Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Watching The Moon Rise ❯ Patto ~In a flash ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

AN: okee Crystal ^_^ here is chapter 2..Thanks for putting me on your
fav list..and I also want to thank my DAD for his lesson about cars
and car accidents....Dad..you are my favorite mechanic ^_^


CHAPTER 2 ~In a flash

We took a shower, not together,duh my dad was in the same apartment.
Got dressed and sat down at the table. An awkward silence appeard and
I looked from dad to Tai and back at dad again. My dad wanted to say
something, but what.

"I was supposed to tell you this yesterday, but I forgot." Me and Tai
exchanged a glance

"I'm going on a trip this afternoon with my work and I'm not sure when
I'll get back. I am expecting you two to behave and don't do anything
stupid." Tai pinched my thigh, I sent him a quick glare and then
looked my dad in the eye.

"I promise we'll behave." Dad sent Tai a paws-off-or-else look and
then stood up.

"Well then, have a nice breakfast. I gotto go and prepare for the

"Uhm dad can we borrow the van?" he put a hand in his pocket.


"We are going to visit Molle later and go play laserdome."

"Okay, but be careful and you know my cell phone number" he took up
his hand from his pocket and throwed me the key to the van.


We spent the day watching MTV, playing computer games and well
something we weren't supposed to do. All I'm telling about that is
that we used up my whole supply of chocolate ice cream. At about 02:50
we raced out to the car. We were to occupied with other stuff to watch
the time so we ended up at the McCole apartment 15 minutes to late. We
knocked the door and Mirai came and let us in.

"you are late guys....but don't worry....Yoshi hasn't come yet....he
is always late....." we followed her into the living room, not
shutting her mouth once. We sat down in the big couch next to Hoshi he
looked up gave us a nod then went back to his papers. He was
scribbling down something. I was going to ask him what he was writing
when Molle entered.

"you can add Umeå, two parties, one club!" Hoshi nodded to himself and
wrote something down on the paper. Molle flopped down on the couch
next to us and gave Hoshi a questioning look. He cleared his throat
and said.

"Okay, we will leave in exactly one and a half month. And we are going
to the south part of Japan, Sweden and England. We got 22 gigs, 16 of
them is clubs and 6 is parties." I think me and Tai's jaws dropped to
floor cause Molle started to giggle and that isn't usual.

"I just thought you where going to tour around Japan....how are you
supposed afford this.." Tai said with pure amazement written all over
his face.

"well I'm turning 18 next mouth and my grandma decided that she wanted
to give her granddaughter something she really wanted...so she pulled
a few strings of hers and here we are..." we chatted a bit about the
tour and after about 10 minutes Yoshi came and we went out.

Spending time with my band is always fun, we beat the crap out of a
couple of other guys at the laserdome. Then we went to McDonalds, we,
more like Molle and Yoshi started a food fight and we got thrown out.
Then Hoshi suggested that we would go see a movie the new cinema
across town.

We were closing in on a red light, I took my foot of the accelerator,
moved it to the brake and pressed both it and the clutch pedal but
nothing happened. The brake pedal reached the floor but NOTHING
HAPPENED!!! Panic grasped my heart as I watched the street crossing
come closer and closer.

AN: MWUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....see any spelling or grammar mistakes??? Well
blame that on my Cat...he sooo wanted to help and I let him
*giggle*.....*tries to push away her cat from her lap*....you gotto
review....or I wont put up the rest *G*....I gotto know if there is
anyone that wants me to continue this.... *G*