And by the way, Fox, if you ever mention her again, I'm gonna hafta hurt you.”
“What, are you going to keep running from the past for the rest of your life?”
“I-” Drag was cut off by a cry from the next room. Renamon departed from the table, and entered Leon's room. He was leaning against the side of the bed, clutching his chest with one hand, and was grasping his Digivice with the other.
“Leon, what are you-” he cut her off, waving a gold necklace with a black stone in the middle at her.
“Look!” he gasped. Renamon only stared at him quizzically, beginning to fear for his sanity. “My cards- didn't even realize I had `em- look!” he panted, and then pointed to a card facedown on the floor. Renamon picked it up. On the back was a black vortex design, and when she flipped it over, saw a picture of the same pendant Leon was holding.
“What are you getting at, Leon?”
“Watch,” he gasped, and pulled another card from the box attached to his belt. “Digi-Modify,” he wheezed. “Red Medicine!” He slashed the card, which glowed with a soft light, and then a bottle containing a thick red liquid materialized in front of Renamon, who caught it.
“Leon, what-” Leon motioned for her to come closer. By now, Drag was looking interestedly into the room. Leon gestured at the bottle, and Renamon handed it over, suddenly understanding what was happening. Leon drained the bottle's contents in one go, and tossed the bottle aside. He held his breath, as if waiting for something.
Then, Renamon heard an audible snap, and Leon screamed again, clutching his chest. Renamon rushed forward, thinking he'd just snapped it in two, but gasped; before her eyes, the purple bruise that had been on his chest the night before was melting away before her eyes!
Leon stood shakily and grinned. “I just started slashing cards for the hell of it, and it looks like the Digivices can scan YuGiOh cards! Look!” He hit himself lightly where the broken rib had been previously, and didn't even bat an eye. “I'm totally healed!” He crushed her in a tight hug, and she couldn't help but laugh a little at his enthusiasm.
Drag just huffed and went off to wake up Veemon, leaving the two alone for a minute. Leon pulled away from her after a second, and said quietly, “I'm sorry if that was a little embarrassing; it's just I'm glad I'm not going to be totally useless!”
Renamon smirked. “You? Useless? Perish the thought!”
{Leon's POV}
“You? Useless? Perish the thought!” Leon laughed a bit, then caught the mischievous glint in his partner's eyes.
“What are you going to-” She pounced, taking him to the floor before he'd even realized she'd moved. He struggled to move, but she had him completely pinned.
She pressed her weight against him, and he relished the feel of her fur against his bare skin. She could do whatever she wanted, he realized, and I wouldn't be able to do a thing. He felt his own temperature skyrocket at the thought, and felt the fabric of his shorts straining against him.
She leaned forward, and whispered, so only he could hear, “I'll find some use for you, little boy,” and she planted her lips over his own, forcing her tongue into his mouth. He wrapped his arms around her frame, and he could feel her hot breath across his lips, sense the tension in her taut muscles as she pressed against him. He moaned into her lips, and the spell was instantly broken, and she pushed herself off him, panting heavily. Leon knew, from the way she was standing, that were it not for the fur covering her body, she would be completely pink from blushing. She rushed from the room, hiding her face.
Leon, meanwhile, was reeling from the experience. His heart was still pounding, and his whole body ached from the adrenaline surge he'd just gotten. He could still taste her on his lips, and her scent of still lingered before him. It was intoxicating, to say the least. He sank onto the bed, and gripped for his clothes numbly.
{Renamon's POV}
Once outside, safely hidden on a tree branch, Renamon breathed a sigh of relief. Being in the human world, she'd completely forgotten what had been going on in the Digital World. Why, oh why did she have to come back now, while half the Digimon out there that were mature enough were in the middle of mating season? Renamon cursed herself; she'd never lost control like that before! And yet, countered the nasty voice she'd come to know all too well, you both know you loved every second of it… Renamon tried to shake the thought out of her head, but the (admittedly appealing) mental image of Leon and her mating would not leave her alone. Great, just great, she thought bitterly. I won't even be able to look at him for the rest of the day…
Well, this was the longest chapter yet, but it was nice to get back on track with this fic!
Why do Renamon and X-Veemon seem to know each other? And what is her connection with LadyDevimon? And, more importantly, how will she cope with her and Leon's little `problem?' Find out in: