Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Weak and Powerless ❯ Trouble in Downtown Tokyo ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Warning: Contains shounen-ai relations and dark subjects, such as rape, child-abuse and death. If this isn't your cup of tea, than I suggest you hit your Back button quickly. You have been warned.

Author's Note: Sorry it's taken so long to write this chapter. I wrote up a plot bunny outline forever ago, but started writing "Bed of Lies" and ended up neglecting "Weak and Powerless". Once again - sorry for the delay. I hope the chapter's content will make up for it! ^_^ Oh, and I've given up on the disclaimer about my-not-owning Digimon or the song "Weak and Powerless". ::grins::

And, I must thank Sage Kaley for helping me with the finer details of the ending. I really got stuck towards the end, wasn't sure how I was going to finish it up. ::hugs Kis-san:: Thank you! You're a lifesaver. ^_^

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+ Trouble in Downtown Tokyo +

Upon arriving home from the park, the boys were starving and anxious to get something to eat. Shinya and his best friend, Tomoki, were on the front steps chatting easily.

Takuya's younger brother looked up and a smile split across his face as he saw the kitten poking her head out from Kouji's jacket. Jumping up, he tenderly scooped her from the coat, murmuring soft words of comfort to her. The kitten graced him a sweet sandpaper kiss. Giggling, Shinya looked at his brother, "We're going to keep her, right?" Tomoki had gotten up to stand beside his friend, petting the kitten affectionately. "Of course we are. You can even name her." Shinya's brow scrunched as he tried to think of the ideal name, "How about. . .Anabelle?" The kitten bestowed him with a genuine kitty grin, nuzzling the boy's chest. "Anabelle it is," Takuya said, smiling at his brother.

Now that Anabelle had a name and a place to call home, Shinya carried her like a child into the apartment, Tomoki following with a bounce in his step. Tomoki had never had a pet, due to his mother's severe allergies and his father's distaste for furry critters. Though Anabelle wasn't his, Shinya promised that the slightly older boy could come over and play with her whenever he wanted. The younger boy deposited the kitten in Tomoki's arms before rummaging through cabinets for a bowl. Finding a light blue bowl accented with darker blues, he filled it nearly to the rim with cold milk. The orange-capped teen set

Anabelle on the counter, where she eagerly lapped up the drink.

Meanwhile, Kouji and Takuya lounged on the steps bouncing ideas off each other concerning what they were going to do with the rest of their day. "Head to downtown Tokyo for some lunch and shopping?" Kouji proposed, running a hand through his ebon-blue locks. Takuya quirked an eyebrow, thinking about it, "That actually sounds like fun. We could take Shinya and Tomoki with us, and buy some kitty toys for Anabelle while we're out." "Should we bring Anabelle with us?" "Hell, why not? I sure don't want to

leave her here and give her the opportunity to shred our apartment." The older teens laughed, smiling at each other. In unison, they stood slowly, proceeding to walk hand-in-hand into the apartment. They discovered the younger teens sitting on the kitchen floor, teasing Anabelle with a hand-towel. "Shinya, Tomoki, want to go to Tokyo for the afternoon? We're going to bring Anabelle to get some toys and such, since we're kitty-toy-free. We can grab some lunch too, on us of course," Takuya suggested. "Yeah!" "Alright!" the floor-occupying boys cheered. "Go get your stuff together then. Your brother and I will be waiting in the living room," Kouji added. The pair dashed out of the room, heading for Shinya's room to get a bag for Anabelle and their wallets.

Kouji and Takuya cleaned up the kitchen quickly before settling onto the burgundy couch. Takuya grabbed his wallet and the apartment keys off the end table, both of which Kouji relieved him of as he shoved them into his own pockets, "Don't want you to lose these. Shinya won't remember his key anyhow." "You know us all too well, koi," the brunette teased, leaning in for a kiss. The ebon-haired boy chuckled, kissing his koi tenderly. They drew apart slowly, not even realizing they had an audience. Shinya and Tomoki giggled, making kissy faces at the couple. Looking at each other and grinning, the older teens jumped over the back of the couch, chasing after the kids. Kouji paused to place his cell phone into his windbreaker's pocket, checking the battery. 'Good, full juice. Just in case we...' he wouldn't allow himself to finish that thought as he locked the door before joining his friends on the sidewalk. Shinya was talking quietly with Tomoki, who had a bag over his shoulder with Anabelle's head poking out. Takuya slipped his hand into Kouji's as they set off for the subway, Tomoki and Shinya in the lead, chattering all the way.

The four teens caught the 12:15 to Tokyo, arriving to their destination in under 20 minutes. The ride was uneventful, though Tomoki had to briefly shove Anabelle completely into the shoulder bag while in the station. She squirmed a bit, but didn't complain. She threw a baleful glare at Shinya when he uncinched the bag, but she made no vocal protest. Shinya apologized with a straight face, though he couldn't keep the smile out of his eyes. Leaving the station was a bit tricky due to the swarming crowds, yet they somehow managed to find each other once outside. Linking arms, they walked with a purpose to a quiet little tea garden surrounded by a forest of blooming sakura trees and bamboo. Kouji and Takuya knelt on cushions at a traditional table while the younger teens sat across from them. Sakura blossoms glided on the gentle summer breeze.

Not too long after, a small woman dressed in a turquoise kimono stepped out into the garden, carrying a tray laden with 4 teacups, a kettle of green tea and a plate of cucumber sandwiches. Kouji thanked her in a soft tone, as the others selected sandwiches for themselves. The woman smiled, bowing slightly before returning into the petite building. The dark-haired teen swiftly tied his waist-length locks back, murmuring an ancient prayer under his breath. With a uncanny grace, he began to pour tea for his companions as they chatted easily about the weather. Shinya let Anabelle out of her confinement and she seemed quite content chasing sakura blossoms, then curling up in a patch of afternoon sun. Kouji glanced over at Shinya and Tomoki before nibbling on one of the juicy sandwiches. His keen navy eyes noticed their slim hands joined almost out of sight. He said nothing but turned to Takuya, "Koi, where do you think we should go from here? To a mall or shall we wander the various shops?" "The mall will be much too crowded. Let's meander like tourists," the brunette replied with a wink. "How does that sound?" Kouji asked the younger teens that were surprisingly quiet. They looked up sharply, guilt written over their features, and suddenly the older boy realized why. Shinya's hand was resting dangerously close to the slight bulge of Tomoki's pants. Their cheeks were painted red, and their eyes attempted to portray innocence, though they failed. Takuya's eyes widen, and Kouji chuckled softly. They finished their lunch, joking and pretending what they had witnessed wasn't anything out of the ordinary. And quite frankly, it truly wasn't, considering Takuya and Kouji were lovers and the younger brunettes had spent quite a bit of time with the pair. Takuya pulled out his wallet, and put a few more bills down then truly necessary. His younger brother gathered up Anabelle, placing her gently into the shoulder bag that Tomoki held open. The shorter boys shyly held hands as the older boys followed suit, all of them bowing politely to the sweet woman who ran the tea garden. After the soft glow of sunlight that filtered through the sakura branches, the quartet was temporarily blinded as they stepped into the bright sunshine. Blinking rapidly a few times, their eyes readjusted and they began to stroll down the sidewalk, pausing every now and then to look at window displays. Anabelle absorbed her ever-changing surroundings with wide electric eyes as they continued on.

A bouquet simply called "Pet Shop" caught Shinya's eye, and he immediately dragged the other three boys with him. He hoisted Anabelle out of the bag, teasing her with various feathered and bell toys. She became quite entranced with a catnip mouse and a "fishing pole" with a fuzzy ball and feathers attached to the end. Shinya proudly carried the toys to the counter, while Takuya arranged for the bags of cat food, kitty litter and the kitty jungle gym to be delivered to the apartment the next day. Tomoki and Kouji browsed idly, cooing at the finches in their wire cages, and petting the excited mixed breed puppies. They were chatting about nothing in particular when the younger boy paused, looking up at Kouji with wide innocent eyes. "Kouji?" he asked in a soft voice. The teen in question turned around, a smile dancing on his face, "Yes, Tomoki?" "Ithinki'minlovewithShinya!" he blurted out, his cheeks bright pink as he shifted his weight from foot to foot. Kouji knelt before Tomoki, lifting his chin with a gentle hand as he replied, "That's not something to be ashamed of, little one. It's obvious that he has feelings for you as well, considering what happened earlier." He winked at the nervous wreck in front of him. "Really? You think so?" "'Moki, I know so. Trust me on this." The brunette's face burst into a portrait of absolute joy as he heard these words. "Oh, thank you Kouji!" he exclaimed, hugging the kneeling teen tightly. Kouji chuckled at his enthusiasm, returning the hug.

"Tomoki, Kouji! You ready to leave?" Takuya called, standing near the front door with his little brother at his side. "Hai, be right there," Kouji answered, before whispering something to his younger friend, "Don't be afraid. I know he feels the same, and I think he's just as nervous." Tomoki nodded, smiling. "Alright, let's go then." The dark-haired teen wrapped an arm around his shoulders, walking at an easy pace to join their companions. They continued down the sidewalk, Tomoki bouncing the kitty-fishing pole in front of Anabelle's nose. She squirmed, batting at it with her little paw, and just about tumbled out of the bag. Luckily, she caught herself, and the brunette decided that it would be safer to mess with her when they weren't moving. Stopping here and there at bookstores and a market to buy some fruit as a snack, time passed quickly for the four teens. Soon twilight painted the sky in blended shades of purple and blue and the quad could be found at a park, nibbling on their fruit while watching Anabelle romp around. Claiming a picnic table as their own, they perched here and there, talking about anything that happened to cross their minds. The four boys had never felt so content as they sat and discussed everything under the now-risen moon, a lazy breeze teasing their hair every now and then.

Anabelle curled up in Tomoki's lap around 10pm, and seeing the kitten all tuckered out was a reminder of how late it really was, and how far from home they were. Deciding it probably wouldn't do to sleep in the park, they agreed to find a hotel to crash in for the night. Gathering up their purchases, the younger boys in front where Takuya and Kouji could watch them, they left the park. The true size of Tokyo never really hit them until they had been walking for 20 minutes without a hotel or even an inn in sight. Together, they crossed countless streets, and were so caught up in finding a place to stay, that when 11pm rolled around, they were absolutely clueless to the fact that they were being followed.

They paused by a pitch-black alley, searching without success for the ever-elusive motel. A gloved hand reached out from the darkness, closing firmly over Takuya's mouth while the other held a knife to his throat. He struggled, trying as hard as he could to escape and face his captor, but failed miserably. Kouji heard his koi attempt to yell out, and whirled, not liking the sight that greeted his navy eyes. A trickle of blood ran down his pale neck, his deep chocolate eyes wide with fear and concern for his friends. A deep gravelly voice grunted into his ear, "Don't make a sound, and come with us. Your friends too." He leered at the dark-haired beauty, whose lip curled in disgust. Shinya and Tomoki looked on in terror as three more thugs slipped out of the alley, surrounding the teens in a tight circle. The younger boys pressed themselves against Kouji, hoping he'd have a plan. But Kouji's eyes were locked on his lover's, his mind racing as he forced himself to stay calm. His custom-made knife was pressed firmly against his right leg as Shinya clung to his right arm, Tomoki on his other. The younger boys trembled, their eyes rolling widely as they tried to watch all of the burly men at once. "Come on boys, you really don't want anything to happen to him, now do you?" the thug holding Takuya coaxed, his gaze boring into Kouji. A thick silence lay over the group of males as the gears in Kouji's mind grinded together. He hoped there would be a way out of this, but the solution dodged him every chance it got. 'Come on, think Kouji, think!' he mentally snapped at himself, as the thug's knife dug a little deeper into his koi's supple neck. "Stop it!" he yelled, his heart racing wildly in his chest. The brute holding Takuya grinned, knowing he had won again. Sharp pearly teeth dug into his meaty hand, and he swore loudly, backhanding the spunky brunette into a nearby row of trashcans. He groaned, and then fell silent. Kouji made a leap for his koi, hoping the other thugs would leave the younger teens alone, but the one who seemed to be the leader held the knife right in front of the tall boy. He skidded to a stop, glancing anxiously over the man's shoulder at his unconscious boyfriend. Dried blood stained his neck, which seemed to be the only harm done. Kouji's lip curled into a snarl once more, and he shot an icy glare at the man who hardly seemed to be much older than him.

Though his mind was screaming at him to find another way, he was unable to stop the words that tumbled out of his mouth. "Fine, we'll go with you. Just promise me no harm will come to him," he stated, gesturing at Takuya's still form. Tomoki and Shinya began to protest, but a swift look from Kouji silenced them effectively. His eyes held a simple message: "Don't say a word. I'll get us out of this." The beefy man stepped aside so Kouji could gather up his lover into his arms before he led the way through a series of alleys, leading to who-knew-where. Takuya stirred every now and then, but remained out like a light as they followed like lost puppies behind the thug leader. The younger brunettes kept quiet, looking at each other with worry-tainted fear. Shinya reached out for Tomoki's trembling hand, holding it tightly in his own.

The journey continued on until about midnight, when they arrived at an abandoned building. They had taken so many twists and turns; it was impossible to distinguish where the burly men had led them. The building was marred with graffiti, though no other markings hinted at what it used to serve as. Brute #1 took them up three flights of stairs to a room that was missing half its' roof and a section of the wall. An absolutely filthy mattress was tucked into a corner, a ratty blanket thrown carelessly upon it. Kouji was wary of what exactly occurred on that giant padded sponge, but didn't want to place his koi on the cold floor. He placed a tender kiss upon his forehead before turning to look at the terrified boys behind him. The men had left, closing a door with a lock on the outside, leaving the four teens in the cramped room. None of them knew exactly what to say, it all seemed so surreal. Anabelle's mew shattered the pseudo-peace that clung to the four boys like a black cloud. Tomoki took her out of the bag, anxiously looking over his shoulder at the door. Their shopping bags had been placed by the door, and looked to be undamaged. Kouji retrieved them quickly, reluctant to leave Takuya's side even for a second. He removed a bag of kitty treats and a soft pink collar from one bag, handing them to the younger boys. Shinya placed the collar on the kitten while Tomoki soothed her with treats. Satisfied that the boys would be occupied with Anabelle, he moved back to his koi's side, his face wrought with worry. 'Please be okay, lover. I'll get us out of this... but please be okay...' The dark-haired boy laid his head down next to Takuya's, using one arm as a pillow while the other was draped over his koi's chest. Sleep overtook him before he even thought about where he was and what danger all of them were in.

A sharp slamming of the door against the brick wall jolted Kouji out of his dreams. He looked up with bleary eyes to see one of the other thugs stalking towards him, completely ignoring the cowering teens on the floor. The man roughly grabbed the collar of Kouji's jacket, hauling him to his feet with a swift jerk. The tall boy reached blindly for Takuya, who was starting to stir. "Takuya!!" Kouji yelled out, his navy eyes filled with actual fear. The brunette sat up with the support of his left arm, his right hand rubbing at his eyes idly, his mind slowly registering what was happening. "Kouji? What's... going on?" His soft chocolate eyes fell on the brute holding Kouji up so his feet dangled uselessly beneath him. "Kouji?" He didn't want to raise his head, he didn't want to answer - he felt so ashamed, so useless. If he had just paid more attention to their surroundings, they could be safely in a hotel by now. Not in the middle of the slums being held captive by nameless thugs. Except, they weren't exactly nameless, at least not the leader. The majority of Tokyo knew him as Neko, but Kouji knew his true name. 'Dakol...' his mind sighed as he kept his head low. A voice from the doorway commented, "Would you hurry up?" Its' owner poked his head in, and saw that Takuya was awake. "Neko said to bring the brunette if he was awake. Grab him too." Upon hearing this, Takuya tried to roll away from the thug's reaching hand, but failed as his back pressed up against the wall. The man grabbed him by his shirt, and held him up next to Kouji. They smiled bravely at Shinya and Tomoki as they were carried out of the room, their feet swaying with each step the ogre of a man took. The pair kissed quickly yet deeply, both having worried thoughts about what was to come. Keeping their eyes closed, and holding each other's hands in death grips, they were soon deposited roughly onto a cold floor. Kouji was the first to open his eyes, and he stared defiantly up at Neko. "Dakol..." he drawled, his glare piercing. Takuya's head jerked up as his koi spoke, surprise alighting his features as he realized that his koi knew the man. He drew in a deep breath, but Kouji's eyes stayed locked on Dakol. The man took a step forward and backhanded Kouji hard, his frail body crumpling as it hit the brick wall with a dull thud. "What do you want with me?" he asked in a soft but deadly tone, his hair hanging over his face, making it impossible to know what he was truly thinking. A bitter smile clung to his lips as he stood with the assistance of the wall. He lifted his head, looking at Dakol once more. "I asked you a question, and I expect an answer." Dakol shifted his weight from foot to foot, actually looking nervous if Takuya was reading him right. "Shut up, Minamoto," he snarled, his eyes full of hate and... fear? Kouji staggered across the room, feeling for his knife. It was absent from its' usual place and he cursed. Takuya grabbed Kouji's arm, trying to keep him from doing anything stupid. The taller boy looked down at his koi, whispered, "Don't worry, I'll get us out of this," then pulled out of his love's grasp. The brunette had no choice but to trust him. He glanced up at Dakol, and realized just how young the man really was. His size was intimating, his blonde hair was short and spiked, and his body was covered with various gang-related tattoos; he honestly looked to be about 21. Kouji stepped closer to Dakol, his eyes narrowing in distaste. But before Kouji could execute whatever plan he had, Dakol retaliated with one of his own. He snapped his fingers sharply, and in a heartbeat, two thugs burst through the once closed door, one tackling Kouji, the other handcuffing his hands behind his back. His dark hair was spread out around him, looking like an elegant ebon ink spill. He raised his head, his navy eyes appearing jet black as he struggled to his knees. The hired help looked questioningly at Neko, as they knew him, but he waved them off with an impatient gesture. His only concern now was the teen that was on his knees, hands locked behind his back. It struck Takuya as almost sultry, the way Kouji glared at Dakol, the way his body was rigid. He looked almost... natural, sitting there on his knees before the other man. Takuya bit his lip, but could not pull his eyes away from the scene that was playing out before him.

"Just where you belong, you little punk. On your knees," Dakol spat, grabbing Kouji's beautiful locks and pulling his head back roughly. The teen's face remained perfectly blank as the man unzipped his own khaki pants, revealing his hardened length. Kouji refused to take the obvious hint, which angered the taller man. He kicked the boy in the stomach, pleased to hear his groan of pain. Takuya winced as his koi landed hard on his side, but made no move to save him. If you asked him why he didn't, he would bite his lip, and look guilty, without an explanation. Deep inside, Takuya was certain that Kouji had a plan, and he would save all of them. But he was also scared. He didn't want to suffer the same fate as Kouji. Though his exterior always showed a confident boy afraid of nothing, the truth of the matter was he was little more than a scared child on the inside. Kouji's muffled protests as Dakol carried him into a dank bedroom jerked Takuya out of his thoughts. He followed in a subservient kind of way, his brunette hair hanging into his eyes. There was a less-than-comfortable shag chair in the corner that looked like it hadn't been cleaned since the 70's, which Takuya settled into, his eyes locked on his lover. This entire scene seemed incredibly surreal, and he still couldn't intervene as Dakol began to touch his koi in ways only Takuya had - or so he believed.

Kouji's true past was shrouded in mystery, though Takuya lived in a world where Kouji had grown up in a nice home with his dad and step-mother, and met his twin, Kouichi, in the Digital World. Half of that was true, he had met his twin for the first time in the Digital World, but he hadn't had the happy childhood that the brunette always just assumed had occurred. When Takuya's eyes came back into focus, his senses were filled with the sight and sounds of Neko fucking Kouji hard, while the boy was pinned to the dirty wall, his face pressed hard against it. His navy eyes were squeezed shut in pain and embarrassment as Neko slammed himself over and over again into the boy's tight ass. The brunette watched on as Kouji's back arched in undeniable pleasure, no matter how much he didn't want it. He found his hand slipping down between his own legs, yet he didn't stop himself as he began to stroke himself through his jean shorts. A groan of disgusted pleasure escaped Kouji's full lips as his body shuddered violently, though he did not give the thug the satisfaction of knowing his letting go. Neko reached his climax moments later, yelling out like a wild animal. He held himself up with his palms against the wall, panting hard, leaving himself inside of Kouji. Takuya's erection pressed against his jeans in a way that it was all the more arousing. He ached deliciously, wishing he could be inside of Kouji instead. Unknown to him, he was about to get his wish.

Neko turned to the brunette who was lost in his fantasies. "Hey, you." Takuya looked up sharply, his cheeks flushed. He couldn't find his voice, but just met the man's eyes, looking curious. "You look pretty lonely. You want in on this as well?" The teen's jaw dropped, his eyes widening. Without a word, he stood on shaky legs, walking over to his violated koi, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. Kouji's head jerked around, his eyes dark with a mixture of shame, fear and hatred. He felt so empty, so used... but was relieved to see Takuya was still safe. The shorter teen placed loving kisses on his lover's shoulder, up to his neck, and then turned him slowly, pressing up against him tenderly, kissing him passionately. He felt Dakol's eyes on him as he began to run his hands up and down his koi's body, and tried his best to ignore the feeling. Kouji's body trembled, his eyes no longer closed in pleasure. The fact that he had just been raped in front of his boyfriend, who was now pretending nothing of the sort had happen, by his former friend and mentor had just hit him like a bag of bricks.

Though there was only a 4-year difference, Kouji had looked up to Dakol, and Dakol had in turn taken Kouji under his wing. The joyful childhood that everyone had always pictured was little more than an illusion, a tainted one at that. The dark-haired beauty had grown up on the streets, starting at a rather young age. His father and stepmother had left to America on a vacation, and had never came home. So, at age 8, he was forced to fend for himself on the cold streets of Tokyo. Dakol had found him one night, curled up under a pile of newspapers, his braided ebony hair the only thing visible. Their friendship had started out innocent enough, and lasted that way for many years until Kouji reached age 12 and his gangly body began to fill out. He finally grew into his skin, and he looked magnificent. Even though he was little more than a street urchin, he was able to use his looks to his and Dakol's advantage.

Things were different though - Kouji didn't have to be a genius to figure that out. The way Dakol looked at him, the lingering touches, and the double-edged comments. Not long after Kouji's 13th birthday is when their relationship turned into something erotic yet numbing. Dakol had pinned the smaller boy to the bed, and proceeded to have his way with him without a second thought. Kouji wasn't sure if he had enjoyed it or not - his body obviously had, but with each insistent and rough thrust, a piece of his heart shattered. His innocence was lost with each miniscule fragment that clattered to the bottom of his soul. The teen's whole life took on a new meaning after that night, a new light if you will. He put up a wall around himself, hardly letting even Neko in. Every time Neko coaxed him out of his shell, he would use and abuse him once again - leaving Kouji even more torn than before. The raven-coifed boy desperately wanted the rape to stop, but he could never find the words to say just that. Well, that wasn't exactly true… He had told Dakol once that he wanted out, that he couldn't take it anymore… Dakol had beat Kouji until he was barely coherent. He had been unable to move for 4 days, slipping in and out of consciousness on a regular basis. When the teen was finally able to leave their hole-in-the-wall, he had been taken to the hospital after collapsing on the sidewalk; his diagnosis was a concussion and a broken arm. Dakol had visited him in the hospital, and treated him like a prince when he was able to return home… for a whole 24 hours. And as much as Kouji had hated all of it, he let Dakol rape him, over and over again. He would wave off the comments about his bruises with a pathetic excuse that no one was really buying - but he never knew why he kept his mouth shut about everything that he had suffered through. And so his life had continued, until he had been able to run away, until he could finally escape from Dakol. They were in a club, the music shaking their very bones as they grooved to the music. Kouji went to go "talk to a friend" and walked away without looking back once.

Takuya pressed his arousal against Kouji's entrance, snapping the battered teen out of his memories. He made a noise in his throat, his knees going weak as the brunette eased himself inside his koi. Neko had now taken up residence in the ancient armchair, pleasuring himself openly as the two teens fucked, Kouji's body still pinned against the wall, the handcuffs digging into his lower back. A low groan escaped his throat as Takuya began to thrust slowly. Try as he might, the brunette couldn't erase the memories that had resurfaced in his koi's mind - they clung to his cells and began to filter through his bloodstream. In mere moments, the flashbacks began a part of him, and he couldn't even open his eyes without reliving his past. As his slightly shorter lover reached his peak and losing himself inside him, the plagued boy let out a scream of pure anguish. He leaned heavily against the wall, his beautiful face contorted in agony as his past threatened to pull him under. Kouji's body shook violently, worrying Takuya immensely as he slid out, looking at him with compassionate chocolate eyes. He placed a soothing hand on the dark-haired boy's shoulder, but he didn't even register the sensation. His eyes didn't see his 17-year-old lover; a 17-year-old Dakol stood before him instead. The abandoned building transformed in a dusty basement full of clutter, a well-used mattress and a bite-sized bathroom was shoved into one corner. The brick wall was the only familiarity as the images danced before his navy eyes.

Kouji's heart was racing, his mind a blur of thoughts as he attempted to grasp what was happening to him. Dakol was rubbing his body against his own, his erection obvious. Teasing the smaller teen's nipples with his teeth, the victim arched his back and moaned. Kouji's skin danced with new feelings, ones he wasn't sure what to do with. Dakol's mouth was demanding as he ravaged it with his tongue. When the older teen moved to lift Kouji's legs over his shoulders, the boy's eyes widen in fear. "No…please don't, Dakol…" he pleaded, his navy eyes shining with tears. But Dakol paid him no mind as he slid achingly slow inside of Kouji's virgin entrance. The rape grew more violent as the taller boy grew closer to climax - a habit that seemed to have died now that he had matured. Handcuffed and powerless, Kouji's body reacted on its' own. "Dakol… please… stop it…" The addressed boy didn't hear those words, the ones that meant everything in the world to Kouji at that moment. Dakol climaxed, shooting his seed deep inside of the younger boy, causing him to shudder with displeasure. Dakol undid the cuffs, letting them fall to the floor with a metallic thud. Within seconds, Kouji held a broken beer bottle in his hand, one he had seen before enduring the rape. He brandished it like a sword, thrusting the jagged edges towards Dakol's throat, pressing those pointed tips gently into his throat until blood began to trail down in crimson rivulets. Dakol's eyes widened in shock as he felt his own life fluid cutting a path down his neck and chest. A whimper escaped his lips…

A whimper escaped Takuya's lips as the half-shattered bottle pressed a bit deeper into his throat, drawing more blood, hurtling Kouji back into the present. His brunette koi was completely at his mercy, which terrified the dark-haired teen more than anything. He threw the blood-tipped bottle away from him violently, satisfied to hear it break into a million tiny shards against the brick wall. He knelt before Takuya, trembling as tears fell like rain from his navy eyes. "'Kuya… I'm so sorry koi… please forgive me… I… I don't know what came over me… please forgive me…" he babbled, his hair creating an ebony curtain around his face. Takuya took his lover into his arms, forgetting all about the man in the corner as he tried to soothe the boy in front of him. No matter what the brunette said, he could not stop the flood of sorrow that had broken Kouji's resolve. It worried him, but he figured Kouji needed it; he was, after all, an emotional black hole - everything that went in would never come back out. "What have I done…? Oh gods… what have I done…?" he whimpered, his tears mixing with the blood that had soaked into Takuya's tank top. Stroking the ebon-blue locks, the shorter teen whispered soft nonsense into his delicate ear.

Both teens were oblivious to what Dakol was doing until Kouji heard the click of a safety being flicked off. His eyes shot open, his whole body growing rigid. Takuya had his back to the man, which would prove to be a terrible mistake if he didn't act fast. Whispering, Kouji informed his koi that there was a gun aimed for his back. The brunette started, moving slowly to turn around, his body in a position to protect Kouji who was defenseless on his knees. Dakol spat, his face twisted in rage, "This doesn't concern you, move it." Takuya held his ground, determination shining in his eyes. "Don't be stupid, kid. I don't want to shoot you. My business is with your lover, and him alone." He faltered for a second, which was just enough time for Kouji to nudge him out of the way, shaky on his feet. The brunette tried to hold him back, but it was no use. Kouji kept moving forward, staring defiantly at the blonde man. "Go on, say it. I know it's not going to be an apology, but I'll listen anyway," the teen said bluntly. Dakol's eyes narrowed in distaste, his finger tightening on the trigger. "You know what you've put me through? You know how many nights I longed for your frail body to be in my arms? When you ran away, I searched for weeks, trying to find you. But you disappeared without a trace. How could you do that to me? I loved you! I did everything I could so you could have a good life! I threw away everything for you, and this is how you repay me? By running off and fucking some whore?"

Kouji's lip curled into a snarl, his cuffed hands clenching into fists behind his back. "How dare you talk about my koi like that, you heartless bastard! Did you ever think of everything you put me through? I haven't been the same since that night when you stole my innocence! I wouldn't let anyone touch me because of you. I was afraid they would use and abuse me just like you did. You ruined my life, you prick! And you have the nerve to tell me how I fucked up your life? Get off your horse, Dakol! I'm not yours anymore, so just fucking accept it, and leave me alone. I know you've been watching me. I've seen you and your goons - you thought you wouldn't get caught?" He shook his head, his eyes taking on a light of sympathy. "You're absolutely pathetic, you know that?"

With that last sentence, Dakol snapped. His finger clutched the trigger like a life preserver, sending a bullet straight for Kouji. Time slowed down, and a scream from Takuya's lips rang in Kouji's ears as the bullet drew closer. It pierced his skin with ease, pushing through the muscle slowly, sending jolts of pure agony through the dark-haired boy's thin body. He fell back, his head hitting the concrete floor with a resounding crack. He felt his blood pooling around him as darkness claimed his vision. Sounds of a struggle and swearing were the last things he heard before sinking into the sweet embrace of Morpheus.