Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ What It Means To Love ❯ Chapter 5

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

EC: I got the last chapter up! Another story completed!! Wonder what's gonna happen?

K: Takuya? Please open the door so I can talk to you.

T: Go away! You've done enough damage.

K: Look I'm sorry! I didn't mean any of those things I said! I was just mad!!! I'm sorry!!!! *starts crying like a baby again.*

EC: *sighs* C'mon Takuya. Let Koji have another try. He really means what he says. He's out here crying like a baby because you won't take him back. He's really sorry!

T: *sighs and opens the door* Fine but if you...! *gets glomped by Koji*

K: Takuya!! I'm sorry!!!* kisses Takuya all over his face while shouting out apologies* Please! Please forgive me!!!

T: *smiles and kisses Koji's nose* I forgive you silly but if you ever do that again then you're sol.

K: Okay. *kisses Takuya on the lips*

EC: How sweet! *sees them starting to get into it* Hey! Do that in your room! This isn't a porno!

K: What ever.

EC: Then one of you do the disclaimer then fuck like bunnies.

K&T: See last chapter!

EC: *sees clothes flying and Koji and Takuya close their door* Well, they won't be coming out for awhile. Now on with the fic!

Koji was frozen on the spot. Takuya was laying on the ground and there was a deep red liquid around him. Koji quickly shook himself out of his stupor and ran towards Takuya's prone body. "Takuya!!!" He couldn't tell where the blood was coming from but wherever it was coming from he had to stop it and fast. He checked him over and saw no cuts anywhere on him. 'NO! It has to be somewhere!' He picked up his hand and gave it a small squeeze. 'Please Takuya hang on!' He looked down to check again and stopped abruptly when he found the source of all this blood. 'Oh my God!!' Koji quickly took off his bandanna and tore it into two strips. He took off Takuya's gloves and quickly applied firm pressure to his wound and tied it up. He did the same to his other wrist as he saw the same wound there as well. He pulled Takuya up and sat him in his lap. Takuya was ice cold, his lips were tinged a light blue. 'Please let me have gotten here in time.' He looked at the pool of blood next to him and cringed. 'He lost so much blood. Please let him make it. I'm sorry Takuya. I need you with me. Alive. Please..' He hadn't noticed when he started to cry softly and buried his face in Takuya's hair.

He tried everything to keep Takuya warm. He could tell he was getting a little warmth into him. His lips were their regular rosy color again which gave Koji some hope. He heard a gasp and looked up. Zoey had her hand up to her mouth. He saw her looking at the blood then looked at him. "What happened?!" she yelled waking up everyone else.

"I.. I think Takuya tried to.. tried to..." He couldn't say it. He didn't want to believe it. He wanted to believe some digimon found him and did this to him but he knew. He found the rock not far from where he found Takuya, stained red.

"Takuya!" Tommy ran over to Koji and touched Takuya's arm. He was still cold. Tears was streaming down his face as he looked at Koji. "Is he...?"

"No. I think he'll be fine now."

"Here." Zoey took off her jacket and laid it on Takuya. "Hope it helps some."

"Thank you." Koji said softly. Koji rearranged Takuya so that his head was laying on his chest. He heard Takuya let out a small whimper and brought his hand up and gripped Koji's shirt. Koji smiled at that. 'He'll be just fine.'

"We'll go find some food just in case Takuya wakes up hungry." Bokomon said.

"Ok." When the others left Koji brought a finger to Takuya's lips and brushed it over them. They were so soft just like the rest of him. He brought his lips to Takuya's and let them touch but did nothing else. "I'm sorry. I should have stayed. You wouldn't be like this if I'd stayed, would you?" he whispered against his lips. He heard Takuya moan softly and move on his lap. He moved back to look at Takuya and saw movement under his eye lids. "Takuya?! C'mon wake up!" He saw his eyes slowly open as he continued to talk to him. One deep chocolate brown eye opened and stared up at him. "Takuya!! You're all right!" Takuya was surprised to see tears in Koji's eyes as he hugged him.

"Koji? Why aren't I dead?" he asked softly.

Koji frowned and pulled away. "Because I came and stopped the blood in time. What in the hell were you doing anyway?!"

"Why do you care?" he hissed and stood up. He wobbled a little before his body gave out on him and he started to fall. Koji quickly caught him and sat him down.

"You shouldn't do that again. You lost a lot of blood."

"Leave me alone! I can handle this myself!!"

"Calm down! I'm just trying to help!"
"I don't want your help!"

"Look I'm sorry. I didn't know this would happen if I left you."

"That's all you have to say? Then you could have just let me die!"

"No, that's not all I have to say. Takuya, I can't believe it took me this long to realize how much you mean to me. When I came back and I saw you laying there not moving and all that blood around you I was scared. I was scared I had lost you. I thought I had lost my chance to tell you..."

"Don't you dare say it...."

"I love you Takuya. You mean the world to me. Both worlds. I don't want to lose you. Please let me try again. I know that this was all my fault but I'll make it right this time." Takuya turned his head away from him. Koji picked up Takuya's hands and Takuya's head whipped back around. He brought Takuya's hands up and kissed each wrist. Tears were streaming down Koji's face and Takuya wanted so badly to reach out and wipe them away. "Please?" he asked softly.

"Koji.." Koji looked up and Takuya cupped Koji's face in his hand. He brought their faces together until their noses were touching and wiped his tears away. "Ok." Koji smiled and brought their lips together. They pulled apart just in time as the others came back.

"Takuya!!" Tommy dropped the food he was holding and ran to Takuya.

"Hi ya there Tommy." Tommy wrapped his little arms around his neck and cried into his chest.

"You're all right!!"

Takuya sighed softly and rubbed his back soothingly. "Yes. I'm fine now."

"Takuya. What happened?" J.P. asked.

"I don't want to talk about it. It doesn't matter now."

"What do you mean it doesn't matter!? There was blood near you! You looked so pale laying against Koji like that!" J.P. yelled.

"I'm Ok now. You don't have to worry about me. It's been resolved." he said as he looked over at Koji.

"That's good. Hey, Takuya? Are you hungry?" Zoey asked him.

"Yeah. I am actually."

"Great. Well, we'll just set the food up and it'll be ready in a bit, Ok?"

"All right."

"Come on, Tommy. You can place the food on the sticks."

Tommy looked at Takuya and Takuya smiled, "Go on. I'll be fine. Koji's watching me."

"Ok." He got up and helped the others set up breakfast. Takuya sat himself back in Koji's lap and laid his head on his chest and sighed softly. Koji blushed and wrapped his arms around Takuya's slim waist. The others saw this and smiled to themselves at the happy couple. Koji had to resist the urge to ravish Takuya's up turned lips as he looked up at him and smiled.

"I mean what I said Takuya. I'm going to do this right and I mean everything." Koji whispered in his ear.

"Even.." he asked with a small blush staining his cheeks.

"Yes. You deserve better. I want you to experience everything with me. That was a fuck. I want to make love with you."

Takuya blushed brighter as he sensed the sincerity in his voice. "That sounds nice."

"Koji. Takuya. Breakfast is ready."

"All right." Koji looked at Takuya. "Think you can walk or do I have to carry you?" he smirked.

Takuya pouted and stood again. His stance was a little shaky but Koji helped him along. Takuya ate in silence as he leaned his head on Koji's shoulder while the others talked around him. "Well, looks like we'll be staying here for a bit so Takuya can regain his strength." Bokomon stated.

"Fine with me." J.P. said around a mouth full of food.

"I'm Ok with it. We need a little break." Zoey said

"Are you three... I mean two Ok with it?" She asked as she saw that Takuya had fallen asleep on Koji.

"Of course I'm Ok with it."
"I'm Ok with it."

"Good. Then it's agreed upon. We stay here until Takuya is up to par." They all nodded and began to clean up. Koji picked Takuya up and moved away to give them room to clean up. Koji sat Takuya in his lap and Takuya snuggled up against his chest. Koji took off Takuya's hat and laid it next to him then wrapped his arms around his slender waist and laid his head on his soft hair as he dozed back off to sleep.

"I'm glad they're together. They look so cute sleeping together like that, don't they?"

"I hate to say it but they do." J.P. said as he cleaned up.

"Maybe we should let them rest for awhile." Zoey suggested.

"Yeah! Takuya's going to need all his strength!" Tommy said happily.


When Koji had woke up it was dark outside and there was a small fire that lit up the dark cave. "Oh, you're up Koji. Won't you join us for dinner?" Bokomon asked.

"Dinner? I was out for that long?"

"Yes. You slept all day. Takuya hasn't woken up yet though. But that's to be expected."

"I'm not sleepy." Takuya said against Koji's chest.

"Did I wake you?" Koji asked him softly.
"No. I was all ready up. I just didn't want to move."

Koji laughed softly, "Oh, really. Then you can eat dinner with us then."
"No." He stated simply and sunggled up against Koji more.

"Why not?"

"Don't feel like moving."

"Can someone bring our dinner over here since Takuya's not going to let me up?"

"Here you go!" Neemon said as he gave Koji some meat apples.

"Thanks." He moved Takuya so that he could eat better. "Here Takuya." Takuya grabbed one and ate it quickly. "I see you were very hungry though you didn't want to get up."

"Shut up." he said as he got another apple.

"Whatever you say." He smiled as he ate an apple. All but Takuya and Koji talked about their day. Koji kissed Takuya's nose and Takuya licked his cheek when no one was looking. Koji had to really control himself after that. It was like Takuya was teasing him purposely to get him to lose control. Koji leaned down next to Takuya's ear. "If you don't stop now I'm going to show you how much I love you in front of everyone." he whispered. Takuya stopped and sat up. "Takuya?"

"Excuse us but Koji and I need to talk about some things privately." he said as he glanced at Koji and gave him a secretive smile.

"All right. But don't go to far, Ok?" Zoey said.

"We won't. Come on Koji." Koji stood to help Takuya along as they walked out of the cave and a little way from the group so they won't be heard. Takuya motioned for Koji to sit down and he plopped himself in his lap, wrapping his legs around his waist and wrapped his arms around his neck.

"What did you want to talk about?"

"About what you said earlier about you making up my first time to me."

"Oh right." Koji smiled and kissed Takuya hungrily. He placed Takuya on the forest floor and began to take off his clothes slowly. He wanted to torture Takuya first before he let him go. Once he had all of his clothes off he went down to his chest and bit a nipple.

Takuya jumped a little and whimpered, "Koji!"

"Did I hurt you?"

"No. Just surprised me."
"Oh." Koji bit his nipple again and heard a small gasp. He smiled against his skin and ran his fingers up and down his body. Takuya ran his fingers through Koji's hair and moaned softly. Koji moved to the other nipple and buried his wandering hands in Takuya's hair. Takuya's breathing hitched and he groaned loudly. Once Koji had made Takuya's nipples hard and red he licked all over his chest then kissed him all over. He glanced down and saw Takuya was up and very wet. Koji smiled again and went down towards his hard cock. He grinned and licked the tip then pulled back.

"No! Don't stop! Please!!" he cried out.

Koji sat up and pulled Takuya up with him. "Just try to wait a bit longer all right?"

"Ok." Koji turned Takuya around and laid him on his stomach. "Koji?" Instead of answering him he pulled him up by his hips and licked his tight rosebud. Takuya gasped and pushed his ass back against Koji's face. "Mmm... Koji that feels good." He sighed as Koji did it again and relaxed his body.

Koji pushed his tongue into Takuya's anus as he felt the ring of muscle relax under his ministrations. Takuya moaned and Koji brought his hand up to his anus and pushed in a finger with his tongue. He felt Takuya tense and he pulled his tongue out but left his finger inside. "Takuya, are you ok with this?" he said as he saw the purple brusies on Takuya's hips.

"I'm not sure."

"We can stop if you want." Takuya got up and turned to face Koji.

"No. I want you... us to continue. I want you to take me like it was both of our first times. Yes, I am a little afraid but that is not going to stop me from loving you." Koji looked down at Takuya's wrists and gripped them lightly.

"If you're sure?"

"I'm very sure." he said smiling. Koji smiled, too, and kissed him softly on the lips. He started to take off his clothes but Takuya stopped him. "I want to help." Takuya slid Koji's jacket off and helped him take off his shirt. He latched his lips onto one of his nipples and Koji gasped at the feeling it caused. Takuya, encouraged by the sound, began to suck on his nipple until it was super sensitive and moved to the other one. Takuya got an evil idea and bit it. Koji gasped in surprise and pulled Takuya's head up.

He smiled evilly at him, "Did I hurt you?"

"No just surprised me." Takuya unbuttoned Koji's pants and slid them and his underwear down. Koji kicked off his shoes and Takuya took it off. He crawled between Koji's legs and kissed him. Koji pulled him down on top of him and rubbed his soft behind, moving closer and closer to his hole again. He pushed his finger back inside and they both groaned as Takuya rubbed against Koji's trapped cock. As Takuya loosened up he added another finger and stretched him. Koji faltered a bit as Takuya grabbed him and rubbed him against his cock. "I want you NOW Koji." he said, kissing him on his face and neck after each word.

"Soon. I need to lube you up first." He removed his fingers and grabbed Takuya's sex and rubbed his leaking tip. "Now where do you think I can get some lube?"

"I don't know?" He sat up and smiled. "Maybe we should improvise..."

"I know just what to use too." He rubbed Takuya's tip and played with his balls. Takuya moaned and helped Koji bring him release. Takuya shivered as he came and removed his hands so Koji can get the rest of his cum out of him. "There. Now we have a lot of lube don't we?"

"Mmm... yeah." Koji scooped some of it up and pushed two fingers into Takuya's entrance. Takuya moved a little in discomfort then relaxed. Koji pulled his fingers out until only the tips were in and pulled them apart. Takuya moaned at that and flexed his muscles. Koji just fingered him for awhile then added another finger. He pulled them out and Takuya moaned in disappointment. "Ready Takuya?"

"Yes." Koji scooped up the rest of Takuya's cum and spread in on himself. He lifted Takuya up by his hips and slowly lowered him on his straining erection. Takuya groaned as he was filled by Koji's cock. Koji had to steady himself from just implaing Takuya on his sex. He was so tight. Once Takuya was seated on top of Koji they both stilled to get used to the feeling, Koji to how tight Takuya was and Takuya to how big Koji was. Takuya moved up a little and pushed back down making them both moan in pleasure. Koji gripped Takuya's hips and moved him up and down on top of him. Takuya laid out on Koji's chest as he moved inside of him faster and harder. He whimpered softly as Koji hit his spot repeatedly. He kissed Koji on the lips and Koji responed eagerly. Their breathing became faster as they neared orgasm. Takuya was the fisrt to come as he threw back his head and again covered Koji's chest with his passion. Koji grunted as Takuya tightened around him and filled Takuya with his seed. He thrust into him until he was finished and ran his fingers through Takuya's sweaty hair.

"Did you enjoy that?"

"It was better then the first time."

"I agree. We should do this again."

"Already? Man you're like the Energizer bunny."

"I'll wait until you've rested then."

"All right." Takuya fell asleep on top of him.

Koji smiled and hugged his lover. 'So this is what it means to love somebody.' He kissed his forehead, 'To care for them no matter what. I could get used to this.'

The End!!!!!!

Finally! I had writers block for the longest. I hope all of you enjoyed this fic because I enjoyed writing it.

Please R&R!!!!!