Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ We could be beautiful ❯ The new girl ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I don't own digimon, but if I did I'd make Tai and Sora get married and TK and Kari two. Poor Sora though I mean who'd want to go out with Matt, a self-centred person. I don't think he disserves the crest of friendship. I'll say it again I don't own digimon, I only own this story. I don't not own the songs in it either.

Chapter 1 Tai's POV

It's been nine days, eight hours, 40 minutes since you called
I've been so crazy I'm just about taking our picture off the wall

It's been 9 days 8 hours, 40 minutes since she called. I've been going crazy with depression that she chooses him over me. Sure he's good looking, Popular and every girl want to date him. I'm just about to take these pictures of Sora and me off the wall. She's with him; I shouldn't try to make this worse for me by leaving them there. I guess that's why they call it a crush it hurts the true hurt a lot of the time.

It's been three months over hundred days since you held my hand
And I miss you in a thousand ways, will I ever see you again

Will I see her again? She hasn't held my hand for so long. We haven't talked at all since Christmas. I miss her so much. I miss the way her hair falls across face. The way she'd smile at me after I scored a goal…for her. I miss her voice. I miss her in thousands of ways.

How did it change so fast?
I won't give you to the past
I really thought it'd last

It just changed so fast. She left me for him. I was her best friend I thought she'd stay my friend forever, I guess not. I'm not giving her up to the past. I'll be here for her in the future. I thought that our friendship would last.

All that we had was so unbelievable
Now that it's gone it's just inconceivable
Still in my dreams you are so damn beautiful

She's still in my dreams and so damn beautiful. I walked to school I skipped breakfast that morning. Our friendship was so unbelievable, and now in so inconceivable that she's gone. I sat down at the school computer.

Dear Sora,

I just wanted to let you know I'll be there for you if you need me.


`Sora my secret crush.' I haven't told anyone I like her, but I think Kari worked it out. The bell rang. I looked at the clock. `Damn. I'm going to be late.' I hurried to class.

`Ahh! Nice of you to join us Mr Kamiya.'

`Sorry. Professor Gouldian.' I said. Everyone was laughing.

`Now as I was saying' He began as I walked to my seat. `We have a new student. Her name is Jennifer Raven. Come in now Jennifer.' All the guys were staring. This new girl, Jennifer, had porcelain skin, and deep blue eyes with wavy brown hair. I could understand why she's gorgeous. `Take the seat behind Tai.' He looked at me. `Tai you are in all Jennifer's classes, would you please show her way around, and be nice to her. She's new and I'm certain you two will be good friends.'

I saw all the guys look envious at me. Matt gave me the thumbs up. I looked back to her. She smiled at me, I smiled back of course begin the gentleman I am. <With a huge ego> `I hope that we'll be friends.' She said.

`Me too.'