Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ What's Wrong With Being a Blonde? ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I deny ever seeing Digimon show, I don't own it. I don't know it. If I did, things like I describe in this chapter would never happen. I don't own Sailor Moon or Slayers, so don't get funny ideas. Actually, I deny writing this either. It's Ren's fault! I so love the first chapter when he isn't around. ^_^

Warning: angst, blackmail, rape, LEMON, beating, you name it. Bon apetit.

~What's Wrong With Being A Blonde~

Chapter 6

(Yamato's POV)

Ren held him against the wall in the shaded corridor. Pretense thrown away, he wanted Yamato badly. Yamato started to realise what he had agreed to in the first place.

I knew he would do it sooner or later. The blonde stared back in Ren's dark dilated eyes bitterly. What a fool he was. Just like in the Digiworld with Cherrymon.

"Don't cry, Yamato," Ren said as the tear began to surface in the blue eyes. Then Yamato was forced to a deep lasting kiss. The boy threw back his head and sulked into the wall. His back went rigid. There is no way I'm giving in to him, he realised with horror. He has to rape me to get what he wants. I will not give in. The thought was sickening. Yamato shuddered.

Ren's hands traveled down to his hips and Yamato grabbed them instinctively and threw them away.

"Do you want it, Yamato? Or not?" Ren asked softly, his lips hovering just outside the blonde's mouth. He drove Yamato against the wall until the air left his lungs. Ren's hand stole to the boy's ass and rubbed it. "See, it's a long way to Yagami's apartment, and ANYTHING can happen to your friend, Yamato."

Yamato closed his eyes and swallowed hard. I don't want anything happening to Taichi, he reminded himself, but the feel of Ren's hand on his butt was unbearable. "It's not... Ren, please... I'm just...you're too fast, Ren, I'm sorry..."

"Hm, you're right, love," Ren drew back. "Let's have a drink first."

He yanked Yamato by his wrist down the corridor. Yamato knew well the layout of the house; he guessed they were heading into the disco hall. He was right.

The bartender served them drinks. Yamato didn't care if he mixed snake poison with molten plutonium; he grabbed the glass like his only refuge. He was pale and the bartender cast a worried glance at him. The people crowding the club tonight brushed their eyes over the two boys and minded their own business. Yamato felt more distanced from everything except Ren and what awaited him in his bedroom.

As usual he and Ren sat at their table. Yamato sank further in the chair. He was tense as it goes.

"Relax," said a soothing voice and Yamato shivered. Ren started to rub gently at his upper leg.

Think of Tai! You've put him in danger, and you have to do something about it! Even the hard way.

"What is this? Alcohol?" Yamato asked hesitantly, shaking his drink.

"Some," purred Ren.

"Drugs?" Yamato raised an eyebrow. You never know what to expect of Ren...

"Didn't know you were interested," Ren snickered. He searched in his pockets and put out some pills and cigarettes on the table. "Want some?"

Yamato took a sharp breath. Of course, if he tried drugs, he'd be happily oblivious to anything Ren would throw on him, but then again... they were drugs! Supposing he got hooked - Ren would blackmail him into sleeping with him... Tai would never take drugs, Yamato told himself firmly. He looked defiantly at Ren.

"Do you take drugs?" the blonde asked seriously. Ren shook his head.

"Dad would kill me if I did."

If I played it nicely, Taichi would be soon safe home... On the other hand, Ren's people may not bring him home until I... Until this. Yamato suddenly got sick of the drink and of himself sitting here like a jerk babbling shit.

But how could I ever say yes to him! The blue eyes darted to Ren, who looked unimpressed and disinterested. Okay, Ishida, be a man.. it can't be worse than being blown to data by Apocalymon... At least it goes with pleasure... But then Taichi was by my side and Apocalymon was next to nothing.

It's only once, Yamato. Then Ren will let you go and Taichi will be safe. Only once.

Ren stared at the dancing figures. His eyes stopped on a blonde head in the middle of the dance floor. Yack, it was a girl, dyed blonde as well. Stupid Yamato, did he really think it was so easy to find a real cute blonde? It was pure luck to meet him in the backwater school his father sent him to after Ren'd been caught red-handed with drugs. One way or the other, Yamato had to be his. Ren licked his lips. A fascinating blonde... If his father really thought Ren was going to give the boy up, that's his problem. He was going to have Yamato and not only tonight... Nobody would take him away, never would he let him go. And Yagami would simply die.

Ren brushed Yamato's stomach and accidentally his crotch. Yamato twitched. The blue eyes glared at him.

"Let's go, Ren," mouthed Yamato.

Ren parted his lips in a carnivorous smile.

(Taichi's POV)

Taichi found himself tucked in between two yakuza, one being the psycho guy who dragged him from Yamato. Taichi was well aware they were armed and stronger. He was still perky.

They dared to part me with Yamato! They dared make my Yamato cry! Taichi's face darkened. He jerked away from the yakuza.

"Hold still, asshole," said the guy with a knife.

"Where are we going?" Taichi retorted angrily. "Take me back!"

"Cocky, aren't we?" Gozoku drove an elbow in Taichi's stomach. Taichi crouched and gasped.

"Where to stop, Gozoku?" another yakuza asked.

"Somewhere dark. It'll be messy."

Taichi regained his breath. He was so hurt. Teishiro was right, there's no good getting into yakuza's way. But they messed with him and Yamato first! Taichi gritted his teeth.

"What do you want from Yamato?" he asked furiously.

Instead of reply, Gozoku grinned widely. "Ren's pet... that's all."

"He's NOT!!!"

Taichi gasped when Gozoku's knife left a bloody gash in his upper arm. It hurt sooo badly... But the shocking discovery was that Gozoku wasn't supposed to hurt him. At least, Taichi never expected it.

"Shut up, bitch," the man said almost lovingly. Taichi was paralised with pain.

"I... hate... you... and your... fucking Ren..." he managed.

Another maniacal slash of the blade. Taichi gripped his left arm, groaning through his teeth. He tried to ignore the fact that he was bleeding. The car stopped in a dark secluded alley.

"Get him out!" Gozoku waited until Taichi was hurled out of the car and pinned against the wall.

"What the hell..."

"Shut up."

The yakuza hit him in the face. His nose started bleeding. Taichi felt as if he was blacking out.

"Guess what we're gonna do to you, maggot?"

"You'll take me home," Taichi breathed heavily. "Apologise to my parents and bring Yamato to me.."

The yakuza laughed. "Home, right."

"Where's Yamato?!"

"If it'll help you, I say that Ren's fucking him now," one replied.

Taichi's knees gave up in shock. "No!!!"

"Wanna know why?" Gozoku silenced him with a blow in his guts.

"Argh..." Taichi made some glottal sound. A copper taste in his mouth made him nauseated.

"He agreed to be fucked to save your little ass here. Which is fun because we're going to kill you anyway. At Ren's personal request."

Taichi shook his head. No, this can't be happening, no, no, no! NOT Yamato! Please, no...

"You liars!" the brunette spat out and tried to throw them off himself. "You filthy LIARS!"

They started beating him.

(Yamato's POV)

Ren shoved Yamato into the room. Yamato fell on the bed with a gasp. Ren was fumbling with his boots at the door. Then a heavy body lowered itself on Yamato's back and Ren kissed his neck, and his hands slipped under Yamato's stomach and undid his belt.

Yamato hid his face deeper in the blanket fighting the urge to curl in a ball and somehow stop clammy tingles running over his neck.

Ren rolled him over to face him.

"Are you saying yes or what?" he snapped annoyed, struggling with Yamato's belt.

Yamato nodded breathing in small gasps as if to hold off the tears. I don't want to! screamed his brain.

Ren leant in sharply and breathed in Yamato's ear, his shaking fingers brushing the blonde locks from his face.

"I want you so... wanted for so long. Be a good boy, Yamato... enjoy this. Will you?"

Yamato had a horrible moment thinking about what Taichi would be suffering and nodded once more.

"Then kiss me." Ren sat back on the hunches before Yamato and waited. The blonde pushed himself up and threw his arms around Ren's neck. Yamato pressed his lips to his mouth shivering like an autumn leaf. He went for the kill and deepened the kiss. Ren groaned. His arms tightening around the blonde, he pushed his tongue into the boy's mouth. Yamato cried when the dark haired squeezed him breathless.

Yamato threw back his head, letting Ren press his lips to his earlobe and lower. Ren sucked on his skin. Shudders built up in his shoulders and invaded his stomach. He wanted to cry. He gasped soundlessly.

Ren mumbled something contented into his hair and pulled strongly on his t-shirt. Yamato wriggled out of it, trembling wildly when Ren's fingers touched his sides.

Ren threw him back on the bed and explored his chest with his tongue. Yamato closed his eyes and whimpered.


Ren pulled his own t-shirt off. He unzipped Yamato's jeans and grasped his waist firmly. Yamato crawled to the wall, pushing himself with elbows, distancing himself and Ren. The dark-haired teen tugged his jeans down. Yamato winced. Ren stopped his manipulations with his naked skin and started to pull Yamato's trainers off. Yamato breathed heavily and lay back with his eyes firmly shut.

Tai, help me, please...

Yamato felt Ren's hot breath on the side of his face, and tossed his head away. Ren caught it with his hand halfway, forced it to turn to him, and then there were his kisses that occupied Yamato's mouth. The blonde wailed in protest.

No, oh my God, NO! I won't let you! everything in Yamato screamed with fear. I don't want to!!!

"Putting up some resistance, huh?" Ren laughed, bringing Yamato's hands down and mounting his hips.

"Please...!" Yamato begged, but Ren shut him up with another disturbing kiss, locking the blonde's head between his hands.


Ren's hand dove between his thighs and worked there, making him ready. Yamato bucked fiercely, trying to drive it away but he was too weak. He started to hyperventilate. Ren bombed him with his kisses, and Yamato strove for air. The blonde jerked violently under the older boy but Ren's hand never ceased teasing him, and Yamato couldn't anymore keep back the waves of pleasure that were washing over his crotch and rising into his stomach... He didn't want it to stop. Sweet...

Think of Taichi..

Yamato kissed Ren back eagerly.


Yamato dug his fingers into the other's back, pressing himself against the hot flesh that was Ren's chest. His eyes were closed still. He moaned into the older boy's mouth, wishing to experience what he felt between his hips everywhere in his body. It was overwhelming. Closing his eyes Yamato formed Taichi's image. In the bedroom, Yamato was kissing Ren, no, he was kissing Taichi. He arched his back, insistently, pressing his burning crotch to Ren's and a hand slid to his warm ass. The dark haired gloated in his triumph, drawing v-figures with his tongue across Yamato's chest. He pulled down his pants. Yamato brought his hands on Ren's jeans and started pushing the clothes off in accordance with the teen's actions, all this time clear image of Taichi imprinted in his mind.

"Yamato.. wow!" Ren blew on his skin. He noted with satisfaction that he was hardly able to sustain the blonde's enthusiasm.

Yamato abruptly came to his senses, awakened by the sound of strange voice, and the first wave of pleasure left him frozen with horror. What was he doing? It wasn't Tai... Oh my god!... Panic flooded his blue eyes.

Ren grasped his erection once again and Yamato squeezed his eyes shut and groaned. Everything descended down to two colours: black where Ren wasn't touching him and white where he was touched, groped, massaged, pumped, licked into pleasure.

Ren pulled back and Yamato went after him, kissing him on mouth hungrily. Ren fingered his hair, darted his tongue down his throat and threw the demanding blonde on his back. He produced a tube of lubricant from his jeans' pocket and freed himself from the shorts. Ren rolled the whimpering blonde on the stomach and leant over his shoulder.

He left a wet reassuring kiss on Yamato's shoulder and started massaging the lube into Yamato.

"Scream... when it hurts," he said. Yamato thrust his teeth into the bed covers promising to himself he wouldn't scream in any case.

"AAAaaahhhhhhh!" the air left his lungs abruptly, and Yamato cringed. Ren circled a reassuring arm around him and stopped for a moment.

"That's fine now.. shhh."

What do you mean fine?! Yamato bit the covers hard when Ren again began to fill him. He almost gulped down the disgusting piece of the bed clothing when Ren performed another thrust.

"Oh, Yamato.."

The blonde hissed in the covers, hating the pain, hating the throbbing in his erection that cried for release. Then Ren's hand stole to his mouth and clasped it firmly shut. Yamato had a moment of complete puzzlement and then Ren began to thrust into him.

Yamato screamed into the hand.

"S'kay, 's'kay, shh angel.. it'll get better."

"Stop it!" Yamato pleaded.


Panic ran like a lightning bolt through Yamato. Ren took a hold of his erection again and Yamato gradually fell blind to everything. The pleasure flooded him, and when Ren hit the spot inside, Yamato twitched and pressed his back into Ren, searching for satisfaction. He wanted more of that. His hand closed over the already wet piece of the blanket and sweat appeared on his forehead.

Yamato relaxed in Ren's arms, letting the older boy gasp and moan in pleasure above him, pushing himself to the promised oblivion.

Tai.. Tai, oh so good..


His shoulder burst with pain when Ren thrust his teeth into his skin and growled a warning.

"Ren!" Yamato sobered up enough to realise what he was crying out but not enough to realise that he was being raped - fortunately, otherwise, he would go crazy or he would end up tense and hurt and torn apart.

It was great, (Oh, TAI!) he wanted to come soon. (Taichi, please…) Yamato cried Ren's name and they both came and collapsed on the bed.

Ren was breathing heavily into the blonde's neck, taking in the scent of the boy's sweating skin that made his head spin. He regained his strength enough to sit up. Ren looked down at the shivering figure on the bed and ran his fingers over the tousled blonde hair. His fingers were covered with come. Ren licked it off thoughtfully. Then he nonchalantly poked Yamato in the ribs.

"Get up and go into the bathroom, Yamato."

The blonde half-turned to look at him with big blue shocked eyes. Ren smiled coldly. He was a bit worn out and he wanted a nap.

"Leave the door open and don't even try to kill yourself. You will be sooo sorry if you attempt this..."

Yamato grabbed the blanket and wincing from pain went to take a shower. He got under the running warm water and looked down. Sperm was splashed on his hips and there was blood on his thigh. Yamato stared in utter terror before himself, fighting the urge to faint. He had done it. Oh god... Yamato grabbed the wall for support.

What have I done?!

(Taichi's POV)

He was beaten into a bloody mess until he couldn't take it. At times his consciousness left him and he sank into a painless darkness only to be literally kicked out of it. Taichi held his ribs, he felt as if every bone in his body was shattered to pieces.

"Fucking piece of meat," men swore and went to smoke by the car. Gozoku grabbed Taichi by the collar of his formerly white (now bloody, torn and dirty) shirt and yanked him to his eye-level.

"That's it, fucking freak. You fucking wanted it, so there."

Taichi winced from every word thrown at him. Gozoku laughed and pulled out his knife.

"I'm gonna finish you off. While my boss is fucking your dear Yamato stupid."

Taichi's eyelids rose a wink. He mouthed words helplessly.

"Fucking what?!" Gozoku brought him closer. Taichi focused his eyes on the knife then on the man's face. His jaw muscles tensed.

Yamato... Have to help Yamato.

Taichi rushed forward and caught Gozoku's nose between his teeth. The man yelped. Taichi gathered all his strength and kicked the man between his legs. Gozoku's shouts drew the attention of the yakuza. Taichi fell heavily on the ground. Gozoku growled and caught his ankle. Taichi drove his feet into his face with all of his might. Then he jumped up and ran. The pain nearly killed him; it shot through his body but Taichi knew better than to stop.

Thundering feet of the killers were near. Taichi forgot about his screaming bones, the lack of air and speeded up. He turned into another alley almost toppling over, then another and another. There was no way out! Everything was dark and cloudy in his eyes. Taichi tried to find anything to help him... His hands searched into his pockets frantically.

Yakuza were practically breathing down his neck.

Taichi's lungs were freezing. His fingers grabbed something worth throwing and he pulled it out of his pocket. In the weak unsure light he saw what it was… His breathing was giving him hell of a pain..

It was a digivice.

And it flickered green.

Taichi turned into an alley, hoping against hope to run into a bright busy street with people. It was a dead end. Taichi bent in double and tried to catch his breath. He turned with determination and straightened his back. He would fight. He would fight dearly. Taichi tightened his grip around his digivice.

I am not afraid. I am not afraid. I'm gonna win. I'm gonna bring Yamato back.

The yakuza turned the corner. "Kill him!"


Taichi felt the warmth brush his hair and shoulders and heat the air about him. A fireball was hurled from behind from a huge teeth-stuffed mouth, and the pair of very angry red eyes glowed in the dark. The fireball exploded taking half the street. The impact from the explosion whooshed the air around the boy.

Taichi stared at the yakuza who fell aside, sprang to their feet and sprinted back. He was astonished beyond words. He was safe. He was sooo weak.

His vision blurred and Taichi swayed. A friendly paw steadied him and the concerned familiar voice said over his head.

"Taichi, are you alright?"

"Grey..mon.." Taichi smiled and lost consciousness.


Okay, let's summarise. I raped Yamato, I beat Taichi to a crap, and I made Greymon appear from the Digiworld against all laws and the plot of the series... I posted lemon.. ^_^ I just have to fake my passport and flee to Africa or I'll be killed on the spot. Right? No! I still have a happy end! ^_- Guess, why I don't like writing angst? 'Cause I'm pretty good at it!

I'm really considering killing Ren. There's no way he's occupying my head (actually, using AND abusing it) any longer. Or I'll just make him good. *takes her long forgotten Sailor Moon wand and points it at the pervert, "In the name of the moon..." *Yuck, it wouldn't work on him..* starts reciting Giga Slave* _This_ may help. If I messed up the words I'm history...

Next chapter… have to think hard about it..