Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ We could be beautiful ❯ The Plan and Look change ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

If you want the disclaimer read the Prologue. I am not repeating it again in this fanfic.

Chapter 1 (the really one) Sora's POV

I wish that I was her and I wish that she was me

I wish that I were her. I don't get it. I'm going out with Matt and then this New Girl comes along, and she's getting really close to Tai. I don't like it how she's doing that to my friend. He's Mine. Did I say that? I guess I did.

I can't even go near Tai too much. He makes my heart jump. He always has, I guess I've always been in love with him, but I didn't think he'd love me too. So I tried to get rid of this feeling by going out with Matt. Who I didn't realise actually had feelings for me. I can't say I love him, because I don't, not more than I feel about Tai. I hate this new girl Jennifer with her pretty brown hair and Blue eyes. I hate her smile and the way she gets close to my Tai, yes My Tai!

She's so beautiful
She is suuuuuuper nice
everybody say she's special

I want to know just what's so special about her. I want to know. She maybe beautiful and really nice, to some people, and she has my Tai eating out of her hand.

She is wonderful
Unbelievable / sweet
I guess she is perfect

I guess she's perfect; she's smart, beautiful, sweet, adorable and wonderful. I never want to be like her. <Sora's angry> I run down to the hairdressers. `I want a new look. I'd like you to dye it dark brown.' Once I got out of that chair with my new dark brown hair, hanging down and not sticking out like it use to. I paid then ran to Mimi's house. I knocked on the door.

`Hi! I'm Mimi! And you are?'

`Mimi! It's me Sora!' I practically screamed.

`Oh! I didn't recognize you. Sorry about that. You just changed your hair style that's all.'

`I know that's why I came here.'

`Too shout in my ear or for my comments on your hair style?' She asked.

`The hair. What do you think?'

`It's different, but really cool.'

`Thanks Mimi gotta go bye!' I waved to my friend. As I walked away I bumped into someone. `I'm sorry!' I apologised. When I looked to see whom I'd bumped into. Oh Guess who! Three guesses! Jennifer is correct. I felt like taking back my apology. She didn't deserve it. I ran before she realised it was me. I didn't know if she apologised to me. I ran to Matt's house, when I got there I knocked on the door. Matt answered. `Hi Matt! It's Sora!'

`What's you do to your hair?'

`I dyed it ok? Now where's TK I need to ask him something.' I walked in looked around to find that the house was pretty much empty. `This is the day that he comes to visit right?'

`He's at the park,' I ran past him to the park, `with…' I looked around the park for a while when I finally found TK and Kari staring into each other's eyes. `Hello Kari, TK?' I waved my hands in front of their faces. No good still staring. I placed my whole face in front of them. That's when they noticed I was there. They looked up blushed deep crimson and looked at me. 'Hi TK. Hi Kari! It's me Sora. I need you help with something.'

`What do you need help with?' asked TK. I told them my plan and we went straight to work.