Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Warped Digital Reality ❯ Introductions ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Welcome and salutations, all you digi-fans! I'm glad you decided to
read my fic I wrote. I know, your wondering where the story is. But as
I continued writing, I noticed things I had altered in the base SL of
the show. So I am writing this so points can be clarified, instead of
people either flaming me for things that should or should not be able
to be done happening, or for timeline alterations. Anyway, on to the

Toy Agumon~umm... Rocker?


Toy Agumon~Well... We kinda forgot where you put the file.....

::blinks:: You mean, you lost the entire file for the stories intro
and explinations?

Toy Agumon~Yea....

::sighs:: Alright. Ladies and Gentleman, were experiencing slight
difficulties, so bare with, as I attempt to explain everything off the
top of my head....


1)During the world-tour, the digimon did not get as publicly seen as
the shows gives us. The digidetined of the world were able to keep
sightings down to a minimal, and those who did see, were dismissed as
seeing things.

2)The battle with MaloMyotismon was as epic as it was seen, but once
again, assumed to be mass hystaria, since it happened at night, in the
real world. There for, digidestined, families of those who knew, and a
few select people knew what happened.

3)This is the primary change in the BG technically, for the story,
from the ending of 02. There is no 'Digimon across the world' deal.
Basically, after the battle with MaloMyotismon, the digidestined still
protect the world, knowing that although they have faced invincible
odds before, and defeated them, evil could still come about and try


1) There is a Toy Agumon in this story. ::shakes head at the grinning
Toy Agumon muse, behind him:: Anyway, he does not have the appearance
of the traditional ones. The normal looks like he was built out of
legos, and is multicolored for the vaccine version, and pure grey for
the virus version. The one used in this story will be a virus type,
but the description is different. for now at least, this Toy Agumon
looks like a normal Agumon, save he has grey skin, with a plastic-like
feel to it, and purple eyes. I havn't decided if I will make him a
unique version, or not, but this is how the one in this story will be
described. If you want to know more, I'll show you the site to go to
at the end of this.

2) There will be scene's with Gatomon using Nefertimon and Angewomon
during this fic. Yes, I have an explination for this. Gatomon, at the
end of 02, regained her tail ring, thus allowing her limited uses of
Angewomon, but making it so she could not use the digimental or
jogress with Hawkmon anymore. However, the digidestined discovered, if
she removes her tail ring, which she will normally give it to Hikari
when she does, she regains the ability to do both. There for, I will
not write in everytime the ring is passed on, but if she is not
jogressing or using the armor, she has it on.

3)This story is set 3 years after the end of 02. The original
digidestined are starting college or been in it a year or so, being
about 18 average years (my apologies, but I am not going to attempt to
list all the ages, just add 3 to the age they were in 02, or figure
18, Jou 19, Izzy and Mimi (i think) 17. The 02 team is about 15 in
ages now. Iori is 12/13 (I always have trouble remembering his exact
age, but for now, it is not a major problem). The new children will be
entering high school, or getting close.

4)Finally, I will be using an variety of Japanese and English for
this. Most names will be Japanese, but their English dub name will be
a sort of nickname (ex. Hikari ~ Kari) that kind of thing. The one
digidestined who will not have his dub name be a nickname, is Jyou.
For the obvious reason.

5)Digidestined are called this, or called Chosen. Japanese names will
be used for digimon, unless the dub makes more sense to use.

Alright I think I covered everything.....

Toy Agumon~Good Job! ^_^

Yea, no thanks to my lovely small little muse, who lost my original
file!! ::gives an evil glare::

Toy Agumon~Hey! Is it my fault your computer has folders upon folders,
and it is hard shifting through them all?

::grumbles:: stupid muses.... can't argue when their right.... Anyway,
folks, enjoy the story!!

Toy Agumon~Wait, you forgot the disclaimer!!

Oh crap! ::starts to fade out:: Idon'towndigimon!! ::and black::