Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Walking of the Edge of Friendship ❯ Chapter 13 ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: Okie, I'm back with more slightly weird fic...this is gonna end soon....but there's gonna be a sequel. Actually two..A Taito and Ken/Takeru/Daisuke. Teehee. I don't know how this is gonna go...but thats Ok. This may very well be the last chapter of the story. You'll find out at the end. Oh yeah, and if you couldn't tell...this story takes place during summer vacation and the whatnot.

Disclaimer: I don't own Digimon. Ok? Ok.
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Taichi awoke when he fell out of bed, which was on the top bunk of the bunk bed he and his sister shared. He shook his head and sat up. What a way to wake up..I guess its fitting, considering what last night was like. That phone call..I shouldn't have called him then. I should have waited. But of course, I leapt before looking, muchless thinking. Instead of making things better..I made them worse. He sighed and stood up. After taking a quick shower, he slid down the hallway to the kitchen. He grabbed a Pokémon poptart from the pantry and sat down in front of the TV. He flipped through the channels, looking for something mindless. He eventually found Pokémon. He stared blankly at the screen, tuning out everything except the TV. When Hikari came careening into the room with a live phone, he almost put his head through the TV screen.
"Nii-chan! Phone!"
"Whoa. What the heck's gotten into you?"
"I was trying to tune the world out, and then this creature comes running into the room with a phone, yelling at me."
"I see," she tapped him on the head with the phone. "Anyways, Yamato is on the line for you."
Taichi's eyes doubled in size. "Are you sure? I mean, I'm not expecting-"
"Yes I'm quite sure."
Taichi nodded numbly and took the phone. He made sure he was safely in his room before speaking into it. "H-he-hello?"
"Tai? Is something wrong?"
"I thought you didn't want to talk to me. Or be near me. I thought you hated me!" He blurted, mentally smacking himself after doing so.
"I realized it..wasn't worth it."
Taichi smiled to himself. "That's...a relief."
"You want me to come over?"
"No..Sora might decide to get homicidal."
"Yeah...good point."
"I want to see you though," Taichi continued, more softly than before. "Can I come to your place?"
"Yeah, I guess."
"You guess?"
"Just get your butt over here."
The next thing Taichi heard was a dialtone. His facial expression turned exasperated with a touch of annoyance. He stared at the lifeless object in his hand for a few moments before clicking it off and setting it on his nightstand. "Someone is impatient," he mumbled, putting his socks on. He slid down the hallway once more and into the foyer, to get his shoes. As he was tying the second one, he noticed Hikari watching him. "What?"
"Where are you going?"
"To Yamato's. Where else?"
"Good point," she nodded. She then proceeded to add, under her breath, "Where the hell else do you ever go these days."
"I heard that," Taichi glared at her and he stood up and opened the door. "If you even knew the half of it..."
"I probably know more than that," she added, before disappearing into the apartment.
"Huh?" She's even more clueless than I thought! He shook his head in disbelief. As if she could so much as GUESS what was going on between me and him. He whistled to himself as he walked out the door and made his way to where his bike was locked up. As he neared the bike rack, he saw the person he was dreading having to see. Sora. She was coming back from an errand from what Taichi could tell. And to his horror, she was heading right to him.
"Hey Taichi!"
"Um..hi Sora."
"I'm really sorry yesterday turned out the way it did. Are we..still friends?"
"Yeah, I mean..I didn't expect you to be so..forgiving and understanding and stuff."
She nodded. "I didn't exactly know if you were going to except an appology..I shouldn't have reacted the way I did yesterday. you must've been going through hell for the past couple months."
"I think we were all on edge...You got mad at me, and I passed it to Yama-chan.."
"I see. Is that..where you're headed?"
"Huh? Oh..yeah."
"Well then..I suppose I shouldn't keep you. I just wanted to say hi and make sure we're cool and stuff."
He nodded. "Thanks..I'll see ya later."
She waved as he rode away, noticing the sun looked a little brighter than it had a few minutes ago.
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"Um..Dais uke-kun.."
Daisuke ignored Takeru and continued dancing with the big pink bear. He eventually danced into a wall. "Ow, Ken are you-" he cut off when he saw it was a pink bear. "Takeru, where's Ken?"
"Up your ass?"
"I wish."
Takeru laughed. "Funny."
Daisuke crammed the pink fluffy bear into his closet and sat down next to Takeru. "Wanna go out somewhere?"
"Like where?"
"I dunno...maybe we should try to find Ken?"
"Um..I dunno..because I wasn't expecting him to leave so soon after he got here. I was hoping we could all hang out.."
"I guess he can't be too far yet.."
"Yey! That's that! Off we go!!" He grabbed Takeru's left hand and dragged him out the door. When they got out the door, he let go and Takeru crumpled into a heap on the ground beside him. Takeru righted himself and glared at Daisuke.
"Ow. That hurt, ya know!"
"Sorry, sorry.." Daisuke rolled his eyes as he watched Takeru stand up. He then spotted Ken, down the road. "KEN!!"
"He didn't hear you," Takeru looked toward Ken. "Come on, we can catch up."
Daisuke nodded and they took off running after the blue one. When they were within two blocks of him, Daisuke tried yelling again. "HEY KEN WAIT UP!!!"
Ken turned his head around, and blinked, an air of exclamation about him. He stopped long enough for the other two to catch up to him. "What are you guys doing?"
"Catching you before you got away," Daisuke grinned in his typical imp-like fashion. Ken nodded slowly. They started walking, slowly enough for Takeru and Daisuke to catch their breath from all of their running. After trying to figure out what they were going to do, and deffinately not succeeding, Tkeru decided to leave Daisuke and Ken to their own devices, much to Daisuke's protest.
"I swear, his one goal in life is to make it so we never ever all hang out together!!" Daisuke fumed a little. "I could just...Rrrrrrr..!!"
"Daisuke, calm down," Ken gave him a look of sacastic fright. "Now tell me, what is so bad about being alone with me, hmm?"
"I..uhh..nothing, err," Daisuke blinked, looking at Ken. Then he smiled. "Absolutely nothing."
"Good," Ken sent him an icy look. "If you'd said anything else, you'd be dead."
"Possessive much?"
"Shut up."
Daisuke giggled a bit, and then took Ken's hand. "Aww, I'm sorry..I guess I'm being stupid again..I really need to work on that."
Ken stared at the hand holding his, and then at Daisuke. "What, now you're going to go all serious on me?"
"Er-not if you don't want me to.."
"Your choice," Ken smiled at Daisuke and then turned his gaze to the people staring at their joined hands. "I wish they'd stop staring."
"Who cares," Daisuke tightened his grip. "I certainly don't."
Ken felt himself blush at this. "So..are we..?"
Daisuke smiled impishly. "Its up to you."
Ken stopped shifting his gaze between Daisuke and the people watching them to the ground. He wasn't sure what to say, but a gentle squeeze from Daisuke's hand told him he didn't need to say anything.
"Don't worry about it."
He looked at Daisuke in astonishment. "I..oh, never mind. Let's find somewhere more..private.."
Daisuke looked around and nodded. "That's not a bad idea.."
They walked for awhile silence, before finding themselves at the beach. The beach was rather empty this evening, which made it a good place for them to talk. They found a quiet spot near the calmly rolling waves.
"Hey Ken, I've been wondering..."
"About what?"
"That night...when I was waiting for Hikari to show up, but..well, you showed up instead. What was that about?
Ken blinked, and then laughed. "That would have been a stupid idea Miyako came up with."
Daisuke gave Ken a blank look. "I should have known.."
Daisuke fell back onto his back from the sitting position he'd been in. Ken looked at him warmly, before deciding to move closer to him. He moved rather suddenly, taking Daisuke by suprise when he grabbed on his hands and leaned down and kissed him. Daisuke sat up suddenly when Ken did this, causing Ken to shrink away a bit.
"Daisuke, what..?"
"I-" Daisuke looked over at Ken urgently. "I'm sorry. I-I hafta go.."
"Go? Go where? Daisuke!"
Ken tried to keep Daisuke from going, gripping his hand as hard as he could, but to no avail. Daisuke glance back at him, an urgent and apologetic look in his eyes. I'm sorry Ken, so sorry. I don't know whats come over me, or why. Something about this just feels wrong. Like I'm betraying someone. But who? The only person I can think of.-no, that can't be right. Why should I feel like I'm betraying Takeru? That doesn't make any sense. But at the same time, deep down, I know it does. And I also know I need to do something. I just wish I knew what..
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A/N: Omg, I can't beleive this chapter is finally finished. I hope those of you who were reading this before forgive me for not updating, and feel like reading till this is finished. I promise I'm going to finish it this time, I really do. I may even go back and rewrite a few things, make it make a little more sense. I might even write another chapter right now. And by the way, this does look to be headed straight to Daikeru land, and I think Taichi and Yamato will finally work things out, but not without something or other happening first..but I kinda need to figure out what first. ^__^;; And if anyone is mad at me, feel free to tell me. I'll try to make it up. T_T