Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Watching The Moon Rise ❯ Hinode ~Sunrise ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

AN: LiCat: Konnichi wa!!! ^_^ here is the sequel to "Burning Within"

Catin: sister...they already know....you wrote that in the summary....

LiCat: oh yeah I did *blushes* well this one will be getting much longer than that one ^_^ oh and I don't think that you need to read that one first...but I advise you too ^_~

Catin: *giggle*.....ok here is the disclaimer, the warning and some explaining.....

WARNING: as in the fic before this one contains YAOI...TAITO/YAMACHI (it will contain other couples too).....and this chapter contains....hmmm well....some kissing scenes....is that called lime??


Laserdome* = I don't know what the name is for it in USA or Japan...but it's the name it goes by in Sweden....you run around in a really dark room/labyrinth with neon lights and shoot laser guns (not real ones, duh) at your friends trying to take their bases and protect your own......it's REALLY fun!!!!! You should come visit me and then we'll go and try it...


CHAPTER 1 ~Sunrise

I woke up to a soft melody on the radio. It was Saturday morning, I love Saturday mornings. You don't have to get up in time. I reached out a hand but missed the target. I tried again, this time I reached the radio and I turned it up a bit. It was one of Shania Twain's songs.

.....I can't wait to live my life with you
can't wait to start
You and I will never be apart
My dreams came true
because of you

From this moment
so long as I live
I will love you
I promise you this
There is nothing
I wouldn't give
From this moment on

You're the reason
I believe in love
And you're the answer
To my prayers from up above
All we need is just the two of us
My dreams came true
because of you........

We had been up late to look at the beautiful sunset and was sleeping in. I turned around and meet the face of my sleeping beauty. He is cute when he sleeps, heck he is cute whatever he does. But I really miss his chocolate eyes when they are closed. One year, we had been together for one whole year. I traced my finger down his cheek, he mumbled something in his sleep and cuddled up against me. One year and we told everyone yesterday afternoon.

Some off them didn't take it to good, we've lost at least a third of our friends for the moment. Maybe they will come back later. Tai's parents didn't take it to well either, but they realized that there was nothing they could do about it. My dad on the other hand is fine with it. As long as we don't do the 'Thing' until we are 25, geez parents, we had been together for a whole year already. My mom took it well too, not that it would matter, as did my little brother and Tai's little sister. They thought it was cool.

My band members really surprised me. They said they already knew, first I thought that Molle had told them. I told her almost immediately, you can't keep anything from her. But they all said that it was obvious. I don't think.....I got called out of my thoughts by a knock on the door.

"yeah?!" I answered, I tried to be quiet so Tai wouldn't wake up.

"the phone!" my dad whispered through the door. I untangled myself from Tai grasp without waking him, put on my dressing gown and sneaked out of my room.


I tiptoed into my room, but soon discovered that I didn't need to. He was already awake and was staring up at the ceiling. He hadn't noticed me coming in. So I climbed into bed, then he noticed and smiled up at me.

"Angel, your ceiling is very interesting." I laid down next to him and looked up at it. I didn't see anything interesting.

"It is? Well I can't see it, cutie"

"oh? look at the big crack over there, and those funny looking spots and that small hole over there.....why did you leave me here all alone in your cold bed?" he put on one of his cute puppy eyes.

"Molle called" our faces were only inches apart.

"oh why?"

"she had decided that the band was going to go play laserdome*, eat at a new restaurant and then go and watch a movie. To celebrate the tour next month" He pouted

"I want to play laserdome too..." I giggled and gave him a little kiss. He is too cute for his own good.

"I'm sure she included you too when she said 'get your butt over here at 1500 we are going to....' "

"good" our lips meet again but we got interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Breakfast!!" Man, I promise, dad must have a Hentai warning alert or something. He usually doesn't do breakfast either....and why isn't he at work?

AN: ^_^ that was the first chapter....so what do you think?? PLEASE PLEASE *puppy eyes* review......