Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ We could be beautiful ❯ Concert ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 2

`I want to thank you all for being here. We're just going to sing songs.' Sora shouted over the crowd. `I'm about to sing a bit of one of my favourite songs at the moment. 1…2…3…hit it!'

Oh my pretty pretty boy I love you
Like I never ever loved no one before you
Pretty pretty boy of mine
Just tell me you love me too
Oh my pretty pretty boy
I need you
Oh my pretty pretty boy I do
Let me inside
Make me stay right beside you
Oh pretty boy
Say you love me too
<I just put a little bit of them in the fanfic here, but if you want the lyrics to the whole song go to the one-shoot> Sora sang the words with skill and grace. She was trying to find Tai among the crowd. `I dedicate that song to my pretty Boy out there. That's you Tai,' She whispered. `I have a bit of another song which I'd like to sing just for My Best friend in the whole world. It's called Jennifer by M2M'

I really have to say
She's always in my way
I can't believe how much you love her
how can I make you see?
It's either her or me
I will never be like Jennifer
People were clapping hard. `Do you have a Boyfriend?' someone in the audience asked
'No, I don't, I just broke up with my boyfriend `cause I realised I was in love with someone else.' She looked over at Tai quickly. `All right you know what I'm going to do now. I'm going to sing.'
All that we had was so unbelievable
Now that it's gone it's just inconceivable
Still in my dreams you are so damn beautiful
How could it be that you ruined my
Everything, everything, everything
`I know you've probably just about had enough of these songs so I'll sing my last song.'
You just said the worst thing you could ever say
Well, I don't understand why it just can't be this way
I'm crying because of you

I hate, yes I hate all your lies
I'm so scared
And I fear what I see in your eyes
But I hope, and I dream, and I wish, and I pray
That you have some love left for me
Do you have some love left for me?

You just did the worst thing you could ever do to me
Well, I don't understand why and I cannot see
That it's hurting because of you


Do you have some love left for me?
Do you have some love left for me?

I hate, yes I hate all your lies
I'm so scared
And I fear what I see in your eyes
(you don't feel anything)
But I hope, and I dream, and I wish, and I pray
That you have some love left for me
Do you have some love left for me?

`Tai. Do you have some love left for me?' she said clear as a bell while a tear rolled down her cheek. She ran off the stage. `I love you Tai. I always have.' She whispered softly. Some body's ears, that were close by, picked up the words she had said before she had disappeared.